Say I get the following question
Console.WriteLine("Which teams have faced eachother? - use Red vs Blue format");
Then my answer to the question above will have two teams. But how can read them as two seperate?
So that i only read [Red] [Blue], but the "vs" part inbetween as to be there.
I hope my you understood what I am trying to say. My english is not great.
best regards,
ps, as you can tell I am pretty new in programming.
edit: oh and this is all in C#
You can use String.Split():
var answers = userInput.Split(new String[] { "vs" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (answers.Length == 2) {
var red = answers[0];
var blue = answers[1];
There are many option you can use Split function to make it array and remove "vs"
or simple use String.Replace("vs","") function to replace the "vs" string with blank value.
You can try using a regular expression:
Match m = Regex.Match("^(?<team1>\.+) vs (?<team2>\.+)$", userInput);
if (m.Success)
string team1 = m.Groups["team1"].Value;
string team2 = m.Groups["team2"].Value;
Please note that this may not be 100% syntactically correct - you have to refer to IntelliSense a bit - for example, I'm not sure whether the pattern is the first or the second parameter in Match, but I'm sure you get the picture.
U can read all as one string then split with "vs" seperator, then ull get table of 2 strings that u need
Use the String.Split function, as others have suggested. This will split your string into an array of strings. Then, identify which string in the array is the 'vs' string. Take the value of the index prior to 'vs' and after 'vs'. For example:
string input = "Which teams have faced eachother? - use Red vs Blue format";
string[] inputArray = input.Split( ' ' );
int vsLocation = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < inputArray.Length; i++ ) {
if ( inputArray[i] == "vs" ) {
vsLocation = i;
if ( vsLocation > 0) {
string team1 = inputArray[vsLocation - 1];
string team2 = inputArray[vsLocation + 1];
I am trying to process a report from a system which gives me the following code
000=[GEN] OK {Q=1 M=1 B=002 I=3e5e65656-e5dd-45678-b785-a05656569e}
I need to extract the values between the curly brackets {} and save them in to variables. I assume I will need to do this using regex or similar? I've really no idea where to start!! I'm using c# 4.
I need the following variables
param1 = 000
param2 = GEN
param3 = OK
param4 = 1 //Q
param5 = 1 //M
param6 = 002 //B
param7 = 3e5e65656-e5dd-45678-b785-a05656569e //I
I will name the params based on what they actually mean. Can anyone please help me here? I have tried to split based on spaces, but I get the other garbage with it!
Thanks for any pointers/help!
If the format is pretty constant, you can use .NET string processing methods to pull out the values, something along the lines of
string line =
"000=[GEN] OK {Q=1 M=1 B=002 I=3e5e65656-e5dd-45678-b785-a05656569e}";
int start = line.IndexOf('{');
int end = line.IndexOf('}');
string variablePart = line.Substring(start + 1, end - start);
string[] variables = variablePart.Split(' ');
foreach (string variable in variables)
string[] parts = variable.Split('=');
// parts[0] holds the variable name, parts[1] holds the value
Wrote this off the top of my head, so there may be an off-by-one error somewhere. Also, it would be advisable to add error checking e.g. to make sure the input string has both a { and a }.
I would suggest a regular expression for this type of work.
var objRegex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(#"^(\d+)=\[([A-Z]+)\] ([A-Z]+) \{Q=(\d+) M=(\d+) B=(\d+) I=([a-z0-9\-]+)\}$");
var objMatch = objRegex.Match("000=[GEN] OK {Q=1 M=1 B=002 I=3e5e65656-e5dd-45678-b785-a05656569e}");
if (objMatch.Success)
I've just tested this out and it works well for me.
Use a regular expression.
Quick and dirty attempt:
(?<ID1>[0-9]*)=\[(?<GEN>[a-zA-Z]*)\] OK {Q=(?<Q>[0-9]*) M=(?<M>[0-9]*) B=(?<B>[0-9]*) I=(?<I>[a-zA-Z0-9\-]*)}
This will generate named groups called ID1, GEN, Q, M, B and I.
Check out the MSDN docs for details on using Regular Expressions in C#.
You can use Regex Hero for quick C# regex testing.
You can use String.Split
string[] parts = s.Split(new string[] {"=[", "] ", " {Q=", " M=", " B=", " I=", "}"},
This solution breaks up your report code into segments and stores the desired values into an array.
