Async XML Reading in Windows Phone 7 - c#

So I have a Win Phone app that is finding a list of taxi companies and pulling their name and address from Bing successfully and populating a listbox that is being displayed to users. Now what I want to do is, to search for each of these terms on Bing, find the number of hits each search term returns and rank them accordingly (a loose sort of popularity ranking)
void findBestResult(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
string s = e.Result;
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new MemoryStream(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s)));
String name = "";
String rName = "";
String phone = "";
List<TaxiCompany> taxiCoList = new List<TaxiCompany>();
while (reader.Read())
if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
if (reader.Name.Equals("pho:Title"))
name = reader.ReadInnerXml();
rName = name.Replace("&","&");
if (reader.Name.Equals("pho:PhoneNumber"))
phone = reader.ReadInnerXml();
if (phone != "")
string baseURL = "<MyAppID>&query=%22" + name + "%22&sources=web";
WebClient c = new WebClient();
c.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(baseURL));
c.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(findTotalResults);
taxiCoList.Add (new TaxiCompany(rName, phone, gResults));
phone = "";
gResults ="";
TaxiCompanyDisplayList.ItemsSource = taxiCoList;
So that bit of code finds the taxi company and launches an asynchronous task to find the number of search results ( gResults ) to create each teaxicompany object.
//Parses search XML result to find number of results
void findTotalResults(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
lock (this)
string s = e.Result;
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new MemoryStream(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s)));
while (reader.Read())
if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
if (reader.Name.Equals("web:Total"))
gResults = reader.ReadInnerXml();
The above snipped finds the number of search results on bing, but the problem is since it launches async there is no way to correlate the gResults obtained in the 2nd method with the right company in method 1. Is there any way to either:
1.) Pass the name and phone variables into the 2nd method to create the taxi object there
2.) Pass back the gResults variable and only then create the corresponding taxicompany object?

