print custom List in JavaScript - c#

I have a custom list earthquakes which contains a list of earthquakes. How do I parse this in JavaScript in order to add it to innerHtml and display on the screen. The problem is that I cannot get this to display on the screen in a div. When it parses I get no result because my javascript is wrong and if I try just printing the result i get [Object object]
So the flow goes input from textbox -> web service -> list to javascript
earthquakes class:
public class earthquakes
public string eqid { get; set; }
public double magnitude { get; set; }
public double lng { get; set; }
public string source { get; set; }
public DateTime date { get; set; }
public int depth { get; set; }
public double lat { get; set; }
dataEarthquakes class
public class dataPostalCodes
public List<postalCodes> postalCodes { get; set; }
public static dataEarthQuakes getEarthquakes(dataPostalCodes postalCodes)
double lat = postalCodes.postalCodes[0].lat;
double lng = postalCodes.postalCodes[0].lng;
Uri address = new Uri(String.Format(FindEarthquakes, lat, 0, lng, 0));
WebClient client = new WebClient();
string jsonResponse = string.Empty;
jsonResponse = client.DownloadString(address.AbsoluteUri);
var results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dataEarthQuakes>(jsonResponse);
return results;
function OnLookupComplete(e) {
var result = e;
var weatherData = new Sys.StringBuilder();
var line;
for (var property in result.dataPostalCodes) {
line = String.format("<b>{0}:</b> {1}<br/>",
property, result.dataPostalCodes[property]);
$get('divResult').innerHTML = weatherData.toString();
Json string:
{"earthquakes":[{"eqid":"2010utc5","magnitude":7.7,"lng":97.1315,"src":"us","datetime":"2010-04-06 20:15:02","depth":31,"lat":2.3602}, {"eqid":"2009kdb2","magnitude":7.6,"lng":92.9226,"src":"us","datetime":"2009-08-10 17:55:39","depth":33.1,"lat":14.0129},{"eqid":"2010zbca","magnitude":7.6,"lng":123.533,"src":"us","datetime":"2010-07-23 20:51:11","depth":576.3,"lat":6.4939},{"eqid":"2010xkbv","magnitude":7.5,"lng":91.9379,"src":"us","datetime":"2010-06-12 17:26:50","depth":35,"lat":7.7477},{"eqid":"c0000rxc","magnitude":7.4,"lng":143.7392,"src":"us","datetime":"2010-12-21 16:19:41","depth":14.9,"lat":26.8656},{"eqid":"2010zbcd","magnitude":7.4,"lng":123.2677,"src":"us","datetime":"2010-07-23 21:15:08","depth":616.7,"lat":6.7489},{"eqid":"2010wbaq","magnitude":7.4,"lng":96.0805,"src":"us","datetime":"2010-05-09 03:59:44","depth":61.4,"lat":3.7284},{"eqid":"2007hvbq","magnitude":7.4,"lng":142.6846,"src":"us","datetime":"2007-09-28 11:38:58","depth":261.3,"lat":21.98},{"eqid":"2010zbbz","magnitude":7.3,"lng":123.4788,"src":"us","datetime":"2010-07-23 20:08:11","depth":604.5,"lat":6.7079},{"eqid":"2007xvam","magnitude":7.3,"lng":126.292,"src":"us","datetime":"2007-01-21 10:27:42","depth":10,"lat":1.2071}]}

As said in the comment, if your weatherData object contains the correct data, then it might be as simple as:
Another option may be to call parseJSON on your json object and then use jquery's each function to iterate through the results:
var results = $.parseJSON(e);
$(results).each(function (i, val) {
$('#divResult').append('<p>' + val.eqid + '<p>'); // can add markup here for magnitude and other properties
If you aren't sure what your objects are in javascript, firebug is a great tool for debugging (or you could use the Developer Tools that are built in to Chrome).
You didn't state an exact problem, but hopefully this will help get you on the right track.

Here's what I might do:
function(data) {
function OnLookupComplete(e) {
var weatherData = new Sys.StringBuilder();
for(var i=0;i<e.length;i++) {
var line;
for (var property in e[i].dataPostalCodes) {
line = String.format("<b>{0}:</b> {1}<br/>",
property, e[i].dataPostalCodes[property]);
The idea here is that you make your call to your web service and indicate to jQuery that the response expected is JSON (this is useful in case you aren't setting the content-type header correctly in the response from the server).
Once the GET request completes, jQuery will call your callback function (the anonymous function you can see in the call to $.get(). From your JSON example, I see that you expect an object earthquakes which is an array of objects of earthquake details.
The function then calls OnLookupComplete() with each the earthquakes array.
OnLookupComplete() then iterates over each earthquake, builds the right string and appends it to the StringBuilder. Finally, once all earthquakes have been dealt with, it appends the complete set of formatted lines to the div with the id divResult.


