FileStream.Seek vs. Buffered Reading - c#

Motivated by this answer I was wondering what's going on under the curtain if one uses lots of FileStream.Seek(-1).
For clarity I'll repost the answer:
using (var fs = File.OpenRead(filePath))
fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
int newLines = 0;
while (newLines < 3)
fs.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current);
newLines += fs.ReadByte() == 13 ? 1 : 0; // look for \r
fs.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current);
byte[] data = new byte[fs.Length - fs.Position];
fs.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
Personally I would have read like 2048 bytes into a buffer and searched that buffer for the char.
Using Reflector I found out that internally the method is using SetFilePointer.
Is there any documentation about windows caching and reading a file backwards? Does Windows buffer "backwards" and consult the buffer when using consecutive Seek(-1) or will it read ahead starting from the current position?
It's interesting that on the one hand most people agree with Windows doing good caching, but on the other hand every answer to "reading file backwards" involves reading chunks of bytes and operating on that chunk.

Going forward vs backward doesn't usually make much difference. The file data is read into the file system cache after the first read, you get a memory-to-memory copy on ReadByte(). That copy isn't sensitive to the file pointer value as long as the data is in the cache. The caching algorithm does however work from the assumption that you'd normally read sequentially. It tries to read ahead, as long as the file sectors are still on the same track. They usually are, unless the disk is heavily fragmented.
But yes, it is inefficient. You'll get hit with two pinvoke and API calls for each individual byte. There's a fair amount of overhead in that, those same two calls could also read, say, 65 kilobytes with the same amount of overhead. As usual, fix this only when you find it to be a perf bottleneck.

Here is a pointer on File Caching in Windows
The behavior may also depends on where physically resides the file (hard disk, network, etc.) as well as local configuration/optimization.
An also important source of information is the CreateFile API documentation: CreateFile Function
There is a good section named "Caching Behavior" that tells us at least how you can influence file caching, at least in the unmanaged world.


Performance issues while creating file checksums

I am writing a console application which iterates through a binary tree and searches for new or changed files based on their md5 checksums.
The whole process is acceptable fast (14sec for ~70.000 files) but generating the checksums takes about 5min which is quite too slow...
Any suggestions for improving this process? My hash function is the following:
private string getMD5(string filename)
using (var md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider())
if (File.Exists(#filename))
var buffer = md5.ComputeHash(File.ReadAllBytes(filename));
var sb = new StringBuilder();
for (var i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++)
return sb.ToString();
catch (Exception)
Program.logger.log("Error while creating checksum!", Program.logger.LOG_ERROR);
return "";
return "";
Well, accepted answer is not valid, because, of course, there is a ways to improve your code performance. It is valid for some other thoughts however)
Main stopper here, except disk I/O, is memory allocation. Here the some thoughts that should improve speed:
Do not read entire file in memory for calculation, it is slow, and it'll produce a lot of memory pressure via LOH objects. Instead open file as a stream, and calculate Hash by chunks.
The reason, why you have slowdown when using ComputeHash stream override, because internally it use very small buffer (4kb), so choose appropriate buffer size (256kb or more, optimal value to be found by experimenting)
Use TransformBlock and TransformFinalBlock functions to calculate hash value. You can pass null for outputBuffer parameter.
Reuse that buffer for following files hash calculations, so there is no need for additional allocations.
Additionally you can reuse MD5CryptoServiceProvider, but benefits are questionable.
And the last, you can apply async pattern for reading chunks from stream, so OS will read next chunk from disk on the same time, when you calculating partial hash for previous chunk. Of course such code is more difficult to write, and you'll need at least two buffers (reuse them as well), but it can provide great impact on speed.
As a minor improvement, do not check for file existence. I believe, that your function called from some enumeration, and there is very little chance, that file is deleted meanwhile.
All above is valid for medium to large sized files. If you, instead, have a lot of very small files, you can speed calculation by processing files in parallel. Actually parallelization can also help with large files, but it is up to be measured.
And the last, if collisions doesn't bother you too much, you can chose less expensive hash algorithm, CRC, for example.
In order to create the Hash, you have to read every last byte of the file. So this operation is Disk-limited, not CPU limited and scales proportionally to the size of files. Multithreading will not help.
Unless the FS can somehow calculate and store the hash for you, there is just no way to speed this up. You are dependant on what the FS does for you to track changes.
Generally proramms that check for "changed files" (like backup routines) do not calculate the Hashvalue for exactly that reason. They may still calculate and store it for validation purposes, but that is it.
Unless the user does some serious (NTFS driver loading level) sabotage, the "last changed" date with the filesize is enough to detect changes. Maybe also check the archive bit, but that one is rarely used nowadays.
A minor improovement for these kind of scenarios (list files and process them) is using "Enumerate Files" rather then list files. But at 14 seconds Listing/5 minutes processing that will just not have any relevant effect.

