I Am Trying to create a program using c# that needs to connect to a database running on a Solaris server, I am not too familiar with the server, we normally use dbVisualizer to connect to it. the driver it uses to connect is mysql-connector-java-5.1.10, which is a jdbc driver. was wondering what drivers to use to connect to the database using C# and what is the syntax used to establish the connection. as far as I know I will be unable to install any drivers on the server side, and i will only be able to make changes/Install what is required on the client.
If I read your question correctly you are trying to connect to a MySql database from c#. This can be achieved by downloading the .net connector for MySql - Connector/Net. When you install this driver it will "integrate" with Visual Studio and you will be able to connect to the server directly from Visual Studio and your Program that will use the driver.
On the question on the syntax to connect you will either need to use MySqlConnection, with a tutorial here - http://bitdaddys.com/MySQL-ConnectorNet.html, or use something like the ADO.NET Entity Framework. But that depends on your Tastes.
I am assuming this Server can be access over the network.
Update User Confused about Connection String
You pass that string to the connection without any JDBC:// prefixes.
Please Note haven't done this in a while so the connection string could be wrong (So correct me If I'm wrong) and if you forget any connection string in the future you can always use a website like http://www.connectionstrings.com/ which shows them all for you. That is where I got the string above.
Hope that helps.
I believe this is what you want to connect (on the server):
You can try your connection like this:
string MyConString = "SERVER=yourserver;" +
"DATABASE=mydatabase;" +
"UID=testuser;" +
MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(MyConString);
You would probably want to follow the normal guidelines for IDisposable classes (use using etc.).
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
using System.Windows;
class Connexion
public MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection connexion;
private string server;
private string database;
private string uid;
private string password;
public Connexion()
server = "localhost";
database = "GestionCommeriale";
uid = "root";
password = "";
String connexionString;
connexionString = "SERVER=" + server + ";" + "DATABASE=" + database + ";" +
"UID" + uid + ";" + "PASSSWORD =" + password + ";";
connexion = new MySqlConnection(connexionString);
public bool OpenConnexion()
return true;
catch (MySqlException ex)
switch (ex.Number)
case 0:
MessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to server. Contact administrator");
case 1045:
MessageBox.Show("Invalid username/password, please try again");
return false;
public bool ColseConnexion()
return true;
catch (MySqlException ex)
return false;
I wanted to insert some data to the mysql database using that ID that I have retrieved from datagridview. i am new in programming. can someone please help me? thanks
First you need to download and intall
MySQL ADO.Net connector
it's the official ado.net connector for C# applications. once you intall that you can use ado.net standered data access methods to save data.
basic steps
First create a connection to the my sql data base.
Then create a command object contains the insert command.
then provide the object that contain the so called ID and finalize the command object
then Execute the command against the database.
Sample code
This is the class variables that will be used later
private MySqlConnection connection; // this MySqlConnection class comes with the connector
private string server;
private string database;
private string uid;
private string password;
This will Initialize method will configure the connection with the configuration data
private void Initialize()
server = "localhost";
database = "connectcsharptomysql";
uid = "username";
password = "password";
string connectionString;
connectionString = "SERVER=" + server + ";" + "DATABASE=" +
database + ";" + "UID=" + uid + ";" + "PASSWORD=" + password + ";";
connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);
this method will open a connection to the database . you should write a C Lose method as well .because it's best practice to always close the connection after you used it
private bool OpenConnection()
return true;
catch (MySqlException ex)
//When handling errors, you can your application's response based
//on the error number.
//The two most common error numbers when connecting are as follows:
//0: Cannot connect to server.
