Regex questions - c#

I'm trying to get some text from a large text file, the text I'm looking for is:
I pass the whole text in the following method to get (Type:Production , Color:Red)
private static void FindKeys(IEnumerable<string> keywords, string source)
var found = new Dictionary<string, string>(10);
var keys = string.Join("|", keywords.ToArray());
var matches = Regex.Matches(source, #"(?<key>" + #"\B\s" + keys + #"\B\s" + "):",
foreach (Match m in matches)
var key = m.Groups["key"].ToString();
var start = m.Index + m.Length;
var nx = m.NextMatch();
var end = (nx.Success ? nx.Index : source.Length);
found.Add(key, source.Substring(start, end - start));
foreach (var n in found)
Console.WriteLine("Key={0}, Value={1}", n.Key, n.Value);
My problems are the following:
The search returns _Type: as well, where I only need Type:
The search return Color:Red/n/n/n/n/n (with the rest of the text, where I only need Color:Red
So, basically:
- How can I force Regex to get the exact match for Type and ignore _Type
- How to get only the text after : and ignore /n/n/ and any other text
I hope this is clear

Your regex currently looks like this:
I see the following issues here:
First, Word1|Word2|Word3 should be put in parenthesis. Otherwise, it will search for \B\sWord1 or Word2 or Word3\B\s, which is not what you want (I guess).
Why \B\s? A non-boundary followed by a whitespace? That doesn't make sense. I guess you want just \b (= word boundary). There's no need to use it in the end, because the colon already constitutes a word boundary.
So, I would suggest to use the following. It will fix the _Type problem, because there is no word boundary between _ and Type (since _ is considered to be a word character).
If the text following the key is always just a single word, I'd match it in the regex as well: (\s* allows for whitespace after the colon, I don't know if you need this. \w+ ensures that only word characters -- i.e. no line breaks etc. -- are matched as the value.)
Then you just need to iterate through all the matches and extract the key and value groups. No need for any string operations or index arithmetic.

So if I understand correctly, you have:
Pairs of key:values
Each pair is separated by a space
Within each pair, the key and value is separated by “:”
Then I would not use regex at all. I would:
use String.Split(' ') to get an array of pairs
loop over all the pairs
use String.Split(':') to get the key and value from each pair


C# Extract part of the string that starts with specific letters

I have a string which I extract from an HTML document like this:
var elas = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//a[#class='a-size-small a-link-normal a-text-normal']");
if (elas != null)
_extractedString = elas.Attributes["href"].Value;
The HREF attribute contains this part of the string:
And I'm trying to extract the B002755TC0 value, but the problem here is that the string will vary by its length and I cannot simply use Substring method that C# offers to extract that value...
Instead I was thinking if there's a clever way to do this, to perhaps a match beginning of the string with what I search?
For example I know for a fact that each href has this structure like I've shown, So I would simply match these keywords:
So I would find this keyword and start extracting the part of the string B002755TC0 until the next " / " sign ?
Can someone help me out with this ?
This is a perfect job for a regular expression :
string text = "gp/offer-listing/B002755TC0/";
Regex pattern = new Regex(#"offer-listing/(\w+)/");
Match match = pattern.Match(text);
string whatYouAreLookingFor = match.Groups[1].Value;
Explanation : we just match the exact pattern you need.
followed by any combination of (at least one) 'word characters' (letters, digits, hyphen, etc...),
followed by a slash.
The parenthesis () mean 'capture this group' (so we can extract it later with match.Groups[1]).
EDIT: if you want to extract also from this : /dp/B01KRHBT9Q/
Then you could use this pattern :
Regex pattern = new Regex(#"/(\w+)/$");
which will match both this string and the previous. The $ stands for the end of the string, so this literally means :
capture the characters in between the last two slashes of the string
Though there is already an accepted answer, I thought of sharing another solution, without using Regex. Just find the position of your pattern in the input + it's lenght, so the wanted text will be the next character. to find the end, search for the first "/" after the begining of the wanted text:
string input = "gp/offer-listing/B002755TC0/";
string pat = "offer-listing/";
int begining = input.IndexOf(pat)+pat.Length;
int end = input.IndexOf("/",begining);
string result = input.Substring(begining,end-begining);
If your desired output is always the last piece, you could also use split and get the last non-empty piece:
string result2 = input.Split(new string[]{"/"},StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)

