Specifically, I want to write this:
public Func<IList<T>, T> SelectElement = list => list.First();
But I get a syntax error at T. Can't I have a generic anonymous method?
Nope, sorry. That would require generic fields or generic properties, which are not features that C# supports. The best you can do is make a generic method that introduces T:
public Func<IList<T>, T> SelectionMethod<T>() { return list => list.First(); }
And now you can say:
Func<IList<int>, int> selectInts = SelectionMethod<int>();
Of course you can, but T must be known:
class Foo<T>
public Func<IList<T>, T> SelectionMethod = list => list.First();
As an alternative you could use a generic method if you don't want to make the containing class generic:
public Func<IList<T>, T> SelectionMethod<T>()
return list => list.First();
But still someone at compile time will need to know this T.
You declared only the return type as generic.
Try this:
public Func<IList<T>, T> SelectionMethod<T>() { return list => list.First(); }
The name of the thing you are declaring must include the type parameters for it to be a generic. The compiler supports only generic classes, and generic methods.
So, for a generic class you must have
class MyGeneric<T> {
// You can use T here now
public T MyField;
Or, for methods
public T MyGenericMethod<T>( /* Parameters */ ) { return T; }
You can use T as the return parameter, only if it was declared in the method name first.
Even though it looks like the return type is declared before the actual method, the compiler doesn't read it that way.
public static void SomeContainerFunction()
const string NULL_VALUE = (string)null;
Type GetValueType<T>(T value) => value?.GetType() ?? typeof(T);
var typeOfNullValue = GetValueType(NULL_VALUE);
Debug.WriteLine($"Value: {NULL_VALUE}, Type: {typeOfNullValue}");
How would you assign a list to a generic list since they are not the same type.
If I have a generic list:
List<T> myList = new List<T>();
and I have another list
List<OtherType> otherList = new List<OtherType>();
After I fill otherList with values. What are ways I can assign otherList to the generic list? Preferably without using a foreach.
if they are the same type you can do a basic type conversion
if(typeof(T) == typeof(OtherType))
myList = otherList as List<T>;
But that would make no sense, so I'd imagine you need some kind of conversion, problem is we need to specify that T is assignable from your base class
public static class StaticFoo
public static List<T> Foo<T>() where T : class
List<MyOtherClass> returnList = new List<MyOtherClass>() { new MyOtherClass() };
return returnList.Select(x => x as T).ToList();
throw new Exception($"Cannot convert {typeof(T)} to MyOtherClass");
public class MyClass { }
public class MyOtherClass : MyClass { }
The above code will work if you call it with T = MyClass or any other class that myOtherClass can be cast to. Alternatively you might want a concrete conversion method for a set of predefined types, it's kind of hacky but you could do something like this
public static class StaticFoo
public static List<T> Foo<T>() where T : class
List<MyOtherClass> returnList = new List<MyOtherClass>() { new MyOtherClass() };
return returnList.Select(x => x.Convert(typeof(T)) as T).ToList();
public class MyOtherClass {
public object Convert(Type type) {
if (type == typeof(string)) //more if statements for more types
return this.ToString(); //just an example
throw new NotImplementedException($"No cast available for type {type}");
Some context for the relationship between the generic type and your concrete class would be helpful
some advice that ignores your actual question. Most likely, you want to create an interface and return a list of that interface (I'm assuming that will match your use case more closely). Alternatively just change the signature to return List< object> - then you can do
return otherList.ToList<object>();
List<T> is invariant, so you can only assign lists of the same type. The closest you can come is creating a new list with the same items.
List<T> list = otherList.Select( x => (T)x ).ToList();
My code is as follows:
public partial class WhereHelper<T1> { }
public static partial class WhereHelperExtension
public static T Where<T,T1>(this T t, Expression<Func<T1,bool>> where) where T : WhereHelper<T1>
//do something....
return t;
public class Test
public void Main()
WhereHelper<DateTime> dt = new WhereHelper<DateTime>();
dt.Where(t => t.Year == 2016);//this is error
dt.Where<WhereHelper<DateTime>, DateTime>(t => t.Year == 2016);//this is success
Extension method I want to be like this:
WhereHelper<DateTime> dt = new WhereHelper<DateTime>();
dt.Where(t => t.Year == 2016);//this is error
how to create generic extension with Expression method.