//1045: Invalid user name and/or password.
switch (ex.Number)
case 0:
MessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to server. Contact administrator");
case 1045:
MessageBox.Show("Invalid username/password, please try again");
return false;
This will insert a record to database . query will contains the T-SQL query that runs against the database
public void Insert()
string query = "INSERT INTO tableinfo (name, age) VALUES('John Smith', '33')";
//open connection
if (this.OpenConnection() == true)
//create command and assign the query and connection from the constructor
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, connection);
//Execute command
//close connection
Hope this will help
I am a beginner in C # and I intend to create a simple program to check the connection to the mysql server (in this case I am using xampp, so the connection is local).
The problem is that the connection to the mysql server does not work, so the "Can not open connection!" box pops up. I appreciate all the explanations. thank you :)
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
namespace WindowsFormsApp1
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection cnn;
string server = "localhost";
string database = "test";
string uid = "root";
string password = ""; //im using xampp
string connectionString;
connectionString = "SERVER=" + server + ";" + "DATABASE=" +
database + ";" + "UID=" + uid + ";" + "PASSWORD=" + password + ";";
MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);
cnn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
MessageBox.Show("Connection Open ! ");
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Can not open connection ! ");
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Thank you for clarifying the specific problem you're having. That's helpful ;)
Thank you, too, for posting the error message.
In the future, please copy/paste the error as TEXT, not an image.
In this case, it would have been nice to run the error text through Google Translate ;)
Based on the error message, it sounds like your C# program might be trying to use the SQL Server driver to talk to a MySQL database. That won't work :)
Look at any of these links:
MySQL Connector/Net Developer Guide
MySQL C# tutorial
Connect C# to MySQL
At a minimum, you'll also need to get the MySQL driver (e.g. from NuGet):
how to get new mysql connector for c#
I have the same problem after a while i find out i can not use SqlConnection. SqlConnection is for SQL Server i need to install MySql.Data from NuGet:
Install-Package MySql.Data in your Package Manager Console
then i can create MySqlConnection object and connect to your database:
System.Data.IDbConnection cnn = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection("my Connection String");
MessageBox.Show("Connection Open ! ");
I am trying to open connection with Azure SQL database. Tried creating usual connection = new MySqlConnection("Server=" + server + "Database=" + database + "Uid=" + uid + "Password=" + password); with every string variable ending with ; but yet it always fails to connect even if the data is correct. Tried to use given string for ADO.NET but then I am getting exception "keyword is not supported". I don't what else to actually.. Googled as much as possible but all solutions are quite the same and yet nothing works out for me :/
Firstly, azure databases don't use mysql. so using MySqlConnection() won't work.
instead use
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionstring);
Standard connection strings should be in the format
User ID=[LoginForDb]#[serverName];Password=myPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;
See https://www.connectionstrings.com/azure-sql-database/ for more options
var connectionString = #"Server=tcp:<dbname>.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=<databasename>;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=<userid>;Password=<password>;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;";
That's how I connect to my Azure SQL Database, works for me.
For MySQL In App you can use the fellowing code in c# to get the connection string:
static string getConnectionString()
string connectionString = "dbname=localdb;host=localhost:3306;user=root;pass=password;";
string connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MYSQLCONNSTR_localdb");
string[] options = connectionString.Split(";");
string database = options[0].Split("=")[1]; ;
string serverport = options[1].Split("=")[1];
string server = serverport.Split(":")[0];
string port = serverport.Split(":")[1];
string user = options[2].Split("=")[1];
string password = options[3].Split("=")[1]; ;
connectionString = $"server={server};port={port};database={database};user={user};password={password};";
return connectionString;
The standard .Net Framework provider format is:
User ID=[LoginForDb]#[serverName];Password=myPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;
Azure SQL Database is an SQL Server type database, not MySQL!
Have you followed Microsoft instructions?
You have to create server-level firewall rule on azure too, to be able to connect.
i have a strange problem with my xamarin ios pcl app.
I have a login mechanism which checks is a sqlserver database is accessable and "if yes" then it downloads some infos from a different database. The iPad is using OpenVPN to create a connection to your network and everything seems to work great except one big issue.
