testing using unity and accessor classes - c#

So I need to test some view models that have a private field containing an adapter, this adapter gets manipulated via ICommands / input / etc from the views, I think this is a pretty common model, the view exposes some public properties that are specific to what that particular view is all about and then then the adapter is concelled in a private field. Now my problem is testing. I am using Unity to register an instance of that adapter and then each view model gets that same instance of course but I can't test it cause it is private so I created an accessor class but I can't figure out how to create and instance of it. Maybe some code will help explain what I am trying to do. Now keep in mind I am new to testing so if I am totally confused about something please let me know.
public void Initialize()
container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<IEventAggregator, EventAggregator>();
container.RegisterType<IRegionManager, RegionManager>();
//Notice that I am not calling registertype but later on I call container.Resolve asking for
//CreateRgaViewModel - this is because I don't have to regiter the types / instances of
//whatever I am directly asking for but I do have to register anything it depends on.
var adapter = new RgaWizardAdapter(container);
//So we don't want to get any data at this point because this is not an integrration test
container.RegisterInstance<IRgaWizardAdapter>("RgaAdapterInstance", adapter);
var appCommands = new ApplicationCommands(container);
public void CanCreate_CreateRgaViewModelAndGetNamedInstanceOfRgaDocument()
//this fails
//CreateRgaViewModel_Accessor createRgaViewModel = container.Resolve<CreateRgaViewModel_Accessor>();
//this works
CreateRgaViewModel createRgaViewModel = container.Resolve<CreateRgaViewModel>();
Assert.IsNotNull(createRgaViewModel, "CreateRgaViewModel was null");
catch (Exception ex)
My problem is that I find a lot of stuff on testing but it seems to be specific to using silverlight. I am not creating a silverlight app, this is desktop WPF / MVVM app.
Thanks for your help


Is this a good way to check if only one instance of a class exists without resorting to using the Singleton pattern?

I have a class in my program of which I want only one copy. I don't want to use the Singleton pattern though for a couple of reasons (* see below). I know that I'll only have one copy of the class because I'll be the only one calling its constructor.
In my class's constructor, I want to check that only one copy of the class will exist and throw an exception if more than one exists. Is the code below a good pattern to use for this case?
public class MySingletonAlternative : IDisposable
private static int _count = 0;
public MySingletonAlternative()
int newValue = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _count);
if (newValue > 1)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Dispose()
int newValue = System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref _count);
if (newValue < 0)
throw new ObjectDisposedException("MySingletonAlternative");
* Why I don't want to use a Singleton:
I want to be able to control when the class is created. In the traditional C# Singleton pattern, construction happens non-deterministically.
I want to avoid global variables.
When I'm debugging my code and an exception is raised in the Singleton's private constructor, Visual Studio highlights the exception, but it highlights the wrong line of code, usually in a different file.
I don't want to create this object lazily (using Lazy<T>). One instance of this class will exist for the life of my application. I gain nothing by constructing it lazily.
Use a IoC Container like an UnityContainer. It will erase all of your points you've mentioned why you don't want to use a Singleton (in the means of global variables or static). You will be able to fully controll the creation of your lifetime-instance and inject it into all classes that will need to use this.
Can you use dependency injection and then have the di container manage the lifetime of the class you want to create? an example is with Unity and the ContainerControlledLifetimeManager
I guess it's not a good way, but it looks like that your approach will work just fine. I am not aware of edge cases though.
Just created a little test app to create 1 million instances in a for loop and count
the exceptions it raises.
In this case it should be: 1 instance successfully created and 999.000 exceptions raised.
I ran the test app a couple of times and it always returned 999.000.
Depending on your machine this code could take some time to finish,
cause it throws 999.000 exceptions.
public static volatile int _global_Exception_count = 0;
static async Task Main(string[] args)
_global_Exception_count = 0;
var list = Enumerable.Range(1, 1000000).ToList();
var tlist = list.Select(async item =>
MySingletonAlternative current = null;
current = new MySingletonAlternative();
catch (Exception ex) { System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _global_Exception_count); }
return await Task.FromResult(0);
await Task.WhenAll(tlist);
}// end main

Storing global variables in c#?