Extracting and Manipulating Strings in C#.Net

We have a requirement to extract and manipulate strings in C#. Net. The requirement is - we have a string
($name$:('George') AND $phonenumer$:('456456') AND
We need to extract the strings between the character - $
Therefore, in the end, we need to get a list of strings containing - name, phonenumber, emailaddress.
What would be the ideal way to do it? are there any out of the box features available for this?
The simplest way is to use a regular expression to match all non-whitespace characters between $ :
var regex=new Regex(#"\$\w+\$");
var input = "($name$:('George') AND $phonenumer$:('456456') AND $emailaddress$:(\"\"))";
var matches=regex.Matches(input);
This will return a collection of matches. The .Value property of each match contains the matching string. \$ is used because $ has special meaning in regular expressions - it matches the end of a string. \w means a non-whitespace character. + means one or more.
Since this is a collection, you can use LINQ on it to get eg an array with the values:
var values=matches.OfType<Match>().Select(m=>m.Value).ToArray();
That array will contain the values $name$,$phonenumer$,$emailaddress$.
Capture by name
You can specify groups in the pattern and attach names to them. For example, you can group the field name values:
var regex=new Regex(#"\$(?<name>\w+)\$");
var names=regex.Matches(input)
This will return name,phonenumer,emailaddress. Parentheses are used for grouping. (?<somename>pattern) is used to attach a name to the group
Extract both names and values
You can also capture the field values and extract them as a separate field. Once you have the field name and value, you can return them, eg as an object or anonymous type.
The pattern in this case is more comples:
Parentheses are escaped because we want them to match the values. Both ' and " characters are used in values, so ['"] is used to specify a choice of characters. The pattern is a literal string (ie starts with #) so the double quotes have to be escaped: ['""] . Any character has to be matched .+ but only up to the next character in the pattern .+?. Without the ? the pattern .+ would match everything to the end of the string.
Putting this together:
var regex = new Regex(#"\$(?<name>\w+)\$:\(['""](?<value>.+?)['""]\)");
var myValues = regex.Matches(input)
.Select(m=>new { Name=m.Groups["name"].Value,
Turn them into a dictionary
Instead of ToArray() you could convert the objects to a dictionary with ToDictionary(), eg with .ToDictionary(it=>it.Name,it=>it.Value). You could omit the select step and generate the dictionary from the matches themselves :
var myDict = regex.Matches(input)
Regular expressions are generally fast because they don't split the string. The pattern is converted to efficient code that parses the input and skips non-matching input immediatelly. Each match and group contain only the index to their starting and ending character in the input string. A string is only generated when .Value is called.
Regular expressions are thread-safe, which means a single Regex object can be stored in a static field and reused from multiple threads. That helps in web applications, as there's no need to create a new Regex object for each request
Because of these two advantages, regular expressions are used extensively to parse log files and extract specific fields. Compared to splitting, performance can be 10 times better or more, while memory usage remains low. Splitting can easily result in memory usage that's multiple times bigger than the original input file.
Can it go faster?
Yes. Regular expressions produce parsing code that may not be as efficient as possible. A hand-written parser could be faster. In this particular case, we want to start capturing text if $ is detected up until the first $. This can be done with the following method :
IEnumerable<string> GetNames(string input)
var builder=new StringBuilder(20);
bool started=false;
foreach(var c in input)
if (started)
if (c!='$')
var value=builder.ToString();
yield return value;
else if (c=='$')
A string is an IEnumerable<char> so we can inspect one character at a time without having to copy them. By using a single StringBuilder with a predetermined capacity we avoid reallocations, at least until we find a key that's larger than 20 characters.
Modifying this code to extract values though isn't so easy.
Here's one way to do it, but certainly not very elegant. Basically splitting the string on the '$' and taking every other item will give you the result (after some additional trimming of unwanted characters).
In this example, I'm also grabbing the value of each item and then putting both in a dictionary:
var input = "($name$:('George') AND $phonenumer$:('456456') AND $emailaddress$:(\"\"))";
var inputParts = input.Replace(" AND ", "")
.Trim(')', '(')
.Split(new[] {'$'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var keyValuePairs = new Dictionary<string, string>();
for (int i = 0; i < inputParts.Length - 1; i += 2)
var key = inputParts[i];
var value = inputParts[i + 1].Trim('(', ':', ')', '"', '\'', ' ');
keyValuePairs[key] = value;
foreach (var kvp in keyValuePairs)
Console.WriteLine($"{kvp.Key} = {kvp.Value}");
// Wait for input before closing
Console.WriteLine("\nDone!\nPress any key to exit...");

c# extracting a certain value within a string

I'm trying to remove a certain bit of text within a string.
Say the string I have contains html elements, like paragraph tags, I created some sort of tokens that will be identified with "{" at the beginning and "}" at the end.
So essentially the string I have would look like this:
text = "<p>{token}</p><p> text goes here {token3}</p>"
I'm wondering is there a way to extract all the words including the "{}" using C#-Code within the string.
Whilst each token could be different to the next, that is why i must use "{" and "}" to identify them as seen below
At the moment I'm got to this code:
var newWord = text.Contains("{") && word.Contains("}")
Something like
var r = new Regex("({.*?})");
foreach(var match in r.Matches(myString)) ...
The ? means that your regex is non-greedy. If you omit it you´ll simply get everythinbg between the first { and the last }.
Alternativly you may also use this:
var index = text.IndexOf("{");
while (index != -1)
var end = text.IndexOf("}", index);
result.Add(text.Substring(index, end - index + 1));
index = text.IndexOf("{", index + 1);
I would just use a regex for this:
Regex reg = new Regex("{.*?}");
var results = reg.Matches(text);
The regex searches for any characters between { and }.
The .*? means match any character but in a non greedy way. So it will search for the shortest possible string between braces.

