c# setup file for windows application - c#

I am creating setup file for my project.i have some folders in my project,for eaxmple say test folder. how to include this folders while creating a setup. coz now its not coming when i create a setup. please give me a solution.
thank you

You propobly need to set
Copy to output directory = Copy always
on files in those folders. After that should be included in deploy.

If you want to add files/folders that are not a part of your project output, you can go to File System inside the setup project, select Application Folder from the left and drag and drop the required folder/files in the right, alternatively you can right click and select Add->Folder/File from the menu.

I used to work with Visual Studio ,making setup's but now im using Smart Setup Maker or Install Shield .There you can manage some great things Including other Setup Files if you're application need's other Software's .Also using Install Shield you can provide some triggers like user should have .NET 3.5 installed etc.


How do I publish an Access database with my C# application using Visual Studio?

I'm trying to figure out how to publish an application I wrote. We didn't get to publishing in class, and my programming teacher is having some health issues and isn't available right now.
I found the "Publish" option, and can get it to create a folder with an install program... but I open it, and it just opens the program, and spams me infinitely, complaining that my Access database (located in the bin > debug in the build stage) can't be accessed (from some weird path I don't recognize). I tried using WiX, but it gave me an error when I tried to install, saying it doesn't have access to the install folder (running as admin). I've been googling for a few hours, poking at it, exploring, and I'm not getting too far. Can anyone ELI5?
When you use the "publish" option for desktop apps, VS creates a click-once installer that will place all the files it knows about in the appropriate locations.
Unfortunately, it can't guess which other files your application needs so you need to tell it explicitly.
If you right-click the Project->Properties, go to the Publish tab and click the "Application Files" button, you'll see all files that will be added to the installer.
Next, click "Show all files" at the bottom. Find your database, and change the Publish Status to "Data File".
Note that I've only ever used the Click Once installer to install static files (like images/documentation) that are never modified, only replaced in later releases. I'm not sure whether your (modified) db will be preserved during an update but I suspect not.
If the Click Once install process is too simple for your needs, VS2010 has "Setup Projects" which create more complex installers that support logic/code. For VS2012, the commonly suggested option is Wix. Unfortunately, it's got a steep learning curve but it can do pretty much anything you need.
I believe VS2013 and later have setup projects again through an extension but I haven't tried it myself.
The easiest way around this is likely to set the connection string programatically based on where the application is executing from.
Note that as per this answer clickonce apps are usually executed from deep inside the user profile directory (also read the answer below about data directories). It's a side-effect of how ClickOnce works (it wants to install somewhere the user is guaranteed to have write access).
Check if there really is an .mdb in that folder. If not, you need to tweak the installer or the properties for the .mdb. Assuming it's in the same location as the executable, you can tell your application where to find it...
string dbPath = IO.Path.Combine(
string connectionString = String.Format(
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source={0}",
I'm not sure why you think the database file added by the installer is in a directory directly under C:\. It's possible you're not looking at the file created by the installer.
To avoid confusion, try changing the name from access.mdb to something else (temp.mdb?), build the installer, rename back to access.mdb. Now, when you've installed the application, make sure the file you're looking at is now called temp.mdb. If not, you're looking at the wrong file.
This Link Has Full demonstration of Database Connectivity And Publish a C# application with database. The application is also running on another machines.
How to Publish C# Application with access database

How to skip folder selection form when update installed application via Windows Installer setup project

As the title describes, I am trying to skip the folder selection form when update the installed application via setup project in visual studio(casue the user already selected folder path when they installed the app). I googled online and find a way to disable folder form: http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/437285/Visual-Studio-Deployment-Setup-Disable-Installatio. However, How to know if it is installation or upgrade? If we know it is upgrade, how to get the installation path?
Thanks in advance!
I do not find any approaches to skip that folder form. This should be the reason that many installer tools exist in the market. Since my app is very small, I simply disabled the folder selection dialog. For anyone who are interested, please check this URL: http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/437285/Visual-Studio-Deployment-Setup-Disable-Installatio
If you saved the original install location in the registry, for example by saving [TARGETDIR] in a registry item, then you can retrieve it during an upgrade. You find out you're doing an upgrade because it will set a property called PREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED. The problem is that there is no way to wire it all up in a VS setup project. You want the browse dialog there (not deleted) but you want to skip it if PREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED has been set, and there's no support in VS setup projects for that. You'd need to go into the ControlEvent table in the MSI file and figure out how to skip the browse dialog, as well as have the Back button skip over if necessary, and that's just very difficult.
What's the actual issue? Visual Studio upgrades are complete installs that uninstall the previous product and install the new one wherever the user wants, so why is it necessary to install in the same location as the previous install?

