Moq - Simple Cache Test - c#

I'm just starting with Moq and unit testing in general. What I'm trying to do here is create a simple test to make sure my caching functionality is working correctly.
Why does the following test fail? The test is failing because the repository is getting called twice. However, I have stepped through the debugger and verified that the second call does pull from the cache and does not query the repository.
public void Test_Cache()
var Service = new Service(_mockRepository.Object, _mockLogger.Object, _mockCacheStorage.Object);
_mockRepository.Verify(r => r.FindAll(), Times.Once());
Here is the service code, which I have verified works through the debugger.
public IList<Csa> GetAll()
string cacheKey = "GetAll";
IList<Csa> activeList = _cacheStorage.Get<List<Csa>>(cacheKey);
if (activeList == null)
activeList = _Repository.FindAll();
_cacheStorage.Set(cacheKey, activeList);
return activeList;
catch (Exception exception)
_logger.Log(LogType.Error, exception.ToString());

I think you need to break up your testing into two seperate tests. One test should verify that the Repository is accessed when the activeList is null, and the other test should verify that the fetch from the repository is skipped when the activeList is not null. The key is to 'stub' the _cacheStorage.Get<> call in the skipped version.
Something like this:
public void Test_Cache()
var Service = new Service(_mockRepository.Object, _mockLogger.Object, _mockCacheStorage.Object);
_mockCacheStorage.SetupGet(g => g.Get<List<Csa>>(It.IsAny<string>).Returns(new List<Csa>());
_mockRepository.Verify(r => r.FindAll(), Times.Never());

It appears you have a problem with your mock cache storage always returning null. You are mocking the cache storage, so my guess is that calls to Get and Set on your cached storage aren't saving off the list properly. You have a few options:
mock get and set on your mock cache storage to get and set a local variable or dictonary
create a stub implementation of your cache storage interface that just uses a dictionary underneath
don't inject a dependency for your cache storage and just use a dictionary in your implementation.


Moq Unit Testing - expected result?

I'm using Moq for my Unit Tests and have got the following method:
public void GetTestRunById_ValidId_TestRunReturned()
var mockTestRunRepo = new Mock<IRepository<TestRun>>();
var testDb = new Mock<IUnitOfWork>();
testDb.SetupGet(m => m.TestRunsRepo).Returns(mockTestRunRepo.Object);
TestRun returnedRun = EntityHelper.getTestRunByID(testDb.Object, 1);
The method in question which is being tested is getTestRunByID(). I have confirmed that this method is called when debugging this unit test, but as expected getTestRunByID() doesn't return anything since the mock has no data inside it.
Would all that matter is the method gets hit and returns null? If not, how can I add data to my mockTestRunRepo when it's only present as a returned value from testDb?
For reference the method being tested is:
public static TestRun getTestRunByID(IUnitOfWork database, int testRun)
TestRun _testRun = database.TestRunsRepo.getByID(testRun);
return _testRun;
The purpose of the unit test is to ONLY test the small method getTestRunByID. For that, test if it was called exactly once with that integer parameters, 1.
mockTestRunRepo.Verify(m => m.getByID(1), Times.Once());
You must also set up the method getByID for mockTestRunRepo, to make it return a specific value, and test if the result value of the test run is equal to what you expected.
//instantiate something to be a TestRun object.
//Not sure if abstract base class or you can just use new TestRun()
mockTestRunRepo.Setup(m => m.getByID(1)).Returns(something);
Test if you get the same value
TestRun returnedRun = EntityHelper.getTestRunByID(testDb.Object, 1);
Assert.AreEqual(returnedRun, something);
This code might be prone to errors, as I do not have an environment to test it right now. But this is the general idea behind a unit test.
This way, you test if the method getById runs as expected, and returns the expected result.
You have your repository return data the same way that you setup everything else.
var mockTestRunRepo = new Mock<IRepository<TestRun>>();
// This step can be moved into the individual tests if you initialize
// mockTestRunRepo as a Class-level variable before each test to save code.
mockTestRunRepo.Setup(m => m.getById(1)).Returns(new TestRun());
Per #Sign's recommendation, if you know that you're calling it with 1, then use that instead of It.IsAny<int>() to keep things cleaner.

