Sourcing AppSettings from database & cache - c#

At my office, it has been deemed that we are to put our AppSettings for the Web.Config in the database. As such, I created the following, but have some doubts about a couple aspects of the code.
So my question is:
The line containing "Cache cache = new Cache()" in the UTILITY class is probably wrong because it creates a NEW cache object.
Q: So, what should I be doing for that line?
...any help is appreciated.
The overall objective was to be able to make a call like this:
Utility.GetConfigurationValue(ConfigurationSection.AppSettings, "myVariable");
...and have it retrieve from the cache or the database auto-magically.
public static class Utility
#region "Configurations"
public static String GetConfigurationValue(ConfigurationSection section, String key)
Configurations config = new Configurations();
Cache cache = new Cache(); // <--- This is probably wrong!!!!
if (!cache.TryGetItemFromCache<Configurations>(out config))
cache.AddToCache<Configurations>(config, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(15));
var result = (from record in config
where record.Key == key
select record).FirstOrDefault();
return (result == null) ? null : result.Value;
public static class Extensions
#region "System.Web.Caching"
public static void Remove<T>(this Cache cache) where T : class
public static void AddToCache<T>(this Cache cache, object item, DateTime absoluteExpiration) where T : class
T outItem = null;
if (cache.TryGetItemFromCache<T>(out outItem))
public static bool TryGetItemFromCache<T>(this Cache cache, out T item) where T : class
item = cache.Get(typeof(T).Name) as T;
return item != null;
public class Configurations : List<Configuration>
public Configurations() : base()
public Configurations(int capacity) : base(capacity)
public Configurations(IEnumerable<Configuration> collection) : base(collection)
private Crud _crud;
#region EVENTS
#region METHODS
private void initialize()
_crud = new Crud("CurrentDbConnection");
public Configurations List(ConfigurationSection section)
using (DbCommand dbCommand = _crud.Db.GetStoredProcCommand("spa_LIST_SecConfiguration"))
_crud.Db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "#Section", DbType.String, section.ToString());
_crud.List(dbCommand, PopulateFrom);
return this;
public void PopulateFrom(DataTable table)
foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
Configuration instance = new Configuration();
public class Configuration
public Configuration()
private Crud _crud;
public string Section { get; set; }
public string Key { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
#region EVENTS
#region METHODS
private void initialize()
_crud = new Crud("CurrentDbConnection");
public void Clear()
this.Section = "";
this.Key = "";
this.Value = "";
public void PopulateFrom(DataRow row)
this.Section = row["Section"].ToString();
this.Key = row["Key"].ToString();
this.Value = row["Value"].ToString();

You have correctly identified the problem - the current code creates a new Cache instance on each call to GetConfigurationValue which defeats the purpose of caching. You need to make the Cache instance static rather than creating a new instance each time.
public static class Utility
private static Cache cache = new Cache(); // Static class variable
#region "Configurations"
public static String GetConfigurationValue(ConfigurationSection section, String key)
Configurations config = new Configurations();
// Cache cache = new Cache(); --- removed

I did (in fact) need to point the cache variable to something else. It wouldn't work until I did the following in the Utility class.
private static Cache cache = System.Web.HttpRuntime.Cache;


