C#, how to make a picture background transparent? - c#

I have a picturebox with a png in it. Yet even when I set the BackColor to Transparent, it is not transparent. Any ideas what might be wrong? :)

I have also faced the problem regarding transparent pictures.
you have to Draw it through code.
See my question A PictureBox Problem
In paint event (Control containing Background Image)
write this
//If added your image in project's resources get from there OR your Image location
Image img = yourNamespace.Properties.Resources.yourPicture;

Your PNG file should also have the transparent background. This is can be done while creating the image(png) files.

You really have to draw it through code. Place a pictureBox on your form, set sizeMode and docking as you like. Then you may fire the following function on the pictureBox's PAINT event:
public void LogoDrawTransparent(PaintEventArgs e)
// Create a Bitmap object from an image file.
Image myImg;
Bitmap myBitmap;
myImg = cls_convertImagesByte.GetImageFromByte(newImg);
myBitmap = new Bitmap(myImg); // #"C:\Temp\imgSwacaa.jpg");
// Get the color of a background pixel.
Color backColor = myBitmap.GetPixel(0, 0); // GetPixel(1, 1);
Color backColorGray = Color.Gray;
Color backColorGrayLight = Color.LightGray;
Color backColorWhiteSmoke = Color.WhiteSmoke;
Color backColorWhite = Color.White;
Color backColorWheat = Color.Wheat;
// Make backColor transparent for myBitmap.
// OPTIONALLY, you may make any other "suspicious" back color transparent (usually gray, light gray or whitesmoke)
// Draw myBitmap to the screen.
e.Graphics.DrawImage(myBitmap, 0, 0, pictureBox1.Width, pictureBox1.Height); //myBitmap.Width, myBitmap.Height);
try { pictureBox1.Image = cls_convertImagesByte.GetImageFromByte(newImg); }
catch { } //must do something
This is my class that is referenced in the above function:
class cls_convertImagesByte
public static Image GetImageFromByte(byte[] byteArrayIn)
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(byteArrayIn);
Image returnImage = Image.FromStream(ms);
return returnImage;
public static byte[] GetByteArrayFromImage(System.Drawing.Image imageIn)
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
imageIn.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif);
return ms.ToArray();
Thanks. chagbert.

From what I learned I can't do it within a windows form, as it doesn't have layers for the images. So guess will have to make it as WPF. :)

How did you create the background? Is that set by setting the Form.BackgroundImage?
If that background (the paper like image) is a container control, the transparency should just work.
However, If you are placing two PictureBox objects on top of eachother this doesn't work. The transparent area takes on the color of its parent object. If you have two PictureBox objects they both will have the Form as their parent. If this is your situation, it can be solved by setting the transparent image's Parent property to be the background image.
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
transparentPictureBox.Parent = backgroundPictureBox;
When changing the Parent property, the Location of the tranparentPictureBox will become relative to its new parent. You'd have to subtract the x and y coordinates of the background image from the transparent image. See my answer on A PictureBox Question for an example with a screen shot.
AFAIK, you can not set the Parent in the Designer, only in code. Therefore, the Designer will still not show a transparent image, but at runtime it should.
The same problem occurs if you place a transparent Label on top of a PictureBox object.


my png file is not showing in my picturebox

I want display an image in my picture box but when I run the code everything else works except the image isn't displayed. Here is the relevant code:
Image[] deadWoman = new Image[5]; //this array will hold the images of bit and pieces of katie
deadWoman[0] = Image.FromFile("F:/Jers Hangman Game/Jers Hangman Game/Resources/katie-hopkins.jpeg");
private void MainPic_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics katie = e.Graphics; // creates a graphics object for the picture box
if (numWrongGuesses > 0)
e.Graphics.DrawImage(deadWoman[0], 20, 20,60,60);
I guess the image is never repainted, that's why you don't see it when numWrongGuesses is updated. You should Invalidate() the PictureBox in order to see the update.
I would advise to set the image though, and simply use Visible = true and Visible = false for showing and hiding. You could even set the BackgroundImage if you need to create some overlay effect.
You don't override Paint in order to put an Image object into a PictureBox. Just use the property:
MainPic.Image = deadWoman[0];
You can also do this in the WinForms designer, as long as the Image is a resource.
Also, you can hide and show your image by the .Visible property:
MainPic.Visible = numWrongGuesses > 0;

How to keep what is drawn on panel and save to bitmap when the "CLEAR" button is pressed?