Visual Studio does not recognize the "Where" extension methods.
In C#, if you need to provide any generic argument, you must provide them all. where constraints do not provide hints to the type resolver, and so it's impossible to decide what T1 is.
Change your signature to the following:
public static WhereHelper<T> Where<T>(this WhereHelper<T> t, Expression<Func<T,bool>> where)
return t;
Here, we know exactly what T, purely from the first argument, and so we do not have to explicitly specific the arguments.
I'm making an object validation framework in my spare time to learn a few things and maybe use it for some school projects.
I have my generic Rule class, which looks something like this :
class Rule<T>
string propertyName;
Func<T, bool> ruleLambda;
bool IsBroken(T value)
return ruleLambda(value);
An object that would be validated would look a bit like this :
class Example
List<Rule<?>> MyRules; // can take all types of rules
List<Rule<T>> Validate<T>(string propertyName, T value)
List<Rule<T>> brokenRules = new List<Rule<T>>();
foreach (Rule rule in MyRules.Where(r => r.propertyName == propertyName))
if (rule.IsBroken(value))
return brokenRules;
Where the T value argument would be the value of one of the Example class's properties, which can be of any type.
The Validate<T> method is called whenever a property is set.
The problem lies with the class's list of rules. Specifically the List<Rule<?>> line above. I want to store all the rules for a given class in the same list.
Alas, C# doesn't have a wildcard for generic types like in Java.
How should I do this?
A non-generic interface or base class utilizing objects instead of T could work, but how would I call the generic Rule's IsBroken method and not the non-generic one?
I would store your rules as object inside the Example class and use Enumerable.OfType<T> to find the matching rules for a given type:
class Example
private List<object> rules;
List<Rule<T>> Validate<T>(string propertyName, T value)
return this.rules.OfType<Rule<T>>()
.Where(r => r.PropertyName == propertyName && r.IsBroken(value))
In cases where I've needed something like this, I use interfaces or non-generic base classes. For example, you could create an interface:
public interface IRule
//non-generic properties & methods
public class Rule<T> : IRule
then create a list of the interfaces:
private List<IRule> MyRules;
If you want to make converting from the interface to the generic easy, you could add an extension method:
public static Rule<T> ToGeneric<T>(this IRule rule)
return rule as Rule<T>;
I've tried a few things and I've found something that works pretty well for my needs. I have Rule<T> inherit from a base abstract rule class, with a generic IsBroken method:
abstract class Rule
string propertyName;
Func<object, bool> objectRule;
bool IsBroken<T>(T value)
Rule<T> rule = this as Rule<T>;
if (rule == null)
return objectRule(value);
return rule.IsBroken(value);
As you can see, I try to convert the base class to its generic counterpart using the generic type parameter in the IsBroken method.
Also, when creating a Rule<T> instance, I send a Func<object, bool> to its base class protected constructor:
public Rule(string propertyName, Func<T, bool> ruleLambda)
: base(propertyName, ConvertToObjectFunc(ruleLambda))
With the conversion method looking like this:
static Func<object, bool> ConvertToObjectFunc(Func<T, bool> func)
return new Func<object, bool>(o => func((T)o));
However, if it can't cast o to type T, it crashes. So I wrote this... thing:
static Func<object, bool> ConvertToObjectFunc(Func<T, bool> func)
return new Func<object, bool>
o =>
T obj = (T)o;
return func(obj);
catch { return true; } // rule is broken by default
It's pretty ugly, but it works. Hope this can help anybody else.
I'm trying to come up with an implementation for NotOfType, which has a readable call syntax. NotOfType should be the complement to OfType<T> and would consequently yield all elements that are not of type T
My goal was to implement a method which would be called just like OfType<T>, like in the last line of this snippet:
public abstract class Animal {}
public class Monkey : Animal {}
public class Giraffe : Animal {}
public class Lion : Animal {}
var monkey = new Monkey();
var giraffe = new Giraffe();
var lion = new Lion();
IEnumerable<Animal> animals = new Animal[] { monkey, giraffe, lion };
IEnumerable<Animal> fewerAnimals = animals.NotOfType<Giraffe>();
However, I can not come up with an implementation that supports that specific calling syntax.