C# - remove blocks of bytes in large binary files

i want a fast way in c# to remove a blocks of bytes in different places from binary file of size between 500MB to 1GB , the start and the length of bytes needed to be removed are in saved array
int[] rdiDataOffset= {511,15423,21047};
int[] rdiDataSize={102400,7168,512};
this is a piece of my code and it will not work correctly unless i put buffer size to 1:
if (rdiDataOffset.Contains((int)fsr.Position))
int idxval = Array.IndexOf(rdiDataOffset, (int)fsr.Position, 0, rdiDataOffset.Length);
int oldRFSRPosition = (int)fsr.Position;
size = rdiDataSize[idxval];
fsr.Seek(size, SeekOrigin.Current);
int bufferSize = size == 0 ? 2048 : size;
if ((size>0) && (bufferSize > (size))) bufferSize = (size);
if (bufferSize > (fsr.Length - fsr.Position)) bufferSize = (int)(fsr.Length - fsr.Position);
byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
int nofbytes = fsr.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
if (nofbytes < 1)
No common file system provides an efficient way to remove chunks from the middle of an existing file (only truncate from the end). You'll have to copy all the data after the removal back to the appropriate new location.
A simple algorithm for doing this using a temp file (it could be done in-place as well but you have a riskier situation in case things go wrong).
Create a new file and call SetLength to set the stream size (if this is too slow you can Interop to SetFileValidData). This ensures that you have room for your temp file while you are doing the copy.
Sort your removal list in ascending order.
Read from the current location (starting at 0) to the first removal point. The source file should be opened without granting Write share permissions (you don't want someone mucking with it while you are editing it).
Write that content to the new file (you will likely need to do this in chunks).
Skip over the data not being copied
Repeat from #3 until done
You now have two files - the old one and the new one ... replace as necessary. If this is really critical data you might want to look a transactional approach (either one you implement or using something like NTFS transactions).
Consider a new design. If this is something you need to do frequently then it might make more sense to have an index in the file (or near the file) which contains a list of inactive blocks - then when necessary you can compress the file by actually removing blocks ... or maybe this IS that process.
If you're on the NTFS file system (most Windows deployments are) and you don't mind doing p/invoke methods, then there is a way, way faster way of deleting chunks from a file. You can make the file sparse. With sparse files, you can eliminate a large chunk of the file with a single call.
When you do this, the file is not rewritten. Instead, NTFS updates metadata about the extents of zeroed-out data. The beauty of sparse files is that consumers of your file don't have to be aware of the file's sparseness. That is, when you read from a FileStream over a sparse file, zeroed-out extents are transparently skipped.
NTFS uses such files for its own bookkeeping. The USN journal, for example, is a very large sparse memory-mapped file.
The way you make a file sparse and zero-out sections of that file is to use the DeviceIOControl windows API. It is arcane and requires p/invoke but if you go this route, you'll surely hide the uggles behind nice pretty function calls.
There are some issues to be aware of. For example, if the file is moved to a non-ntfs volume and then back, the sparseness of the file can disappear - so you should program defensively.
Also, a sparse file can appear to be larger than it really is - complicating tasks involving disk provisioning. A 5g sparse file that has been completely zeroed out still counts 5g towards a user's disk quota.
If a sparse file accumulates a lot of holes, you might want to occasionally rewrite the file in a maintenance window. I haven't seen any real performance troubles occur, but I can at least imagine that the metadata for a swiss-cheesy sparse file might accrue some performance degradation.
Here's a link to some doc if you're into the idea.

Why write to Stream in chunks?

I am wondering why so many examples read byte arrays into streams in chucks and not all at once... I know this is a soft question, but I am interested.
I understand a bit about hardware and filling buffers can be very size dependent and you wouldn't want to write to the buffer again until it has been flushed to wherever it needs to go etc... but with the .Net platform (and other modern languages) I see examples of both. So when use which and when, or is the second an absolute no no?
Here is the thing (code) I mean:
var buffer = new byte[4096];
while (true)
var read = this.InputStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
if (read == 0)
OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, read);
rather than:
var buffer = new byte[InputStream.Length];
var read = this.InputStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, read);
I believe both are legal? So why go through all the fuss of the while loop (in whatever for you decide to structure it)?
I am playing devils advocate here as I want to learn as much as I can :)
In the first case, all you need is 4kB of memory. In the second case, you need as much memory as the input stream data takes. If the input stream is 4GB, you need 4GB.
Do you think it would be good if a file copy operation required 4GB of RAM? What if you were to prepare a disk image that's 20GB?
There is also this thing with pipes. You don't often use them on Windows, but a similar case is often seen on other operating systems. The second case waits for all data to be read, and only then writes them to the output. However, sometimes it is advisable to write data as soon as possible—the first case will start writing to the output stream as soon as the first 4kB of input is read. Think of serving web pages: it is advisable for a web server to send data as soon as possible, so that client's web browser will start rendering headers and first part of the content, not waiting for the whole body.
However, if you know that the input stream won't be bigger than 4kB, then both cases are equivalent.
Sometimes, InputStream.Length is not valid for some source, e.g from the net transport, or the buffer maybe huge, e.g read from a huge file. IMO.
It protects you from the situation where your input stream is several gigabytes long.
You have no idea how much data Read might return. This could create major performance problems if you're reading a very large file.
If you have control over the input, and are sure the size is reasonable, then you can certainly read the whole array in at once. But be especially careful if the user can supply an arbitrary input.