Method Inference of Type T

How do I define an incoming Type T constraint that will allow me to call a static method on the class (of type T) to get the intended IndexModel object for passing to Mongo?
I'm currently trying to write a Mongo Provider class that will allow me to ensure my particular database and collection are present before doing any operations with them, since there is a potential that the container or server it resides in could be destroyed and recreated at any time, and I'd prefer to have a safe way in code to ensure that the external dependency is there (instance is beyond my control, so I have to trust that something is there).
One of the things I'm trying to do, since I've managed to do what I stated above for Database and Collection instantiation, is to also generate indexes. My idea was to have a static method on the classes that would return their specific definition of an index model. This way, each class would be responsible for their own Mongo indexes, rather than some convoluted switch-case statement in my Provider based on the incoming type of T.
My first idea was to have an interface that shared this method, but Interfaces don't allow you to declare a static method. Similarly, I tried an Abstract Base-class and found that the static implementation would call the base class that defined the method, rather than any overrides in an inheritor.
Sample Code
public class MyClass
public DateTime DateValue { get; set; }
public int GroupId { get; set; }
public string DataType { get; set; }
public static IEnumerable<CreateIndexModel<MyClass>> GetIndexModel(IndexKeysDefinitionBuilder<MyClass> builder)
yield return new CreateIndexModel<MyClass>(
builder.Descending(entry => entry.DateValue),
builder.Ascending(entry => entry.GroupId),
builder.Ascending(entry => entry.DataType)
I guess I should probably include a shell of my Mongo Provider class. See below:
Edit #2 due to questions about how this hasn't solved my problem, I'm updating the MongoProvider to have the problematic code. Note: Once this method is included, the class will no longer compile, since it isn't possible given what I've done thus far.
public class MongoProvider
private readonly IMongoClient _client;
private MongoPrivder(ILookup<string, string> lookup, IMongoClient client)
_client = client;
foreach(var database in lookup)
foreach(var collection in database)
Initialize(database.Key, collection);
public MongoProvider(IConfiguration config) :this(config.GetMongoObjects(), config.GetMongoClient())
public MongoProvider(IConfiguration config, IMongoClient client) : this(config.GetMongoObjects(), client)
private void Initialize(string database, string collection)
var db = _client.GetDatabase(database);
if (!db.ListCollectionNames().ToList().Any(name => name.Equals(collection)))
// The Problem
private void InitializeIndex<T>(string database, string collection)
IEnumerable<CreateIndexModel<T>> models;
switch (T)
case MyClass:
model = MyClass.GetIndexModel();
await _client.GetDatabase(database)
Edit #3
As a stop-gap, I've gone ahead and done something terrible (not sure if it's going to work yet), and I'll supply the example so you can know my best solution thus far.
public static class Extensions
#region Object Methods
public static T TryCallMethod<T>(this object obj, string methodName, params object[] args) where T : class
var method = obj.GetType().GetMethod(methodName);
if (method != null)
return method.Invoke(obj, args) as T;
return default;
This allows me to do the following (inside of MongoProvider)
private async void InitializeIndex<T>(string database, string collection) where T : new()
var models = new T().TryCallMethod<IEnumerable<CreateIndexModel<T>>>("GetIndexModel");
await _client.GetDatabase(database)
Since it doesn't look like I'm going to get an answer to this, I figured I would provide my solution for future searches of this question. Basically, I added an extension method to the base object class, and used reflection to determine if the method I was looking for was there. From there, I returned a value of true or false, depending on if the method was found, and output the return value to a parameter, in the traditional TryGet pattern.
Note to Future Readers
I do not recommend this approach. This is just how I solved my problem for accessing a method on a type of T. Ideally, an instance method would be implemented, and a signature defined in a common Interface, but that wasn't going to work for my use case.
My Answer
public static class Extensions
#region Object Methods
public static bool TryCallMethod<T>(this object obj, string methodName, out T result, params object[] args) where T : class
result = null;
var method = obj.GetType().GetMethod(methodName);
if (method == null)
return false;
result = method.Invoke(obj, args) as T;
return true;
My data class looks like this (obfuscated from actual usage)
public class DataClass
#region Private Fields
private const string MongoCollectionName = "Data";
#region Public Properties
public string CollectionName => MongoCollectionName;
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public DateTime DateValue { get; set; }
public int GroupId { get; set; }
public string DataType { get; set; }
public long SummaryCount { get; set; }
public long FlaggedCount { get; set; }
public long ErrorCount { get; set; }
#region Constructor
public DataClass()
public DataClass(int groupId, string dataType = null, long summaryCount = 0, long flaggedCount = 0, long errorCount = 0)
Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId();
DateValue = DateTime.UtcNow;
GroupId = groupId;
DocCount = summaryCount;
DataType = dataType ?? "default_name";
FlaggedCount = flaggedCount;
ErrorCount = errorCount;
#region Public Methods
public static IEnumerable<CreateIndexModel<AuditEntry>> GetIndexModel(IndexKeysDefinitionBuilder<AuditEntry> builder)
yield return new CreateIndexModel<AuditEntry>(
builder.Descending(entry => entry.DateValue),
builder.Ascending(entry => entry.GroupId),
builder.Ascending(entry => entry.DataType)
I would then call the method in the following fashion, inside my MongoProvider class. The ellipses are present to identify that more code exists within the class.
public class MongoProvider : IMongoProvider
#region Private Fields
private readonly IMongoClient _client;
#region Constructor
#region Private Methods
private void Initialize(string database, string collection)
var db = _client.GetDatabase(database);
if (!db.ListCollectionNames().ToList().Any(name => name.Equals(collection)))
private async Task InitializeIndex<T>(string database, string collection) where T : new()
if(new T().TryCallMethod<IEnumerable<CreateIndexModel<T>>>("GetIndexModel", out var models, new IndexKeysDefinitionBuilder<T>()))
await _client.GetDatabase(database)
private static void ValidateOptions<T>(ref FindOptions<T, T> options)
if(options != null)
options = new FindOptions<T, T>
AllowPartialResults = null,
BatchSize = null,
Collation = null,
Comment = "AspNetWebService",
CursorType = CursorType.NonTailable,
MaxAwaitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
MaxTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
Modifiers = null,
NoCursorTimeout = false,
OplogReplay = null
private static FilterDefinition<T> GetFilterDefinition<T>(Func<FilterDefinitionBuilder<T>, FilterDefinition<T>>[] builders)
if(builders.Length == 0)
builders = new Func<FilterDefinitionBuilder<T>, FilterDefinition<T>>[] {b => b.Empty};
return new FilterDefinitionBuilder<T>()
.Select(b => b(new FilterDefinitionBuilder<T>()))
#region Public Methods
public async Task<IReadOnlyCollection<T>> SelectManyAsync<T>(string database, string collection, FindOptions<T, T> options = null, params Func<FilterDefinitionBuilder<T>, FilterDefinition<T>>[] builders) where T : new()
ValidateOptions(ref options);
await InitializeIndex<T>(database, collection);
var filter = GetFilterDefinition(builders);
var find = await _client.GetDatabase(database)
.FindAsync(filter, options);
return await find.ToListAsync();

