Extract substrings from a given string in C# - c#

I have a string from which i want to extract a required string as :
"S101 Peter"
"S3282 Steve"
How to extract only the Names i.e. Peter and Steve from the above two strings. I worked out with Replace, Remove, TrimStart, IndexOf but couldn't find out? Please help...

You want SubString:
var name = theString.SubString(theString.IndexOf(' ') + 1);

String S = "S101 Peter";
String S1 = S.split(" ")[1];

If you can ensure the pattern of "XXXX YYYY", you could probably just split it at the whitespace:
string name = "S101 Peter".Split(' ')[1];

A simple way would be "S101 Peter".Split(' ')[1]

You can also do .Split(' ')[1]

string s = "S101 Peter";
string[] substrings = s.split(' ');
string result = substrings [1];


Splitting string on multi-character delimeter

string Idstr="ID03I010102010210AEMPD4677EID03I020102020208L8159734ID03I030102030210IPS1406974PT03T010109981815938030202PT03T0201109899488666030201PT03T0301109818159381030203PT03T040112919818159381030201";
string[] stringSeparators = new string[] { "ID03I0" };
string[] result;
result = IdStr.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
This is the result:
Desired result:
As you can see I want to include delimiter ID03I0 to the elements.
NOTE: I know I can include it by hardcoding it. But that's not the way I want to do it.
result = IdStr.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(x => stringSeparators[0] + x).ToArray();
This adds the seperator to the beginning at every element within your array.
EDIT: Unfortunately with this approach you are limited to use just one single delimiter. So if you want to add more you´d use Regex instead.
Following Regex pattern should work.
string input = "ID03I010102010210AEMPD4677EID03I020102020208L8159734ID03I030102030210IPS1406974PT03T010109981815938030202PT03T0201109899488666030201PT03T0301109818159381030203PT03T040112919818159381030201";
string delimiter = "ID03I0";//Modify it as you need
string pattern = string.Format("(?<=.)(?={0})", delimiter);
string[] result = Regex.Split(input, pattern);
Online Demo
Adapted from this answer.

Splitting on “,” but not “/,”

Question: How do I write an expression to split a string on ',' but not '/,'? Later I'll want to replace '/,' with ', '.
Delimiter: ','
Skip Char: '/'
Example input: "Mister,Bill,is,made,of/,clay"
I want to split this input into an array: {"Mister", "Bill", "is", "made", "of, clay"}
I know how to do this with a char prev, cur; and some indexers, but that seems beta.
Java Regex has a split functionality, but I don't know how to replicate this behavior in C#.
Note: This isn't a duplicate question, this is the same question but for a different language.
I believe you're looking for a negative lookbehind:
var regex = new Regex("(?<!/),");
var result = regex.Split(str);
this will split str on all commas that are not preceded by a slash. If you want to keep the '/,' in the string then this will work for you.
Since you said that you wanted to split the string and later replace the '/,' with ', ', you'll want to do the above first then you can iterate over the result and replace the strings like so:
var replacedResult = result.Select(s => s.Replace("/,", ", ");
string s = "Mister,Bill,is,made,of/,clay";
var arr = s.Replace("/,"," ").Split(',');
result : {"Mister", "Bill", "is", "made", "of clay"}
Using Regex:
var result = Regex.Split("Mister,Bill,is,made,of/,clay", "(?<=[^/]),");
Just use a Replace to remove the commas from your string :
s.Replace("/,", "//").Split(',').Select(x => x.Replace("//", ","));
You can use this in c#
string regex = #"(?:[^\/]),";
var match = Regex.Split("Mister,Bill,is,made,of/,clay", regex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
After that you can replace /, and continue your operation as you like

How can I split a word from within brackets using the Split method in C#?