How to find repeatable characters

I can't understand how to solve the following problem:
I have input string "aaaabaa" and I'm trying to search for string "aa" (I'm looking for positions of characters)
Expected result is
0 1 2 5
aa aabaa
a aa abaa
aa aa baa
aaaab aa
This problem is already solved by me using another approach (non-RegEx).
But I need a RegEx I'm new to RegEx so google-search can't help me really.
Any help appreciated! Thanks!
I've tried to use (aa)* and "\b(\w+(aa))*\w+" but those expressions are wrong
You can solve this by using a lookahead
will find every "a" that is followed by another "a".
If you want to do this more generally
This will find every character that is followed by the same character. Every found letter is stored in a capturing group (because of the brackets around), this capturing group is then reused by the positive lookahead assertion (the (?=...)) by using \1 (in \1 there is the matches character stored)
\p{L} is a unicode code point with the category "letter"
String text = "aaaabaa";
Regex reg = new Regex(#"(\p{L})(?=\1)");
MatchCollection result = reg.Matches(text);
foreach (Match item in result) {
The following code should work with any regular expression without having to change the actual expression:
Regex rx = new Regex("(a)\1"); // or any other word you're looking for.
int position = 0;
string text = "aaaaabbbbccccaaa";
int textLength = text.Length;
Match m = rx.Match(text, position);
while (m != null && m.Success)
if (m.Index <= textLength)
m = rx.Match(text, m.Index + 1);
m = null;
It uses the option to change the start index of a regex search for each consecutive search. The actual problem comes from the fact that the Regex engine, by default, will always continue searching after the previous match. So it will never find a possible match within another match, unless you instruct it to by using a Look ahead construction or by manually setting the start index.
Another, relatively easy, solution is to just stick the whole expression in a forward look ahead:
string expression = "(a)\1"
Regex rx2 = new Regex("(?=" + expression + ")");
MatchCollection ms = rx2.Matches(text);
var indexes = ms.Cast<Match>().Select(match => match.Index);
That way the engine will automatically advance the index by one for every match it finds.
From the docs:
When a match attempt is repeated by calling the NextMatch method, the regular expression engine gives empty matches special treatment. Usually, NextMatch begins the search for the next match exactly where the previous match left off. However, after an empty match, the NextMatch method advances by one character before trying the next match. This behavior guarantees that the regular expression engine will progress through the string. Otherwise, because an empty match does not result in any forward movement, the next match would start in exactly the same place as the previous match, and it would match the same empty string repeatedly.
Try this:
How can I find repeated characters with a regex in Java?
It is in java, but the regex and non-regex way is there. C# Regex is very similar to the Java way.