This is what I've tried so far:
public static class EnumerableExtensions
public static IEnumerable<T> NotOfType<T>(this IEnumerable<T> sequence, Type type)
return sequence.Where(x => x.GetType() != type);
public static IEnumerable<T> NotOfType<T, TExclude>(this IEnumerable<T> sequence)
return sequence.Where(x => !(x is TExclude));
Calling these methods would look like this:
// Animal is inferred
IEnumerable<Animal> fewerAnimals = animals.NotOfType(typeof(Giraffe));
// Not all types could be inferred, so I have to state all types explicitly
IEnumerable<Animal> fewerAnimals = animals.NotOfType<Animal, Giraffe>();
I think that there are major drawbacks with the style of both of these calls. The first one suffers from a redundant "of type/type of" construct, and the second one just doesn't make sense (do I want a list of animals that are neither Animals nor Giraffes?).
So, is there a way to accomplish what I want? If not, could it be possible in future versions of the language? (I'm thinking that maybe one day we will have named type arguments, or that we only need to explicitly supply type arguments that can't be inferred?)
Or am I just being silly?
I am not sure why you don't just say:
animals.Where(x => !(x is Giraffe));
This seems perfectly readable to me. It is certainly more straight-forward to me than animals.NotOfType<Animal, Giraffe>() which would confuse me if I came across it... the first would never confuse me since it is immediately readable.
If you wanted a fluent interface, I suppose you could also do something like this with an extension method predicate on Object:
animals.Where(x => x.NotOfType<Giraffe>())
How about
Alternatively, you can split the generic parameters across two methods:
public static NotOfHolder<TSource> NotOf<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source);
public class NotOfHolder<TSource> : IHideObjectMembers {
public IEnumerable<TSource> NotOf<TNot>();
Also, you need to decide whether to also exclude inherited types.
This might seem like a strange suggestion, but what about an extension method on plain old IEnumerable? This would mirror the signature of OfType<T>, and it would also eliminate the issue of the redundant <T, TExclude> type parameters.
I would also argue that if you have a strongly-typed sequence already, there is very little reason for a special NotOfType<T> method; it seems a lot more potentially useful (in my mind) to exclude a specific type from a sequence of arbitrary type... or let me put it this way: if you're dealing with an IEnumerable<T>, it's trivial to call Where(x => !(x is T)); the usefulness of a method like NotOfType<T> becomes more questionable in this case.
If you're going to make a method for inference, you want to infer all the way. That requires an example of each type:
public static class ExtMethods
public static IEnumerable<T> NotOfType<T, U>(this IEnumerable<T> source)
return source.Where(t => !(t is U));
// helper method for type inference by example
public static IEnumerable<T> NotOfSameType<T, U>(
this IEnumerable<T> source,
U example)
return source.NotOfType<T, U>();
called by
List<ValueType> items = new List<ValueType>() { 1, 1.0m, 1.0 };
IEnumerable<ValueType> result = items.NotOfSameType(2);
I had a similar problem, and came across this question whilst looking for an answer.
I instead settled for the following calling syntax:
var fewerAnimals = animals.Except(animals.OfType<Giraffe>());
It has the disadvantage that it enumerates the collection twice (so cannot be used with an infinite series), but the advantage that no new helper function is required, and the meaning is clear.
In my actual use case, I also ended up adding a .Where(...) after the .OfType<Giraffe>() (giraffes also included unless they meet a particular exclusion condition that only makes sense for giraffes)
I've just tried this and it works...
public static IEnumerable<TResult> NotOfType<TExclude, TResult>(this IEnumerable<TResult> sequence)
=> sequence.Where(x => !(x is TExclude));
Am I missing something?
You might consider this
public static IEnumerable NotOfType<TResult>(this IEnumerable source)
Type type = typeof(Type);
foreach (var item in source)
if (type != item.GetType())
yield return item;
i'm trying to make a mixed collection of Types. I know the types at the start.. but I can't seem to figure out the syntax to make the collection, etc.
