Animations For Windows Applications - c#

Where can I find standard (licence free) animations like "Copy" for self implemented windows applications (avi,animated gif)?
Visual Studio has only few animations in its image library (unfortunately not the "Copy" animation).

I'd recommend you download Resource Hacker and look for the desired resource in the C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll file.
Look under the AVI section for the common AVIs used by windows.
Alternatively, if you have Visual Studio 2008 installed, look through the Visual Studio Image Library. There is a copy animation in there albeit it isn't the same as the one windows displays when a copy is in progress.
The VS image library can be found at %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\VS2008ImageLibrary

There are a few icon packs available through the Extension Manager in Visual Studio 2010, just search for "icon" in the Online Gallery. Not sure whether there are animated icons for the Copy operation, though.

On WindowsXP, some of the animations can be found in the shell32.dll, you'll need to grab each one and see what it is as they only have resource IDs for them. However, there is no documented API to access these resources and just opening shell32.dll and reading the resource is not recommended, nor can it be assumed what the format of the resource is, see this article by Raymond Chen about this issue.
Technically, you could just extract the animation using a resource editor and add the animation to your application. However, there is almost certainly a copyright / licensing issue here - copying the resources and adding them to your application is certainly copyright infringement, and reading the resource from system32.dll to use in your application might be breaking the EULA. IANAL, so seek advice if this is for a non-personal project.


Installer that downloads the content after for desktop WPF Applications?

Currently, i'm using the following installer: Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects 2022. I've also seen the wix installer (WIX TOOLSET). But none of the installers i've seen has the option (at least I couldn't find in the documentation) to download the full App after you run the installer. I'm developing a self-contained WPF Desktop App that is too big, so I would like the installer to be a smaller size, and then after the user downloads the installer and runs it, then it will download all the files of my WPF App. Does anyone knows a installer for that?
We call that a web installer. You can probably create it with the support for Bundles in Wix, but I don't have a complete example on this so you will need to dig more if you want to use Wix Toolset. I don't know if this is supported with the Microsoft VS Installer Project.
I work on the team building Advanced Installer (disclaimer). In this article we explain how you can create a web installer with just a few clicks. First, you need a create a Professional project (this feature is not available in the Free edition) and add your files in the project.
You can skip most of the steps from the Professional tutorial linked above if you don't need them. TO test your web installer you basically need to add the files and make the configurations described in the first article, in Builds page.
If you're application is split in multiple features, it is highly recommend you enable the option "One CAB per feature" from Builds page, so the installer will only download the binaries corespondent to the features selected by the user, thus reducing the download size and speeding up the installation.

Desktop brige modify registry with Visual Studio

I´m converting a WPF application into a UWP one using the Desktop Bridge.
When I use the Desktop App Converter to convert MSI, the Registry modifications that installer does, are also done by installing package APPX.
But when I generate the package throw Visual Studio, having a UWP project with application files inside Win32 folder, I don´t know how to include Registry values.
If I modify Registry in C# during execution, first launch have problems because of these missing Registry values.
Is there any way to achieve this? Thanks you.
The two approaches (DAC vs VS) are not mutually exclusive. You first run the DAC and then take the output of the Desktop App Converter (incl. the Registry.dat file which contains your registry modifications) and add this as content to your Visual Studio packaging project.
This video helps explain some of the tooling concepts. Hope it helps.