I basically have created a class which when a user logs into a website it then queries the database and stores some settings in a List (So I have key/pair values).
The reason for this is because I want to always be able to access these settings without going to the database again.
I put these in a class and loop through the fields via a SQL query and add them to the list.
How can I then access these variables from another part of the application? or is there a better way to do this? I'm talking server side and not really client side.
Here is an example of what I had at the moment:
public static void createSystemMetaData()
string constring = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Test"].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection sql = new SqlConnection(constring);
SqlCommand systemMetaData = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM SD_TABLES", sql);
//Set Modules
using (SqlDataReader systemMetaDataReader = systemMetaData.ExecuteReader())
while (systemMetaDataReader.Read())
var name = systemMetaDataReader.GetOrdinal("Sequence").ToString();
var value = systemMetaDataReader.GetOrdinal("Property").ToString();
var Modules = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
Modules.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(name, value));
Any static properties of a class will be preserved for the lifetime of the application pool, assuming you're using ASP.NET under IIS.
So a very simple class might look like:
public static class MyConfigClass
public static Lazy<Something> MyConfig = new Lazy<Something>(() => GetSomethings());
public static Something GetSomethings()
// this will only be called once in your web application
You can then consume this by simply calling
For less users you can go with the SessionState as Bob suggested,however with more users you might need to move to a state server or load it from Data Base each time.
As others have pointed out, the risk of holding these values in global memory is that the values might change. Also, global variables are a bad design decision as you can end up with various parts of your application reading and writing to these values, which makes debugging problems harder than it need be.
A commonly adopted solution is to wrap your database access inside a facade class. This class can then cache the values if you wish to avoid hitting the database for each request. In addition, as changes are routed through the facade too, it knows when the data has changed and can empty its cache (forcing a database re-read) when this occurs. As an added bonus, it becomes possible to mock the facade in order to test code without touching the database (database access is notoriously difficult to unit test).
From the looks of things you are using universal values irrespective of users so an SqlCacheDependency would be useful here:
Make sure you setup a database dependency in web.config for the name Test
public static class CacheData {
public static List<KeyValuePair<string,string>> GetData() {
var cache = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache;
SqlCacheDependency SqlDep = null;
var modules = Cache["Modules"] as List<KeyValuePair<string,string>>;
if (modules == null) {
// Because of possible exceptions thrown when this
// code runs, use Try...Catch...Finally syntax.
try {
// Instantiate SqlDep using the SqlCacheDependency constructor.
SqlDep = new SqlCacheDependency("Test", "SD_TABLES");
// Handle the DatabaseNotEnabledForNotificationException with
// a call to the SqlCacheDependencyAdmin.EnableNotifications method.
catch (DatabaseNotEnabledForNotificationException exDBDis) {
// Handle the TableNotEnabledForNotificationException with
// a call to the SqlCacheDependencyAdmin.EnableTableForNotifications method.
catch (TableNotEnabledForNotificationException exTabDis) {
SqlCacheDependencyAdmin.EnableTableForNotifications("Test", "SD_TABLES");
finally {
// Assign a value to modules here before calling the next line
Cache.Insert("Modules", modules, SqlDep);
return modules;

What is the Behavior of a Dynamic Attribute in a Static (Extension) Class in C# (MVC3)

