I seem to be having a problem with retrieving XML values with C#, which I know it is due to my very limited knowledge of C# and .XML.
I was given the following XML file
I am to process the XML file and make sure that each of the files in the exist in the folder (that's the easy part). It's the processing of the XML file that I have having a hard time with. Here is what I have done thus far:
var runtimeXml = File.ReadAllText(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", configPath, Resource.PBRuntimes));
var doc = XDocument.Parse(runtimeXml);
var topElement = doc.Element("PowerBuilderRunTimes");
var elements = topElement.Elements("PowerBuilderRunTime");
foreach (XElement section in elements)
//pbVersion is grabbed earlier. It is the version of PowerBuilder
if( section.Element("Version").Value.Equals(string.Format("{0}", pbVersion ) ) )
var files = section.Elements("Files");
var fileList = new List<string>();
foreach (XElement area in files)
My issue is that the String List is only ever populated with one value, "EasySoap110.dll", and everything else is ignored. Can someone please help me, as I am at a loss.
Look at this bit:
var files = section.Elements("Files");
var fileList = new List<string>();
foreach (XElement area in files)
You're iterating over each Files element, and then finding the first File element within it. There's only one Files element - you need to be iterating over the File elements within that.
However, there are definitely better ways of doing this. For example:
var doc = XDocument.Load(Path.Combine(configPath, Resource.PBRuntimes));
var fileList = (from runtime in doc.Root.Elements("PowerBuilderRunTime")
where (int) runtime.Element("Version") == pbVersion
from file in runtime.Element("Files").Elements("File")
select file.Value)
Note that if there are multiple matching PowerBuilderRunTime elements, that will create a list with all the files of all those elements. That may not be what you want. For example, you might want:
var doc = XDocument.Load(Path.Combine(configPath, Resource.PBRuntimes));
var runtime = doc.Root
.Where(r => (int) r.Element("Version") == pbVersion)
var fileList = runtime.Element("Files")
.Select(x => x.Value)
That will validate that there's exactly one matching runtime.
The problem is, there's only one element in your XML, with multiple children. You foreach loop only executes once, for the single element, not for its children.
Do something like this:
var fileSet = files.Elements("File");
foreach (var file in fileSet) {
which loops over all children elements.
I always preferred using readers for reading homegrown XML config files. If you're only doing this once it's probably over kill, but readers are faster and cheaper.
public static class PowerBuilderConfigParser
public static IList<PowerBuilderConfig> ReadConfigFile(String path)
IList<PowerBuilderConfig> configs = new List<PowerBuilderConfig>();
using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open))
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(stream);
PowerBuilderConfig config = new PowerBuilderConfig();
ReadVersionNumber(config, reader);
ReadFiles(config, reader);
} while (reader.ReadToNextSibling("PowerBuilderRunTime"));
return configs;
private static void ReadVersionNumber(PowerBuilderConfig config, XmlReader reader)
string version = reader.ReadString();
Int32 versionNumber;
if (Int32.TryParse(version, out versionNumber))
config.Version = versionNumber;
private static void ReadFiles(PowerBuilderConfig config, XmlReader reader)
string file = reader.ReadString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file))
} while (reader.ReadToNextSibling("File"));
public class PowerBuilderConfig
private Int32 _version;
private readonly IList<String> _files;
public PowerBuilderConfig()
_files = new List<string>();
public Int32 Version
get { return _version; }
set { _version = value; }
public ReadOnlyCollection<String> Files
get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<String>(_files); }
public void AddConfigFile(String fileName)
Another way is to use a XmlSerializer.
public class PowerBuilderRunTime
public string Version {get;set;}
public string[] Files {get;set;}
public static PowerBuilderRunTime[] Load(string fileName)
PowerBuilderRunTime[] runtimes;
using (var fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
var reader = new XmlTextReader(fs);
runtimes = (PowerBuilderRunTime[])new XmlSerializer(typeof(PowerBuilderRunTime[])).Deserialize(reader);
return runtimes;
You can get all the runtimes strongly typed, and use each PowerBuilderRunTime's Files property to loop through all the string file names.
var runtimes = PowerBuilderRunTime.Load(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", configPath, Resource.PBRuntimes));
You should try replacing this stuff with a simple XPath query.
string configPath;
System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument xpd = new System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument(cofigPath);
System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator xpn = xpd.CreateNavigator();
System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression exp = xpn.Compile(#"/PowerBuilderRunTimes/PwerBuilderRunTime/Files//File");
System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator iterator = xpn.Select(exp);
while (iterator.MoveNext())
System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator nav2 = iterator.Current.Clone();
//access value with nav2.value
I'm using System.Text.Json.Nodes in .NET 6.0 and what I'm trying to do is simple: Copy a JsonNode from one and attach the node to another JsonNode.
