Could not locate assembly "EntityFramework" - c#

I've been working on this MVC 3 application on my home computer for a while now. I'm out of town on a different computer, so I got the project from my source control. This new computer didn't have MVC 3 yet, so I installed it after I copied the project to the new computer.
A lot of my dlls (like MvcContrib.dll) were missing since I didn't set Copy Local to true when I first created the project on my home computer. So I've been going in and downloading all the missing dlls and adding them to my project.
The only one I can't find is EntityFramework.dll. I can't find a download for it, and I don't see it as a .NET dll when I try to add a reference.
I'm getting this warning when I try to build:
Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "EntityFramework"

This can also happen when you manually remove the EntityFramework reference in a project.
If you've lost the reference you can remove the entry in packages.config for EntityFramework
<package id="EntityFramework" version="5.0.0" targetFramework="net40" />
After removal you are able to re-install the package through the Package Manager (Manage NuGet Packages)

Download and install Framework 4.0 and it's included.

You need to download and install Entity Framework separately:

If you have not - install the Nuget extension in Visual Studio.
Install ASP .NET MVC 3 Tools Update (using WebPI is easiest)
Then install the EntityFramework Package.
Other packages are likely available for items such as MvcContrib, which may be missing.
Using Nuget will not only enable you to have the packages with the source (in the packages directory), but will also help you keep things up to date. External dependencies you rely on should ideally be included with your solution so situations like yours do not occur.
As The Evil Greebo noted, you will need to go here to obtain the Visual Studio tooling. While the Nuget package will provide the code level support, the tooling is in the installer. I use both, so if there is an update to the package, it will show up in the Nuget update notices.

I resolved a similar problem myself by downloading the ASP.NET MVC Tools Update. Any chance you are just missing that on this other computer?

If EntityFramework was installed previously you can also manually add reference with browse. Select the following file in your project folder: \packages\EntityFramework.5.0.0\lib\net4x\EntityFramework.dll
Then add the following if missing in your packages.config:
<package id="EntityFramework" version="5.0.0" targetFramework="net4x" />


Where is PackageReference located in console application C#

I have came across this line of code in a code and its quite confusing
One of my client send a dependancy file that contains
<PackageReference Include="xyzrefrence" Version="1.3.0" />
and said it is console application. I created same kind of application but within packages.config
I found this thing
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package id="xyz" version="" targetFramework="net452" />
My question is that where the dependacy file located with the client setting(First settings)
The reference (<ItemGroup><PackageReference.....) to the dependency can be
found by editing the Visual Studio project file. *.csproj
The dependency file itself can be found in your project's /bin/debug or /bin/release folders.
Where is PackageReference located in console application C#
There are two nuget mamangement format(Packages.config and PackageReference) to intall nuget packages.
In fact, PackageReference is a new nuget management format for new sdk projects(net standard and net core) since VS2017 while Packages.config is an old tranitional nuget management format for net framework projects.
However, you should note that for traditional framework projects, Microsoft made a concession to use the new SDK's pacakgeReference format, but there are still various compatibility issues.--------(net frameowork projects can use both of them while net core/net standard projects can only use PackageReference).
If you use a net framework project, you can change these two format before you install nuget packages at the beginning by Tools-->Options-->NuGet Package Manager-->General-->Package Management.
And you should specifiy this format before you install the first nuget package at the beginning and when you specify this format, the nugets you install later will use this method by default and cannot be changed.
My question is that where the dependacy file located with the client
setting(First settings)
1) If you use a net framework console project with PackageReference, l am afraid that you cannnot see the depenencies of the nuget. The old sdk projects with PackageReference does not support showing the depenencies of the nuget packages due to several compatibility issues.
2) If you use a net core console project, you can see the dependencies in the Solution Explorer and the latest new sdk projects does support this. It has a new behavior that you can see every nuget package's depenencies under its branch in the Soluton Explorer.
Besides, since you use a framework project with packages.config, you can only see all of them(the premise is that this nuget package has dependencies.) in the packages.config file or in the xxxx.csproj file but it cannot subdivide dependencies for every nuget package.
In additon, if you still want to show the depenencies of the net framework projects with PackageReference, l suggest you could post a feature request in our User Voice forum(DC)-suggest a feature to get Micorosft's attention.

