Displaying array items in an irregular grid format - c#

I have an array of fixed sized images that I want to display in a grid in the following format, with the lines containing seven items centered relative to the line above it.
I'm unsure as to how I can iterate through the array to achieve this. Any help is appreciated.

You wouldn't be able to accomplish this in the console, because the text is rendered without any styling information. Without a space in front, it looks like you wrote it. If you put a space before the text, it will look right aligned. There is no such thing as a half-space in the console.
If you were to render it in something more rich, such as html, this would be accomplishable.

Don't use a grid; the data isn't being shown in tabular form. If you're working with ASP.NET, use a server-side repeater with a Panel wrapped around each row, and set the panel's HorizontalAlign="Center" where appropriate.

I'm not familiar with XNA so I don't know if you are blessed with control windows you can place around the screen or have to perform all drawing manually. Irrespective, the centering logic is the same and can be adapted:
As text has to be placed by the coordinate of the top-left corner within the containing box (be it the screen, an enclosing panel or window, &c.) you need to perform the following calculation:
textLeft = (containerWidth - textWidth) / 2
To visualize this, it might be better to expand it:
textLeft = containerWidth / 2 - textWidth / 2
So, starting on the left side of the container (x of zero) you move half way across the container, then move back half the width of the text, thus placing half the text width either side of the centre line.

Here's what I ended up with, using an idea from El Ronnoco
for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= 7; j++)
grid[i, j].posX = i * 50;
grid[i, j].posY = j * 50;
if (i % 2 > 0)
grid[i, j].posY += 25;
if (j == 7)
//remove grid[i, j] from array/sight
Thank you for all the answers and help.