C# Reading, Modifying then writing binary data to file. Best convention?

I'm new to programming in general (My understanding of programming concepts is still growing.). So this question is about learning, so please provide enough info for me to learn but not so much that I can't, thank you.
(I would also like input on how to make the code reusable with in the project.)
The goal of the project I'm working on consists of:
Read binary file.
I have known offsets I need to read to find a particular chunk of data from within this file.
First offset is first 4 bytes(Offset for end of my chunk).
Second offset is 16 bytes from end of file. I read for 4 bytes.(Gives size of chunk in hex).
Third offset is the 4 bytes following previous, read for 4 bytes(Offset for start of chunk in hex).
Locate parts in the chunk to modify by searching ASCII text as well as offsets.
Now I have the start offset, end offset and size of my chunk.
This should allow me to read bytes from file into a byte array and know the size of the array ahead of time.
(Questions: 1. Is knowing the size important? Other than verification. 2. Is reading part of a file into a byte array in order to change bytes and overwrite that part of the file the best method?)
So far I have managed to read the offsets from the file using BinaryReader on a MemoryStream. I then locate the chunk of data I need and read that into a byte array.
I'm stuck in several ways:
What are the best practices for binary Reading / Writing?
What's the best storage convention for the data that is read?
When I need to modify bytes how do I go about that.
Should I be using FileStream?
Since you want to both read and write, it makes sense to use the FileStream class directly (using FileMode.Open and FileAccess.ReadWrite). See FileStream on MSDN for a good overall example.
You do need to know the number of bytes that you are going to be reading from the stream. See the FileStream.Read documentation.
Fundamentally, you have to read the bytes into memory at some point if you're going to use and later modify their contents. So you will have to make an in-memory copy (using the Read method is the right way to go if you're reading a variable-length chunk at a time).
As for best practices, always dispose your streams when you're done; e.g.:
using (var stream = File.Open(FILE_NAME, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
//Do work with the FileStream here.
If you're going to do a large amount of work, you should be doing the work asynchronously. (Let us know if that's the case.)
And, of course, check the FileStream.Read documentation and also the FileStream.Write documentation before using those methods.
Reading bytes is best done by pre-allocating an in-memory array of bytes with the length that you're going to read, then reading those bytes. The following will read the chunk of bytes that you're interested in, let you do work on it, and then replace the original contents (assuming the length of the chunk hasn't changed):
EDIT: I've added a helper method to do work on the chunk, per the comments on variable scope.
using (var stream = File.Open(FILE_NAME, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
var chunk = new byte[numOfBytesInChunk];
var offsetOfChunkInFile = stream.Position; // It sounds like you've already calculated this.
stream.Read(chunk, 0, numOfBytesInChunk);
DoWorkOnChunk(ref chunk);
stream.Seek(offsetOfChunkInFile, SeekOrigin.Begin);
stream.Write(chunk, 0, numOfBytesInChunk);
private void DoWorkOnChunk(ref byte[] chunk)
//TODO: Any mutation done here to the data in 'chunk' will be written out to the stream.

stream reliability

I came across a few posts that where claming that streams are not a reliable data structure, meaning that read/write operations might not follow through in all cases.
a) Is there any truth to this consensus?
b) If so what are the cases in wich read/write operaitions might fail?
This consensus on streams which I came across claims that you sould loop through read/write operations until complete:
var bytesRead = 0;
var _packet = new byte[8192];
while ((bytesRead += file_reader.Read(_packet, bytesRead, _packet.Length - bytesRead)) < _packet.Length) ;
Well, it depends on what operation you're talking about, and on what layer you consider it a failure.
For instance, if you attempt to read past the end of a stream (ie. read 1000 bytes from a file that only contains 100 bytes, or read a 1000 bytes from a position that is closer to the end of the file than 1000), you will get fewer bytes left. The stream read methods returns the number of bytes they actually managed to read, so you should check that value.
As for write operations, writing to a file might fail if the disk is full, or other similar problems, but in case of write operations you'll get back an exception.
If you're writing to sockets or other network streams, there is no guarantee that even if the Write method returns without exceptions, that the other end is able to receive it, there's a ton of problems that can go wrong along the way.
However, to alleviate your concerns, streams by themselves are not unreliable.
The medium they talk to, however, can be.
If you follow the documentation, catch and act accordingly when errors occur, I think you'll find streams are pretty much bullet-proof. There's a significant amount of code that has invested in this reliability.
Can we see links to those who claim otherwise? Either you've misunderstood, or they are incorrect.