How to attach a datafile to a windows app installation

I'm writing a windows application in c#,FW3.5 & Visual Studio 2008. I need to attach one or more datafiles to the installation.
The requirement is that when the end user installs the application, a folder will be created and the datafile will be put in this folder.
Is there a way to do this by amending the publish settings in Visual Studio or perhaps even do it programmatically?
Thanks for any advice.
Just thought I'd add that it's for a software package shipped to users on a 3,6 or 12 month licence. The company employee(non-programmer) needs to be able to specify the duration of the licence and which datafiles to ship with it before sending. I had tried unsuccessfully to persuade him to do away with the datafiles and just link directly to a database and now i'm stuck.
Thanks again.
You can create a setup project .Please refer to http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/vishnuprasad2005/SetupProjects12022005022406AM/SetupProjects.aspx
And then choose the application folder, create your directory and add your files to that folder.
Take a look at creating a Visual Studio Installer project. You can use the wizard to create one based on your current C# project. In the VSI project, you can adjust all sorts of things, including creating folders and publishing files to said folders.
just right-click in your project-view your main-project, select add folder, name that folder like you want, right-click it, select add existing element and choose the file you want to add.
Remember to deliver it with your release!
P.S.: This is for VS2008 and 2010! The labels might be namned other, cause I'm using the german language here!

How do I change the default Virtual Directory name during a web service install?

I have a C# web service, created using VS2008.
I have a deployment project that creates the MSI I use for deployment.
Is there a setting somewhere to change the default virtual directory that the user is prompted with during the installation?
I'd prefer to not change the name of the webservice to do this.
But isn´t this a simple case of right-clicking the setup project:
select View-> File System.
From the File system explorer, click the Web Application Folder. Press F4 to bring up the properties window (if it isn´t already visible).
In the properties window, scroll down to VirtualDirectory and change it to whatever you want.
Does that work for you?
I think I have the fix.
I couldn't find a fix thru the VS UI, so you'll need to locate your deployment project (file extention is .vdproj) and open in notepad.
Search for "VirtualDirectory"
You'll find a line similar to this:
"VirtualDirectory" = "8:OldName"
Where OldName is the current default you're seeing during installation.
Change "OldName" to whatever you want for a default. Save and build.
If there's a way to do this thru the UI, that would be even better, I couldn't find it and this works.
Visual Studio 2015. The virtual directory can be changed on the properties for the Web.ApplicationFolder for web applications

Simplifying setup and deployment in c#

I have made an application, which keeps getting updated frequently. So every time a change occurs, i've to include it's fresh builds to the setup and deployment program again and again. Is there any way to simplify the procedure? The files to be added are static in number and exist in a folder. I've heard we can write installer classes in c#, does my requirement has any thing to do with it?
I think ClickOnce doesn't suit my requirement because, for the first time i want it to run like a setup package, since it has some packages and some settings needed to be implemented on the user's machine at the time of install. Can click once help me with that? Also i want to run my application as an administrator and it references to many external dll files. So will it help my purpose?
I finally did it using clickonce deployment. I used content files to mark all the files i wanted to copy to the target computer and used clickonce deployment. Then i modified the way my program starts, so that i can lauch the installer script i wanted to run only when the app runs for the first time. Further i hosted it on IIS and had to change lot of MIME types and add new ones for the download to work over internet
Look into something called "ClickOnce" deployment. It automates a lot of what you're talking about.
EDIT: You can add custom installer actions to a ClickOnce project just like any other, to set up additional components and whatnot. As for permissions, ClickOnce will let you run as administrator if you so choose, but that sort of thing isn't recommended, and it might whine about it.
You can use ClickOnce (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/t71a733d(VS.80).aspx) which simplify the deployment process.
Maybe you can also automate the build process using NANT (http://nant.sourceforge.net/).
Yes, you can do that.
I assume you want the client to update itself when ever there is a new version.
This needs a few changes in the client code. Essentially how it works is check for availablilty of new version at a predefined location. Update you new versions to this location. On the client side, show a message to the user if he/she wants to upgrade to the new version.
You can find a link to sample project out here and here.
You can add a Setup project in your solution inside Visual Studio and then add your other project(s) outputs, or static files to the Setup project as references. The Setup project will then detect your dependencies automatically and each time you do a Rebuild All (or you rebuild/build your Setup project) it will automatically include all the necessary files.
What type of project is it? In many cases, ClickOnce can do the job for you, at nominal effort.
Beyond that - you can usually hook your installer build into your build process; some tools will do this for you.
Installer classes run at the client - so I don't think they relate to your build process...
I would flag the files as Content in their respective properties and then in the deployment project right click the project, go to File System and then right click the folder, click Add and select Content Files from the dialog box. This should copy the newest files over every time you build the deployment project.