1. step
The OpenVPN connection is diasbled but wifi is available (outside our network). The login method detects that the server is not available and use an another method to login.. great.
2. step
The OpenVPN connection is enabled and the sql server is reachable a´nd everything is again working perfect.
3. step
I disable the OpenVPN connection and logon again. Now the SQLConnection is initialized and the method conn.Open(); is performed. The connection state is "open" but why? There is no connection to the server available.
At the first time i thought it could be an issue that the SQLConnection object will not disposed correctly but i can't find any fault. I've checked everything, the server is really not available (used ping app) but the state is already open.
When i restart the App the sate is detected correctly again, which is an indicator that something is keeping in memory which making the sqlconnection object detecting as open.
Can anybody help me to find out why the connection is shown as open after the conenction was opened with openvpn before?
This is the method to check the connection to the sql server:
[assembly: Dependency(typeof(ADMA2.iOS.SqlServer))]
namespace ADMA2.iOS
/// <summary>
/// Steuerung der Datensynchronisierung mit dem SQL Server
/// </summary>
public class SqlServer: ISqlServer
/// <summary>
/// Contains the Error message if occur
/// </summary>
private string error = "";
public string Error
get { return error; }
public bool LoginToSqlServer(string ServerIP,
string Database,
string Username,
string Password) {
string connectionString = "Persist Security Info=false" +
";Integrated Security=true" +
";Initial Catalog=" + Database +
";Server=tcp:" + ServerIP +
";User ID=CONTEX" + #"\" + Username +
";Password=" + Password +
";Connection Timeout=10";
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open)
return true;
return false;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
This is the code to check if the server is reachable
public string Login (string Username, string Password)
try {
// many more code here.....
var mySqlServer = DependencyService.Get<ISqlServer>(DependencyFetchTarget.NewInstance);
bool isOnline = mySqlServer.LoginToSqlServer(ConfigurationData.GetSQLServerIP(),
if (isOnline) {
// Many more code here
// Many more code here
return "";
}catch(Exception ex){
return "Allg. Fehler:" + ex.Message;
} // login
I suspect you're losing the scope rather than closing the connection in your code above. Looking at MSDN's information regarding the use of 'SqlConnection.Open Method()'
If the SqlConnection goes out of scope, it is not closed. Therefore,
you must explicitly close the connection by calling Close.
Link to MSDN page
I would suggest explicitly closing the connection when you are done with it.
I want to connect to mysql server from C#. I found some code on the net but somewhere there is something wrong because i get
A first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in System.Data.dll
private void Initialise()
server = "dns to server";
database = "db_name";
uid = "root";
password = "password";
string connectionString;
connectionString = "SERVER=" + server + ";" + "DATABASE=" +
database + ";" + "UID=" +
uid + ";" + "PASSWORD=" + password + ";";
connectionString = "Server=xxx.no-ip.org;Database=rdb;"+
connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);
if (this.OpenConnection() == true)
private bool OpenConnection() {
try {
return true;
catch (MySqlException ex){
switch (ex.Number) {
case 0:
MessageBox.Show("Cannot connect to server. Contact administrator");
case 1045:
MessageBox.Show("Invalid username/password, please try again");
return false;
I don't get any message on the console. I added Mysql.Data as a reference to my project and i used using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
I also tried connectig through gui but with no luck. Ideas ?
Edit 1 : with either connection string my program is still not working.
Edit 2 : OpenConnection method added.
Edit 3 : This is the error i get !
probably you need to change your approach...use a webconfig or app config to setup and read your connectionstrings from the config...
I would also recommend you to read this...
Based on your updated findings...there can be two problems, first double check your connectionstring, Second is to check if the user "root" has the required permissions.
Look here: http://www.connectionstrings.com/mysql
Have all.
I think the problem is your database server:
It seems your app doesn't find the server. Check firewall.
You can debug and set an interruption point and check which exception it's throwing, not just the number