Combine BarChart and PointChart

i got a Little "Problem", i want to create a Chart looking like this:
So basically
Series 1 = Normal bar Chart. Color green if it Ends before the "time max" (series2) Series 2 = just a DataPoint / Marker on top of series 1 items.
I am struggling with this though...
my Code:
string series_timeneeded = "Time Needed";
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_timeneeded]["PixelPointWidth"] = "5";
chart_TimeChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScrollBar.Size = 10;
chart_TimeChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScrollBar.ButtonStyle = ScrollBarButtonStyles.SmallScroll;
chart_TimeChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScrollBar.IsPositionedInside = true;
chart_TimeChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScrollBar.Enabled = true;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_timeneeded].BorderWidth = 2;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_timeneeded].ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedBar;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_timeneeded].YValueType = ChartValueType.Time;
chart_TimeChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.LabelStyle.Format = "HH:mm:ss";
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_timeneeded].XValueType = ChartValueType.String;
for (int i = 0; i < MaxNumber; i++)
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_timeneeded].Points.AddXY("item"+ " " + (i + 1).ToString(), DateTime.Now.Add(Timespans[i]));
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedBar;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].BorderWidth = 0;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].MarkerSize = 15;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Square;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].MarkerColor = Color.Black;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].YValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].XValueType = ChartValueType.String;
for (int i = 0; i < MaxNumber; i++)
DateTime YPosition = GetFinishTime(i);
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].Points.AddXY("item"+ " " +(i+1).ToString(), YPosition);
but this only Displays the 2nd series on top of the first one but the first one isnt visible anymore. The Maker of series 2 isnt shown but instead the bar is (eventhough i made borderwidth to 0). In my opinion/thinking i just have to make the "bar" of series 2 invisible and just Show the marker Points for series 2.
Any ideas?
string seriesname = Name+ i.ToString();
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].SetCustomProperty("DrawSideBySide", "false");
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", seriesname);
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedBar; //Y and X are exchanged
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].YValueType = ChartValueType.Time;
chart_TimeChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.LabelStyle.Format = "HH:mm:ss";
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].XValueType = ChartValueType.String;
DateTime TimeNeeded = DateTime.Now.Add(List_AllLiniengroupsTimespans[k][i]);
DateTime TimeMax = GetFinishTime(k, i);
TimeSpan TimeDifference = TimeNeeded - TimeMax;
if (TimeNeeded > TimeMax) //All good
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points.AddXY(seriesname, TimeNeeded); //Time till finish
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[0].Color = Color.Blue;
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[0].SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", seriesname);
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points.AddXY(seriesname, TimeNeeded.Add(TimeDifference)); //time left
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[1].Color = Color.Red;
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[1].SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", seriesname);
else if (TimeMax > TimeNeeded) //wont make it in time
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points.AddXY(seriesname, TimeNeeded); //time till still okay
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[0].Color = Color.Blue;
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[0].SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", seriesname);
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points.AddXY(seriesname, TimeNeeded.Add(TimeDifference)); //Time that is too much
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[1].Color = Color.Green;
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[1].SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", seriesname);
else if (TimeMax == TimeNeeded) //fits exactly
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points.AddXY(seriesname, TimeNeeded);
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[0].Color = Color.DarkOrange;
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[0].SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", seriesname);
the Code will be displayed as:
but i want it to look like this:
!! See the update below !!
If you really want to create a StackedBar chart, your chart has two issues:
If you want to stack datapoints they need to have meaningful x-values; without them how can it know what to stack on each other?
You add strings, which look fine but simply don't work. That is because the DataPoint.XValue field is double and when you add string into it it is set to 0 !! Your string is copied to the Label but otherwise lost.
So you need to come up with a suitable numeric value you use for the x-values..
And you also need to group the series you want to stack. For this there is a special property called StackedGroupName which serves to group those series that shall be stacked.
Here is how you can use it:
yourSeries1.SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", "Group1");
For a full example see this post !
It also shows one way of setting the Labels with string values of your choice..
This is the way to go for real StackedBar charts. Your workaround may or may not work. You could try to make the colors transparent or equal to the chart's backcolor; but it won't be more than a hack, imo.
I guess I have misread the question. From what I see you do not really want to create a stacked chart.
Instead you struggle with these issues:
displaying bars at the same y-spot
making some bars invisible
displaying a vertical line as a marker
Let's tackle each:
Some column types including all Bars, Columns and then some have a little known special property called DrawSideBySide.
By default is is set to Auto, which will work like True. This is usually fine as we don't want bars to sit upon each other, effectively hiding all or part of the overlaid points.
But here we do want them to share the same y-position, so we need to set the property to false for at least one Series; the others (on Auto) will follow..:
You can do it either like this:
aSeries["DrawSideBySide"] = "false";
or like this:
aSeries.SetCustomProperty("DrawSideBySide", "false");
Next we hide the overlaid Series; this is simple:
aSeries.Color = Color.Transparent;
The last issue is displaying a line marker. There is no such MarkerStyle, so we need to use a custom style. For this we need to create a suitable bitmap and add it as a NamedImage to the chart's Images collection.
This sounds more complicated than it is; however the MarkerImage will not be scaled, so we need to created suitable sizes whenever we resize the Chart or add/remove points. I will ignore this complication for now..
int pointCount = 10;
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(2, chart.ClientSize.Height / pointCount - 5);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) g.Clear(Color.Black);
NamedImage marker = new NamedImage("marker", bmp);
chart.Images.Clear(); // quick & dirty
Here is the result:
A few notes:
I would recommend to use variables for all chart elements you refer to repeatedly instead of using indexed references all the time. Less code, easier to read, a lot easier to maintain, and probably better performance.
Since your code called for the visible datapoints to be either red or green the Legend will not show a good representation. See here for an example of drawing a multi-colored legend item..
I used the chart height; this is not really recommended as there may be Titles or Legends or even more ChartAreas; instead you should use the height of the ChartArea, or even more precise, the height of the InnerPlotPosition. You would need to convert those from percentages to pixels. Not too hard, see below or see here
or here for more examples!
The markers should be adapted from the Resize and probably from the AxisViewChanged events. Putting it in a nice function to call (e.g. void setMarkerImage(Chart chart, Series s, string name, int width, Color c)) is always a good idea.
If you need to adapt the size of the marker image repeatedly, you may want to write better code for clearing the old one; this should include disposing of the Bitmap that was used before..
Here is an example:
var oldni = chart.Images.FindByName("marker");
if (oldni != null)
In some situations one needs to nudge the Chart to update some of its properties; RecalculateAxesScale is one such nudge.
Example for calculating a suitable marker height:
ChartArea ca = chart.ChartAreas[0];
float cah = ca.Position.Height;
float iph = ca.InnerPlotPosition.Height;
float h = chart3.ClientSize.Height * cah / 100f * iph / 100f;
int mh = (int)(h / s.Points.Count);
Final note: The original answer stressed the importance of using meaningful x-values. Strings are useless! This was important for stacking bars; but it is equally important now, when we want bars to sit at the same vertical positions! Adding the x-values as strings is again resulting in nonsense..
(Since we have Bars the x-values go along the vertical axis and vice versa..)