Right well there is a lot do here.
Getting some small helper code
First off I want to point you to a couple of blog posts called Simple Asynchronous Operation Runner Part 1 and Part 2. I'm not suggesting you actually read them (although you're welcome too but I've been told they're not easy reading). What you actually need is a couple of code blocks from them to put in your application.
First from Part 1 copy the code from the "AsyncOperationService" box, place it in new class file in your project called "AsyncOperationService.cs".
Second you'll need the "DownloadString" function from Part 2. You could put that anywhere but I recommend you create a static public class called "WebClientUtils" and put it in there.
Outline of solution
We're going to create a class (TaxiCompanyFinder) that has a single method which fires off the asynchronous job to get the results you are after and then has an event that is raised when the job is done.
So lets get started. You have a TaxiCompany class, I'll invent my own here so that the example is as complete as possible:-
public class TaxiCompany
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Phone { get; set; }
public int Total { get; set; }
We also need an EventArgs for the completed event that carries the completed List<TaxiCompany> and also an Error property that will return any exception that may have occured. That looks like this:-
public class FindCompaniesCompletedEventArgs : EventArgs
private List<TaxiCompany> _results;
public List<TaxiCompany> Results
if (Error != null)
throw Error;
return _results;
public Exception Error { get; private set; }
public FindCompaniesCompletedEventArgs(List<TaxiCompany> results)
_results = results;
public FindCompaniesCompletedEventArgs(Exception error)
Error = error;
Now we can make a start with some bare bones for the TaxiCompanyFinder class:-
public class TaxiCompanyFinder
protected void OnFindCompaniesCompleted(FindCompaniesCompletedEventArgs e)
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => FindCompaniesCompleted(this, e));
public event EventHandler<FindCompaniesCompletedEventArgs> FindCompaniesCompleted = delegate {};
public void FindCompaniesAsync()
// The real work here
This is pretty straight forward so far. You'll note the use of BeginInvoke on the dispatcher, since there are going to be a series of async actions involved we want to make sure that when the event is actually raised it runs on the UI thread making it easier to consume this class.
Separating XML parsing
One of the problems your original code has is that it mixes enumerating XML with trying to do other functions as well, its all a bit spagetti. First function that I indentified is the parsing of the XML to get the name and phone number. Add this function to the class:-
IEnumerable<TaxiCompany> CreateCompaniesFromXml(string xml)
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xml));
TaxiCompany result = new TaxiCompany();
while (reader.Read())
if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
if (reader.Name.Equals("pho:Title"))
result.Name = reader.ReadElementContentAsString();
if (reader.Name.Equals("pho:PhoneNumber"))
result.Phone = reader.ReadElementContentAsString();
if (result.Phone != null)
yield return result;
result = new TaxiCompany();
Note that this function yields a set of TaxiCompany instances from the xml without trying to do anything else. Also the use of ReadElementContentAsString which makes for tidier reading. In addition the consuming of the xml string is much smoother.
For similar reasons add this function to the class:-
private int GetTotalFromXml(string xml)
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xml));
while (reader.Read())
if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
if (reader.Name.Equals("web:Total"))
return reader.ReadElementContentAsInt();
return 0;
The core function
Add the following function to the class, this is the function that does all the real async work:-
private IEnumerable<AsyncOperation> FindCompanies(Uri initialUri)
var results = new List<TaxiCompany>();
string baseURL = "<MyAppID>&query=%22{0}%22&sources=web";
string xml = null;
yield return WebClientUtils.DownloadString(initialUri, (r) => xml = r);
foreach(var result in CreateCompaniesFromXml(xml))
Uri uri = new Uri(String.Format(baseURL, result.Name), UriKind.Absolute);
yield return WebClientUtils.DownloadString(uri, r => result.Total = GetTotalFromXml(r));
OnFindCompaniesCompleted(new FindCompaniesCompletedEventArgs(results));
It actually looks pretty straight forward, almost like synchonous code which is the point. It fetchs the initial xml containing the set you need, creates the set of TaxiCompany objects. It the foreaches through the set adding the Total value of each. Finally the completed event is fired with the full set of companies.
We just need to fill in the FindCompaniesAsync method:-
public void FindCompaniesAsync()
Uri initialUri = new Uri("ConstructUriHere", UriKind.Absolute);
FindCompanies(initialUri).Run((e) =>
if (e != null)
OnFindCompaniesCompleted(new FindCompaniesCompletedEventArgs(e));
I don't know what the initial Uri is or whether you need to paramatise in some way but you would just need to tweak this function. The real magic happens in the Run extension method, this jogs through all the async operations, if any return an exception then the completed event fires with Error property set.
Using the class
Now in you can consume this class like this:
var finder = new TaxiCompanyFinder();
finder.FindCompaniesCompleted += (s, args) =>
if (args.Error == null)
TaxiCompanyDisplayList.ItemsSource = args.Results;
// Do something sensible with args.Error
You might also consider using
TaxiCompanyDisplayList.ItemsSource = args.Results.OrderByDescending(tc => tc.Total);
if you want to get the company with the highest total at the top of the list.

You can pass any object as "UserState" as part of making your asynchronous call, which will then become available in the async callback. So in your first block of code, change:
c.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(baseURL));
c.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(findTotalResults);
TaxiCompany t = new TaxiCompany(rName, phone);
c.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(baseURL), t);
c.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(findTotalResults);
Which should then allow you to do this:
void findTotalResults(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
lock (this)
TaxiCompany t = e.UserState;
string s = e.Result;
I haven't tested this code per-se, but the general idea of passing objects to async callbacks using the eventarg's UserState should work regardless.
Have a look at the AsyncCompletedEventArgs.UserState definition on MSDN for further information.


How do I await this callback method to perform logic on the return data?

