ASP.NET MVC 3 - Issues with microsoft-web-helpers v1.1 - c#

I upgraded my microsof-web-helpers package from nuget and it itself depends on facebook and twitter APIs. Now when my app attempts to run I get the following error:
Compiler Error Message: CS0246: The type or namespace name 'SimpleMembershipProvider' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Source Error:
Line 216: }
Line 217:
Line 218: private static SimpleMembershipProvider GetMembershipProvider() {
Line 219: var provider = Membership.Provider as SimpleMembershipProvider;
Line 220:
Source File: c:\Users\jp\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\myproj\myproj\App_Code\Facebook.cshtml Line: 218
I was wondering if anyone has come across this issue and can tell me if I need to add any additional references to my project or, worse, create a dummy SimpleMembershipProvider in my app. I am hesitant to update the facebook code because, anytime I get the latest microsoft-web-helpers from nuget i'll be forced to maintain this file.

I have the same problem.
After some googling I've found simple solution for this issue. As described here, all you need is just copy the WebMatrix.Data.dll and WebMatrix.WebData.dll files to your bin directory.
But I suggest to add references to WebMatrix.Data.dll and WebMatrix.WebData.dll to the project (and set "Copy Local" property to true for them). Then these files will be copied to the bin directory always after build, even if you remove the bin directory (which is preferred if you use version control).


TeamCity C# build failed most likely because of nuget restore issue

I am trying to set up a new TeamCity build job and am facing a build issue.
The build failed because of missing references within ResolveProjectReferences step.
For instance :
JSonTools\JSonHelper.cs(21, 7): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Newtonsoft' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Prior to the build step, 2 restore nuget steps are set up and both ran successfully (one for sdk like project and the second for previous version, in this order)
When I run my solution on the agent and restore nuget packages through VS it is working fine (and TC job will run successfully if made on the same agent)
I noticed the dlls pulled during the restore nuget steps are in the path of my sln, while it seems to be require on others path.
Several VCS are set for this job and from what i can see/understand, the failing projects seem to require the dll to be in their own path under the packages folder.
packages\ (<- contains all the Dlls)
\packages\ (I have the feeling some Dlls should be here but the folder doesn't exist)
\packages\ (same as previously)
Did I missed something ?
Any help would be appreciated.

The type or namespace name "HTTP" doesn't exist in the namespace system.web error in .net 4.6.2

I am new to .net/C#. I am trying to build a project but getting a lot of missing reference error.
When I am trying to install the packages like mentioned in example, I am getting error that it already exists in the project.
PM> Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core
Package 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core.5.2.7' already exists in project 'XXXXXXystemApi'
Time Elapsed: 00:00:16.0349189
Also, as in below screenshot, I see that there are few references which have a little warning signs which might be pointing towards what is wrong with my setup.
The type or namespace name 'Http' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
I tried to Add references to the project but I am not seeing any entry for System.Web.Http under add reference dialog.
How do I fix all this ?
Try running
dotnet restore
in the Package Manager Console
Also, unloading and reloading the project has worked for me before
(Right-click on the project name in the Solution explorer to unload and reload)
Here is what finally solved my problem.
use NuGet and downgrade a version of library you are having issue with ; then re-install the right version. Accept Licenses (which is probably what was needed). Important: close and reopen visual studio.
Reference link : solution ref

I was trying to run the demo provided in github, but none of them were working. failed to get the assembly reference

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS0246 The type or namespace name 'LearningModelSession' could
not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly
reference?) MNIST_Demo C:\Users\ansifmx\Downloads\Windows-Machine-Learning-master
25 Active
similar error with all namespace, references in
tried all three demos provided...none worked
please advice new here
Tried everything on this link
Tried referring
Updated all reference nuggets
Reinstalled references
nuggets manager both the check points are slected are on allow nuggets to download missing plugins,
6.moved to repos
Most likely the referenced Nuget packges are not getting restored.
Verify the settings at Tools >> NuGet Package Manage >> Package Manager Settings and make sure that it is set to download any missing package during build.
The exact setting may differ slightly based on the VS version you are using.
After updating windows to 1809 build 17763 with the latest SDK 17763. I was able to run the demo. I hope this helps.

The type initializer for ‘LibGit2Sharp.Core.NativeMethods’ threw an exception

Specific Exception received: “Could not load file or assembly ‘System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation, Version=, Culture=neutral’ or one of its dependencies. The located assembly’s manifest definition does not match the assembly reference.”
I have two projects, one is a sort of “Proof of concept” and the exact same code works perfectly there, while the other is a large solution in which I’m adding code to one of the existing projects.
I am getting an exception in the second (failing) project when running the following line of code:
LibGit2Sharp.Repository.Clone(baseGitHubURL + ourOrg + “/“ + ourRepo.Name, ourRepoPath + #“\” + ourRepo.Name, co);
Ahead of this code, I’ve got it printing the arguments being passed, which are as follows in the output from BOTH projects (again - identical code in each):
GitHub path:
Filesystem path: C:\Users\User\CA4F
The creation of CloneOptions is identical in both projects with static values being used (it uses a personal access token as a username).
I am suspecting there is something wrong with how LibGit2Sharp was added to the failing project. Note that the PROCESS was the same for both:
From NuGet console: “Install-Package LibGit2Sharp”
Both have the same version (latest, version 0.25.0).
Despite these facts, the working project has a “Dependencies” section under the project listing LibGit2Sharp, while the non functioning project does not have this section. LibGit2Sharp WAS added as a reference to my actual project when I went to Nuget Package Manager and told it to install to ALL projects in the solution.
Another piece of information - the working project does NOT have a NuGet package for “LibGit2Sharp.NativeBinaries”, while the failing project does. On a whim, I tried deleting it from the failing project, but Nuget says “Unable to uninstall ‘LibGit2Sharp.NativeBinaries.1.0.210’ because ‘LibGit2Sharp.0.25.0’ depends on it.”
Just to close this up - I was able to resolve this by adding the following to the first configuration property group under the PropertyGroup tag in the csproj of every single project in the solution:
After doing that, a recompile and run allowed me to successfully call LibGit2Sharp! :)
Note that this was the solution provided by “bording” over on the LibGit2Sharp git issues “forum”.