I want to finish my paint program for my Daughter and am having issues with the panel keeping drawings rendered on the panel when the application is minimized. I would also like for the program to automatically save to a file what she drew on the panel when she clicks on the "CLEAR" and/or "CLOSE" button.
If you want to keep your drawings you could instead of drawing in the graphics of the panel draw inside a Image of that panel nonetheless you can use Panel.DrawToImage() it should be like this
Panel.DrawToBitmap(Bitmap, Panel.ClientRectangle);
Bitmap bmp; //this will be the image where you would draw to
Graphics g; // the graphics
public ALANA_PAINT()
//do your stuff
bmp = new Bitmap(Width,Height)// Initialize the bitmap
Panel.BackgroundImage = bmp;
g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
//your normal drawing methods
public void Save()
For the close function the forms have a FormsClosing event that you could call you save from there
You need to not put the drawing code in pnl1_MouseMove against a new Graphics you get from pnl1.CreateGraphics();. You need to do one of two things.
1) Keep a list of all the "shapes" that need to be drawn and redraw, then subscribe to the event pn1.Paint += pn1_Paint and have that paint method go through the list of all the shapes you have recorded and re draw them
2) Don't paint to the Graphics object for the panel, call CreateGraphics on a Bitmap you have in the class then have that bitmap drawn as the background of pn1.
The benefit of method 2 is it will allow most of your code to be the same, you are now just drawing against a bitmap instead of directly against the panel.
you are going to need a method like this one for the 2nd part of your question :
public void SaveBitmap(string location)
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap((int)myPanel.Width, (int)myPanel.Height);
DrawToBitmap(bmp, new Rectangle(0, 0, myPanel.Width, myPanel.Height));
using (FileStream saveStream = new FileStream(location + ".bmp", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
bmp.Save(saveStream, ImageFormat.Bmp);
If you want to handle it when she closes the window, use the Closing event in the Window.

Image background after insert into RichTextBox

I insert images into RichTextBox from app resources. Image format PNG, background is transparent. After insert, background of image is gray. How i can set background of image to transparent?
My current code:
private Hashtable icons = null;
private void LoadIcons()
icons = new Hashtable(3);
icons.Add("[inf]", Properties.Resources.inf);
icons.Add("[ok]", Properties.Resources.ok);
icons.Add("[err]", Properties.Resources.err);
private void SetIcons()
richTextBox.ReadOnly = false;
foreach (string icon in icons.Keys)
while (richTextBox.Text.Contains(icon))
IDataObject tmpClibboard = Clipboard.GetDataObject();
int index = richTextBox.Text.IndexOf(icon);
richTextBox.Select(index, icon.Length);
richTextBox.ReadOnly = true;
private void richTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
I have the same problem and my solution was to create new empty bitmap with your icon size and then set its background to richtextbox background color. After that, I drawed with graphics object the icon on the previous bitmap.
Here's the code:
Create a bitmap with the size of your icon (here, warning from ressource file)
Bitmap img = new Bitmap(Icons.warning.Width, Icons.warning.Height);
Create graphic object from this bitmap
Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(img);
Set the background of the bitmap on richtextbox background
Then overlay your icon on the bitmap
ps: Sorry for my bad english ;)
Peace :)
There is no such thing as true transparency in a WinForms Control. Transparent mode inherits the default background of its parent. The way I have worked around it in the past has been to use the OnPaint event and then use the Graphics.DrawString method to position the text where I want it.
Alpha blend controls

C# drawing on picturebox, not persistent

I have a List<> object, "imagelist", that contains the paths of many images such as .png's. Now, with the following code:
private void paint_picture(PictureBox picture, string pathofpic)
Graphics g = picture.CreateGraphics();
Bitmap drawnpic = null;
if (imagelist.ContainsKey(picture.Name))
drawnpic = new Bitmap(pathofpic);
g.DrawImage(drawnpic, 0, 0, picture.Size.Width, picture.Size.Height);
imagelist[picture.Name] = pathofpic;
I call this every time the card's image is changed, but I can't seem to make the image persist on the picturebox, when I drag the picturebox across the form (for example, over other pictureboxes). The click and drag code is just moving the picturebox with the mouse, not really relevant.
I've tried invalidating the form when I de-select the image, but it doesn't do anything.
Is there something I'm missing? Screenshot below, I dragged one image around the form and it overwrote the other images it moved across:
That’s how painting works – you have to handle its Paint event and keep painting the same thing each time it needs repainting.
What you can do is draw on top of your original image:
Bitmap b = new Bitmap(picture.Image);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b)) {
using (Bitmap drawnpic = new Bitmap(pathofpic)) {
g.DrawImage(drawnpic, 0, 0, b.Width, b.Height);
picture.Image = b;
Then you’d save the original image somewhere and probably use it instead of picture.Image in the new Bitmap line.
And PascalCase for method names, please. ;)

How to move an image in picturebox using mouse events

i am trying to move a image in picture box. i added panel to my application and also added picture box in panel. i opened an image.if the image size is big.i want to see the particular portion of image. so how can i move the image up and down (without using scroll bars) to see the particular portion of image?
You can add controls like move left, move right, move up, move down with associated actions to move the image within your picturebox. An example of how to do this for moving the image to the right is shown below. You can implement these action with mouse down and mouse up events so that the user just presses the appropriate buttons to move the picture as he wants. Also note that once you reach the maximum dimensions of the image, you can change the rectangular region to that within image bounds.
int ff = 0; //number of positions to move
Bitmap b2;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ff == 0) { b2 = new Bitmap(pictureBox1.Image);} //original image as bitmap b2
Bitmap b1 = new Bitmap(pictureBox1 .Width ,pictureBox1.Height ); //new bitmap with rectangular region of original image
Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(ff++, 0, pictureBox1.Width, pictureBox1.Height );
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b1);
g.DrawImage(b2, 0, 0, r1, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
pictureBox1.Image = null;
pictureBox1.Image = (Image)b1;
Not sure if it really answers your question, but this seems like a fun reason to play with Reactive Extensions (Rx). This video demonstrates nicely how well this stuff works with asynchronous events like mouse-input.