How can I split a word from within brackets like:
I need to take only the word "animal" using C# split.
If you only want to split on brackets this will do:
string test = "(duck)(monkey)";
string[] animals = test.Split(new [] {'(', ')'},
animals now contains { "duck", "monkey"}. For a single animal input (i.e. (animal)) just take animals[0] or evaluate directly:
string animal = test.Split(new [] {'(', ')'},
The documentation for the String.Split method already gives you examples of how to do this. Just specify the brackets as the delimiter characters you want to split on:
string originalString = "(animal)";
string[] newString = originalString.Split(new char[] {'(', ')'});
{"", "animal", ""}
Are you sure you need to use split()?
If it is as simple as you stated wouldn't
string justWord = "(animal)".Replace("(","").Replace(")","")
be more efficient and clearer?
Only the trim is enough to do this
string originalString = "(animal)";
originalString = originalString.Trim('(',')');
Here is
string searchValues = "(duck)(monkey)";
var matches = Regex.Matches(searchValues, #"\w+");
var values = (from matche in matches.Cast<Match>() select matche.Value).ToList();

C# Textbox string separation

I have textbox in c#, contains two or three strings with white spaces. i want to store those strings seperately.please, suggest me any code. thanx.
var complexValue = #"asdfasdfsdf asdfasd fffff
var complexValues = complexValue.Split();
.Split() is a pseudo-overload, as it gets compiled as .Split(new char[0]).
additionally msdn tells us:
If the separator parameter is
null or contains
no characters, white-space characters
are assumed to be the delimiters.
White-space characters are defined by
the Unicode standard and return true
if they are passed to the
Char.IsWhiteSpace method.
Firstly use this name space
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
in your code
string Message = "hi i am fine";
string []Record=Regex.Split(Message.Trim(), " ");
Output is an array.
I hope it works.
string[] parts = myTextbox.Text.Split();
Calling String.Split() with no parameters will force the method to consume all whitespace and only return the separated strings:
var individualStrings = originalString.Split();
To get three different strings in an array, you can use String.Split()
string[] myStringArray = OriginalString.Split(" ".ToCharArray());
string[] words = Regex.Split(textBox.Text, #"\s+");
Try this:
string str = #"this is my string";
string[] arr = str.Split(new char[] { char.Parse(" ") });
Try :
string data = TextBox1.Text;
var s1 = data.Split();
string a = s1[0].ToString();
string b= s1[1].ToString();

Regular expression to split string and number

I have a string of the form:
Is there a regular expression that can be used with Regex.Split() to split the alphabetic part and the numeric part into a two-element string array?
I know you asked for the Split method, but as an alternative you could use named capturing groups:
var numAlpha = new Regex("(?<Alpha>[a-zA-Z]*)(?<Numeric>[0-9]*)");
var match = numAlpha.Match("codename123");
var alpha = match.Groups["Alpha"].Value;
var num = match.Groups["Numeric"].Value;
splitArray = Regex.Split("codename123", #"(?<=\p{L})(?=\p{N})");
will split between a Unicode letter and a Unicode digit.
Regex is a little heavy handed for this, if your string is always of that form. You could use
"codename123".IndexOfAny(new char[] {'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0'})
and two calls to Substring.
A little verbose, but
Regex.Split( "codename123", #"(?<=[a-zA-Z])(?=\d)" );
Can you be more specific about your requirements? Maybe a few other input examples.
IMO, it would be a lot easier to find matches, like:
Regex.Matches("codename123", #"[a-zA-Z]+|\d+")
.Select(m => m.Value)
rather than to use Regex.Split.
Well, is a one-line only: Regex.Split("codename123", "^([a-z]+)");
Another simpler way is
string originalstring = "codename123";
string alphabets = string.empty;
string numbers = string.empty;
foreach (char item in mainstring)
if (Char.IsLetter(item))
alphabets += item;
if (Char.IsNumber(item))
numbers += item;
this code is written in java/logic should be same elsewhere
public String splitStringAndNumber(String string) {
String pattern = "(?<Alpha>[a-zA-Z]*)(?<Numeric>[0-9]*)";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(pattern);
Matcher m = p.matcher(string);
if (m.find()) {
return (m.group(1) + " " + m.group(2));
return "";