using localization service GetAllLanguages from a component composer, incorrect DI?

I have an interface as below, which I use to add a specific language if it does not exist:
public interface IGetLanguagesService
void GetLanguages(ILocalizationService localization);
public class LanguageService : IGetLanguagesService
ILocalizationService _localizationService;
public void GetLanguages(ILocalizationService localization)
_localizationService = localization;
var currentLanguages = _localizationService.GetAllLanguages();
bool exists = false;
foreach (var currentLan in currentLanguages)
if (currentLan.IsoCode == "es-ES")
exists = true;
if (!exists)
public void AddLanguage(ILocalizationService localization)
var languageSE = new Language("es-ES") { CultureName = "es-ES", IsMandatory = true };
I want to use this at start-up so have created a component composer, which on Initialize() I want to call CallGetLanguages() but Im not entirely sure what should be in Initialize(), I think my DI may be wrong?
public class LanguagesComposer : ComponentComposer<LanguagesComponent>
public void Compose(Composition composition)
public class LanguagesComponent : IComponent
public void Initialize()
public void Terminate()
throw new NotImplementedException();
IGetLanguagesService _getLanguagesService;
ILocalizationService _localization;
public void CallGetLanguages(IGetLanguagesService getLanguages, ILocalizationService localization)
_getLanguagesService = getLanguages;
_localization = localization;
You've passed ILocalizationService localization instance to LanguageService twice, pass it to constructor instead and use a constructor injection. The same issue with LanguagesComponent, pass all its dependencies to constructor instead of methods