C# FakeItEasy and Method Chaining: Only First Call Is Recognized

I have a call to a factory interface that creates an IMachine in a command handler. This returned IMachine from the factory has methods that can be chained together to create itself inside of a builder class. The problem I am running into with FakeItEasy right now is that it only recognized the first call (which is WithSpeeds) unless I configure every method call to return a fake IMachine. Is there a way not to configure every single call or have FakeItEasy recognize every method call on the chain? I know I must be doing something incorrect because if i use OrderAssertions, and fail the order on purpose without setting up my fake machine, it shows calls were made to all the methods. Thanks for the help.
Part of the Command Handler's Method
public void Handle(FooCommand commandParm)
var entity = new Entity.Builder
Machine = _factory.CreateMachine(commandParm.MachineName)
.WithSpeeds(commandParm.ProcessingSpeed, commandParm.StartupSpeed, commandParm.ShutDownSpeed)
.WithOils(commandParm.Lubrication, commandParm.FinishingOil)
public void HandleSetMachineSettings_should_build_machine()
// Arrange
var settings = CommandUtilities.ReturnFooCommand();
var _factory = A.Fake<IMachineFactory>();
var machine = A.Fake<IMachine>();
A.CallTo(() => _factory.CreateMachine(settings.MachineName)).Returns(machine);
// Act
// Assert
A.CallTo(machine).Where(x => x.Method.Name.Equals("set_MachineNumber")).WhenArgumentsMatch(arg => arg.Get<int>(0) == settings.MachineNumber).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once);
A.CallTo(() => machine.WithSpeeds(commandParm.ProcessingSpeed, commandParm.StartupSpeed, commandParm.ShutDownSpeed)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once);
A.CallTo(() => machine.WithOils(commandParm.Lubrication, commandParm.FinishingOil)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once);
I take it that WithSpeeds and WithOils both return an IMachine, yes?
The problem is:
_factory.CreateMachine returns one IMachine, machine from your setup
machine.WithSpeeds returns a fake IMachine that FakeItEasy makes up. This is not machine, but is a different fake, call it "machine2"
machine2.WithOils returns yet another fake machine
Your Assert block suggests that you expected the same machine to be returned at each step of the builder chain. Try inserting
after A.CallTo(() => _factory.CreateMachine()).Returns(machine);
That way machine will keep returning itself, and the appropriate properties will be set on it and whatnot.

Unit test difference in mock and real object

Below is my unit test method(c#) :-
public void ShouldReturnDtosWhenProductsFound_GetProducts()
// Arrrange
var count = 0;
var name = "myproduct";
var description = "desc";
// setup mocked dal to return list of products
// when name and description passed to GetProducts method
_productDalMock.Setup(d => d.GetProducts(name, description)).Returns(_productList);
// Act
List<ProductDto> actual = _productService.GetProducts(name, description);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(_productList.Count, actual.Count);
foreach (var product in _productList)
Adapter.AssertAreEqual(product, actual[count]);
// verify all setups of mocked dal were called by service
I am using Mock object to mocking the GetProducts method(dependency).And in mocking i am returning the already declared product list(_productList).
My problem is when i am debugging the test,i am not getting the same product list in actual object as i passed in mocking.And according to my exploration we will get the same list of objects in actual result which we pass in mock object.
Can any one suggest me what is going wrong here ?
I just want to know its necessary for mock object to return the same values with actual object or it can be change ?
When you initialize _productService, inject the _productDalMock you're setting up. This is typically done in the constructor of _productService, after you have initialized the _productDalMock instance.
_productService = new ProductService(_productDalMock);
In your debugging, verify that the _productService.GetProducts code finally hits the _productDal.GetProducts code line. i.e. there is no code before the DAL call which would make the _productService.GetProducts method return etc.
If you ensure the above 2 steps, then the actual products returned should be same as the one you're passing.