I am new to developing in .NET and C#, but have been a long-time developer, working with C, C++, Java, PHP, etc.
I have an MVC3 extension class for my data models that refers to the database. It is set as "private static" in the class, but I think that it is not keeping up with database changes. In other words, when I change data in the controllers, those changes aren't "noticed" in the db because it is static. Currently, I am creating and disposing of the variable for each use, to compensate.
My questions are:
Am I correct that a static db variable could behave that way?
Is it necessary to dispose of the dynamic variable in the static class, or will garbage collection still take care of it automatically?
Here is a relevant snippet of the class:
namespace PBA.Models {
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using PBA.Models;
using PBA.Controllers;
public static class Extensions {
private static PbaDbEntities db = null;
public static PbaDbEntities GetDb() {
// TODO: find out about static memory/disposal, etc.
if (db != null) {
db = new PbaDbEntities();
return db;
public static string GetCheckpointState(this Activity activity, long memberProjectId) {
GetDb(); // TODO: Do I need to do this each time, or will a one-time setting work?
string state = CheckpointController.CHECKPOINT_STATUS_NOT_STARTED;
try {
var sub = db.ActivitySubmissions.
Where(s => s.activityId == activity.activityId).
Where(s => s.memberProjectId == memberProjectId).
OrderByDescending(s => s.submitted).
if (sub != null) {
state = sub.checkpointStatusId;
catch (Exception e) {
// omitted for brevity
return state;
Your code will fail horribly in production.
DataContexts are not thread-safe; you must not share a context between requests.
Never put mutable objects in static fields in multi-threaded applications.
Ignoring exceptions that way is a terrible idea, if you don't want to handle exceptions just don't try/catch, or catch & rethrow. Think about it like this, after you've buried the exception, your program is in an invalid state, b/c something you have no control over error'd out. Now, b/c you've buried the exception, your program can continue to operate but it's in a bad state.
If your code makes it to production, 3.5 yrs from now some jr. programmer is going to get involved in some middle of the night firestorm because all of a sudden the website is broken, even though it used to work. It will be completely impossible to track down where the exception is happening so, this poor guy is going to spend 48 straight hours adding logging code all over the place to track down the problem. He will find that some DBA somewhere decided to rename the column MemberProjectId to MemberProjectIdentifier, which caused your linq to blow up.
Think of the children, handle exceptions, don't bury them.
btw - yes, i have been that guy that has to figure out these types of mistakes.
It seems like you need to read about mvc3 and entity framework before writing coding and asking in here for help on something that's coded full of bad practices.
Answering your questions:
1- no
2- makes no sense as the answer to 1
Do it right, here are some useful documentation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/gg416514(v=vs.98).aspx
EDIT: Adding some explicit fix
You could access your dbcontext from an static class, something like this:
var context = DbProvider.CurrentDb;
The idea is to access your db from here always: from your extension methods and from your controller actions.
Then, the implementation of the DbProvider.CurrentDb will be something like this:
public static classDbProvider {
public static void Initialize(){
HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.BeginRequest += CreateDb;
HttpConetxt.Current.ApplicationInstance.EndRequest += DisposeDb;
private static void CreateDb(object sender, EventArgs e) {
HttpContext.Items.Add("CurrentDb", new PbaDbEntities(););
private static void DisposeDb(object sender, EventArgs e)
public static PbaDbEntities CurrentDb{
get {
return (PbaDbEntities)HttpContext.Current.Items["CurrentDb"];
As you can see, it will create a new Db per each request and it will be available ONLY in that request. In that way, your db will be disposed at the end of each request. This pattern is called Open-Session-in-View.
Finally, you need to initialize the DbProvider calling the method
Initialize() in your Global.asax file, in the event Application_start.
Hope it helps.
I don't have any idea of the context here-- if db is simply a connection-like object or not, but it appears you are throwing away and recreating whatever it is unnecessarily.
Best to create a property (for whatever your doing) so to be consistent.
private static Thing _thing;
private static Thing thing{
_thing=new Thing();
return _thing;

Dependency Injection "nesting" in related methods

We're using DI and Unity to work with different dependencies (generally, database and repository classes, dto to entity mappers, etc)
Right now we're trying to create smaller functions that perform tasks that try to be independend from each other, in order to increase testability and also to avoid methods that have lots of different responsibilities, to avoid coupling
One question that I have is, how should DI be used when we have methods that rely on other inner methods, when the nesting is not trivial. For example, consider the following example (just a concept, not real working code):
public ProcessedOrder ProcessOrders(Order inputOrder)
foreach (var line in inputOrder.OrderLines)
var someData = LineProcessor(line);
public SomeData LineProcessor(OrderLine line)
/* do some stuff*/
var OtherData = ThingProcessor(null,line.SomeStuff);
var ret = new SomeData();
// assign values, more stuff
return ret;
public OtherData ThingProcessor(IDep1 someDependency, SomeStuff stuff)
someDependency = someDependency ?? ServiceLocator.Resolve<IDep1>();
var ret = someDependency.DoThings(stuff);
return ret;
Ok, so far the example shows that we have 3 functions, that could theoretically be called on their own. there's some injected dependency in the ThingProcessor, and if it's null then it tries to resolve it.
However, this is a somehow simple example, but I see something I don't like so much. For instance, I'm calling ThingProcessor with a null value in the first param. So I can say, ok, I modify the signature of LineProcessor to have it injected, so that he pass it in to the other function that needs it. However, he really doesn't need it, it's not its dependency but the function that he's calling.
So here I don't know what approach is the more correct one, if the one that i'm showing, or if I should pass the correlated dependencies across layers. If I do this last thing, then the outermost function will be a mess, because it'll have a long list of dependencies that it will feed to everyone that's below it.
However, the "null approach" I don't like very much, so I'm pretty sure that something's wrong somewhere, and there's probably a better way to design this.
What's the best approach??? Remember, all functions must be used independently (called on their own), so for example I may call just ThingProcessor at some point, or at another one only LineProcessor.
public CommonPurposeFunctions(IDep1 dep1, IDep2 dep2 ....)
this.Dep1 = dep1;
this.Dep2 = dep2;
public ProcessedOrder ProcessOrders(Order inputOrder)
foreach (var line in inputOrder.OrderLines)
var someData = LineProcessor(line);
public SomeData LineProcessor(OrderLine line)
/* do some stuff*/
var OtherData = ThingProcessor(line.SomeStuff);
var ret = new SomeData();
var morethings = this.Dep2.DoMoreThings();
// assign values, more stuff
return ret;
public OtherData ThingProcessor(SomeStuff stuff)
var ret = this.Dep1.DoThings(stuff);
return ret;
The approach we use is constructor injection, then we store the dependency in a private member field. The container wires up the dependencies; so the number of classes and constructor parameters doesn't really matter.
This works for services. If the dependencies across calls have meaningful state, you will have to pass them in to each call. But, in that case, I'd question if the methods really need to be public methods in their own classes.
You want to end up with a design that eliminates the service locator and truly injects the dependencies.
Does the null object pattern help?

