I currently have a method on my repository like this:
public int GetMessageCountBy_Username(string username, bool sent)
var query = _dataContext.Messages.AsQueryable();
if (sent)
query = query.Where(x => x.Sender.ToLower() == username.ToLower());
query = query.Where(x => x.Recipient.ToLower() == username.ToLower());
return query.Count();
It currently builds one of two queries based on the sent boolean. Is this the best way to do this or is there a way to do this within the query itself? I want to check if x.Sender is equal to username if sent equals true. But I want to check if x.Recipient is equal to username if sent equals false.
I then want this LINQ expression to translate into SQL within Entity Framework, which I believe it is doing.
I just want to avoid repeating as much code as possible.
You could do something like this :
public int GetMessageCountBy_Username(string username, bool sent)
Func<Message, string> userSelector = m => sent ? m.Sender : m.Recipient;
var query =
.Where(x => userSelector(x).ToLower() == username.ToLower());
return query.Count();
Thus the choosing of the right user (the sender or the recipient) is done before the linq part, saving you from repeating it twice.
Yes, I believe this is correct way to do it. Because it is easy to create complex queries without repeating whole parts of queries.
And your thinking about translating to SQL is correct too. But beware, this is done at the moment, when data or agregation is requested. In your case, the SQL will be generated and executed when you call Count().
My Code:
elections = elections.Where(e => e.Creator == Username || e.Approver == Username || IsUserInCc(e.Cc,Username))
.OrderBy(e => e.Status)
.ThenByDescending(e => e.Group);
var test = elections.FirstOrDefault();
private bool IsUserInCc(string cc, string username)
var ccList = cc.Split(';');
if (ccList.Contains(username))
return true;
return LDAPUtility.Instance.IsUserInGroup(ccList.ToList(), username);
LINQ to Entities does not recognize method IsUserInCc.
From many posts, I can understand why error was thrown. Basically IsUserInCc is not available in SQL execution. I need somehow convert it back to C# to handle it.
LINQ to Entities does not recognize my method
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method in query
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString(Int32)'
However, in my specific case, what is the best approach?
You need to convert to list first. Also note that elections must be able to hold a list for this to run.
elections = elections.ToList().Where(e => e.Creator == Username || e.Approver == Username || IsUserInCc(e.Cc,Username))
.OrderBy(e => e.Status)
.ThenByDescending(e => e.Group);
For your function written in code, you cannot use that on Queryables. You need to convert to in-memory list and then apply the filter required using your function.
The root cause of your issue is that your underlying data isn't normalised properly. You need to put your CC's in a collection, not have them as a single deliniated string.
In SQL you'd need to add a new table called CC or something and put each user name in there and link it back to an election. Or if it's an in-memory collection, add a new property that in its Getter will do the split for you.
Either way, then you won't run into this kind of problem. If your data isn't properly structured, you will create problems for yourself further up the stack.
When you want to send request to databaseusing Linq like:
var query = listData.Where(x=>x.Id == 123);
Type of this query is IQueryable that means your query not Executed yet!
Now you are sending data as IQueryable to method and can not process on your data, you have to Execute that with methods like: Tolist(), ToListAsync() or something like these.
The best way for these is that you get data from database without that method, after that you execute your query, you can Run this method.
Can you try like this :
elections = elections.Where(e => e.Creator == Username || e.Approver == Username).Tolist().Where(e => IsUserInCc(e.Cc,Username))
.OrderBy(e => e.Status)
.ThenByDescending(e => e.Group);
var test = elections.FirstOrDefault();
private bool IsUserInCc(string cc, string username)
var ccList = cc.Split(';');
if (ccList.Contains(username))
return true;
return LDAPUtility.Instance.IsUserInGroup(ccList.ToList(), username);
I have a database that users can run a variety of calculations on. The calculations run on 4 different columns each calculation does not necessarily use every column i.e. calculation1 might turn into sql like
WHERE Column1 is not null
and calculation2 would be
WHERE Column2 is null
I am trying to generate this via linq and I can get the correct data back by calculating everything every time such as
table.Where(x => x.Column1 != null)
.Where(x => x.Column2 == null)
.GroupBy(x => x.Date)
.Select(dateGroup => new
Calculation1 = dateGroup.Sum(x => x.Column1 != null),
Calculation2 = dateGroup.Sum(x => x.Column2 == null)
The problem is that my dataset is very large, and so I do not want to perform a calculation unless the user has requested it. I have looked into dynamically generating Linq queries. All I have found so far is PredicateBuilder and DynamicSQL, which appear to only be useful for dynamically generating the Where predicate, and hardcoding the sql query itself as a string with the Sum(Column1) or Sum(Column2) being inserted when necessary.