Visual studio projects loads different references even if they target the same nuget

I have a C# solution in VS 15.7.4 with multiple .csproj.
5 of these projects reference the same nuget package
<package id="System.Runtime.Extensions" version="4.3.0" targetFramework="net462" />
The problem I have is when I look at each project references properties they are not loaded from the same location and they do not have the same version number.
This is causing issue when I compile I get warnings that I should add binding redirect for that assembly. (I have this issue for multiple assemblies).
I validated on my end that in all the .csproj they have a hintpath that points to the packages folder version. This seems to be ignored in some projects.
How is it possible that the loaded references in one of my project is not the same as the other project when both target the same nuget packages?
How can I resolve this issue and make sure both projects load the same reference?

ASP.NET Core 2.0 Upgrade - Broken NETStandardLibrary References

I recently upgraded our ASP.NET Core 1.1 application to 2.x. This project (and all other projects in the solution) now target the full 4.6.1 framework (previously targeted the full 4.5.2 framework). Visual Studio Version 15.5.7.
After doing so, all my class library projects in the same solution have a number of broken/yellow references to NETStandard.Library.2.0.2. Strangely, the solution still builds without issue and no pertinent warnings or errors are generated in the build output. All other references are fine including all references in the ASP.NET project (meaning that project does not have this problem).
Does anyone know what might be going on here?
Troubleshooting Steps
Clean Solution/Rebuild
NuGet Restore
Restart Visual Studio
Remove .suo/.vs/project.fragment.lock.json and restart
Suspend/Resume/Turn off R#
Manually remove and rebuild (works but they come back after NuGet restore)
Confirm the files it's looking for are actually available on the path...which they are sans the strange "double backslash" before ref:
Environment Details
Visual Studio: 15.5.7
Full Framework: 4.6.1
dotnet --info:
.NET Command Line Tools (2.1.4)
Product Information: Version: 2.1.4 Commit SHA-1 hash:
Runtime Environment: OS Name: Windows OS Version: 10.0.16299
OS Platform: Windows RID: win10-x64 Base Path: C:\Program
Microsoft .NET Core Shared Framework Host
Version : 2.0.5 Build :
Please feel free to let me know what other information may be pertinent.
UPDATE: As Requested CSProj Sample (Some Things Had to be Redacted)
The older .NET Framework project system doesn’t properly support .NET Standard Library 2.x, at least at design time. It requires the new .NET Core SDK project system.
A good migration how-to I’ve recently followed —
#MattBrooks and #ScottChamberlain are correct and this is a Visual Studio csproj issue and following the link #MattBrooks provided is the correct answer to this question (I've marked it as such). However, I also wanted to share my personal experience with this in the hopes it will help others who find this process convoluted and confusing (and it doesn't seem right to plop this into an update to the question). As Matt says, "it can be very confusing and sometimes the tooling doesn’t help very much."
Here is the exact procedure I used to convert my projects over. After trying to manually convert a couple, I gave up and rebuilt them:
Remove Project from Solution
Copy Project Folder to Backup Location
Add New ".NET Standard" Class Library Project with Same Name
Edit new .csproj and Change <TargetFramework> to net461 (or whatever you need. Note this can't be done from the Target Framework UI Dropdown. All you'll see is "Net Standard").
Copy all <package> elements from backup projects packages.json (if you don't have a package.json see the outline from the accepted answer to convert your csproj <References> to <PackageReferences>)
Create <ItemGroup> in new csproj
Paste in <package> elements
Find Replace:
<package id= --> <PackageReference Include=
targetFramework=".*" --> <blank>
version --> Version
Open Backed-Up .csproj and copy all <Reference Include=... That DON'T HAVE Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=..." e.g. that look like <Reference Include="System.Web" /> and paste into new csproj and save.
At this point, NuGet will restore your packages.
If you (likely) end up with NuGet Dependencies that have Yellow/Warning Triangles:
Try to build and see if you get any errors/warnings in the error list. I had some versions that didn't jive between projects. Apparently that's a full stop issue now.
I had some Pre-Release NuGet Packages from a Private Feed that I had to re-install manually.
If all else fails, remove the reference from csproj and install directly from NuGet
If all else all else fails, uninstall and reinstall the package from the VS Package Manager
Copy content files and folders from Backup Project into New Project Folder - VS Will Pick them Up and Auto-Add to Project. I also had to copy node_modules for projects that had NPM packages installed from the backup back into the new project.
Add back any solution project references you may have.
Now, the fun part if you're an idiot like me and had files "excluded from project" must hunt those down and remove them.
I would also note that if you (like me) had <Reference> tags to packages in your csproj and a package.json, I found that the package.json was accurate in terms of having the correct versions.
I was not able to convert a single MVC4/WebAPI2 project over because there doesn't seem to be a way in the new project format to tell it "This is a web project, run IIS and debug" that all new Core projects expect an static void Main. Probably a different question though.
I was able to get the MVC4/WebAPI2 App Migrated Using the Answer Provided here:
Good Luck!

