Changing virtual directories in IIS 7 - c#

I just got a new pc running Windows 7. My old box had XP. I copied all of my files to a newtwork directory, then copied them down to the new pc.
I have an application built in Visual Studio 2003 that I'm trying to do maintenance on. When I try to open it I get the following error message:
Unable to open Web project 'EDIWebFormsUI_1'. The file path 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\EDIWebFormsUI_1' does not correspond to the URL 'http://Localhost:/EDIWebFormsUI_1'. The two need to map to the same server location.
I found an article on Microsoft TechNet telling how to change the mapping of a virtual directory at
However, it says "5. In the Actions panel, click Basic Settings."
I don't have a Basic Settings option in my Actions panel.
I also tried appcmd from the command line, but I get the message "appcmd is not recognized as an internal or external command."
Do you know of another way to change the virtual directory mapping for my application?

VS2003 is a bit old, but there should be a plaintext file somewhere in the project directory that points to the virtual directory location hosting the web project.

To use Appcmd, you may need to change your directory before you try to run the command. At the command prompt, type cd %windir%\system32\inetsrv then run your command. That should solve the issue.


IIS Express Access denied

I am trying to create new file in visual studio 2012
fileStream = new FileStream("google_com.txt", FileMode.CreateNew);
But i keep getting this error
Access to the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express\google_com.txt' is denied.
Plz help to fix this poblem.
Put a specific location for google_com.txt file. like C:\google_com.txt. Actually it is not allowing to create the file in default location(inside program files) as it might not have the proper privilege.
If you want to create the file in default location(inside program files) run Visual Studio as Administrator.(R-Click-> Run as Administrator).
Run Visual Studio as Administrator
You can't write to the Program Files folders on Windows Vista or later unless you're running elevated/as an administrator.
You should be writing to the application's App_Data folder if you need to write anywhere. Look into using Server.MapPath().
If this is in a web app, the file will be created in the application's root, which in this case is your iis express directory. Run Visual Studio as Administrator, or change the location of the file by specifying an explicit path.
Official Microsoft response:
Issue occurs because of missing permissions on a local resource that
the ASP.NET application tries to access If you are unable to get a
clear description of the problem because of a custom error message,
run FileMon and reproduce the problem. Stop and save the capture as
FileMon.xls and open the file in Microsoft Excel. On the Data menu,
click Filter, and then click AutoFilter to use the filtering
capabilities of Excel. Now select the drop-down list in column F and
look for "ACCESS DENIED" errors.
A sample FileMon output is shown below. 10381 1:01:11 PM w3wp.exe:2320
OPEN C:\winnt\\framework\v1.1.4322\Temporary ASP.NET
Files\sessiontest\8832e585\275ec327\global.asax.xml ACCESS DENIED NT
AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE As you can see from the filtered results,
we have narrowed down the cause of the problem. FileMon shows that the
NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE account is missing NTFS permissions on
the C:\Winnt\\Framework\v1.1.4322\Temporary ASP.NET Files
folder. This should be straight forward to fix. For more information
about using FileMon to troubleshoot ASP.NET, click the following
article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base
Try this:
Server.MapPath("~/ FolderName / google_com.txt ")

Windows service app.config location

I have installed a C# Windows Service on Windows Server 2008. I installed it with InstallUtil. The service reads some data from the app.config file and it is doing it fine. Can you tell me where this file is located after installing the service?
I have been looking for hours but can't find it.
You can verify the exact location of the installed Windows Service by following the steps below:
Bring up the list of Windows Services by clicking the "Services" icon under the "Administrative Tools" icon. You can also get this list by typing "View local services" in the Search Menu under the Start Menu.
Select your Windows service in the list of installed services, right-click and then select Properties. You can also double click on row representing the service.
Locate the "Path to executable" value on the Properties dialog box. The value will include any command line parameters.
Open the folder in which the service executable resides.
If the Windows service has been built with .NET Framework, its configuration will be stored in the corresponding .config file, i.e., the name of the executable suffixed by ".config", e.g., if the name of the executable is "XyzService.exe", then the name of the .config file will be "XyzService.exe.config".
A couple of things to note:
If you installed the service after building it on the same machine using say, Visual Studio, then Visual Studio would have transformed the App.config file from the project and placed it in the build output folder automatically (and renamed it appropriately using the above naming convention).
If your machine is set to hide file extensions in Windows Explorer, you will see 2 files "XyzService" and "XyzService.exe". In this case, the "XyzService.exe" is your config file. If you then switch off the option to hide file extenions in Windows Explorer, you will then begin to see "XyzService.exe" and "XyzService.exe.config".
If you cannot find a corresponding .exe.config file, then it is possible that the code within the service is falling back to default values. In this case, you can place a properly named and formatted config file alongside the service executable and then restart the service and everything should be fine.
According to Microsoft
For client executables, the application configuration file resides in
the same directory as the application's executable and has the same
base name as the executable with a .config extension.
Note, if your exe is called appname.exe, and you have Windows explorer set to hide extensions, then your application will display as appname and your config file then it will be displayed as appname.exe (even though the true name is appname.exe.config)
As others have pointed out, InstallUtil doesn't do anything with the config file and it should have copied to the server in the same manner as the exe itself.
It is the same location from where you have registered service using installutil tool.
The App.config is likely called {ProjectName}.exe.config given the fact that it is a Windows Service. Check to see if that file exists and is what you are looking for.
The same place where your application (Windows Service) is.
Check it out, if it's not there place it in the same directory as of service.
If you have a live environment (and from your question it seems like you do), you can check what's actually happening using the superior Process Monitor utility. But usually the .config fileis located right next to the .exe, and named the same.

