Send text to textarea in webbrowser - c#

i have a webbrowser component in a windows application.
could anybody please tell me how to send text to textboxes in webpages appearing in this browser programatically?
my HTML code
<textarea name="message" id="vB_Editor_QR_textarea" rows="10" cols="60" style="width:100%; height:100px" tabindex="1" dir="ltr"></textarea>

Edit: Can you post your code?? I tried and it worked.
I added a WebBrowser control and during Form Load I set the HTML
webBrowser1.DocumentText = "<textarea name='message' id='t' rows='10' cols='60' style='width:100%; height:100px' tabindex='1' dir='ltr'></textarea>";
Added a button and added the following code for Button Click event
HtmlElement el = webBrowser1.Document.All["t"];
el.InnerText = "Hello World";
and it works.
WebBrowser has Document property using which you can achieve your requirements. For example to click a button you can use the following code
HtmlElement el = webBrowser1.Document.All["btnI"];
if (el != null) el.InvokeMember("click");
Sample code is copied from here
WebBrowser Class documentation
Hope this serves as a starting point. Try it and If you have any specific issues. Update your question and we will help.


Auto Login to a WEB Browser from c# WPF code

I am trying to login to the site from a Webbrowser control in my C# WPF application. I am stuck because of the way the source code of the site is written as for none of the Input / Action elements there is any ID/TAG/NAME by which I can get the element and pass my input from my program.
The source code of the site for the password field looks something like below :
<input type="password" maxlength="30" placeholder="" autocorrect="off" animate="true" label="" rules="[object Object]" dynamicwidthsize="8" autocomplete="off">
In my C# code on Loadcompletion of the browser I have got the HTML document as below:
htmldoc = LogInBrowser.Document as mshtml.HTMLDocument;
But now I am not able to proceed as to how can I access the password field and pass my input from my program.
Some guidance would be of great help!
You can achieve this by small trick. Pass your password in the OuterHtml of HTML element. Add the value element in the OuterHtml value=\"Your_Password\"
// Get password element
HtmlElement passwordElement = (from HtmlElement element in webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("input") select element)
.Where(x => x.GetAttribute("type") == "password").FirstOrDefault();
if (passwordElement != null)
passwordElement.OuterHtml = "<input type=\"password\" maxlength=\"30\" placeholder=\"Password\" autocorrect=\"off\" animate=\"true\" label=\"\" rules=\"[object Object]\" dynamicWidthSize=\"8\" autocomplete=\"off\" value=\"Your_Password\">";

Disable Javascript click events in C# WebBrowser

I'm working on a C# WinForms + WebBrowser project.
I'd like to do some processing upon a click on a hyperlink.
Here's how I hook a click event to every hyperlink in an HTML document:
void webBrowser_DocumentCompleted( object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e )
HtmlElementCollection links = webBrowser.Document.Links;
foreach ( HtmlElement link in links )
link.Click += delegate { MessageBox.Show( "C# Click!" ); };
The Problem:
The above code works well, but the problem is that I get side effects from javascript code which also performs some clicking action.
I learned the hard way that this problem comes in many shapes and forms..
Here's a not so obvious example of a jQuery action that makes life harder:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("a").click(function() {
alert("jQuery Click!");
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>>
Click Me!
What happens here is that when clicking a hyperlink in the WebBrowser control - the "jQuery Click!" alert will pop up first, and only after dismissing it will the "C# Click!" message be shown.
The Question:
I've searched far and wide, but didn't yet come up with an answer.
How could I C#-programmatically prevent jQuery or any other form of javascript code from being executed in the WebBrowser?
I'd like to say I already tried to alter the document in many ways, e.g. stripping <script> tags from webBrowser.DocumentText, and from the inner html node, and by working with HtmlElement and the underlying IHtmlElement objects...
But no luck..
Changing the webBrowser.DocumentText causes the document to get reloaded from a string, and thus I lose any credentials (e.g. cookie) I had to the original site. And changing IHtmlElement objects doesn't really make a difference 'cause the jQuery script was already loaded so, again, I am unable to prevent the event from occurring.
To my knowledge there is no way to disable JavaScript execution in WebBrowser component.
The only you can do is to suppress the error messages with ScriptErrorsSupressed property set to false.
An idea would be to pre-filter your HTML and eliminate all your "onclick" events from HTML using regular expressions before you render your HTML in the WebBrowser component.

