I'm trying to popup a user control and then fade it out over 3 seconds. I'm trying to use the following code but I keep getting incorrect parameter value on the assignment of Popup.LoadedEvent as well as Splash.LoadedEvent. What am I doing wrong?
Splash s = new Splash();
DoubleAnimation fade = new DoubleAnimation()
Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(3000)),
From = 1.0,
To = 0.0,
RepeatBehavior = new RepeatBehavior(1)
fade.Completed += new EventHandler(fade_Completed);
this.popup = new Popup();
this.popup.Child = s;
EventTrigger et = new EventTrigger();
et.RoutedEvent = Popup.LoadedEvent;
Storyboard sb = new Storyboard();
BeginStoryboard bs = new BeginStoryboard() { Storyboard = sb };
this.popup.IsOpen = true;
I also cant seem to figure out where/how to set the target property.
Edit: I was able to get the answer using the link #Titan2782 provided. I've posted it in an answer below.
check out http://www.windowsphonegeek.com/articles/wp7-transitions-in-depth--custom-transitions it has some code to work with storyboard and set the target properties.
You should look into the transitions stuff in the windows phone toolkit: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/wfaught/archive/2010/11/15/transitions.aspx
its only a couple lines to get those transitions in.
You might have some issues here because you're using a popup, and the popup doesn't exist in the visual tree?
I have an example with a button in vb, shouldn't be hard to translate into c#:
Dim Fade As New Animation.DoubleAnimation
Fade.From = 0.5
Fade.To = 1
Fade.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)
Animation.Storyboard.SetTarget(Fade, button)
Animation.Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(Fade, New PropertyPath(Button.OpacityProperty))
Dim sb As New Animation.Storyboard
I suppose this works also with the Popup.
Thanks to #Titan2782 answer I was able to figure it out
Splash s = new Splash();
DoubleAnimation fade = new DoubleAnimation()
Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(4000)),
From = 1.0,
To = 0.0,
RepeatBehavior = new RepeatBehavior(1)
fade.Completed += new EventHandler(fade_Completed);
this.popup = new Popup();
this.popup.Child = s;
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(fade, new PropertyPath(UIElement.OpacityProperty));
Storyboard.SetTarget(sb, s);
this.popup.IsOpen = true;
I am trying to make a TextBox locked by using OpenXML SDK. I've tried this method but the TextBox NoTextEdit is not working.
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.Shape GenerateShape(string StrText)
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.Shape shape1 = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.Shape();
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.NonVisualShapeProperties nonVisualShapeProperties1 = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.NonVisualShapeProperties();
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.NonVisualDrawingProperties nonVisualDrawingProperties1 = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = (UInt32Value)3U, Name = "ID",Hidden=true ,Description="Do not Remove" ,MCAttributes=null };
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.NonVisualShapeDrawingProperties nonVisualShapeDrawingProperties1 = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.NonVisualShapeDrawingProperties();
Drawing.ShapeLocks shapeLocks1 = new Drawing.ShapeLocks() { NoTextEdit = true, NoGrouping = true,NoMove=true,NoSelection=true,NoEditPoints=true ,NoAdjustHandles=true ,NoRotation=true,NoChangeArrowheads=true,NoChangeAspect=true,NoChangeShapeType=true,NoResize=true};
ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties applicationNonVisualDrawingProperties1 = new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties();
PlaceholderShape placeholderShape1 = new PlaceholderShape() { Type = PlaceholderValues.SubTitle, Index = (UInt32Value)1U };
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.ShapeProperties shapeProperties1 = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.ShapeProperties();
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.TextBody textBody1 = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.TextBody();
Drawing.BodyProperties bodyProperties1 = new Drawing.BodyProperties();
Drawing.ListStyle listStyle1 = new Drawing.ListStyle();
Drawing.TextShape shp = new Drawing.TextShape();
Drawing.Paragraph paragraph1 = new Drawing.Paragraph();
Drawing.EndParagraphRunProperties endParagraphRunProperties1 = new Drawing.EndParagraphRunProperties() { Language = "en-US" ,Dirty=false };
return shape1;
public Drawing.Run GenerateRun(string StrText)
Drawing.Run run1 = new Drawing.Run();
Drawing.RunProperties runProperties1 = new Drawing.RunProperties() { Language = "en-US", Dirty = false };
runProperties1.SetAttribute(new OpenXmlAttribute("", "smtClean", "", "0"));
Drawing.Text text1 = new Drawing.Text();
text1.Text = StrText;
Drawing.SolidFill solidFill2 = new Drawing.SolidFill();
Drawing.SchemeColor schemeColor = new Drawing.SchemeColor();
string y = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent.ToArgb().ToString("X");
Drawing.RgbColorModelHex rgbColorModelHex2 = new Drawing.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "FFFFFF" };//Set Font-Color to Blue (Hex "0070C0").
Color color = new Color() { Val = "365F91", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeShade = "BF" };
return run1;
Everything works fine except editing. Still the user can edit the TextBox values by double clicking it. How can I avoid this ?
Is there any permanent solution to prevent editing ? Please help me to find a better solution.