So I'm working in Silverlight right now unfortunately for the first time. I'm decently familiar with callbacks, but I'm not entirely sure how to convert this method to be synchronous to perform logic on the order data.
I've been frequently told that making this synchronous was ill-advised, but my goal is to check if certain fields have been modified in the XAML UI and are different from what exists in the database. Then prompt for a reason for the change. If there is a better way to go about this, I'd love to know.
I'm in Silverlight 5 with .Net Framework 4.0 in VS 2013
Thank you! Here's the async order provider:
public void GetOrder(string ordNumber, Action<Func<OrderLoadResults>> callback)
String exStr = String.Format("{0}.{1}() --> received an empty value for",
if (ordNumber == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("ordNumber", exStr);
if (callback == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("callback", exStr);
IOrderServiceAsync channel = CreateChannel();
AsyncCallback asyncCallback = ar => GetOrderCallback(callback, ar);
channel.BeginGetOrderByOrdNumber(ordNumber, asyncCallback.ThreadSafe(), channel);
And here's what I'm doing with it:
public List<ATMModifiedFieldModel> CheckForATMModifiedFields()
if (!_order.Stops.Items.Any(x => x.ModelState == ModelState.Modified))
return null;
List<StopModel> oldStop = new List<StopModel>();
Provider.OrderProvider orderProvider = new Provider.OrderProvider();
//Looking to convert this method to sync to pull the order info out to compare against
//orderProvider.GetOrder(_order.Item.OrdHdrNumber.ToString(),getResult => OnGetOrderComplete(getResult));
List<ATMModifiedFieldModel> modifiedFields = new List<ATMModifiedFieldModel>();
foreach (StopModel stop in _order.Stops.Items)
if (stop.ModelState == ModelState.Modified)
foreach (string ATMFieldName in Enum.GetNames(typeof(ATMFields)))
string beforeValue = "before value"; //Should check the value in the database
string afterValue = stop.GetType().GetProperty(ATMFieldName).GetValue(stop, null).ToString();
if (beforeValue != afterValue)
modifiedFields.Add(new ATMModifiedFieldModel(ATMFieldName, beforeValue, afterValue, stop.StpNumber, "Stop"));
return modifiedFields;

How to create an EventBookmark when querying the event log

I have an EventLogReader object, and a query in the event log that looks like this:
string query = "*[System[(Level=2) and TimeCreated[#SystemTime>='%LastRun%']]]")
The code basically uses the reader to query for all the events that match the search query since the last time the reader was run.
I would rather use the EventBookmark for this purpose. That's what it is for, after all! But I am having trouble finding any working code.
My existing code run, in part, like this:
// This line replaces the %LastRun% code with the date
var myQuery = myEventLogQuery.Query.Replace("%LastRun%", myEventLogQuery.LastRun.ToString("o"));
var query = new EventLogQuery(myEventLogQuery.Log, myEventLogQuery.PathType, myQuery);
// Now set the LastRun date. I want to avoid this...
myEventLogQuery.LastRun = DateTime.UtcNow;
// ... by making this next line smarter.
var reader = new EventLogReader(query);
// var reader = new EventLogReader(query, ??? new EventBookmark());
EventRecord eventRecord;
while ((eventRecord = reader.ReadEvent()) != null)
EventRecords.Add(new EventRecordItem(eventRecord));
I should be able to use the EventBookmark property of the first (or last) EventRecord to restrict the next query, but I want to set the EventBookmark initially to be basically the highest record in the log.
When the application runs initially, I don't need it to tell me about all the event log entries from the past, I only care about ones that occur after the application starts.
OK, I went ahead and experimented a lot, and managed to work out a good system for this. Since this topic isn't really covered, I'm posting my answer here. I hope it's useful!
First challenge is creating the initial EventBookmark. You can't just instantiate one. You need to derive one from an existing EventRecord. To do this, I query for the last item in the log and base my EventBookmark on that.
using System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader;
public class MyEventLogQuery
public string Log { get; set; }
public PathType PathType { get; set; }
public string Query { get; set; }
public EventBookmark Bookmark { get; set; }
public MyEventLogQuery(string log = "Application", PathType pathType = PathType.LogName, string query = "*[System[(Level=2)]]")
Log = log;
PathType = pathType;
Query = query;
Bookmark = GetBookmark(log, pathType); // Query is not important here
// This method returns the bookmark of the most recent event
// log EventRecord or null if the log is empty
private static EventBookmark GetBookmark(string log, PathType pathType)
var elq = new EventLogQuery(log, pathType) {ReverseDirection = true};
var reader = new EventLogReader(elq);
var record = reader.ReadEvent();
if (record != null)
return record.Bookmark;
return null;
Next step is to use the bookmark (or lack of bookmark) when subsequently querying the Event Log.
using System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader;
public class EventLogTracker()
public List<MyEventLogQuery> Queries { get; set; }
// ... snipped some stuff
public int Run()
var count = 0;
foreach (var myQuery in Queries)
var query = new EventLogQuery(myQuery.Log, myQuery.PathType, myQuery.Query);
// This is the important bit. Must take account that the
// log may have been empty, so bookmark could be null
var reader = myQuery.Bookmark != null ? new EventLogReader(query, myQuery.Bookmark) : new EventLogReader(query);
EventRecord eventRecord;
while ((eventRecord = reader.ReadEvent()) != null)
// Do stuff
// ...
// Then update the bookmark
myQuery.Bookmark = eventRecord.Bookmark;
return count;
And voila, you have code that uses the EventBookmark to only give you events that have occurred since the application was started.