How to enter the text in textarea using mshtml

I am facing a problem I have to fill a TextArea programatically. I used the following code.
System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement reviewText = myDoc.GetElementById("review-text");
reviewText.InnerText = Program.mainForm.richTextBox1.Text.Trim();
This works fine and it sets the text in TextArea control. The problem that I am facing is that this text appears light gary. When the user clicks over this text it disappears. It happens only on first click.
So I tried the following code to first click this box and then set the text.
And then tried to set the text in the TextArea but got the same behaviour.
I dug into the source of the page and found some script associated with this TextArea.
Source of TextArea
<textarea onkeyup="javascript:yelp.ui.widget.countChars(this.form.comment,5000);" onkeydown="javascript:yelp.ui.widget.countChars(this.form.comment,5000);" name="comment" id="review-text" class="form400" rows="8" cols="40" style="height: 86px;"></textarea>
Script associated with TextArea
<script type="text/javascript">
var bizName = "Geary Club";
if ($('review-text'))
new yelp.ui.widget.DefaultValueTextField($('review-text'), 'Please write here');
Will somebody suggest to me how to insert the text into this TextArea control?
Is this an ASP.NET web app? If it is, the System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement is a problem. What I think is going on is that you need to somehow disable the new yelp.ui.widget.DefaultValueTextField JavaScript code when you're pre-filling the TextArea. Are you able to use an ASP.NET TextBox control with the multi-line properties set? If so, I'd use that and change your top code to just set the .Text property of the Textbox control.
Either way, in the Javascript (if this is jQuery), I'd do this:
if ($('review-text') && $('review-text').val() != "")
new yelp.ui.widget.DefaultValueTextField($('review-text'), 'Please write here');
That way the default value is only set if there is no text.
I changed the HTML of text area.And remove the class="form400 default_valued_text_field" attribute from its html.
myDoc = this.webBrowser1.Document;
myDoc.GetElementById("review-text").OuterHtml = "<textarea id=\"review-text\" onkeyup=\"javascript:ui.widget.countChars(this.form.comment,5000);\" onkeydown=\"javascript:ui.widget.countChars(this.form.comment,5000);\" name=\"comment\" rows=\"8\" cols=\"40\" style=\"height: 86px;\"></textarea>";
After that i set the inner text of this element
myDoc.GetElementById("review-text").InnerText = "Testing";

How to use webbrowser control to turn the div visibility into visible?

I'm currently using System.Windows.Forms webbrowser control to automate a webpage. Everything works fine to manipulate the htmlelement through webbrowser.document. However unfortunately i have to click a button which is embedded in a hidden div. so my question is, how should i turn this div 's visibility to visible and click on the button in it?
This is the div which is visible after it has been turned into visible:
<div class="box" style="visibility:visible">
<button />
Ps: the div doesn't have id but only class name (so i think it is dealing with css style)
Since i'm not able to detect with webbrowser.document , how can i retrieve it ? or how can i change the css of class = box using webbrowser.document?
If I can ask for a bit of clarification: what are you trying to accomplish?
The webbrowser control essentially encapsulates the IE rendering engine and allows you to navigate to a document or URI. When you click this button, are you navigating somewhere? Or is this a form to be submitted?

Click an HTML link inside a WebBrowser Control

C# Visual Studio 2010
I am loading a complex html page into a webbrowser control. But, I don't have the ability to modify the webpage. I want to click a link on the page automatically from the windows form. But, the ID appears to be randomly generated each time the page is loaded (so I believe referencing the ID will not work).
This is the content of the a href link:
class="SGLeftPanelText" onclick="setStoreParams('cases;212', 212); window.leftpanel.onClick('cases_ss_733');return false; ">
My Assigned</a>
Is the anyway to click the link from C#?
I feel like this is close but it is just not working:
HtmlElementCollection links = helpdeskWebBrowser.Document.Window.Frames["main_pending_events_frame"].Document.GetElementsByTagName("a");
I have tried plugging in every single frame name and tried both "a" and "A" in the TagName field but just have not had any luck. I can just not find any links; the message box is always 0. What am I missing?
Something like this should work:
HtmlElement link = webBrowser.Document.GetElementByID("u_lp_id_58547")
Since the IDs are generated randomly, another option may be to identify the links by their InnerText; along these lines.
HtmlElementCollection links = webBrowser.Document.GetElementsByTagName("A");
foreach (HtmlElement link in links)
if (link.InnerText.Equals("My Assigned"))
You can get the links within an IFrame using:
Perhaps you will have to isolate the link ID value using more of the surrounding HTML context as a "target" and then extract the new random ID.
In the past I have used the "HtmlAgilityPack" to easily parse "screen-scraped" HTML to isolate areas of interest within a page - this library seems to be easy to use and reliable.
