Http status code with a valid xml string response - c#

I am trying to determine the right status code to apply where the response is not empty.
When a user requests a file and the file does not exist in the server. The user is returned an error message in xml format. I have my own logs but I want to try to make it obvious in IIS logs as well.
Currently the IIS logs a status 200 for all responses. But I want to set a different status code is the server does not find the file.
The problem is during unit testing I found the response is empty if the status code is not 200. I have tried (410, 206, 204). So the client does not receive the error message.
Just want to know if there is any status code I can set and also send the error message.
I am using C# ASP.NET Web Service.

Why are you sending HTTP status codes and not your own application status codes?
IIS logs will never record the code that you return in XML, it will only log the status code it receives from the server that serves your web service. Your XML is merely data as far as IIS is concerned, unless you have a special handler or filter or something installed. Otherwise IIS will only concern itself with the values of your HTTP response headers.
When you set HTTP Status Codes manaully the server will still act within the guidelines of the HTTP spec which states that only a 200 will be accompanied by a full response body.

An HTTP/1.1 404 - Not Found is appropriate - and most servers will allow you to return content, since often you want to return a user-readable HTML page to show that you didn't actually hit a real page.


Is there a way to change the HTML Error Code, if the permitted URL is too long?

We got the following problem:
I am currently developing a web server implementing a specific API. The association behind that API provided specific test cases I'm using to test my implementation.
One of the test cases is: Robustness, large resource ID
This test confirms correct error handling when sending a HTTP request with a very long location ID as URL parameter.
The url its calling looks something like this:
Basically the tests checks, if my server responds with the correct error code if the URL is too long. (At the time of writing it is testing for Errorcode 405, but I already asked them if it shouldn't be 414)
I'm developing the server in Asp.Net 6 and it always returns Bad Request 400 in the testcase.
I don't seem to find a place to change the handling for this behaviour and I am not even sure, if I can, or if the IIS is blocking the request even before it reaches my server. I activated logging in IIS, but the request does not show in the logfile in inetpub/logs/LogFiles.
My question would be, if it is possible to tell IIS to return a different error code in this case, or if it is even possible to handle the error in my application.
What I tried:
Activating IIS Logs to see if the request is even passed to my site. (It did not)
Tried adding Filters to my Controller to see if I can catch an Exception
Checked, if Development Error Sites are called.
Breakpoints in existing middlewares are not reached.
I am now pretty sure now, that the request never reaches my application.
It is possible to reproduce the error by using the default site the IIS generates on windows. Just copy the whole path from above into a browser with the host http://localhost will also just produce the error 400
As #YurongDai pointed out, I tried activating failed request tracing for my IIS Site. I used the default path \logs\FailedReqLogFiles.
The folder was created, but no file is written, when I'm opening the URL above in my browser.
IIS Error 400 occurs when the server is unable to process a request sent to a web server. The most common cause of Bad Request error 400 is an invalid URL, but it can happen for other reasons as well. To resolve IIS Error 400, first make sure that you have entered the URL correctly, typos or disallowed characters in the URL are the most common causes of Bad Request errors. If the error persists after verifying the URL, please clear your browser's cache, DNS cache, and cookies and try again.
Clear your browser's cookies.
Clear your browser's cache.
Clear your DNS cache.(Execute the following command in the command prompt window: ipconfig /flushdns)