How would one go about dynamically adding the different parts of the Select query into an anonymous type like this? Or should I be looking at an entirely different way of handling this
You can return your query without executing it, which will allow you to dynamically choose what to return.
That said, you cannot dynamically modify an anonymous type at runtime. They are statically typed at compile time. However, you can use a different return object to allow for dynamic properties without needing an external library.
var query = table
.Where(x => x.Column1 != null)
.Where(x => x.Column2 == null)
.GroupBy(x => x.Date);
You can then dyamically resolve queries with any one of the following:
dynamic returnObject = new ExpandoObject();
if (includeOne)
returnObject.Calculation1 = groupedQuery.Select (q => q.Sum(x => x.Column1));
if (includeTwo)
returnObject.Calculation2 = groupedQuery.Select (q => q.Sum (x => x.Column2));
Concrete Type
var returnObject = new StronglyTypedObject();
if (includeOne)
returnObject.Calculation1 = groupedQuery.Select (q => q.Sum(x => x.BrandId));
Dictionary<string, int>
I solved this and kept myself from having to lose type safety with Dynamic Linq by using a hacky workaround. I have a object containing bools that correspond to what calculations I want to do such as
public class CalculationChecks
bool doCalculation1 {get;set;}
bool doCalculation2 {get;set;}
and then do a check in my select for whether or not I should do the calculation or return a constant, like so
Select(x => new
Calculation1 = doCalculation1 ? DoCalculation1(x) : 0,
Calculation2 = doCalculation2 ? DoCalculation2(x) : 0
However, this appears to be an edge case with linq to sql or ef, that causes the generated sql to still do the calculations specified in DoCalculation1() and DoCalculation2 and then use a case statement to decide whether or not its going to return the data to me. It runs signficantly slower,40-60% in testing, and the execution plan shows that it uses a much more inefficient query.
The solution to this problem was to use an ExpressionVisitor to go through the expression and remove the calculations if the corresponding bool was false. The code showing how implement this ExpressionVisitor was provided by #StriplingWarrior on this question Have EF Linq Select statement Select a constant or a function
Using both of these solutions together is still not creating sql that runs at 100% the speed of plain sql. In testing it was within 10s of plain sql no matter the size of the test set, and the major portions of the execution plan were the same
I'd like to be able to take a url-formatted string (e.g united-kingdom) and use it in a WHERE clause against a Country column that is not formatted in such a way (e.g. United Kingdom).
Ideally, I'd like to be able to do something like this:
.Where(j => j.Country.MyStringFormattingExtension() == urlformattedstring);
I understand that this is a no go because EF would try and execute the projection on the SQL side. It gives me: "LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String MyStringFormattingExtension(System.String)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression."
It has been suggested that I return the query as an enumerable before applying the where clause, however I think that this would be pretty inefficient - returning all rows from the DB before filtering.
You can define a user defined function and import that into your database. Read this article for more details
// In SQL
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ToFormattedString ...
// In C#
public static class EntityFunctions
[EdmFunction("dbo", "ToFormattedString")]
public static string ToFormattedString(this string input)
throw new NotSupportedException("Direct calls not supported");
var results = db.Jobs.Where(j => j.Country.ToFormattedString() == urlFormattedString);
Alternatively, you can create a view in your database that materializes the string the way you want it to be formatted then join it into your Linq query.
// In SQL
CREATE VIEW dbo.vFormattedJobs AS ...
// In C#
var results =
(from j in db.vFormattedJobs
where j.FormattedCountry == urlFormattedString
select j);
How about going the other way, and converting the URL-formatted string into the database format before using it in the query?
var dbFormattedString = urlformattedstring.ConvertToDbFormat();
var result = db.Jobs.Where(j => j.Country == dbFormattedString);
(db.Jobs is already an IEnumerable, so I suppose that the suggestion was to call ToList() on it - it would have worked, but indeed, it would have been very inefficient unless the table is very small.)
I have a list that I need to query based on about 10 different parameters that user pass to my program.