Regex: replace inner string

I'm working with X12 EDI Files (Specifically 835s for those of you in Health Care), and I have a particular vendor who's using a non-HIPAA compliant version (3090, I think). The problem is that in a particular segment (PLB- again, for those who care) they're sending a code which is no longer supported by the HIPAA Standard. I need to locate the specific code, and update it with a corrected code.
I think a Regex would be best for this, but I'm still very new to Regex, and I'm not sure where to begin. My current methodology is to turn the file into an array of strings, find the array that starts with "PLB", break that into an array of strings, find the code, and change it. As you can guess, that's very verbose code for something which should be (I'd think) fairly simple.
Here's a sample of what I'm looking for:
And here's what I want to change it to:
Any suggestions?
UPDATE: After review, I found I hadn't quite defined my question well enough. The record above is an example, but it is not necessarilly a specific formatting match- there are three things which could change between this record and some other (in another file) I'd have to fix. They are:
The Pipe (|) could potentially be any non-alpha numeric character. The file itself will define which character (normally a Pipe or Asterisk).
The > could also be any other non-alpha numeric character (most often : or >)
The set of numbers immediately following the PLB is an identifier, and could change in format and length. I've only ever seen numeric Ids there, but technically it could be alpha numeric, and it won't necessarilly be 10 characters.
My Plan is to use String.Format() with my Regex match string so that | and > can be replaced with the correct characters.
And for the record. Yes, I hate ANSI X12.
Assuming that the "offending" code is always 49, you can use the following:
resultString = Regex.Replace(subjectString, #"(?<=~PLB|\d{10}|\d{8}|)49(?=>\w+|)", "CS");
This looks for 49 if it's the first element after a | delimiter, preceded by a group of 8 digits, another |, a group of 10 digits, yet another |, and ~PLB. It also looks if it is followed by >, then any number of alphanumeric characters, and one more |.
With the new requirements (and the lucky coincidence that .NET is one of the few regex flavors that allow variable repetition inside lookbehind), you can change that to:
resultString = Regex.Replace(subjectString, #"(?<=~PLB\1\w+\1\d{8}(\W))49(?=\W\w+\1)", "CS");
Now any non-alphanumeric character is allowed as separator instead of | or > (but in the case of | it has to be always the same one), and the restrictions on the number of characters for the first field have been loosened.
Another, similar approach that works on any valid X12 file to replace a single data value with another on a matching segment:
public void ReplaceData(string filePath, string segmentName,
int elementPosition, int componentPosition,
string oldData, string newData)
string text = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
Match match = Regex.Match(text,
if (!match.Success)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Not an X12 file");
char elementSeparator = match.Groups["e"].Value[0];
char componentSeparator = match.Groups["c"].Value[0];
char segmentTerminator = match.Groups["s"].Value[0];
var segments = text
.Select(s => s.Split(elementSeparator)
.Select(e => e.Split(componentSeparator)).ToArray())
foreach (var segment in segments.Where(s => s[0][0] == segmentName &&
s.Count() > elementPosition &&
s[elementPosition].Count() > componentPosition &&
s[elementPosition][componentPosition] == oldData))
segment[elementPosition][componentPosition] = newData;
string.Join(segmentTerminator.ToString(), segments
.Select(e => string.Join(elementSeparator.ToString(),
e.Select(c => string.Join(componentSeparator.ToString(), c))
The regular expression used validates a proper X12 interchange envelope and assures that all segments within the file contain at least a one character name element. It also parses out the element and component separators as well as the segment terminator.
Assuming that your code is always a two digit number that comes after a pipe character | and before the greater than sign > you can do it like this:
var result = Regex.Replace(yourString, #"(\|)(\d{2})(>)", #"$1CS$3");
You can break it down with regex yes.
If i understand your example correctly the 2 characters between the | and the > need to be letters and not digits.
This pattern will match the old one and capture the characters between the | and the >. Which you can then use to modify (lookup in a db or something) and do a replace with the following pattern:
This will look for the ~PLB|#|#| at the start and replace the 2 numbers before the > with CS.
Regex.Replace(testString, #"(?<=~PLB|[0-9]{10}|[0-9]{8})(\|)([0-9]{2})(>)", #"$1CS$3")
The X12 protocol standard allows the specification of element and component separators in the header, so anything that hard-codes the "|" and ">" characters could eventually break. Since the standard mandates that the characters used as separators (and segment terminators, e.g., "~") cannot appear within the data (there is no escape sequence to allow them to be embedded), parsing the syntax is very simple. Maybe you're already doing something similar to this, but for readability...
// The original segment string (without segment terminator):
string segment = "PLB|1902841224|20100228|49>KC15X078001104|.08";
// Parse the segment into elements, then the fourth element
// into components (bounds checking is omitted for brevity):
var elements = segment.Split('|');
var components = elements[3].Split('>');
// If the first component is the bad value, replace it with
// the correct value (again, not checking bounds):
if (components[0] == "49")
components[0] = "CS";
// Reassemble the segment by joining the components into
// the fourth element, then the elements back into the
// segment string:
elements[3] = string.Join(">", components);
segment = string.Join("|", elements);
Obviously more verbose than a single regular expression but parsing X12 files is as easy as splitting strings on a single character. Except for the fixed length header (which defines the delimiters), an entire transaction set can be parsed with Split:
// Starting with a string that contains the entire 835 transaction set:
var segments = transactionSet.Split('~');
var segmentElements = segments.Select(s => s.Split('|')).ToArray();
// segmentElements contains an array of element arrays,
// each composite element can be split further into components as shown earlier
What I found is working is the following:
parts = original.Split(record);
for(int i = parts.Length -1; i >= 0; i--)
string s = parts[i];
string nString =String.Empty;
if (s.StartsWith("PLB"))
string[] elems = s.Split(elem);
if (elems[3].Contains("49" + subelem.ToString()))
string regex = string.Format(#"(\{0})49({1})", elem, subelem);
nString = Regex.Replace(s, regex, #"$1CS$2");
I'm still having to split my original file into a set of strings and then evaluate each string, but the that seams to be working now.
If anyone knows how to get around that string.Split up at the top, I'd love to see a sample.