// I leave the typo there, for embarrassment :(
Initialize(new []{ typeof(Cat), typeof(Dog), typeof(JohnSkeet) });
public Foo Initialize(IEnumerable<Type> types)
// for each type, set up the inmemory storage.
foreach(var type in types)
// ????
// Create an empty list, which will only contain this 'type'
// I'm guessing, an IDictionary<type, ICollection<type>>().. thingy ?
public ICollection<Type> SomeTypeData(Type type)
// Return the collection, for this type.
Does this mane sense? Is this possible?
Okay, now that I think I know what you want, it would look something like this:
// This can't really be *properly* statically typed
private readonly Dictionary<Type, object> typeMap = new
Dictionary<Type, object>();
public Foo Initialize(IEnumerable<Type> types)
Type genericListType = typeof(List<>);
foreach(var type in types)
// MakeGenericType is really badly named
Type constructedListType = genericListType.MakeGenericType(type);
typeMap[type] = Activator.CreateInstance(constructedListType);
// We can't express this particularly safely either,
// although we *could* return the non-generic IList
public object SomeTypeData(Type type)
return typeMap[type];
// This *is* statically typed, although we need to cast inside
public IList<T> SomeTypeData<T>()
return (IList<T>) typeMap[typeof(T)];
See this blog post for a similar example.
Note that basically you're trying to represent something which generics simply can't handle, in terms of the internal dictionary type... and the first form of SomeTypeData can't be statically typed either... because that means knowing the type at compile time when we'll only actually be given it at execution time.
It looks to me like you're trying to create some kind of instance repository; a class that stores a list of instances of a given type.
Here's an example implementation. I've included both a generic and non-generic version of the SomeTypeData method:
public class InstanceRepository
private IDictionary<Type, ICollection> _Instances = new Dictionary<Type, ICollection>();
public ICollection SomeTypeData(Type type)
ICollection instanceList;
if (!_Instances.TryGetValue(type, out instanceList))
// this type does not exist in our dictionary, so let's create a new empty list
// we could do this:
//instanceList = new List<object>();
// but let's use reflection to make a more type-specific List<T> instance:
instanceList = (ICollection)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(type));
// now add it to the dictionary
_Instances.Add(type, instanceList);
// Return the collection, for this type.
return instanceList;
public IList<T> SomeTypeData<T>()
Type type = typeof(T);
ICollection instanceList;
if (!_Instances.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out instanceList))
instanceList = new List<T>();
_Instances.Add(type, instanceList);
// here we are assuming that all of the lists in our dictionary implement IList<T>.
// This is a pretty safe assumption, since the dictionary is private and we know that
// this class always creates List<T> objects to put into the dictionary.
return (IList<T>)instanceList;
Below is a usage example:
InstanceRepository repository = new InstanceRepository();
var listOfCats = repository.SomeTypeData<Cat>();
listOfCats.Add(new Cat());
Cat firstCat = listOfCats[0];
InstanceRepository repository = new InstanceRepository();
var listOfCats = (IList<Cat>)repository.SomeTypeData(typeof(Cat));
listOfCats.Add(new Cat());
Cat firstCat = listOfCats[0];
I guess you want something like
_dict[typeof(Cat)]=new List<Cat>();
_dict[typeof(Dog)]=new List<Dog>();
only programatically based on given types?
Something like this should work:
public void Initialize(IEnumerable<Type> types)
foreach(var type in types)
var list = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("System.Collections.Generic.List`1").MakeGenericType(type));
_cache[type] = list;
public ICollection<T> Get<T>()
object list;
if (_cache.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out list)
return list as ICollection<T>;
var cats = Get<Cat>();
I'm not sure I fully understand you're question, but if you already have an IEnumerable<Type> which contains an enumeration of Type objects, then why not just use that to initialize some type of Collection (such as List<Type>)?
public ICollection<Type> Initialize(IEnumerable<Type> types)
ICollection<Type> collection = new List<Type>(types);
return collection;