Thanks in advance
By researching and communications with the MVP team I've pointed out that there is no way to Protect the TextBox from editing.
As Cindy Meister mentioned in the comments,
Are you able to do it in the PowerPoint application user interface? If not, then Open XML cannot do it... If yes, you can.
If you do not want to text to be changed , Just change it as image then lock that by using NoSelection=true/1 and NoMove=true/1 properties. If you enable these properties the user can't either delete nor change it's position.
For your ref: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/msoffice_powerpoint-mso_windows8-mso_2016/shape-lock-is-not-working/c1705b55-d2aa-4adb-b538-574ed2fc8eca?tm=1579265435636&page=1&rtAction=1579495439869
In FormField "HH" i am trying to make text as link, but it is readed only as string text, it is not clickable.
I use Aspose.Pdf v.11.6.0.
var doc = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(pdfFileStream);
var pdfForm = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.Form(doc);
pdfForm.FillField("Name", model.Name.ToUpper());
pdfForm.FillField("ISOS", model.NumberISOS.ToUpper());
pdfForm.FillField("Info", dateInfo);
pdfForm.FillField("HH", "http://www.somewebsite.com");
I use this code:
Page page = (Page)doc.Pages[1];
var text = new TextFragment("index");
text.Position = new Position(200, 300);
Aspose.Pdf.WebHyperlink link = new
text.Hyperlink = link;
but new Position(200, 300); values not responding.
Here is my solution, because position does not work, i move the link with margins. This worked for me.
Page page = (Page)doc.Pages[1];
var text = new TextFragment("LINK");
text.Position = new Position(300, 300);
Aspose.Pdf.WebHyperlink link = new WebHyperlink("www.google.com");
text.Hyperlink = link;
text.Margin.Left = -48;
text.Margin.Top = 687;
text.Margin.Bottom = -150;
text.TextState.Underline = true;
text.TextState.FontSize = 11;
text.TextState.ForegroundColor = Aspose.Pdf.Color.DeepSkyBlue;
text.TextState.BackgroundColor = Aspose.Pdf.Color.White;
I'm trying to style the Coding4Fun InputPrompt control to set a border on the textbox element and change the unselected colour in code.
I've not been able to find any examples, and visual studio doesn't recognise the control properly (InputPrompt is displayed in red with no intellisense, but the project runs fine).
I've managed to set some colours and update the buttons, but no success on the textbox.
Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
Here is what I have so far:
var input = new InputPrompt
Title = "Title",
Message = "My Message",
IsCancelVisible = true,
Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xCC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)),
Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White)
input.Completed += input_Completed;
input.InputScope = new InputScope
Names = {new InputScopeName() {NameValue = InputScopeNameValue.TelephoneNumber}}
foreach (var button in input.ActionPopUpButtons)
button.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White);
button.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White);
button.Margin = new Thickness(0,5,0,0);
input.BorderThickness = new Thickness(5.0);
I might be missing something here, but this code:
this.oSectionDRs = new Section()
new ActivityElement()
Caption = Locale.GetLocale("Settings_Loading"),
Animating = true
// To begin with just show a loading indicator.
this.Root = new RootElement (Locale.GetLocale("Settings_Select"))
Does not show any animated thingy. It is showing the label only. How can I get the animated star?
Using this code:
var root = new RootElement("foo");
root.Add (new Section("foo", "bar") {
new ActivityElement()
Caption = "foo",
Animating = true
var dvc = new DialogViewController(root, false);
window.RootViewController = dvc;
I get both the caption and the activity scroller thing. Not sure it helps you tho! I was just using the built in MT.D.
I'm trying to use the Microsoft ribbon control programatically using C#. Everything is fine but I'm unable to bind the command through the RibbonCommand. Can anyone give me an example of how to do this? My actual code is:
Ribbon rbn = new Ribbon();
RibbonTab file = new RibbonTab();
file.Name = "file";
file.Label = "FILE";
RibbonTab edit = new RibbonTab();
edit.Name = "edit";
edit.Label = "Edit";
RibbonGroupPanel rbgp = new RibbonGroupPanel();
RibbonGroup rbg = new RibbonGroup();
RibbonButton rbtn = new RibbonButton();
rbtn.Content = "New";
RibbonCommand rcomnd = new RibbonCommand();
rcomnd.LabelTitle = "NEW";
rcomnd.ToolTipDescription = "THIS IS NEW";
rcomnd.LargeImageSource = imgSource;
rcomnd.Execute(rbtn, rbtn);
rbtn.IsEnabled = true;
//rcomnd.SmallImageSource = imgSource;
rcomnd.CanExecute +=new CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler(rcomnd_CanExecute);
rcomnd.Executed +=new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(rcomnd_Executed);
CommandBinding cmdb = new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.New);
cmdb.Command = ApplicationCommands.New;
cmdb.Executed +=new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(cmdb_Executed);
//rcomnd.Executed += new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(OnAddNewEntry);*/
rbtn.Click +=new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(rbtn_Click);
rbtn.Command = rcomnd;
But the bindings are not working and the button is not enabled.
Check this tutorial from the "Adding Commands" section. It may be good to read it from the start.