The following is my code.
public static string concQuest(string input, string allQuest, string questId) {
JsonNode inputNode = JsonNode.Parse(input)!;
JsonNode allQuestNode = JsonNode.Parse(allQuest)!;
JsonNode quest = allQuestNode.AsArray().First(quest =>
quest!["id"]!.GetValue<string>() == questId) ?? throw new KeyNotFoundException("No matching questId found.");
inputNode["quest"] = quest; // Exception occured
return inputNode.ToJsonString(options);
But when I try to run it, I got a System.InvalidOperationException said "The node already has a parent."
I've tried edit
inputNode["quest"] = quest;
inputNode["quest"] = quest.Root; // quest.Root is also a JsonNode
Then the code runs well but it returns all nodes instead of the one I specified which is not the result I want. Also since the code works fine, I think it is feasible to set a JsonNode to another one directly.
According to the exception message, it seems if I want to add a JsonNode to another one, I must unattach it from its parent first, but how can I do this?
Note that my JSON file is quite big (more than 6MB), so I want to ensure there are no performance issues with my solution.
Easiest option would be to convert json node into string and parse it again (though possibly not the most performant one):
var destination = #"{}";
var source = "[{\"id\": 1, \"name\":\"some quest\"},{}]";
var sourceJson = JsonNode.Parse(source);
var destinationJson = JsonNode.Parse(destination);
var quest = sourceJson.AsArray().First();
destinationJson["quest"] = JsonNode.Parse(quest.ToJsonString());
Console.WriteLine(destinationJson.ToJsonString(new() { WriteIndented = true }));
Will print:
"quest": {
"id": 1,
"name": "some quest"
Another trick is to deserialize the JsonNode to JsonNode:
var quest = sourceJson.AsArray().First();
var clone = quest.Deserialize<JsonNode>();
clone["name"] = "New name";
destinationJson["quest"] = clone;
Console.WriteLine(destinationJson.ToJsonString(new() { WriteIndented = true }));
some quest
"quest": {
"id": 1,
"name": "New name"
As JsonNode has no Clone() method as of .NET 6, the easiest way to copy it is probably to invoke the serializer's JsonSerializer.Deserialize<TValue>(JsonNode, JsonSerializerOptions) extension method to deserialize your node directly into another node. First, introduce the following extension methods to copy or move a node:
public static partial class JsonExtensions
public static TNode? CopyNode<TNode>(this TNode? node) where TNode : JsonNode => node?.Deserialize<TNode>();
public static JsonNode? MoveNode(this JsonArray array, int id, JsonObject newParent, string name)
var node = array[id];
return newParent[name] = node;
public static JsonNode? MoveNode(this JsonObject parent, string oldName, JsonObject newParent, string name)
parent.Remove(oldName, out var node);
return newParent[name] = node;
public static TNode ThrowOnNull<TNode>(this TNode? value) where TNode : JsonNode => value ?? throw new JsonException("Null JSON value");
Now your code may be written as follows:
public static string concQuest(string input, string allQuest, string questId)
var inputObject = JsonNode.Parse(input).ThrowOnNull().AsObject();
var allQuestArray = JsonNode.Parse(allQuest).ThrowOnNull().AsArray();
concQuest(inputObject, allQuestArray, questId);
return inputObject.ToJsonString();
public static JsonNode? concQuest(JsonObject inputObject, JsonArray allQuestArray, string questId)
// Enumerable.First() will throw an InvalidOperationException if no element is found satisfying the predicate.