New Server Security Causing Issues To API Response

one of my old project/app was working fine for years, very recently client report that app does not working any longer due to API response issue.
it's just a get request to an API with some parameters..
till date (before issues occurs) it returns following response:
but recently it shows following response: (note nothing is changed in the source php/code files since project start)
<html><title>You are being redirected...</title>
<noscript>Javascript is required. Please enable javascript before you are allowed to see this page.</noscript>
<script>var s={},u,c,U,r,i,l=0,a,e=eval,w=String.fromCharCode,sucuri_cloudproxy_js='',S='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';L=S.length;U=0;r='';var A='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';for(u=0;u<64;u++){s[A.charAt(u)]=u;}for(i=0;i<L;i++){c=s[S.charAt(i)];U=(U<<6)+c;l+=6;while(l>=8){((a=(U>>>(l-=8))&0xff)||(i<(L-2)))&&(r+=w(a));}}e(r);</script></html>
here is curl screenshot:
And here is the postman screenshot:
and when i check the URL in browser it shows the expected result, though when i check the devtool (network tab), it looks like page is loaded two times.. 1st one provide error (HTML/js) response (read marked) 2nd one provide the expected response (green marked), so, it looks like when it's called directly by curl/postman/c#... fails.. but as browser can do redirect it passed.
here is the browser screenshot:
i am sorry, i added several screenshot to give better idea what is happening.
and here is the URL in question:
now my question, is how can i use the API code/file to get the direct response as i was getting earlier? do i need to pass any header? update/modify server htaccess file or what?
To test the error in deep, i have tried another URL from another hosting provider, in that case i am passing post request to an URL, and this server response slightly different thing, but looks like core is same, redirect!
here is the response from new/another server:
<script>document.cookie = "humans_21909=1"; document.location.reload(true)</script>
so, it's looks like hosting providers has applied some kind of security for direct URL access?
thanks in advance for any upcoming help
best regards

RingCentral ERROR 503: The request could not be satisfied

We are trying to download attachments from RingCentral (Glip), however, we have noticed that the download URL has been changed during the last couple of days. We have tried using the Bearer Token with the new download URL to download the files, however, we have received an error with response code 503.
The request could not be satisfied.
The Lambda function associated with the CloudFront distribution is invalid or doesn't have the required permissions. We can't connect to the server for this app or website at this time. There might be too much traffic or a configuration error. Try again later, or contact the app or website owner.
If you provide content to customers through CloudFront, you can find steps to troubleshoot and help prevent this error by reviewing the CloudFront documentation.
Generated by CloudFront (CloudFront)
Request URL
The only change necessary for the recent auth change is to add the Bearer Token to the URL. This can be seen in the update notice:
What do I need to do?
To eliminate or minimize the impact of this change, developers will need to modify their application to attach authentication credentials to all file download requests. See downloading protected content in the Media content section of the RingCentral Developer Guide.
A 503 HTTP Status Code is a temporary sever-side error so there's generally nothing to be done on your end but the problem should go away on its own. If you cannot wait or it's taking a long time to resolve itself, please create a support case so the team can communicate the status to you.
Here's some information on 503 errors from MDN:
503 Service Unavailable
The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 503 Service Unavailable server error response code indicates that the server is not ready to handle the request.
Common causes are a server that is down for maintenance or that is overloaded. This response should be used for temporary conditions and the Retry-After HTTP header should, if possible, contain the estimated time for the recovery of the service.
Caching-related headers that are sent along with this response should be taken care of, as a 503 status is often a temporary condition and responses shouldn't usually be cached.

Get Host of HttpResponseMessage in Windows Store App

I have a Windows Store App (C#) where I am sending a HttpRequest and I want to check if the response I am getting is from a Captive/Limited Access Network or from the actual host specified in the HttpRequest.
So lets say I am sending a request to
I look at the response of that request and determine if it was success based on the status code.
Imagine the same scenario in a captive network(airport networks/starbucks where they redirect you to a login page):
I am sending a request to
My request gets redirected
I get back a response that the
AirportLoginPage loaded successfully with a 200 response
My code sees that as a success because of the 200 status code, but I wanted to know if my original request was successful
So, is there a way to determine the host of the server where the Response Message is coming from?
Two things which can solve your problem:
You can set HttpClientHandler.AllowAutoRedirect property to
false. But if any other code depends on this - you will need to
handle 3xx (redirect) manually.
You can check HttpResponseMessage.RequestMessage. In your example after you will send request to - this property will have

Accessing custom HTTP Response Header via C#

I've created an HTTP Response Header in IIS 7. I can see it in Fiddler but I can't get its value in C#.
Response.Headers.ToString() doesn't show the custom HTTP Response Headers.
How can I access its value?
Thanks in advance
If it is IIS that is adding this response header you might not be able to read it in your application as this header might be added much later in the execution pipeline when the ASP.NET application has finished serving the request.
