Yesterday I asked about what technology should I use to create dynamic web content here:
PHP, AJAX and Java
The suggested methods were JSP, JQuery, etc. But I thought maybe because I'm a .Net developer and I don't have any experience in web development but I have experience in WPF and C#, maybe I should go with Silverlight but the main problem here would be how can I communicate with the core part of my system which is implemented in Java?
So the main question would be: What is the best [and easiest to learn] method to send a piece of data to the Java part, get the result and use it in silverlight? A tutorial or simple example would be nice.
Thanks a lot in advance.
You should use Java Web Services as stated. Use WCF to invoke the Java WS by adding a Service Reference in Visual Studio by its url, then use the proxy classes generated automatically (located in Reference.cs) to invoke the WS. This is easy but remember SilverLight WS invocations are always asynchronous, so you must cath the OnCompleted event to get the results of the invocation. WS are slow but if the machines are in the same LAN, invocation could take a few milliseconds.
I think pipes are not your solution as SilverLight executes in a Sandbox and have many restrictions on what you can do.
This will depend on many factors, however a relatively easy approach would be to use Java Web Services. On the .NET side, WSDL will be picked up and transformed into proxy class by WSDL.exe from the Windows SDK. If, however, these two systems are on the same server (and intend on staying this way), you may decide to use pipes.
I have a smart device (Windows CE 2013) that just got the requirement to be controlled from a number of different devices, to do this, we decided to serve a web page from the device that allows it to be controlled.
I've also read that compact framework doesn't support ASP.NET so I'm intending to serve a static webpage that contains a javascript application that calls web services hosted on the device.
I also found this link explaining how to serve a SOAP Service in C++, but it seems old, and I'd prefer to do this in C# as it's my preffered language and I already have some code on it
I'm not quite happy with this solution, am I missing something? Can't I really do this in C#?
You could try this library for .NET .
It is a free in case if you are using branch v3 form a github.
There's nothing built-in in the CF that provides web server capability. Windows CE has always shipped with an HTTPD server, but, honestly, it sucks and can't be integrated with managed code anyway.
We solved this problem long ago by creating our own IIS-like web server implementation (available commercially). You could do something similar as well - it's just a lot of Socket work. That trivializes the complexity of concurrent request handling and providing an IIS-like object model, but you get the idea. Basically you have to write the whole thing.
The main answer to this is to use Mongoose (or the MIT-licenced equivalent Civetweb). They are C webservers designed for just your task - an embedded web server.
They are really easy to implement, 1 C source file added to your project, give it an array of options, and you're done. See the examples. It has plenty of features and is fast, and small (40kb compiled!). They say it takes 5 minutes to get going with it, and they're right - I tend to use it to add webserver functionality for normal applications now.
is it possible to invoke function which is written in Java using WCF or any class application written in C# .net
Can it be possible by using webOrb..
i can't find enough information about Java to .Net remoting..
If you want to communicate between C# and Java you have a couple of options.
The cleanest: Build a service.
This assumes you have access to the source code of both your C# component and your Java component. In the case that you want to call a method within Java, you can build a service that allows a connection from your C# client, to your Java service, and the service then executes the desired functionality, and returns a value back to the C# client. Some easy ways to do this is by building a RESTful service or using Thrift. I recommend you choose a solution similar to this one.
The most complex: Corba
Corba is a standard defined to communicate amongst different computer languages. Most mature languages have support for it, but it is a bit unusual, and the use of it has declined in favor of building service. This also assumes access to both source codes.
You'd have to independently look for the information regarding how to use Corba on both Java and C#. I would really advice against this.
The dirtiest but quickest: Execute as process and parse output
I really do NOT recommend you to do it this way unless you really have no choice. This would entail executing a Java program from within C#. This is only a good choice when you have no other option, because all you have is an executable. If that were the case, you can use the Process class to execute the external program, sending it parameters, and then reading the output. See the example mentioned here:
How do I start a process from C#?
This has many downsides though, as you'll have to think of every exceptional cause, determine the output for those cases, and then determine how to parse that output. If the program has any level of complexity, before you know it, you'll end up with hard to maintain code.
Conclusion: Build a Service
That's probably your best bet. Build a service that exposes an API that the C# client can call on.
We are using JCOBridge package: it is able to create a bidirectional invocation of Java API from C# (.NET Core/6/Framework).
The templates available on Templates was our good starting point for the needs we had. We reach the goal in few lines of code.
UPDATE 2022: the JNet project on GitHub can be used as a starting point. Another project is KNet, hosted on GitHub and based on JNet, that is a gateway for Apache Kafka Java API.
I have an old MFC app written in Visual Studio 6. This will at some point be rewritten in C# .NET. However, before then I have to write a couple of new Windows services for the existing application. The others were written in ATL. What I would prefer to do is write these new services in C# .NET so that when the rest of the application is rewritten, these don't need to be.
Is it going to be possible to call the interfaces on the libraries hosted in a .NET windows service from the old application? If so, could you please explain how.
Absolutely. You're looking for a feature of .NET called COM-Interop.
The second link has an ATL example.
Based on your feedback in the comments, let me expand on this...
Ah - you're right about the sample on that page.
The first link is really where you want to start for all the details. If you follow the links, you'll find this page:
"Exposing .NET Framework Components to COM"
Essentially, it's just a matter of applying a series of attributes to your classes and properties, and then generating the appropriate registry entries on the client machine (which .NET has a tool to do - see:
I've done this several times myself for .NET projects people needed to call from VC++ and/or VB6.
Some other links that might be of interest: <-- Perfect example of what you're trying to do.
I've done this exact thing with an MFC-based C++ application in Visual Studio 2008 and a .NET-based C# Windows service.