Visual Studio Moving a Content File on Publish

I'm developing a Web application that uses a couple XML files to store data. I have their Build Action set to Content, and on install the files are copied successfully to the Applications Virtual Directory:
The problem I'm having is that writing to these XML files (in order to save settings and things like that) causes a lot of write permissions issues. Therefore to get around it, I'm trying to copy these files from the virtual directory they're installed to to a new directory under the C drive, using the following PostBuildEvent in the Web Deployment Project:
xcopy "$(TargetDir)*.xml" "C:\CompanyName\ApplicationName\" /y
However, this does nothing. I'm not sure if this is because PostBuildEvents in the installer are not actually fired on install, but only on building the installer, or if TargetDir represents the bin directory:
instead of the root application virtual directory:
Does anyone have any ideas? Has anyone dealt with this sort of thing before? I'm really stumped on this one.
I included a PostBuildEvent that should give full permissions to all users:
icacls "$(TargetDir)" /grant Users:F
But it doesn't seem to have resolved the problem.
I'm also unsure where exactly $(TargetDir) if pointing to, if it would be ..\ApplicationName\ or ..\ApplicationName\bin\
All you have to do is give full permissions to the user under whose context the Web Application Pool runs.
You can find this user by starting IIS manager and look at the Application Pools and Identity column
Something like
cacls C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ApplicationName /G Users:F
will give all permissions to this subdirectory to all users on the computer, If you are running under ApplicationPoolIndentity refer here
Turns out there's a much easier way to do what I was trying to do.
Instead of using PostBuildEvents to create a new directory structure and move files there, I added the new directory structure into
InstallerProject > View > File System
after which I located the Content Files from SomeProject entry in my installer project, and changed the Folder value to the newly specified directory structure, in this case
This seems to work fine, I'm now able to access these files freely as I originally intended.

Working Directory in Visual Studio C# file

What exactly is Working Directory in the properties of Visual Studio C# project.
I have see a project where I right click and go to Properties and then I go to Debug tab, it shows me Working Directory where Author of the code has specified folder in local machine. I want to know what does that working directory means and what kinds of file will it store in that directory.
Thank you in advance.
Every process has a current Working Directory which is where all relative paths will be formed from. If not specified, this directory is the directory in which the active application started.
You can check which directory is set by calling:
As mentioned above in a comment by #0xA3 this setting has no effect to your deployed product, it is is only for debugging.
The working directory of a project (and any Windows program in general) is the default place in which a program is looking up it's files. For example: My program has working directory C:\dir and tries to open test.txt, it would look in C:\dir\test.txt.
So every opened file will be opened relative to the working folder.
I think it will store nothing there, unless you add/write code in your application which explicitly creates files, either explicitly in the application's working directory, or implicitly specifying only a filename without specifying a directory at all.

Create a Setup File Windows.Net C#

I have created a windows application setup program, it needs to have a text file in the application folder. The file is also included while creating the setup.
Once the setup successfully completes and my program tries to modify the file based on user input, its simple throwing an exception.
I am using Windows 7 Home Premium OS.
Any suggestion/help will be great to overcome this issue.
This is normal on a Vista or Win7 machine. Or a properly secured XP machine for that matter. The normal install location for programs, like c:\program files\your company\your app, is read only for most users. UAC is a counter-measure to malware messing with programs.
You'll need to store the text file into a writable location, the AppData folder. In the Setup project, right-click "File system on target machine" and select User's Application Data Folder. Find that file back at runtime through Environment.GetFolderPath, passing Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData. Or use "User's Personal Data Folder" if the user should be able to find it back easily through the Documents folder.
What exception is being thrown? It could be a UAC issue.