How to determine if a complete batch of Async requests have failed?

A 3rd party has supplied an interface which allows me to search their database for customers and retrieve their details. Eg. Pictures, date of birth etc.
I imported their WSDL into Visual Studio and am using the Async methods to retrieve the customer details.
MyClient Client = new MyClient();
Client.FindCustomersCompleted += FindCustomersCompleted;
Client.GetCustomerDetailsCompleted += GetCustomerDetailsCompleted;
Below are the two events which deal with the responses.
void FindCustomersCompleted(object sender, FindCustomersCompletedEventArgs e)
foreach(var Cust in e.Customers)
void GetCustomerDetailsCompleted(object sender, GetCustomerDetailsCompletedEventArgs e)
// Add the customer details to the result box on the Window.
So lets assume that my initial search for "Jones" returns no results or causes an error. Its fairly straight forward to tell the user that there was an error or no results found as I will only receive a single response.
However if i say get 50 results for "Jones" then i make 50 GetCustomerDetailsAsync calls and get 50 responses.
Lets say that something goes wrong on the server side and i don't get any valid responses. Each GetCustomerDetailsCompleted event will receive an error/timeout and i can determine that that individual response has failed.
What is the best way to determine that All of my responses have failed and i need to inform the user that there has been a failure?
Alternatively what if 1 out of 50 succeeds?
Should i keep track of my requests and flag them as successful as i receive the response?
Should i keep track of my requests and flag them as successful as i
receive the response?
This is also how I manage multiple requests. Flag if the returned result is without fault and track the flags, evaluating after each return if you already processed all returns. I do not of another way.
I would start by converting Event-based Asynchronous Pattern model to Task based. This would allow to use built in await/async keywords resulting in much easier to use code.
Here is a simple implementation:
In your case I would not update UI on each event but gathered all the information in a single variable and only displayed only when I get all the results.
Here is a code to get you going:
public class CustomerDetails
public int Id {get; set;}
public string Name {get; set;}
public class FindCustomersResult
public FindCustomersResult()
CustomerDetails = new List<CustomerDetails>();
public List<CustomerDetails> CustomerDetails {get; set;}
public class ApiWrapper
public Task<FindCustomersResult> FindCustomers(string customerName)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<FindCustomersResult>();
var client = new MyClient();
client.FindCustomersCompleted += (object sender, FindCustomersCompletedEventArgs e) =>
var result = new FindCustomersResult();
foreach(var customer in e.Customers)
var customerDetails = await GetCustomerDetails(customer.ID);
return tcs.Task;
public Task<CustomerDetails> GetCustomerDetails(int customerId)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<CustomerDetails>();
var client = new MyClient();
client.GetCustomerDetailsCompleted += (object sender, GetCustomerDetailsCompletedEventArgs e) =>
var result = new CustomerDetails();
result.Name = e.Name;
return tcs.Task;
Then you call this by:
var api = new ApiWrapper();
var findCustomersResult = await api.FindCustomers("Jones");
This would fail if any request fails.
PS. I wrote this example in notepad, so bear with me if it does not compiles or contains syntax errors. :)