Deserialize JSON to list with unknown object name in C#

I want to deserialize following JSON.
The problem is that the objects "ANDE" & "DAR" can change.
Means the objects are unknown and change depending on the JSON i wanna deserialize.
About 8000 different objects (ANDE, DAR, ...) need to be deserialized.
I get the data by HTTP response and want to put into a List:
HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync(API_PATH).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
List historicalDataList = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<List<HistoricalDataResponse>>().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
The HistoricalDataResponse class looks like:
public class HistoricalDataResponse
public string date { get; set; }
public string minute { get; set; }
How can i deserialize this kind of JSON with unknown objects in C#?
Any help is highly appreciated.
Then you should use a dynamic variable:
dynamic ReturnValue = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonstring);
note that as in dynamic objects, properties are determined after being assigned in runtime, so you will not get a drop down menu in design time, and also as its properties are unknown in design time, and property you test in design time even if its not correct, you wont get an error, and you will get the error in runtime when it is assigned.
dynamic ReturnValue = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonstring);
var a = ReturnValue.ANDE; // will work if it has ANDE property.
// do what you would do with ANDE
var a = ReturnValue.DAR; // will work if it has DAR property.
// do what you would do with DAR
Use a dictionary with string as key type :
void Main()
var client = new HttpClient();
HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync("url").GetAwaiter().GetResult();
var json = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, DateResponse>>(json);
foreach (var element in result)
var key = element.Key; // ANDE
foreach (var item in element.Value.Chart)
var date =;
var minute = item.minute;
public class DateResponse{
public List<HistoricalDataResponse> Chart { get; set; }
public class HistoricalDataResponse
public string date { get; set; }
public string minute { get; set; }

How can i see if my JSON contains a certain value and then compare it?

var Name = "Resources.myjson.json";
var NameJSON = new System.IO.StreamReader(typeof(Strings).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(Name)).ReadToEnd();
var ParsedBrandJSON = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TheInfo>(NameJSON);
await JsonCS.LoadJson(ParsedBrandJSON);
And on the page:
static public class TheInfoJSON
static public TheInfo Data { get; set; }
static public async Task LoadJson(Data JSON)
Data = JSON;
public class TheInfo
public List<TheName> TheName { get; set; } = new List<TheName>();
My json:
"TheName": ["Martin", "Jonas", "Alex", "Oscar"]
When i now try to compare how can i see if my JSON contains a certain object and then store that as a single TheName? Is it possible to do it in the same cast?
var TheNameDataFromOtherPage = OtherPage.TheName; //Here i gather the name from another page that i will compare with the JSON
//Wrong syntax
bool DoTheyMatch = TheNameDataFromOtherPage == TheInfoJSON.Data.TheName.Contains("Alex");
This is now wrong syntax because i cant compare the value to a bool. How can i get out the data i find and then instead of having TheInfoJSON.Data.TheName.Contains("Alex"); as a bool, back to a single value of TheName containing "Alex" so I can create a bool out of the two values to see if the JSON has it or not.
I tried to add something along the lines like this after the contains(): as TheInfo.TheName but that isnt the correct syntax either.
bool DoTheyMatch = TheInfoJSON.Data.TheName.Contains(TheNameDataFromOtherPage);