The regular expression matches one report code segment at a time and stores the appropriate values in the "Parsed Report Code Array".
As your example implied, the first two code segments are treated differently than the ones after that. I made the assumption that it is always the first two segments that are processed differently.
private static string[] ParseReportCode(string reportCode) {
const int GRP_SEGMENT_NAME = 1;
const int GRP_SEGMENT_VALUE = 2;
Regex reportCodeSegmentPattern = new Regex(#"\s*([^\}\{=\s]+)(?:=\[?([^\s\]\}]+)\]?)?");
Match matchReportCodeSegment = reportCodeSegmentPattern.Match(reportCode);
List<string> parsedCodeSegmentElements = new List<string>();
int segmentCount = 0;
while (matchReportCodeSegment.Success) {
if (++segmentCount < FIRST_VALUE_ONLY_SEGMENT) {
string segmentName = matchReportCodeSegment.Groups[GRP_SEGMENT_NAME].Value;
string segmentValue = matchReportCodeSegment.Groups[GRP_SEGMENT_VALUE].Value;
if (segmentValue.Length > 0) parsedCodeSegmentElements.Add(segmentValue);
matchReportCodeSegment = matchReportCodeSegment.NextMatch();
return parsedCodeSegmentElements.ToArray();
For example a string contains the following (the string is variable):
What would be the most efficient way of removing the duplicate url here - e.g. output would be:
I assume that input contains only urls.
string input = "";
// this will get you distinct URLs but without "http://" at the beginning
IEnumerable<string> distinctAddresses = input
.Split(new[] {"http://"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string distinctAddress in distinctAddresses)
// when building the output, insert "http://" before each address so
// that it resembles the original
Efficiency has various definitions: code size, total execution time, CPU usage, space usage, time to write the code, etc. If you want to be "efficient", you should know which one of these you're trying for.
I'd do something like this:
string url = "";
if (url.Length % 2 == 0)
string secondHalf = url.Substring(url.Length / 2);
if (url.StartsWith(secondHalf))
url = secondHalf;
Depending on the kinds of duplicates you need to remove, this may or may not work for you.
collect strings into list and use distinct, if your string has http address you can apply regex http:.+?(?=((http:)|($)) with RegexOptions.SingleLine
var distinctList = list.Distinct(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase).ToList();
Given you don't know the length of the string, you don't know if something is double and you don't know what is double:
string yourprimarystring = "";
int firstCharacter;
string temp;
for(int i = 0; i <= yourprimarystring.length; i++)
for(int j = 0; j <= yourprimarystring.length; j++)
string search = yourprimarystring.substring(i,j);
firstCharacter = yourprimaryString.IndexOf(search);
if(firstCharacter != -1)
temp = yourprimarystring.substring(0,firstCharacter) + yourprimarystring.substring(firstCharacter + j - i,yourprimarystring.length)
yourprimarystring = temp;
This itterates through all your elements, takes all out from first to last letter and searches for them like this:
ABCDA - searches for A finds A exludes A, thats the problem, you need to specify how long the duplication needs to be if you want to make it variable, but maybe my code helps you.
I have the following:
string test = "9586-202-10072"
How would I get all characters to the right of the final - so 10072. The number of characters is always different to the right of the last dash.
How can this be done?
You can get the position of the last - with str.LastIndexOf('-'). So the next step is obvious:
var result = str.Substring(str.LastIndexOf('-') + 1);
As Brian states below, using this on a string with no dashes will result in the original string being returned.
You could use LINQ, and save yourself the explicit parsing:
string test = "9586-202-10072";
string lastFragment = test.Split('-').Last();
I can see this post was viewed over 46,000 times. I would bet many of the 46,000 viewers are asking this question simply because they just want the file name... and these answers can be a rabbit hole if you cannot make your substring verbatim using the at sign.
If you simply want to get the file name, then there is a simple answer which should be mentioned here. Even if it's not the precise answer to the question.
result = Path.GetFileName(fileName);
string tail = test.Substring(test.LastIndexOf('-') + 1);
With the latest C# 8 and later you can use Range Indexer as follows:-
string test = "9586-202-10072"
var foo = test?[(test.LastIndexOf('-') + 1)..];
// foo is => 10072
string atest = "9586-202-10072";
int indexOfHyphen = atest.LastIndexOf("-");
if (indexOfHyphen >= 0)
string contentAfterLastHyphen = atest.Substring(indexOfHyphen + 1);
Console.WriteLine(contentAfterLastHyphen );
See String.lastIndexOf method
I created a string extension for this, hope it helps.
public static string GetStringAfterChar(this string value, char substring)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
var index = value.LastIndexOf(substring);
return index > 0 ? value.Substring(index + 1) : value;
return string.Empty;
test.Substring[(test.LastIndexOf('-') + 1)..]