Encapsulation with multiple classes C#

So my question is over basic encapsulation. I know I am setting up my getters and setters right (I actually have a question later about this) but I have multiple classes. I have another class and I understand that I am making pieces of my code view-able to my outside class by making certain things public. So I think I set up my first code file right. (Some background, I have a class that is connecting to a database and then another that is encapsulating all the data. The first code section posted is the encapsulating part, I then post my three methods I was messing up on.)
I feel okay with the getting and setting, I feel a little unsure of my constructor. I feel like I put my variables in the parameter list so that I put values in them from my outside class? Right? or should I be putting public forms of my private variables in my other code file and then passing those into my constructor in that same file?
/ this my first code file
using System;
public class clsEncapsulate
private int mID;
private string mName;
private string mClassification;
private DateTime mConvocationDate;
private string mLocation;
public int ID
return mID;
mID = value;
public string Name
return mName;
mName = value;
public string Classification
return mName;
mName = value;
private DateTime ConvocationDate
return mConvocationDate;
mConvocationDate = value;
private string Location
return mLocation;
mLocation = value;
public clsEncapsulate(int id, string name, string classification, DateTime convocationDate, string location)
bool running = false;
while(running == false)
ID = mID;
Name = mName;
Classification = mClassification;
ConvocationDate = mConvocationDate;
Location = mLocation;
running = true;
In my second code file I am just going to put the methods that I am having trouble with.
private void refreshbox()
string formattedConvocation;
string formattedDateTime;
string formattedConvocationName;
foreach (clsEncapsulate currentConvocation in mConvocationAL)
formattedConvocationName = currentConvocation.Name;
formattedConvocationName = truncateString(formattedConvocationName, 30);
formattedConvocation = formattedConvocationName.PadRight(33);
formattedConvocation += currentConvocation.Classification.PadRight(17);
formattedDateTime = currentConvocation.ConvocationDate.ToShortDateString().PadRight(10)
+ currentConvocation.ConvocationDate.ToShortTimeString().PadLeft(8);
formattedConvocation += formattedDateTime;
Alright, so in order for my second code file to manipulate the variables in the first code file, I need to expose them to this method. I didn't know if I should be putting my public variables in the constructor, or if I should be declaring them somewhere in my first code file. I was very unsure of how to expose these variables to this method. I've fiddle around with it but my book doesn't address this situation exactly and I was having trouble figuring it out.
If someone does answer this question please break down why you're going to put what you're going to put! I want to understand why, say, I put my public variables in one place, and not another. Or why I declare an object of my encapsulate class in one place and not another. I was trying to declare an encapsulate object in my method so it would give this method access to the variables, but it wasn't working! Please tell me what I was doing wrong or if you want me to post more of my code.
Below are the two other methods I was messing up on.
/ second method from my second code file I was messing up on:
private void displayProperties(int index)
if (index == -1)
clsEncapsulate selectedValue = (clsEncapsulate)mConvocationAL[index];
txtConvocationName.Text = selectedValue.Name;
txtConvocationClassification.Text = selectedValue.Classification;
txtConvocationDate.Text = selectedValue.ConvocationDate.ToShortDateString();
txtConvocationTime.Text = selectedValue.ConvocationDate.ToShortTimeString();
txtConvocationLocation.Text = selectedValue.Location;
txtID.Text = selectedValue.ID.ToString();
/ last method I was messing up on:
private void readConvocations(string filterConstraint, string sortField, string sortOrder)
OleDbConnection connection = null;
OleDbDataReader reader = null;
connection = new OleDbConnection();
connection.ConnectionString = mConnectionString;
string statement = "SELECT ID, Name, Classification, Location, Date FROM Convocations ";
if(filterConstraint != "")
statement += "WHERE Name LIKE " + toSQL(filterConstraint, true) + " ";
string statement2 = statement;
statement = string.Concat(new string[]
statement2, "ORDER BY ", sortField, " ", sortOrder
OleDbCommand oleDbCommand = new OleDbCommand(statement, connection);
reader = oleDbCommand.ExecuteReader();
clsEncapsulteconvocation = new clsEncapsulate();
convocation.ID = (int)reader["ID"];
convocation.Name = (string)reader["Name"];
convocation.Classification = (string)reader["Classification"];
convocation.Location = (string)reader["Location"];
convocation.ConvocationDate = (DateTime)reader["Date"];
if (reader != null)
if (connection != null)
Tell me if you need me to elaborate more to help you understand my situation. I am new at learning vocabulary and want to understand this! Thank you for helping. :)
The code you provided is one public object and a bunch of private methods so its difficult to get the overall picture of how your code it working together but there are a few principles you can apply to make your code better structured, now and in the future.
Have a read about SOLID ( The S and the D would apply well to your example.
Also you mentioned construtors and private properties. Try looking into Imutable types. That means once the object is created you cannot change it. For your clsEncapsulate class that would mean making your fields read only and remove the public setters.
Good luck.