No WPF User Control Library Template found in VS 2013

I am using VS 2013 (Express Version) and I want to create a WPF user Control Library project. But I am not able to find the template in my installed templates list. If I use Winforms, I am able to build a DLL out of my Winforms Application Project just by changing the Output type as "Class Library". But it is not happening in WPF and it is throwing errors if I do so. Is this the correct method of doing it or am I going wrong?
And in the Create New Project dialogue window, I am not able to find the .NET Framework selector drop down. After creating the project only I am able to change the .NET framework version by going inside the properties of the project.
Kindly help me to get out of this. Thanks in advance.
I have been working on this exact same problem for hours this morning. Here is what I think I have learned:
With Visual Studio Express 2013, it is by design that the WPF User Control Library template is not available for making a New Project. This is because it is the free Express version.
With the Express version, you don't have a "devenv.exe" for trying the "devenv /installvstemplates" to "fix" things. It is, instead, called (just a moment while I look this up again...) "WDExpress.exe" and will be located (if you have default location) in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE" directory. BUT - this won't help you. It won't fix your problem, because, as I mentioned, your Express installation is designed to not have that template available for New Project, so your "fix" won't put it there. I know this because this is what I tried myself. (Also, note that the instructions for doing this tell you to uninstall any extensions you've installed before doing it. And then, of course, if you still want them you have to reinstall them. Like I still have to do, incidentally.) I'm letting you know all of this so you don't go through the headache I'm having.
Note that I have not done this yet, so this is somewhat hypothetical on my part, but is based on my research on the Internet so far - Your solution is to create a WPF User Control Library manually [but now see UPDATE below]. (No, I don't know how to do this yet. I got into this in the first place, because I'm a WPF novice - just started working with it a few days ago - and late last night I got this great idea to add a "spinner" progress indicator to my "WPF play/learning project" I'm working on, and found a couple of relatively easy-to-work-with samples on the Internet - both of them are a WPF User Control Library - and at first I wanted to use the copy-and-paste to put the code in. But then I discovered... well, our mutual problem, because I'm using Visual Studio Express 2013. No such template under New Project. And literally at the tail end of my about-to-throw-in-the-towel, I'm googling and your post, Dhivakar, is already showing up with the right Google search.) So I haven't finished my research yet, but my next step is to learn exactly how to create a WPF User Control Library manually (the code and various project property settings), and then I can just save a WPF User Control Library skeleton for future use and document the details.
UPDATE: This guy totally has the solution for Express versions. I have followed his steps and it works great. The only additional piece of information I would add is that in my version (VSE2013), after you've created your WPF User Control Library template, when you open Visual Studio again and use File -> New Project, my selection in the tree (for a Windows app) came up under Templates -> Visual C# -> Windows (which is what I've been using). I did not see my template showing up there, after I created it, and I thought, "Great! Another piece of advice that doesn't work." But then I clicked up one on the "Visual C#" parent - and there was the template!
Here you go:
How to add a WPF control library template to Visual C# Express 2008
Yes, it works this way for VSE2013 too.
UPDATE 2: I'm not absolutely positive about this, but I think he missed one little piece. In his step #4 he says to delete Window1.xaml and App.xaml. Maybe this didn't apply with VSE 2008, but in VSE 2013 there is also the App.config file which I believe is extraneous for our purpose. So you can delete App.config as well. As I said, I'm not absolutely certain about this yet, but I noticed that file in the project when I added a WPF User Control Library project to my solution, and I deleted it, and the solution compiled okay.
Try running devenv with the /installvstemplates switch, from
If this doesn't work, browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplatesCache\CSharp\WPF\1033\WPFUserControl (this could change dependent upon your installation directory), open the .vstemplate file in a text editor, and make sure the setting is set to true, then try running devenv with the switch again.
Hope it helps.

VS Express Icons

I am using Visual Studio Express 2013 to create desktop applications (c# WPF and forms) on Windows 7 Pro. I have read that Paint will create icon files (as I understand they are some kind of bitmap but with an ico extension). When I start with an existing and usable icon, change it in paint and save it I can no longer use it for the icon in my applications. Has anyone actually been able to do this? I've read several posts with conflicting information but it seems that it may be possible. I think that the normal paid version of VS will make this easier, but I'm an architect (buildings) not a software developer so not likely to spend money to get that functionality.
If you include your icon file as a file in your project (Add Existing Item...), you can then right click on it, and select Open.
This will open an icon editor inside VS. An toolbar will appear that will have all the tools that you want to help edit your file.
You can do the same thing with just about any type of image.

How to install a custom control MS VS 2010

I am using MS VS 2010.
I can not for the life of me find any instructions on how to install something like this to use on Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
I was wondering how to install and use this control in this version of MS VS with C#.
I am making a very dynamic page with a lot of post backs and I think this has great potential!
I need to know how to get this one working bolded below:
Download (V2.2):
The sourcode is available in C# as a VS.NET project (Wont convert for
A ready-to-use assembly (including help file). A demo shows the usage of this control. Sourcecode for this Demo (C#) or Sourcode for
the Demo (VB)
Any help would be greatly appreciated I can't find much information on this on the web. Perhaps I am using the wrong keywords... I am stuck on this at work for the time being and no-one here can help. Its become one of those aggravating programming moments were the fun is wearing off!
I saw one other post on here "Install Custom Control in VS Toolbox" But he too has no luck and I wasn't really looking to install it with a program. I swear I did this long ago with 2008 in college just through a process with MS VS.
You need to store the assembly somewhere (we usually store them in an assemblies folder relative to the project), then add a reference to that assembly.
If the assembly supports being added to the toolbox, you can drag the assembly from windows explorer and drop it on the toolbox and it will automatically add all of the appropriate designable items to the toolbox. It is best, if you do this, to create a new tab to hold these items (right-click in the toolbox and select Add Tab).
If the assembly does support addition to the toolbox, your next step is to drag the item from the toolbox onto the page or control and visual studio should take care of wiring it up.
Otherwise, you will need to follow the instructions on the website or copy details from the sample projects to configure the control in your page.