Deserialize Json with no name Fields and Format string, array

I have the following json object:
"sdsu webportal",
"sdsu blackboard",
"sd card",
Obtained from google suggest with this URL:
I have tried deserializing it like this:
dynamic objson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(res);
But it is not useful because I need it into a class object.
And also using types:
public class SuggestClass
public string search { get; set; }
public string[] terms { get; set; }
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SuggestClass>(res);
But it always throw exception.
I do not know how can I do it without having name fields.
Another JSON:
["text",["textura","textos bonitos","texto argumentativo","textos","textos de amor","texto expositivo","texturas minecraft","textos de reflexion","texture pack minecraft","textos en ingles"]]
That's tricky...
But since it's an array, you could create a factory method to parse SuggestClass out of given JArray.
public void SomeMethod()
string json =
"[\"sd\",[\"sdg\u0026e\",\"sdlc\",\"sdccu\"" +
",\"sdsu webportal\",\"sdsu\",\"sdsu blackboard\","+
"\"sdcc\",\"sd card\",\"sdn\",\"sdro\"]]";
var factory = new Factory();
var suggest = factory.Create(json);
public class Factory
public SuggestClass Create(string json)
var array = JArray.Parse(json);
string search = array[0].ToString();
string[] terms = array[1].ToArray().Select(item => item.ToString()).ToArray();
return new SuggestClass {Search = search, Terms = terms};
public class SuggestClass
public string Search { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<string> Terms { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("Search={0},Terms=[{1}]",
Search, string.Join(",", Terms));
Would print to console:
Search=sd,Terms=[sdg&e,sdlc,sdccu,sdsu webportal,sdsu,sdsu blackboard,sdcc,sd card,sdn,sdro]
And the other JSON you provided:
Search=sd,Terms=[sdg&e,sdlc,sdccu,sdsu webportal,sdsu,sdsu blackboard,sdcc,sd card,sdn,sdro]
Search=text,Terms=[textura,textos bonitos,texto argumentativo,textos,textos de amor,texto expositivo,texturas minecraft,textos de reflexion,texture pack minecraft,textos en ingles]
Just used the JSON visualizer in visual studio. This is how it looks like.
It is an array of multiple types. The following code can be used to parse it. But it is not perfect yet.
var objson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<object[]>(res);
So I think #Mikko answer has a better approach..

Internal error 500 on POST web api

I have a problem with my web api application. I get an internal error 500 when i try to post(save) a new user in my db.
The function bellow is the one that i use to make the client call.
public void InsertNewUser(RegisterModel pNewUser, string pEmail)
// Build rest uri
string lREST_Uri_Browse = string.Format(#"api/accountapi/saveuserdata"
// User data
// Complete URI
string lREST_Uri = Helpers_API.endPoint + lREST_Uri_Browse;
var client = new HttpClient();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(Helpers_API.endPoint);
var newUser = new Models.Models_API.Users
Email = pNewUser.Email,
FName = pNewUser.FName,
LName = pNewUser.LName,
Inserted = DateTime.Now,
ActiveAcc = true,
AccType = pNewUser.AccType,
BCompanyID = pNewUser.CompanyID,
PID = pNewUser.PID,
Password = pNewUser.Password,
Token = GetToken(pEmail),
ThirdParty = 0,
Gender = pNewUser.Gender,
BirthDate = pNewUser.BirthDate
// Add an Accept header for JSON format.
// new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
// Create the JSON formatter.
MediaTypeFormatter jsonFormatter = new JsonMediaTypeFormatter();
// Use the JSON formatter to create the content of the request body.
HttpContent content = new ObjectContent<Models.Models_API.Users>(newUser, jsonFormatter);
var result = client.PostAsync(lREST_Uri_Browse, content).Result;
This is the model
public class Users
public int BrokerID { get; set; }
public DateTime Inserted { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string FName { get; set; }
public string LName { get; set; }
public bool ActiveAcc { get; set; }
public int BCompanyID { get; set; }
public int PID { get; set; }
public int AccType { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
public string Token { get; set; }
public int Gender { get; set; }
public DateTime BirthDate { get; set; }
public int ThirdParty { get; set; }
And bellow is the POST in APIController:
public HttpResponseMessage SaveUserData(Users pNewUser)
bool createUser = false;
// First check for provided email in DB
Users existingUser = asigCtx.Users.Where(u => u.Email == pNewUser.Email).SingleOrDefault();
if (existingUser == null)
createUser = true;
else if (existingUser.ActiveAcc)
createUser = true;
if (createUser)
using (asigCtx = new AsigPrimeContext())
Users user = new Users()
Email = pNewUser.Email,
FName = pNewUser.FName,
LName = pNewUser.LName,
Inserted = DateTime.Now,
ActiveAcc = true,
AccType = pNewUser.AccType,
BCompanyID = pNewUser.BCompanyID,
PID = pNewUser.PID,
Password = pNewUser.Password,
Token = pNewUser.Token,
ThirdParty = 0,
Gender = pNewUser.Gender,
BirthDate = pNewUser.BirthDate,
var response = Request.CreateResponse<Users>(HttpStatusCode.Created, pNewUser);
return response;
Can anyone give me piece of advice with this code because i'm new in this and i just want to do it wright. TNX
You have an error in your code. A 500 error indicates that your code contains an unhandled exception that killed its worker process.
Change your web.config file so that your application outputs the full error message.
A few things I would check/try to get to the bottom of the issue:
Is the code above exactly the same as in your application or have you changed anything (even if only to make it simpler)?
Is the Users object used in SaveUserData controller method definitely from the same assembly as the one that you are posting from the InsertNewUser method?
Is the Users object complete on the listing (e.g. does it have any constructors)?
Have you tried executing the request to the endpoint through fiddler? This way you take any potential bugs in the client call out of the equation to see if the controller method on its own works.
I've noticed this line:
string lREST_Uri_Browse = string.Format(#"api/accountapi/saveuserdata"
// User data
Are you formatting the url and passing any params to it? If so, what are the params and what does your WebApi route look like?
That should be enough for a start - let me know how you get on.
BTW: Two things that strike me in your code (unrelated to the question):
It's very confusing to have a class called 'Users' representing a single user. If it's you're code I'd advise to change that to singular.
the properties on the Users object are using abbreviations - I don't think it's that expensive to spell them out and I can guarantee you that anyone new to this code will be grateful if you put a full name rather than a mysterious BCompanyID, or less mysterious but still hard to read (and write for that matter) FName
I had the same problem a few weeks ago. After doing a few tests, I've realized that my WebApi application was using DataContractJsonSerializer by default, instead of Newtonsoft. To fix it, you can change the default serializer on your server to NewtonSoft or to use DatacontractJsonSerializer to serialize your object and pass it to HttpWebRequest.
I would use jQuery to post some Json to the same URL ($.post(#"api/accountapi/saveuserdata", { Email: "", FName = "Vlad" ... })), thus eliminating InsertNewUser from the equation. If you still get a null pNewUser parameter in SaveNewuser, then I would look at your API's route configuration to make sure the server expects SaveUserData(Users). If you get a non-null pNewUser from jQuery, then I would look closer at the output from InsertNewUser. If I had to bet, I would put my money on the routing configuration.
it seemed that i had an error with the LINQ code
Users existingUser = asigCtx.Users.Where(u => u.Email == pNewUser.Email).SingleOrDefault();
After i solved this the request was ok.
Tnx for the help :) Appreciate.