Ninject Factory Pattern and Bindings

I am trying to implement the Ninject.Extensions.Factory pattern and my program is telling me my bindings aren't right, but I can't figure out why. I keep getting an "Error activating IHashable. No matching bindings are available, and the type is not self-bindable" exception thrown. The relevant areas of my code are below:
public interface IHashable
FileInfo File { get; }
string ComputeHash();
public interface IHashableFactory
IHashable GetNew(FileInfo file);
public class MD5ChecksumProvider : IHashable
private FileInfo _file;
public FileInfo File
get { return _file; }
public MD5ChecksumProvider(FileInfo file)
if (file == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("file");
_file = file;
public string ComputeHash()
// implementation
public class AppFileProvider : IAppFileProvider
private IHashableFactory _hashFactory;
public IHashableFactory HashProvider
get { return _hashFactory; }
public AppFileProvider(IHashableFactory hashProviderFactory)
_hashFactory = hashProviderFactory;
public string GetChecksum(FileInfo fileInfo)
var hasher = _hashFactory.GetNew(fileInfo);
return hasher.ComputeHash();
public class BindingProviders : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
public class BindingFactories : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
// my DI container
public sealed class Container : IDisposable
private bool _isDisposed;
private IKernel _kernel;
private BindingFactories _bindingFactories;
private BindingObjects _bindingObjects;
private BindingProviders _bindingProviders;
public Container()
_isDisposed = false;
_bindingFactories = new BindingFactories();
_bindingObjects = new BindingObjects();
_bindingProviders = new BindingProviders();
_kernel = new StandardKernel(_bindingObjects, _bindingProviders, _bindingFactories);
public T Get<T>()
return _kernel.Get<T>();
public void Dispose()
// nothing worth seeing
private void Dispose(bool disposing)
// nothing worth seeing
// the program (composition root)
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
using (var container = new Container())
var fileProvider = container.Get<IAppFileProvider>();
foreach (var file in files)
string hash = fileProvider.GetChecksum(storePath, file); // this line throws "Error activating IHashable. No matching bindings are available, and the type is not self-bindable.""
I feel like my bindings are setup correctly but I must be missing something obvious. Any ideas why I'm getting the exception from the above code?
This is caused by a feature of Ninject.Extensions.Factory.
It treats methods which start with Get differently from those which don't.
If you rename IHashableFactory.GetNew to Create or Make everything works fine.
The "Get" feature is described here:
The default instace provider of the extension has the convention that it tries to return an instance using a named binding whenever a method starts with “Get”. E.g. IFoo GetMySpecialFoo() is equal to
Since i think this is not obvious to the user and the exception isn't helpful at all in this regard, i have filed an issue report here

C# How to treat static class as a variable

I have a static Class and within it I have multiple public static attributes. I treat this class as my global class.
However now I need to treat this class as a variable so that I can pass it to a method of another class for processing..
I can't instantiate this class.. So in effect I can only assign the variables inside this class.
Is my understanding correct or am I missing something?
public static class Global
public const int RobotMax = 2;
// GUI sync context
public static MainForm mainForm;
public static SynchronizationContext UIContext;
// Database
public static Database DB = null;
public static string localDBName = "local.db";
public static Database localDB = null;
public static Database ChangeLogDB = null;
public static string changeLogDBName = "ChangeLog.db";
Let say I have a class like this, and I need to somehow keep a copy of this in another class maybe
public static class Global_bk
public const int RobotMax = 2;
// GUI sync context
public static MainForm mainForm;
public static SynchronizationContext UIContext;
// Database
public static Database DB = null;
public static string localDBName = "local.db";
public static Database localDB = null;
public static Database ChangeLogDB = null;
public static string changeLogDBName = "ChangeLog.db";
I need to copy the contents from Global to Global_bk.
And after that I need to compare the contents of the two classes in a method like
static class extentions
public static List<Variance> DetailedCompare<T>(T val1, T val2)
List<Variance> variances = new List<Variance>();
FieldInfo[] fi = val1.GetType().GetFields();
foreach (FieldInfo f in fi)
Variance v = new Variance();
v.Prop = f.Name;
v.valA = f.GetValue(val1);
v.valB = f.GetValue(val2);
if (!v.valA.Equals(v.valB))
return variances;
class Variance
string _prop;
public string Prop
get { return _prop; }
set { _prop = value; }
object _valA;
public object valA
get { return _valA; }
set { _valA = value; }
object _valB;
public object valB
get { return _valB; }
set { _valB = value; }
So on my main form, how do I go about calling the compare method and passing the static Global class inside?
example: extentions.DetailedCompare(Global, Global_bk) ? Of course this would give me an error because I cant pass a type as a variable.
Please help me, this is driving me nuts...
How about the singleton pattern ? You can pass reference to shared interface (IDoable in exable below) and still have just one instance.
public interface IDoable {
int Value { get; set; }
void Foo();
public static class DoableWrapper {
private MyDoable : IDoable {
public int Value { get;set; }
public void Foo() {
private static IDoable s_Doable = new MyDoable();
public static IDoable Instance {
get { return s_Doable; }
Singleton is the way to go here. You can do it like this:
internal class SomeClass
private static SomeClass singleton;
private SomeClass(){} //yes: private constructor
public static SomeClass GetInstance()
return singleton ?? new SomeClass();
public int SomeProperty {get;set;}
public void SomeMethod()
//do something
The GetInstance Method will return you a SomeClass object that you can edit and pass into whatever you need.
You can access the members with classname.membername.
internal static class SomeClass
public static int SomeProperty {get;set;}
public static void SomeMethod()
//do something
static void main()
SomeClass.SomeProperty = 15;
The only way you are going to obtain a variable with the "class" information is using reflection. You can get a Type object for the class.
namespace Foo {
public class Bar
Type type = Type.GetType("Foo.Bar");
Otherwise, if you are really describing a class "instance" then use an object and simply instantiate one.
C# offers no other notation for class variables.