Adding new record to db through silverlight Model

I have a silverlight mvvm with ria project. I have a UI in which admin users can enter info to create new work orders. However, I am having trouble calling the db and adding a new record to the table. I have no code-behind for the UI, the controls are tied to the model through Commands and Command Parameters. So when a user clicks, 'Add new job' it comes here,
public class EditJobViewModel : ViewModelBase
private Job _job;
public Job CurrentJob
get { return _job; }
_job = value;
public ICommand NewJob
return new DelegateCommand(BeginNewJob, (o) => true);
public void BeginNewJob(object o)
_job = new Job();
//_job.JobNumber = _job.JobID.ToString();
_job.AssignedTo = App.userID;
_job.AddedBy = App.userID;
_job.FileTypeJob = "PDF";
_job.AddedTS = DateTime.Now;
_job.OpenDate = DateTime.Now;
Where Im having trouble is creating a new record in the 'Job' table. On my breakpoint it returns all the columns it needs to, just not a new 'JobID' which is my primary key. This is how I was supposedly trying to create a new record.
public void BeginSave(object o)
if (!IsDesignTime)
if (CurrentJob.EntityState == EntityState.New)
CurrentJob.AddedBy = App.userID;
CurrentJob.AddedTS = DateTime.Now;
CurrentJob.UpdatedBy = App.userID;
CurrentJob.UpdatedTS = DateTime.Now;
// This is here because of a bug in infragistics grid/Entity Framework
foreach (JobFileType ft in CurrentJob.JobFileTypes)
if (ft.EntityState != EntityState.Unmodified)
(ft as IEditableObject).EndEdit();
foreach (JobTag tag in CurrentJob.JobTags)
if (tag.EntityState != EntityState.Unmodified)
(tag as IEditableObject).EndEdit();
//(CurrentJob as IEditableObject).EndEdit();
SubmitOperation s = _context.SubmitChanges();
if (s.HasError)
{ }
catch (Exception ex)
{ }
Except that it never hits the That's just the way I thought to try it. Im thinking there a way to do it from the 'BeginNewJob' command but unable to find a way to create a new JobID or record in general. The Database already has 10000 records and has multiple users creating jobs, so I need a way to get the last job created (getMaxID()??) and increment appropriately, creating a new job on the spot.
İf you use guid type for id column, you will not need to find next id and this approach will decouple new objects from previous objects.