Incorrect TestOutcome status in Teardown when created from StaticTestFactory

Using MbUnit, I create tests using several StaticTestFactory methods, each having corresponding test setup and teardown methods. A requirement is to log test results to an external system, especially failed ones.
However, I am unable to get the correct test outcome status using TestContext.CurrentContext.Outcome.Status. Using below code, you will see that the test fails, but the Outcome.status is always returned as 'Passed' from FactoryAssignedTearDownMethod, even when both Gallio Icarus and Echo show the test as failed.
Looking for any workaround or fix to get the correct outcome in this scenario.
public class FactoryTest
public static IEnumerable<Test> CreateStaticTests()
var testcase = new TestCase("simpletest" , () =>
Assert.Fail("staticfactory created test failed.");
testcase.TearDown = FactoryAssignedTearDownMethod;
yield return testcase;
public static void FactoryAssignedTearDownMethod()
//outcome value is always 'Passed', even when test fails
TestLog.WriteLine("Test Outcome Status from factory assigned method: " + TestContext.CurrentContext.Outcome.Status);
I worked around this by writing a Gallio TestRunnerExtension. By handling the TestStepFinished event, I can get the proper test result for all tests created with the StaticTestFactory.

Mocking an NHibernate ISession with Moq

I am starting a new project with NHibernate, ASP.NET MVC 2.0 and StructureMap and using NUnit and Moq for testing. For each of my controllers I have a single public constructor into which an ISession is being injected. The application itself works just fine, but in terms of unit testing I essentially have to mock an ISession in order to test the controllers.
When I attempt to Mock the ISession with MOQ i get the following error message:
Only property accesses are supported
in intermediate invocations
It appears that my problem is expecting List of users from the framework CreateQuery method but after googling the issue I am now clearer.
I have two questions:
1) Is this the WRONG way to mock dependency injection of an ISession
2) Is there a way to modify the code so that it can successfully return my list
public void DummyTest()
var mock = new Mock<ISession>();
var loc = new Mock<User>();
loc.SetupGet(x => x.ID).Returns(2);
loc.SetupGet(x => x.FirstName).Returns("John");
loc.SetupGet(x => x.LastName).Returns("Peterson");
var lst = new List<User> {loc.Object};
mock.Setup(framework => framework.CreateQuery("from User").List<User>()).Returns(lst);
var controller = new UsersController(mock.Object);
var result = controller.Index() as ViewResult;
Please note, I am pretty sure I could just create a hard-coded list of users (rather than mocking an individual User and adding it to a list) but figured I'd leave the code as I have it right now.
Also, the Index action of this particular controller essentially executes the CreateQuery call mimicked above to return all users in the database. This is a contrived example - don't read anything into the details.
Thanks in advance for your help
Edit: In reply to the below comment, I am adding the stacktrace for the error. Also, all properties on the User class are virtual.
failed: System.NotSupportedException :
Only property accesses are supported
in intermediate invocations on a
setup. Unsupported expression
framework.CreateQuery("from User").
m) at
exp) at
m) at
exp) at
expression) at
lambda, Mock mock) at
at Moq.PexProtector.Invoke[T](Func1
function) at
Moq.Mock.Setup[T1,TResult](Mock mock,
Expression1 expression) at
Below is the solution I came up with which seems to work perfectly. Again, I am not testing NHibernate and I am not testing the database - I simply want to test the controllers which depend on NHibernate. The issue with the initial solution appears to be the fact that I was calling a Method as well as reading the List member of the session in the MOQ setup call. I broke up these calls by breaking the solution into a QueryMock and a Session Mock (create query returns an IQuery object). A transaction mock was also necessary as it is a dependency (in my case) of the session...
public void DummyTest()
var userList = new List<User>() { new User() { ID = 2, FirstName = "John", LastName = "Peterson" } };
var sessionMock = new Mock<ISession>();
var queryMock = new Mock<IQuery>();
var transactionMock = new Mock<ITransaction>();
sessionMock.SetupGet(x => x.Transaction).Returns(transactionMock.Object);
sessionMock.Setup(session => session.CreateQuery("from User")).Returns(queryMock.Object);
queryMock.Setup(x => x.List<User>()).Returns(userList);
var controller = new UsersController(sessionMock.Object);
var result = controller.Index() as ViewResult;
Rather than mocking the Session, one might consider setting up a different Configuration for unit-tests. This unit-testing Configuration uses a fast, in-process database like SQLite or Firebird. In the fixture setup, you create a new test database completely from scratch, run the scripts to set up the tables, and create a set of initial records. In the per-test setup, you open a transaction and in the post-test teardown, you rollback the transaction to restore the database to its previous state. In a sense, you are not mocking the Session, because that gets tricky, but you are mocking the actual database.