How to add references and nugets in visual studio project template?

Is there any instructions to add nugets and references in project template?
The best way is to add nuget without version.
Nugets will be added not from but from internal corporate resource.
What I mean. In the SolutionExplorer picture red boxes are references from nugets and blue boxes are references were included using Add reference.
After I used Export template I don't see any references in zip folder.
And when I create new project with my template I see errors on nuget references and no errors on references from PC(but their absolute pathes are not in the project so I can't distribute template to other developers).
Specific instructions for creating a project template with nuget packagaes are documented at Unfortunately, it is not possible to add a nuget package to a project template without a version number:
The wizard supports multiple elements. Both the id and
version attributes are required. An important consequence of this is
that a specific version of a package will be installed even if a newer
version is available in the online package feed.
The reason for this behavior is that a future version of a package
might introduce a change that is not compatible with the project/item
template. The choice to upgrade the package to the latest version
using NuGet is left to the developer who is in the best position to
assume the risks of upgrading the package to the latest version.
vstemplate (this is required to invoke package download at template inflation):
<Assembly>NuGet.VisualStudio.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a</Assembly>
package list:
<package id="jQuery" version="1.6.2" />
There are additional options documented on the nuget site linked above, such as creating a VSIX template.
Regarding nugets, use package manager console and add (for eg: Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json) and then click enter.
For the references, according to the image, it may refer to the GAC and not the local bin folder of the solution. The best way is always to maintain the references in the Bin/Reference folder and then refer from it.
In this case, you need to import the dll again.
Hope it helps!

Nuget packages.config and specific version

I am trying to create a Nuget package from my project following this guide
I have successfully created a nuspec and nupkg. My project contains a dependency to Json.NET which I installed via Nuget. However, I want to specify a specific version of Json.NET to use, version 4.0.7. I added the below to my nuspec:
<dependency id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="[4.0.7]" />
When I run nuget pack it seems to detect I have a packages.config
Using 'MyProject.nuspec' for metadata.
Found packages.config. Using packages listed as dependencies.
This seems to completely ignore my defined dependency in the nuspec as installing the Nuget package lists the dependencies as >= 4.0.7 which pulls in the latest version 4.0.8.
How can I stop this or preferably keep Nuget pulling in dependencies from the packages.config but allow me to overwrite specific dependencies?
I hit the same issue. You need to define an exact version like this
<dependency id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="[4.0.7,4.0.7]" />
So that will ensure when the project pulls in the dependencies it will be = 4.0.7 not >= 4.0.7
The way you specified your version is correct; as shown in our versioning docs, [1.0] means 'version == 1.0'. The behavior you're describing would be a bug, but I couldn't reproduce the bug. What I did:
Created a class library
Added Json.NET via NuGet (it installed 4.0.8)
Exec'd nuget spec
Added <dependencies><dependency id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="[4.0.7]" /> to the .nuspec
Exec'd nuget pack
Opened the package in Package Explorer; it shows the dependency as '= 4.0.7'
Installed my package in a new project; it shows the dependency as '= 4.0.7' and installs 4.0.7
Perhaps you aren't using the latest version of nuget.exe or the NuGet Visual Studio extension? When you say it "lists the dependency", where are you seeing that? When your package is installed, in Package Explorer, or somewhere else?