Why am I getting error CS0246: The type or namespace name could not be found?

I am using Snarl C# API to send notifications to snarl.
Now I have saved the content of above url in a file named SnarlNetwork.cs and the content of my test.cs file are:
using SnarlNetworkProtocol;
using System;
class test
public static void Main(String[] args)
SNP snarl_object = new SNP();
string hostname = "localhost";
string hostport = "9887";
string appName = "Spotify";
bool val = snarl_object.register(hostname, hostport, appName);
if (val == true)
string title = "hello";
string message = "world";
string timeout = "5";
bool newval = snarl_object.notify(hostname, hostport, appName, null, title, message, timeout);
if (newval == true)
Now when I try to compile my test.cs file using csc test.cs I get the following error:
C:\Users\Noob\csharp>csc test.cs
Microsoft (R) Visual C# 2008 Compiler version 3.5.30729.4926
for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 3.5
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
test.cs(1,7): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'SnarlNetworkProtocol' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
So, what am I doing wrong here because according to me I am not missing any using directive.
I was using .NET Framework 4.5 but my new library had .NET Framework 4.5.2 and I got the same issue when I tried to build. I solved it by updating my project from 4.5 to 4.5.2 (same as my library).
On the Solution Explorer tab right click and select Properties
Resolve this issue by updating the Target Framework in the project application settings.
For instance, In my case the project was compiling with .net framework version 4.5.1 but the dll which were referenced were compiled with the version 4.6.1.
So have updated the my project version. I hope it works for you.
This is the problem:
C:\Users\Noob\csharp>csc test.cs
You haven't added a reference to the DLL. You need something like:
C:\Users\Noob\csharp>csc test.cs /r:SnarlNetwork.dll
(or whatever the assembly is called).
Alternatively, if you haven't got it as a separate library, just compile both files:
C:\Users\Noob\csharp>csc test.cs SnarlNetwork.cs
If you haven't compiled an assembly but want to, you can use:
csc /target:library /out:SnarlNetwork.dll SnarlNetwork.cs
csc Test.cs /r:SnarlNetwork.dll
(In fact, specifying the output file is unnecessary in this particular case, but it's still clearer...)
Edit: Oh ignore me, you're not using Visual Studio.
Have you added the reference to your project?
As in this sort of thing:
It might be due to "client profile" of the .NET Framework.
Try to use the "full version" of .NET.
This usually happens to me when I have a using statement but have forgotten to reference the assembly that defines the namespace.
But in your case, as the namespace is defined in a file in your project, you have forgotten to tell the compiler about the snarlnetwork.cs file.
See csc compiler examples
I had this error on a MVC Project. And after a long research i found out that the .cs file containing some of the classes i referenced in the main project had a Build Actions set to "Content" ...
After changing it "Content"->"Compile" the error disappeared.
most of the problems cause by .NET Framework. So just go to project properties and change .Net version same as your reference dll.
Hope it's help :)
I resolved this by making sure my project shared the same .Net Framework version as the projects/libraries it depended on.
It turned out the libraries (projects within the solution) used .Net 4.6.1 and my project was using 4.5.2
i also faced same problem,
Reason: why i faced this error is,
rather then creating new partial view,
i have created class and then renamed its extension from ".cs" to ".cshtml".
Just delete that rename view and re-create proper partial/full view. it will work fine after that.
Check your Web.Config and find namespace = . you can remove or if you need it you must create new
I had the same error when used cs file was located inside project folder, but did not referenced from .csproj of parent project.
Intellisence see this file inside project folder, but compiler does not see it because of missing reference in .csproj
I have resolved this problem by adding the reference to System.Web.
I also got this error due to a missing reference.
The reason I did not notice is because Resharper offers to add a using and a reference. Adding the using succeeds (but it's highlighted grey), syntax highlighting of missing classes works (sometimes), but adding the reference fails silently.
When manually adding the reference an error pops up, explaining why adding the reference fails (circular reference). Resharper did not pass this error on to the GUI.
I had the same issue when I clone my project from Git and directly build the solution first time. Instead of that go to the local repository in file explorer and double click the solution file (.sln) solved my issue.
I had a similar problem after first pulling and starting a new solution. It was fixed in visual studio by first cleaning the project. Then restoring the packages. When I built again, there were no more type or namespace errors.
Theoretically, if the the client framework is higher than the library framework client project builds successfully. So I suggest you check the Platform Target to make sure there is no conflicts.
right mouse button project > Properties > Build and uncheck Prefer 32-bit which is available for console project only. And check both projects target the same platform.
In my case, just "add refence" and browser the DLL file. it works for me.
I had this issue when I first cloned my project from Git to Visual Studio. I just had to update my NuGet packages, and then I was good to go!
Project > Manage NuGet Packages... >
Then update the packages. It notified me and there was a yellow bar with a button that I pushed and it downloaded the packages!