var node = allQuestArray.First(quest => quest!["id"]!.GetValue<string>() == questId);
return inputObject["quest"] = node.CopyNode();
Alternatively, if you aren't going to keep your array of quests around, you could just move the node from the array to the target like so:
public static string concQuest(string input, string allQuest, string questId)
var inputObject = JsonNode.Parse(input).ThrowOnNull().AsObject();
var allQuestArray = JsonNode.Parse(allQuest).ThrowOnNull().AsArray();
concQuest(inputObject, allQuestArray, questId);
return inputObject.ToJsonString();
public static JsonNode? concQuest(JsonObject inputObject, JsonArray allQuestArray, string questId)
// Enumerable.First() will throw an InvalidOperationException if no element is found satisfying the predicate.
var (_, index) = allQuestArray.Select((quest, index) => (quest, index)).First(p => p.quest!["id"]!.GetValue<string>() == questId);
return allQuestArray.MoveNode(index, inputObject, "quest");
Also, you wrote
since my json file is quite big (more than 6MB), I was worried there might be some performance issues.
In that case I would avoid loading the JSON files into the input and allQuest strings because strings larger than 85,000 bytes go on the large object heap which can cause subsequent performance degradation. Instead, deserialize directly from the relevant files into JsonNode arrays and objects like so:
var questId = "2"; // Or whatever
JsonArray allQuest;
using (var stream = new FileStream(allQuestFileName, new FileStreamOptions { Mode = FileMode.Open, Access = FileAccess.Read }))
allQuest = JsonNode.Parse(stream).ThrowOnNull().AsArray();
JsonObject input;
using (var stream = new FileStream(inputFileName, new FileStreamOptions { Mode = FileMode.Open, Access = FileAccess.Read }))
input = JsonNode.Parse(stream).ThrowOnNull().AsObject();
JsonExtensions.concQuest(input, allQuest, questId);
using (var stream = new FileStream(inputFileName, new FileStreamOptions { Mode = FileMode.Create, Access = FileAccess.Write }))
using (var writer = new Utf8JsonWriter(stream, new JsonWriterOptions { Indented = true }))
Or, if your app is asynchronous, you can do:
JsonArray allQuest;
await using (var stream = new FileStream(allQuestFileName, new FileStreamOptions { Mode = FileMode.Open, Access = FileAccess.Read, Options = FileOptions.Asynchronous }))
allQuest = (await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<JsonArray>(stream)).ThrowOnNull();
JsonObject input;
await using (var stream = new FileStream(inputFileName, new FileStreamOptions { Mode = FileMode.Open, Access = FileAccess.Read, Options = FileOptions.Asynchronous }))
input = (await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<JsonObject>(stream)).ThrowOnNull();
JsonExtensions.concQuest(input, allQuest, questId);
await using (var stream = new FileStream(inputFileName, new FileStreamOptions { Mode = FileMode.Create, Access = FileAccess.Write, Options = FileOptions.Asynchronous }))
await JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(stream, input, new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true });
Microsoft's documentation explicitly recommends against serializing from and to strings instead of UTF-8 byte sequences for performance reasons which is another reason not to load your large JSON files into temporary string buffers.
Demo fiddles:
For copying the node, see https://dotnetfiddle.net/cwKDen.
For moving the node, see https://dotnetfiddle.net/cI8DuB.
For async reading and writing, see https://dotnetfiddle.net/VjKstQ
Hello I'm trying to learn C# and although I have looked I haven't found a way of solving my problem.
I have a Users class with a Username, Password, Score.
And all of them have setters and getters.
What I'm trying to do is:
After I create my List : ListOfUsers I wanna save all of the users of that list in a single text file (Login.txt)
I tried this:
Users user = new Users(username, password, score);
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("Login.txt", true);
I think that I have passed the list into my file. But I can't seem to find a way of reading all the users from the file.
Thank you for your time!
If you want to save to a text file, at least make it an Xml file, instead of a flat file. The code below adds users to a list, saves it as an Xml, clears the list, and then reads from the file.
