in my XNA game(im fairly new to XNA by the way) i would like to have my player sprite land on top of a platform. i have a player sprite class that inherits from my regular sprite class, and the regular sprite class for
basic non playable sprite stuff such as boxes, background stuff, and platforms. However, i am unsure how to implement a way to make my player sprite land on a platform.
My player Sprite can jump and move around, but i dont know where and how to check to see if it is on top of my platform sprite.
My player sprites jump method is here
private void Jump()
if (mCurrentState != State.Jumping)
mCurrentState = State.Jumping;
mStartingPosition = Position;
mDirection.Y = MOVE_UP;
mSpeed = new Vector2(jumpSpeed, jumpSpeed);
mStartingPosition is player sprites starting position of the jump, and Position is the player sprites current position. I would think that my code for checking to see whether my player sprite is on top of my platform sprite. I am unsure how to reference my platform sprite inside of the playersprite class and inside of the jump method.
i think it should be something like this
//platformSprite.CollisonBox would be the rectangle around the platform, but im not
//sure how to check to see if player.Position is touching any point
//on platformSprite.CollisionBox
if(player.Position == platformSprite.CollisionBox)
player.mDirection = 0;
Again im pretty new to programming and XNA, and some of this logic i dont quite understand so any help on any of it would be greatly appreciated:D
If player.Position is a Point and CollisionBox is a Rectangle, you could use
if (platformSprite.CollisionBox.Contains (player.Position))
I was playing around with something like this just a few days ago.
What you're calling a CollisionBox I called a BoundingBox. A BoundingBox is a Rectangle which represents the area occupied by the sprite.
You'll probably find it helpful to define a BoundingBox for your sprites instead of just using their position.
You can easily test for the collision of Rectangles using the following code:
if (player.BoundingBox.Intersects(platform.BoundingBox)
// handle collision here...
For this to work, make sure that the X and Y coordinates of your BoundingBox are correctly reflecting your sprite's position.
You may want to look at the Platformer Starter Kit. It includes this as well as detecting when the player is touching an enemy, collecting gems, etc.
The answer about BoundingBox is right, but IMHO it is easier to use Rectangle if you are making a 2D game rather than BoundingBox, wich is designed for a 3D one.
Anyway both objects have intersection / collision test methods that takes Vector2 or Point as parameter.
Now you have to have a box for your player, and a box for your platform. If one collide with the other, you have to check from where (the player can hit the platform from up, down, left, right, or maybe up & left on the left up corner).
If the player is on top of the platform, then just stop his fall, probably by setting his Y-speed component to 0.
Maybe you will need the player to go through the platform when jumping (player hit from bottom) but not when falling (player hit from top).
I'm trying to create a platform game, watching videos and tutorials I see that they use the Tile Palette option very frequently.
When creating the 2D Tilemap Collider, each square has its collider, and I guess that makes it consume a lot of resources, so to solve that I create a 2D Composite collider.
The problem is when the player collides with the collider of a vertical wall, causing the player's rigidBody.velocity.y to add force and that doesn't allow me to execute the jump.
Here you can see under the scene of the game the debug.log that ends up showing me a speed to the Y axis
This project would be for android, and I would like to optimize it as much as possible. Do you have any idea so that in that collision I do not add force Y?
I have tried to change the speed in an onColliderStay2d and put the vertical tilemaps with another tag to differentiate them from the ground, but nothing.
Instead of checking your y velocity to see if you are grounded or not I recommend just making a rectangular area under your player character and check if it overlaps with the ground using Physics2D.OverlapArea. It's way less error prone.
Also, just because composite collider creates less shapes than tilemap collider doesn't mean it is less performant, the physics system doesn't iterate them one by one. Do yourself a favor and just use the tilemap collider instead.
I recently started having a look at game development with Unity and was trying to make a simple 2D character with basic movement abilities. This character is supposed to jump and move from side to side, but only if it is standing on something.
Now my question is: How do you check if a player is standing on something? / Get the distance to the next game object / collider beneath the player game object?
Would greatly apreciate any helpful answers and especially explanations on how exactly it works. Thanks!
To do this, you need to send a ray to detect the point of impact on the ground and then calculate the distance. The code below sends a ray from the center of your object down to the maximum height (3) and gives the size.
public LayerMask groundLayer;
public float maxRayLength = 3;
public void Update()
var hit = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, Vector3.down, maxRayLength, groundLayer.value);
if (hit) Debug.Log(hit.distance); // it will print current distance from pivot
If you want to calculate the height of the ray from the character's foot, there are two methods, one is subtracting half the height of the character from it.
Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position-transform.up*height, ....)
Next one is to use an empty object at the base of the character, which we refer to instead of the center.
public Transform pivot;
Physics2D.Raycast(pivot, ....)
There are a few ways of actually doing this.
The most usual although a bit complicated way of doing it for a beginner is using Raycasts. A Raycast is basically a small invisible line that starts and ends where you tell it to. If anything of a specific tag or layer is caught in it's crossfire you can basically pull that object from your code. Raycasts are used for a lot of things, most notably in Shooter games to shoot or in games like Skyrim to pickup objects and interact with them.