Charting Rectangles of arbitrary dimensions

I need to graph rectangles of different heights and widths in a C# application. The rectangles may or may not overlap.
I thought the System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting would have what I need, but every chart type I've explored wants data points composed of a single value in one dimension and multiple values in the other.
I've considered: Box, Bubble, and Range Bar.
It turns out that Richard Eriksson has the closest answer in that the Charting package doesn't contain what I needed. The solution I'm moving forward with is to use a Point chart to manage axes and whatnot, but overload the PostPaint event to effectively draw the rectangles I need on top. The Chart provides value-to-pixel (and vice versa) conversions.
Here is a minimal example that throws 100 squares of different colors and sizes randomly onto one Chart of ChartType Point with custom Marker Images.
You can modify to de-couple the datapoints from the colors, allow for any sizes or shapes etc..:
int count = 100;
int mSize = 60; // marker size
List<Color> colors = new List<Color>(); // a color list
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
colors.Add(Color.FromArgb(255, 255 - i * 2, (i*i) %256, i*2));
Random R = new Random(99);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) // create and store the marker images
int w = 10 + R.Next(50); // inner width of visible marker
int off = (mSize - w) / 2;
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(mSize, mSize);
using (Graphics G = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
G.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(colors[i]), off, off, w, w);
chart5.Images.Add(new NamedImage("NI" + i, bmp));
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) // now add a few points to random locations
int p = chart5.Series["S1"].Points.AddXY(R.Next(100), R.Next(100));
chart5.Series["S1"].Points[p].MarkerImage = "NI" + p;
Note that this is really just a quick one; in the Link to the original answer about a heat map I show how to resize the Markers along with the Chart. Here they will always stay the same size..:
I have lowered the Alpha of the colors for this image from 255 to 155, btw.
The sizes also stay fixed when zooming in on the Chart; see how nicely they drift apart, so you can see the space between them:
This may or may not be what you want, of course..
Note that I had disabled both Axes in the first images for nicer looks. For zooming I have turned them back on so I get the simple reset button..
Also note that posting the screenshots here introduces some level of resizing, which doesn't come from the chart!

Rasterizing image with colored fixed-width chars

uI am making a program to turn an image into coloured 0's, the problem is that the 0's are not colouring properly. To get anything near resembling the image I have to start my for loop at 2 and increase by 3 each time. The following is my current code:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
TextSelection textRange;
TextPointer start;
TextPointer startPos;
TextPointer endPos;
System.Drawing.Color x;
int pixelX = 3;
int pixelY = 8;
Bitmap b = new Bitmap(#"E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\RichTextBox Image to ASCII\RichTextBox Image to ASCII\Akarin.jpg");
for (int i = 2; i < 8000; i += 3)
textRange = richTextBox1.Selection;
start = richTextBox1.Document.ContentStart;
startPos = start.GetPositionAtOffset(i);
endPos = start.GetPositionAtOffset(i + 1);
textRange.Select(startPos, endPos);
x = b.GetPixel(pixelX, pixelY);
textRange.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.ForegroundProperty, new SolidColorBrush(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(x.A, x.R, x.G, x.B)));
pixelX += 6;
if (pixelX > 1267)
pixelX = 3;
pixelY += 16;
i += 3;
textRange = richTextBox1.Selection;
start = richTextBox1.Document.ContentStart;
startPos = start.GetPositionAtOffset(i);
endPos = start.GetPositionAtOffset(i + 1);
textRange.Select(startPos, endPos);
x = b.GetPixel(pixelX, pixelY);
textRange.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.ForegroundProperty, new SolidColorBrush(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(x.A, x.R, x.G, x.B)));
pixelX += 7;
if (pixelX > 1267)
pixelX = 3;
pixelY += 16;
The reason that I am putting the code in the for loop twice is because when you take the amount of 0's that fit horizontally and find out how many pixels each 0 takes up, it comes to about 6.5 because of the space between each 0.
EDIT: Something else that is also strange, if you look in the top left corner where it starts colouring the 0's, 4 in a row are properly coloured, but then the rest are coloured every other.
A few serious problems I'm seeing here. Normally when rasterizing you either loop through the source pixels or through the target pixels. You however... you loop by a fixed value of roughly 2666 ((8000 - 2) / 3). It's also a very bad idea to do things twice in a loop and even change the loop variable (i). Furthermore since you're having only one loop you have to care about both axes in one run. This is very error prone.
How about this approach?:
Your source image is 1280 × 720 square pixels
Since your zeros are not square you have to know their aspect ratio. If you know that you can calculate how many rows and columns you need. You probably don't want to match them 1:1 as this would give you a huge and stretched image.
Once you know how many rows and columns you need, do two loops, one inside the other and call the loop variables targetX and targetY
If your target image is supposed to be let's say 400 zeroes long in the x-axis, make the first loop go from 1 to 400
Inside the loop pick one pixel (color) from the source at 1280/400 * targetX. Your first target pixel would be at x position 1280/400 * 1 = 3,2 which is roughly 3 (round the number after calculating it). The second would be 1280/400 * 2 = 6 and so on. I think this is the biggest pain in your algorithm since you're trying to get around the 6,5px width. Just round it after calculating! If the first is 6,5, make it 7, the second is 13... you get the idea.
Same logic goes for Y axis, but you handle this with targetY.