C#: How to resolve this circular dependency?

I have a circular dependency in my code, and I'm not sure how to resolve it.
I am developing a game. A NPC has three components, responsible for thinking, sensing, and acting. These components need access to the NPC controller to get access to its model, but the controller needs these components to do anything. Thus, both take each other as arguments in their constructors.
ISenseNPC sense = new DefaultSenseNPC(controller, worldQueryEngine);
IThinkNPC think = new DefaultThinkNPC(sense);
IActNPC act = new DefaultActNPC(combatEngine, sense, controller);
controller = new ControllerNPC(act, think);
(The above example has the parameter simplified a bit.)
Without act and think, controller can't do anything, so I don't want to allow it to be initialized without them. The reverse is basically true as well. What should I do?
ControllerNPC using think and act to update its state in the world:
public class ControllerNPC {
// ...
public override void Update(long tick)
// ...
act.UpdateFromBehavior(CurrentBehavior, tick);
CurrentBehavior = think.TransitionState(CurrentBehavior, tick);
// ...
DefaultSenseNPC using controller to determine if it's colliding with anything:
public class DefaultSenseNPC {
// ...
public bool IsCollidingWithTarget()
return worldQuery.IsColliding(controller, model.Target);
// ...
Separate the model of the controller from the concrete controllerService using an interface.
This is about project references in domain driven design, I wrote a small blog about this problem some time earlier:
Use two-phase construction, whereby the objects are constructed with null references to their related objects, and you then call set methods to set the references:
ISenseNPC sense = new DefaultSenseNPC(worldQueryEngine);
IThinkNPC think = new DefaultThinkNPC();
IActNPC act = new DefaultActNPC(combatEngine);
controller = new ControllerNPC();
// And now the objects are ready to use.
Would it be possible to use events for some of the communication between objects?
From my understanding, the 1st and the main thing is: Controller should not know about thinking, sensing, acting...
I see you have something like 'Update' method for controller and (I guess) controller need to do something depending to current 'thinking','sensing','acting'.
For such case I would add 3 more components on a model level: 'ThinkModel', 'ActModel', 'SenseModel'. They should represent state of corresponding process and know nothing about other world.
Your controller should receive this information from components (Thinking, Acting, Sensing) by methods like 'DoAction', 'ThinkingAbout', 'FeelingSomething' and store it inside.
In the same time it should have a set of events like 'ActionOccured', 'ThinkingOccured', 'SenseingOccured' (last can be phrased like 'FeeledSomething'). These events should be:
fired in case of any state changed;
provide corresponding object model;
should be listened by components.
As a result you will have controller to know about models only, and each component to refer to all models AND controller. Components need to know nothing about each other. Controller need to know nothing about components. And you will be able to create your object in the way like this:
IThinkModel modelThinkg = new ThinkModel();
IActModel modelAct = new ActModel();
ISenseModel modelSense = new SenseModel();
IController controller = new Controller(modelThinkg, modelAct, modelSense);
ISenseNPC sense = new DefaultSenseNPC(controller);
IThinkNPC think = new DefaultThinkNPC(sense);
IActNPC act = new DefaultActNPC(combatEngine, sense, controller);
Constructor of each component can look like this:
class DefaultSenseNPC
DefaultSenseNPC(IController controller)
_controller = controller;
_contoller.ThinkingAbout += ContollerReceivedNewThinking;
private ContollerReceivedNewThinking(IModelThinking modelNewThink)
_modelNewThink = modelNewThink;// store it for further calculations.
Hope this helps.
P.S. In some way, suggested 'architecture' seems similar to MVP patter used in applications with user interface.