First, if you have not created the C# Windows services yet, I've got a couple of tutorials for creating the basic framework. The first tutorial provides a step-by-step procedure for creating the service and writing events to an application-specific event log. The second tutorial shows how to modify the service to install and uninstall itself from the command line, which I find of great use.
Second, you need to decide how you are going to communicate between your MFC application and your Windows service. Any kind of inter-process communication (IPC) model will work - sockets, pipes, shared memory, WCF, etc. Since you are wanting to migrate to .NET anyway, I would recommend using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), which is the way I've done it. Specifically, I chose the named pipe aspect of WCF for my communication method based on the chart shown here.
If you go down the WCF route, you'll benefit from the fact that the communication between application and service is .NET-based. Thus, when you move your application to .NET, the communication mechanism won't have to be rewritten. The trick in the meantime is getting your MFC application to use the WCF code. To do this, write the WCF client code in a .NET assembly using C#. Then, use a C++ dll to bridge the gap between your MFC code and the .NET assembly. I've got another tutorial with step-by-step instructions for how to do this.
Hope this helps.
The company has a PHP app that is in horrible condition. They want to start making plans to redesign it in .NET, however they need to run with the current design because of various reasons that I won't get into here.
They want to make some enhancements to the current design but do it in such a way that those enhancements can be in-part reused by their .NET version when it comes along. One idea to do this was to make the data and business logic portion of the app reside as a .NET webservice that would be consumed by the PHP end.
My question is will this cause problems in PHP? Can PHP consume .NET web services quickly and efficiently? Or is this just a bad design decision?
My question is will this cause
problems in PHP? Can PHP consume .NET
web services quickly and efficiently?
Or is this just a bad design decision?
I have two thoughts here. First to answer your question directly. I don't believe it's a bad design and if the .NET services are written language agnostic then there should be little issue.
The second thought is a "hope". I hope the choice to go with a .NET framework was not due to poorly written PHP. Changing languages because of poor implementation in my opinion is where the design fails. There will be more effort converting to a new language than there would be if the company choose to re-write the PHP and the end result would be a single unified language base with built-in legacy support. But then I'm a PHP fan.
For PHP to consume .NET webservices quickly you'll need to use PHP5 native SOAP Client API, enabling cache to store WSDL locally. If you use PHP4 you can use Nusoap, but it isn't as fast as native classes.
The whole point of having a webservice is interoperability between various development platforms. For instance twitter is a rails-based website and its services are consumed by multitude of various desktop and web applications written in .NET, java, python, etc, through its RESTful web-api. Facebook is PHP and C++ based as far as I know and how many webapps consume it's services through api. SO I don't think it's a bad idea. The question is how you implement this webservice. Meaning, do you want to use it once and then get rid of it or sue it for a long time. If the second option is true - make sure you design your webservice api with that in mind. Also PHP can easily consume XML-RPC and SOAP. I used both ( provided by a Perl based service) without any problem or big hits on performance.
I think using .NET to migrate from PHP is not the smartest choice - but that is somewhat subjective opinion. In my experience it almost always ended being an overkill, badly designed, more expensive to maintain and more buggy - because of the nature of the beast.
I'm not a PHP fan, but I don't believe in converting to .NET for the sake of converting. Also .NET infrastructure is more expensive to maintain and much more labor intensive.
The primary advantage of a webservice is its interoperability, or ability to be consumed by others independent of language. PHP should have something that allows it to consume webservices so that shou;dn't be too big of a deal. The disadvantage will be that it may be a little slower, but this is something you'd have to test out to see how much of an impact that has on your overall solution. Generally most solutions aren't inherently right or wrong, you have to test their usefulness to your particular circumstance.
PHP can consume .NET web services fine, as long as you stay away from WSHTTP based web services and use BASIC HTTP. You can secure BASIC HTTP web services with SSL for security.
WHen you are in Visual Studio 2008, and you have an ASP.NET (could be MVC or not, doesn't matter) project open, right click on the project and select "Add New Item." You will see see something under Web, called Web Service. This will create a .asmx file and you can find tutorials on how to create these basic web services.
Another alternative is to use Windows Communication Foundation, which has a lot of helpful classes, but it can be more complicated. The default configuration for a WCF service is WSHTTP, but it is possible to make a BASIC HTTP web service with the WCF too.
Not really much of a problem at all, just investigate your options.
Web Services can output data in a wide variety of formats. SOAP/XML are the default but there is no reason why you can't do YML, Xml serialized objects, or my current favorite JSON (which makes calling into it from a browser really easy).
Look also into WCF services, I believe they're supposed to supplant the Web Service format.
Finally, if you're looking for best practices check out Service Oriented Architecture. Its a large and varied field and this is exactly the sort of things they talk about.
We've got some problems with an external company trying in integrate into a WCF service we expose and they are a Java shop. I was wondering if there are more than one toolkit that they can try to solve their issues and would like a list to suggest to them but I'm not familiar with the Java world at all.
Essentially they've got some memory leak (apparently!) but they are very sketchy in the details.
Microsoft and Sun worked together to ensure that their latest web services toolkits worked with each other. Sun's java implementation is Metro.
Are they using Axis, if you are presenting a standard webservice to them? Or are you presenting a custom REST service that they have had to do more manual coding for (HTTPClient, XML generators/parsers, etc)?
You need to ensure you're using a normal web service binding and nothing else. I admit though over the years getting java and .net web services to play nicely is no mean feat. A memory leak by the way, would have nothing to do with calling your web service and everything to do with the way the external company is managing their memory. You're not executing anything on their servers after all :-)
I've done this successfully with Axis. It was actually pretty straight forward, using the Eclipse plugins.