What s the best way to do it ?
Query params can be : username and/or user id and/or age etc.
What you are trying to achieve is composing a dynamic query in LINQ. You could do this in two ways:
using dynamic LINQ;
using PredicateBuilder by Joseph Albahari (recommended in this case);
Briefly, this is how to use PredicateBuilder in your case:
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<User>();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhitespace(username))
predicate = predicate.And(a => a.Username == username);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhitespace(whatever))
predicate = predicate.And(a => a.Whatever == whatever);
/* etc. etc. */
var filteredUsers = myUsers.Where(predicate);
I guess you're talking about filtering objects based on an initially unknown number of conditions.
LINQ does not evaluate your query until you explicitly ask so by enumerating it (using foreach, ToList(), ToArray()...). And when you do that, depending on the implementation of LINQ (SQL, objects, XML, etc), the query will be optimized.
AFAIK, all implementation are able to optimize "where condition1 where condition2" into "where condition1 && condition2".
Which means you just have to add your filtering conditions one by one. For instance:
private List<User> FilterUsers(string username, string userid, int? minAge, int? maxAge)
IEnumerable<User> query = GetUsers();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username)) query = query.Where(u => u.Username.StartsWith(username);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid)) query = query.Where(u => u.Userid == userid);
if (minAge != null) query = query.Where(u => u.Age >= minAge.Value);
if (maxAge != null) query = query.Where(u => u.Age <= maxAge.Value);
return query.ToList();
Here GetUsers() is supposed to return an IEnumerable. Can be a Table if you're using LINQ-to-SQL, ChildNodes() if you're using LINQ-to-XML. Try to enumerable the least possible before applying your where clauses.
I assume that you want to build the where part of your Linq query dynamically - I don't recommend that via a string (see link below) because it could introduce something similar to what is known as SQL injection to LINQ i.e. change of behaviour of the LINQ query with user-supplied params in ways you don't want...
That said check this link out http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2008/01/07/dynamic-linq-part-1-using-the-linq-dynamic-query-library.aspx - Scott Gu demonstrates something that comes close to what you describe including a library and some sample code...
What you want to do is have a method with the folowing signature
public void Filter(Func<Account, bool> filterExpression)
this way you can support filtering for various scenarios on the UI.
Not breaking the encapsulation of your (I assume) repository, that's why I do the ToList() so no IQueryable is sent to the client.
I know the following is possible with linq2db4o
from Apple a in db
where a.Color.Equals(Colors.Green)
select a
What I need however is something that allows me to build my query conditionally (like I can in other linq variants)
public IEnumerable<Apple> SearchApples (AppleSearchbag bag){
var q = db.Apples;
if(bag.Color != null){
q = q.Where(a=>a.Color.Equals(bag.Color));
return q.AsEnumerable();
In a real world situation the searchbag will hold many properties and building a giant if-tree that catches all possible combinations of filled in properties would be madman's work.
It is possible to first call
var q = (from Color c in db select c);
and then continue from there. but this is not exactly what I'm looking for.
Disclaimer: near duplicate of my question of nearly 11 months ago.
This one's a bit more clear as I understand the matter better now and I hope by now some of the db4o dev eyes could catch this on this:
Any suggestions?
Yes it's definitely possible to compose optimized LINQ queries using db4o. Granted that db is defined as follows:
IObjectContainer db;
Here is your query:
public IEnumerable<Apple> SearchApples (AppleSearchbag bag)
var query = db.Cast<Apple> ();
// query will be a Db4objects.Db4o.Linq.IDb4oLinqQuery<Apple>
if (bag.Color != null)
query = query.Where (a => a.Color == bag.Color);
return query;
In that case, the query will be executed whenever the returned enumerable is being iterated over.
Another possibility is to use the IQueryable mechanism, that has the advantage of being better recognized by developers:
public IQueryable<Apple> SearchApples (AppleSearchbag bag)
var query = db.AsQueryable<Apple> ();
// query will be a System.Linq.IQueryble<Apple>
if (bag.Color != null)
query = query.Where (a => a.Color == bag.Color);
return query;
In both cases, db4o will try to deduce an optimized query from the lambda expression upon execution, and if it fails, will fallback to LINQ to objects. The first one has the advantage of being more direct, by avoiding the queryable to LINQ to db4o transformation.