C# 8 (late 2019) introduces range operator and simplifies it a bit further. The two dots here means from the index (inclusive) till the end of string.
and... in case you need the left part of a string:
private string AllTheLeftPart(string theString)
string rightPart = theString.Substring(theString.LastIndexOf('-') + 1);
string leftPart theString.Replace("-" + rightPart, String.Empty);
return leftPart ;
I have a very simple question, and I shouldn't be hung up on this, but I am. Haha!
I have a string that I receive in the following format(s):
The desired output, post formatting, is:
The format is ultimately dependent upon the total number of characters in the original string..
I have several ideas of how to do this, but I keep thing there's a better way than string.Replace and concatenate...
Thanks for the suggestions..
Tanascius is right but I cant comment or upvote due to my lack of rep but if you want additional info on the string.format Ive found this helpful.
I assume this does not merely rely upon the inputs always being numeric? If so, I'm thinking of something like this
private string ApplyCustomFormat(string input)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(input.Replace("-", ""));
int index = 3;
while (index < builder.Length)
builder.Insert(index, "-");
index += 4;
return builder.ToString();
Here's a method that uses a combination of regular expressions and LINQ to extract groups of three letters at a time and then joins them together again. Note: it assumes that the input has already been validated. The validation can also be done with a regular expression.
string s = "123456-D53";
string[] groups = Regex.Matches(s, #"\w{1,3}")
.Select(match => match.Value)
string result = string.Join("-", groups);
EDIT: See history for old versions.
You could use char.IsDigit() for finding digits, only.
var output = new StringBuilder();
var digitCount = 0;
foreach( var c in input )
if( char.IsDigit( c ) )
output.Append( c );
if( digitCount % 3 == 0 )
output.Append( "-" );
// Remove possible last -
return output.ToString().TrimEnd('-');
This code should fill from left to right (now I got it, first read, then code) ...
Sorry, I still can't test this right now.
Not the fastest, but easy on the eyes (ed: to read):
string Normalize(string value)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) return value;
int appended = 0;
var builder = new StringBuilder(value.Length + value.Length/3);
for (int ii = 0; ii < value.Length; ++ii)
if (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(value[ii]))
if ((++appended % 3) == 0) builder.Append('-');
return builder.ToString().TrimEnd('-');
Uses a guess to pre-allocate the StringBuilder's length. This will accept any Alphanumeric input with any amount of junk being added by the user, including excess whitespace.
I want to search for a given string, within another string (Ex. find if "something" exists inside "something like this". How can I do the following? :
Know the position in which "something" is located (in the curr. ex. this is = 0.
Extract everything to the left or to the right, up to the char. found (see 1).
Extract a substring beggining where the sought string was found, all the way to X amount of chars (in Visual Basic 6/VBA I would use the Mid function).
string searched = "something like this";
int pos = searched.IndexOf("something");
string start = searched.Substring(0, pos);
string endstring = searched.Substring(pos);
string mid = searched.Substring(pos, x);
Have you looked at the String.SubString() method? You can use the IndexOf() method to see if the substring exists first.
Take a look at the System.String member functions, in particular the IndexOf method.
Use int String.IndexOf(String).
I would do something like this:
string s = "I have something like this";
//question No. 1
int pos = s.IndexOf("something");
//quiestion No. 2
string[] separator = {"something"};
string[] leftAndRightEntries = s.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.None);
//question No. 3
int x = pos + 10;
string substring = s.Substring(pos, x);
I would avoid using Split, as it's designed to give you multiple results. I would stick with the code in the first example, though the second block should actually read...
string start = searched.Substring(0, pos);
string endstring;
if(pos < searched.Length - 1)
endstring = searched.Substring(pos + "something".Length);
endstring = string.Empty
The key difference is accounting for the length of the string to find (hence the rather odd-looking "something".Length, as this example is designed for you to be able to plop in your own variable).