How to find Black Pixel locations

I'm working on a strange project. I have access to a laser cutter that I am using to make stencils (from metal). I can use coordinates to program the machine to cut a certain image, but what I was wondering was: how can I write a program that would take a scanned image that was black and white, and give me the coordinates of the black areas? I don't mind if it gives every pixel even though I need only the outer lines, I can do that part.
I've searched for this for a while, but the question has so many words with lots of results such as colors and pixels, that I find tons of information that isn't relevant. I would like to use C++ or C#, but I can use any language including scripting.
I used GetPixel in C#:
public List<String> GetBlackDots()
Color pixelColor;
var list = new st<String>();
for (int y = 0; y < bitmapImage.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < bitmapImage.Width; x++)
pixelColor = bitmapImage.GetPixel(x, y);
if (pixelColor.R == 0 && pixelColor.G == 0 && pixelColor.B == 0)
list.Add(String.Format("x:{0} y:{1}", x, y));
return list;
If we assume that the scanned image is perfectly white and perfectly black with no in-between colors, then we can just take the image as an array of rgb values and simply scan for 0 values. If the value is 0, it must be black right? However, the image probably won't be perfectly black, so you'll want some wiggle room.
What you do then would look something like this:
for(int i = 0; i < img.width; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < img.height; j++){
// 20 is an arbitrary value and subject to your opinion and need.
if(img[i][j].color <= 20)
//store i and j, those are your pixel location
Now if you use C#, it'll be easy to import most image formats, stick em in an array, and get your results. But if you want faster results, you'd be better off with C++.
This shortcut relies completely on the image values being very extreme. If large areas of your images are really grey, then the accuracy of this approach is terrible.
While there are many solutions in many languages, I'll outline a simple solution that I would probably use myself. There is a imaging great library for Python called PIL (Python Imaging Library - http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/) which could accomplish what you need very easily.
Here's an example of something that might help you get started.
image = Image.open("image.png")
datas = image.getdata()
for item in datas:
if item[0] < 255 and item[1] < 255 and item[2] < 255 :
Of course that will count any pixel that is not completely white, you might want to add some padding so pixels which are not EXACTLY white also get picked up as being white. You'll also have to keep track of which pixel you are currently looking at.

C# word interop tables shapes positions

I'm trying to do the following:
Insert an arrow based on the value in a cell in a table.
This part, I have working just fine.
The color of the arrow should be conditional, and works equally fine.
But my problem is this:
How can I identify the correct position to place it.
I have concluded this to 2 problems:
vertically: spanning pages. For 1 page, it works, as soon as I try it for the 2nd page, it places the shapes on the first one.
Horizontally: the right posistion relative to the text that is entered in the table.
This is the code for the vertical positioning that I have now:
private float getVertical(Word.Range r)
return (float)r.Characters.Last.get_Information(
the code for horizontal(basically add the width of every cel on the same row to 2 thirds of the width of the actual cell)
private float getHorizontal(Word.Range r, Word.Table tab, int col)
float i1, i2 = 0.0f, i3;
i1 = (tab.Cell(2, col).Width / 3) * 2;
int i;
for (i = 1; i < col; i++)
i2 += tab.Cell(2, i).Width;
i3 = i1 + i2;
return i3;
any and all suggestions are welcomed and appreciated,
At long last I have figured it out, and am eternalising(making eternal?) for future reference and documentation purposes :-).
What I didn't do previously was: add an anchor range to the shape.
Where did I find this: nowhere, had to figure it out by using the MSDN documentation that shapes are linked to anchors, and that if you do not specify, c# will put your shapes on a default range(first page in my case)
Solution:(Please note, this is an extract of code, assuming some knowledge of word interop. If any more information is required, do not hesitate to ask.)
//create word document
--some code
//insert page break here
--some code
//insert paragraph
--some code
//insert table here
--some code
//define range
Word.Range shapeAnchor = doc.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref oEndOfDoc).Range;
//insert shape
Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoAutoShapeType sh =
Word.Shape shh = doc.Shapes.AddShape(sh.GetHashCode(), x, y,
width, height, shapeAnchor);
The code that is actually written out can be put into a function, which will then work always.