Getting Ninject to work

Clearly, I am missing something. I have an MVC application and have installed Ninject 3 and the MVC3 extensions (although I am running MVC4). I have a SiteSettings class that is referenced throughout the project, which looks like this:
public class SiteSettings
private static readonly Common.Logging.ILog Logger = Common.Logging.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
private static ObservableDictionary<string, string> settings;
private static bool Initialized = false;
private static DataPersister persister;
public static void Initialize()
if (Initialized) throw new InvalidOperationException("The SiteSettings object has already been initialized.");
persister = new DataPersister();
using (var u = persister.UnitOfWorkFactory.GetUnitOfWork())
var settingsList = u.SiteSettings.GetAll();
settings = new ObservableDictionary<string, string>(settingsList.ToDictionary(key => key.SiteSettingName, value => value.SiteSettingValue));
settings.OnChange += new kvpChangeEvent<string, string>(settings_OnChange);
Initialized = true;
static void settings_OnChange(object sender, odKVPChangeEventArgs<string, string> e)
using (var u = persister.UnitOfWorkFactory.GetUnitOfWork())
var setting = u.SiteSettings.GetByName(e.Key);
setting.SiteSettingValue = e.Value;
Logger.Info(i => i("Changed the '{0}' site setting from '{1}' to '{2}'.", e.Key, e.OldValue, e.Value));
private static int _ItemsPerPage;
public static int ItemsPerPage
return _ItemsPerPage;
_ItemsPerPage = value;
settings["itemsPerPage"] = value.ToString();
private static int _SessionLifeInMinutes;
public static int SessionLifeInMinutes
return _SessionLifeInMinutes;
_SessionLifeInMinutes = value;
settings["sessionLifeInMinutes"] = value.ToString();
private static string _DateFormat;
public static string DateFormat
return _DateFormat;
_DateFormat = value;
settings["defaultDateFormat"] = value;
I built a data persistence object like so:
public class DataPersister
public IUnitOfWorkFactory UnitOfWorkFactory { get; set; }
... and I have my NinjectWebCommon.cs looks like this:
public static class NinjectWebCommon
private static readonly Bootstrapper bootstrapper = new Bootstrapper();
/// <summary>
/// Starts the application
/// </summary>
public static void Start()
/// <summary>
/// Stops the application.
/// </summary>
public static void Stop()
/// <summary>
/// Creates the kernel that will manage your application.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The created kernel.</returns>
private static IKernel CreateKernel()
var kernel = new StandardKernel();
kernel.Bind<Func<IKernel>>().ToMethod(ctx => () => new Bootstrapper().Kernel);
return kernel;
/// <summary>
/// Load your modules or register your services here!
/// </summary>
/// <param name="kernel">The kernel.</param>
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel)
It seems to me I've met all my requirements for dependency injection. My Global.asax.cs Application_Start() looks like this:
protected void Application_Start()
ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new MonoRazorViewEngine());
...and yet, my SiteSettings class always has a null IUnitOfWorkFactory when I try to collect the data I need.
What am I doing wrong? Everything seems to be as all the examples suggest it should be, but I get no love.
Using Bassam Mehanni's advice, I rewrote my DataPersister class to look like this:
public class DataPersister
private IUnitOfWorkFactory UnitOfWorkFactory;
public DataPersister(IUnitOfWorkFactory unitOfWorkFactory)
UnitOfWorkFactory = unitOfWorkFactory;
public IUnitOfWork GetUnitOfWork()
return UnitOfWorkFactory.GetUnitOfWork();
...but of course now my SiteSettings class complains about my parameterless constructor. What should I do about that?
Ok, continuing on, I rewrote my DataPersister class like so:
public class DataPersister