Another way to do this, which is a bit more popular in 2D games is to create a "feet" GameObject and make it the child of the player in the hierarchy. You can add a box collider on that GameObject and check the "IsTrigger". You can add a Tag to your ground objects and through your code using the OnTriggerEnter() and OnTriggerExit() Methods you can basically tell when your character is floating on air and when he is on ground.
Another popular method is to use the Physics.OverlapBox() Method which is pretty much the same as the Trigger Method but you are creating an invisible box (much like a raycast) and instead of only getting notified when Triggered (something enters or exits) you check if the invisible box is colliding with another object/tag/collider (which could be your ground).
There are also a few different things you can do with a Nav Mesh (mostly in 3D) but I think that for now these 3 should suffice!
Here is an image of what I'm trying to achieve
As you can tell it's a split screen game, the player is on the left, computer on the right.
there are 3 cameras in the game, main and two player cameras
the player camera MUST be independent of the player and CAN NOT be a child object of the player object, because the ball bounces and rotates while moving, the cameras must not.
when the balls change direction the camera must remain behind the player so the visual appears to show the landscape rotating with the player.
I've searched high and low for anything to put me on the right path but nothing seems to work right.
It should be a smooth transition so lerp and slerp are to slow for instant moving. I know LateUpdate will help with this.
If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.
Many thanks,
Have a script which takes in an object's position, in this case the player's ball, so you can code the camera as if it was a child of the object.
An simple example code for having a following camera would be something like...
public Transform exampleObject;
private int offset = 5; //How far back the camera will be
void LateUpdate()
transform.position = new Vector3(exampleObject.transform.position.x,
exampleObject.transform.position.z - offset)
I am trying to learn unity, and made my first own game and stucked at the beginning. The first idea was to drop a box (cube) to the mouse position. There are many videos and posts about getting the mouse position, and i tried to use them. My problem is, the mouse position i got is the camera's position, instead of the plane.
As you can see, it is kinda works, but it isn't fall to the plane.
My code:
void Update()
void Wall()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
wall = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
Rigidbody wallsRigidbody = wall.AddComponent<Rigidbody>();
wall.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f);
wallsRigidbody.mass = 1f;
wallsRigidbody.angularDrag = 0.05f;
wallsRigidbody.useGravity = true;
wallsRigidbody.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotation;
wall.transform.position = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
BoxCollider wallsCollider = wall.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
wallsCollider.size = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
How should i change my code to get the right position?
This isn't a direct answer to your question, but I'm hoping it'll still get you where you need to go.
Prefabs are your friends! I'd highly recommend leveraging them here instead of constructing a cube directly in code.
But first, make sure everything else is set up right. Go ahead and construct a cube by hand in the Editor and make sure that when you hit Play, it falls as you expect. It should, provided it has a Rigidbody, collider, and you have gravity enabled (true by default).
If that works, drag that cube from your Hierarchy view into a folder in the Project view. This creates a prefab. You can now delete the cube from the Hierarchy view.
Update your script to have a public GameObject field, e.g.
public GameObject cubeToCreate;
Then, in the Inspector pane for whatever gameobject has that script attached, you should get a new field, "Cube To Create". Drag your prefab cube into that slot.
Lastly...update your code to wall = Instantiate(cubeToCreate). You'll still need to update the position, but you should be able to drop the rest of the initialization logic you have above, e.g. setting mass and drag.
As for the actual problem, the first thing that concerns me is how do you plan on turning a 2d mouse click into a 3d point? For the axis going "into" the should the game determine the value for that?
Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint accepts a Vector3, but you're passing it a Vector2 (Input.mousePosition, which gets converted to a z=0 Vector3), so the point is 0 units from the camera -- so in a plane that intersects with the camera.
I haven't done this, but I think you'll need to do raycasting of some sort. Maybe create an invisible 2d plane with a collider on it, and cast a physics ray from the camera, and wherever it hits that plane, that's the point where you want to create your cube. This post has a couple hints, though it's geared toward 2D. That might all be overkill, too -- if you create a new Vector3 and initialize it with your mouse position, you can set the z coordinate to whatever you want, but then your cube creation will be in terms of distance from the camera, which is not the best idea.
Hope this helps.
I am trying to make a game with magnets. Each magnet has its own magnetic field which pulls the player towards the magnet.
The player should then be able to walk alongside the magnet on its entire side.
The player should not be pulled towards the center.
Right now I have done this by adding velocity to the player towards the magnet, this works fine.
The issue right now is that the player should rotate with his feet towards the magnet. Right now I can't figure out how to change the rotation of the player based on the rotation of the magnet. Which results in the player being on its side or upside down on the magnet in some case.
I am also using a third-person camera from unity standard assets, sometimes when the player is rotated the camera can only look up and down. To fix this I use a rotate function around World.Space.
You should get the position relative, the magnet as parent and your player as child. To do that you could create a different gameObject with the same position as the player, and set it as child to the magnet (or have a child on the magnet which you change its position (absolute position)).
Once you've done that, you normalize the localposition of the magnetChild and you make the player lookAt (there's a function in Unity) this vector + player.position. And you'll have to rotate the player 90ยบ from the x-axis (to make that not the front of the player is looking to it, but the head).
I haven't tried it, but give it a try maybe it works. Something like:
magnetChild.position = player.position;
player.LookAt(player.position + magnetChild.localPosition.normalized);
player.Rotate(90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);