Json C# : deserializing a changing content or a piece of json response

I use an Api that is returning not everytime the same response based in the place demanded. Some places have more details, some contents have more attributes that others. The resulting serialized object is not the same everytime resulting in deserializing error when not match. The object of this project is not match the entire content response, but only one piece of this content : the Centroid.
"placeTypeName attrs":{
"name":"My Region",
"country attrs":{
"admin1":"My Region",
"admin1 attrs":{
Can someone point the best method to deserialize a piece of content instead the complete response (centroid not at same place), or to deserialize a changing response schema.
I use ServiceStack C# serializer but all propositions are welcome. Thanks.
There's actually a few ways you can parse this using ServiceStack's JsonSerializer as can be seen in this example of parsing one of GitHub's JSON API.
I would take the JsonObject approach as you get to end up with the C# class of your choice, although it does require more than the 1-liner that you're used to with ServiceStack's JsonSerializer. Anyway here's the resulting code:
Func<JsonObject, Centroid> toCentroid = map =>
new Centroid(map.Get<decimal>("latitude"), map.Get<decimal>("longitude"));
var place = JsonObject.Parse(JsonCentroid)
.ConvertTo(x => new Place
WoeId = x.Get<int>("woeid"),
PlaceTypeName = x.Get(""),
PlaceTypeNameAttrs = x.Object("placeTypeName attrs"),
Name = x.Get("Name"),
Country = x.Get("Country"),
CountryAttrs = x.Object("country attrs"),
Admin1 = x.Get("admin1"),
Admin1Attrs = x.Object("admin1 attrs"),
Admin2 = x.Get("admin2"),
Admin3 = x.Get("admin3"),
Locality1 = x.Get("locality1"),
Locality2 = x.Get("locality2"),
Postal = x.Get("postal"),
Centroid = x.Object("centroid")
BoundingBox = x.Object("boundingBox")
.ConvertTo(y => new BoundingBox
SouthWest = y.Object("southWest").ConvertTo(toCentroid),
NorthEast = y.Object("northEast").ConvertTo(toCentroid)
AreaRank = x.Get<int>("areaRank"),
PopRank = x.Get<int>("popRank"),
Uri = x.Get("uri"),
Lang = x.Get("lang"),
Here is the full source code of this example.
You could use the DataContractJsonSerializer that's part of the standard .NET framework. You define just those attributes you're interested in. The other ones will be ignored.
class CentroidReader
public static Centroid ReadControid(Stream stream)
DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Response));
Response response = serializer.ReadObject(stream) as Response;
return response.Place.Centroid;
class Response
[DataMember(Name = "place")]
public Place Place { get; set; }
class Place
[DataMember(Name = "centroid")]
public Centroid Centroid { get; set; }
class Centroid
[DataMember(Name = "latitude")]
public double? Latitude { get; set; }
[DataMember(Name = "longitude")]
public double? Longitude { get; set; }