private static readonly Common.Logging.ILog Logger = Common.Logging.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
private IUnitOfWorkFactory UnitOfWorkFactory { get; set; }
public IUnitOfWork GetUnitOfWork()
return UnitOfWorkFactory.GetUnitOfWork();
public DataPersister(IUnitOfWorkFactory factory)
Logger.Info("Injected constructor called");
UnitOfWorkFactory = factory;
public DataPersister()
Logger.Info("Parameterless constructor called");
then I rewrote my SiteSettings class like so:
public class SiteSettings
private static readonly Common.Logging.ILog Logger = Common.Logging.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
private ObservableDictionary<string, string> settings;
private DataPersister persister;
private SiteSettings()
persister = new DataPersister();
using (var u = persister.GetUnitOfWork())
var settingsList = u.SiteSettings.GetAll();
settings = new ObservableDictionary<string, string>(settingsList.ToDictionary(key => key.SiteSettingName, value => value.SiteSettingValue));
settings.OnChange += new kvpChangeEvent<string, string>(settings_OnChange);
private static SiteSettings instance;
public static SiteSettings Instance
if (instance == null)
instance = new SiteSettings();
return instance;
private void settings_OnChange(object sender, odKVPChangeEventArgs<string, string> e)
using (var u = persister.GetUnitOfWork())
var setting = u.SiteSettings.GetByName(e.Key);
setting.SiteSettingValue = e.Value;
Logger.Info(i => i("Changed the '{0}' site setting from '{1}' to '{2}'.", e.Key, e.OldValue, e.Value));
private int _ItemsPerPage;
public int ItemsPerPage
return _ItemsPerPage;
_ItemsPerPage = value;
settings["itemsPerPage"] = value.ToString();
private int _SessionLifeInMinutes;
public int SessionLifeInMinutes
return _SessionLifeInMinutes;
_SessionLifeInMinutes = value;
settings["sessionLifeInMinutes"] = value.ToString();
private string _DateFormat;
public string DateFormat
return _DateFormat;
_DateFormat = value;
settings["defaultDateFormat"] = value;
Shouldn't this work? because it doesn't. The DataPersister class always gets called with the parameterless constructor. My kernel binding looks like this:
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel)
Is there something else I am missing? This is getting very frustrating.
Static classes that depencend on none static classes is something you shouldn't do when using an IoC container. Instead you should create a none static class with a singleton lifetime.
Make your SiteSettings class none static.
Inject all dependencies e.g. IUnitOfWorkFactory into SiteSettings using constructor injection
Create a binding in singleton scope for SiteSettings
Get an instance of SiteSettings wherever you need access unsing constructor injection.
public class SiteSettings {
public SiteSettings(IUnitOfWorkFactory uowFactory) { .... }
public class INeedToAccessSiteSettings
public INeedToAccessSiteSettings(SiteSettings siteSettings) { .... }
Typically ninject will inject your service in a constructor or something, it doesn't magically turn all your interfaces to object instances at run time
public class MyController : Controller
private IServiceThatINeed _serviceThatINeed;
public MyController(IServiceThatINeed serviceThatINeed)
_serviceThatINeed = _serviceThatINeed;
in this case since you registered your kernel instance, mvc knows how to resolve this dependence and will pass an instance of an object that implement IServiceThatINeed (assuming that you told ninject how to resolve this dependency.
Now there might be instance where you will need to get a service without it being injected in a constructor by the mvc framework, in these instances (like the one you have here), you will need to use ServiceLocator
var myService = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IServiceThatINeed>()
to use the ServiceLocator, you need to add a reference to Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation
Hope that helps!