The Xml file looks like this:
<ArrayOfUser xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<User Name="A" Password="AAA" Score="100" />
<User Name="B" Password="BBB" Score="87" />
<User Name="C" Password="CCC" Score="52" />
And the sample source code
public class User
public User()
this.Name= string.Empty;
this.Password = string.Empty;
this.Score= 0;
public User(string name, string password, int score)
[XmlAttribute] public string Name { get; set; }
[XmlAttribute] public string Password { get; set; }
[XmlAttribute] public int Score { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var list = new List<User>();
list.Add(new User("A", "AAA", 100));
list.Add(new User("B", "BBB", 87));
list.Add(new User("C", "CCC", 52));
SaveToXml(list.ToArray(), "Login.xml");
foreach (var item in list)
Console.WriteLine($"{item.Name}, {item.Score}");
static void SaveToXml(User[] users, string fileName)
var xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(User[]));
var settings = new XmlWriterSettings()
Indent = true,
OmitXmlDeclaration = true,
var xw = XmlWriter.Create(fileName, settings);
xs.Serialize(xw, users);
static User[] ReadFromXml(string fileName)
var xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(User[]));
var xr = XmlReader.Create(fileName);
return xs.Deserialize(xr) as User[];
As Vladimir told, better don't save any login data to a text file (even better don't save it at all).
In any way, if it's something you have to do for any reason, you can look here: here
After that, I suggest you to encrypt the file, so nobody can read the content except the user that creates the file itself: How to crypt/decrypt file
I did something like that, some time ago. Here's the example.
SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();
saveFileDialog.Filter = "Archivo de texto (*.txt)|*.txt";
saveFileDialog.FileName = $"Compras_Auxiliar_{(int)Periodo.Value}{_ejercicioContableManager.SearchById(_idEjercicioContable).Anio}_{_empresaManager.SearchById(_idEmpresa).Nit}.txt";
saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
List<BancarizacionCompra> listaBancarizacionCompra = _bancarizacionComprasManager.ObtenerTodo.Where(bancarizacion => bancarizacion.EsProyecto == false).ToList();
string[] lines = new string[listaBancarizacionCompra.Count()];
for (int i = 0; i < listaBancarizacionCompra.Count(); i++)
lines[i] = $"{(int)listaBancarizacionCompra[i].ModalidadTransaccion}|{listaBancarizacionCompra[i].FechaDocumentoPago.ToShortDateString()}|{(int)listaBancarizacionCompra[i].TipoTransaccion}|{listaBancarizacionCompra[i].CiNitProveedor}|{listaBancarizacionCompra[i].NombreRazonSocialProveedor}|{listaBancarizacionCompra[i].NombreRazonSocialProveedor}|{listaBancarizacionCompra[i].NumeroFactura}|{listaBancarizacionCompra[i].NumeroContrato}|{listaBancarizacionCompra[i].ImporteFacturaDocumento.ToString("c").Replace(".", "").Replace(",", ".")}|{listaBancarizacionCompra[i].NumAutorizacionFacturaDocumento}|{listaBancarizacionCompra[i].NumCuentaDocumentoPago}|{listaBancarizacionCompra[i].MontoPagadoDocumentoPago.ToString("c").Replace(".", "").Replace(",", ".")}|{listaBancarizacionCompra[i].MontoAcumulado.ToString("c").Replace(".", "").Replace(",", ".")}|{listaBancarizacionCompra[i].NitEntidadFinanciera}|{listaBancarizacionCompra[i].NumDocumentoPago}|{(int)listaBancarizacionCompra[i].TipoDocumentoPago}|{listaBancarizacionCompra[i].FechaDocumentoPago.ToShortDateString()}";
File.WriteAllLines(saveFileDialog.FileName, lines);
Mensajes.CrearMensajeInformativo("Exportación exitosa");
if (Mensajes.CrearMensajeInterrogacion("¿Desea abrir el archivo?"))
With the expectation that you are using dotnet 3.1 or higher you can use:
Option 1
Using just the File class.
// System.Text.Json serializer
await File.WriteAllTextAsync("Login.txt", JsonSerializer.Serialize(ListOfUsers));
Option 2
The other option without File is to use a StreamWriter instead.
using (var sw = new StreamWriter("Login.txt", true))
// System.Text.Json serializer
await sw.WriteLineAsync(JsonSerializer.Serialize(ListOfUsers));
Both will at the end produce the "Login.txt" file with a JSON format of the users list.
In case you are using a lower version than dotnet 3.1 you need to include Newtonsoft.Json which provides another JSON serializer:
// Newtonsoft serializer
Important: Be aware (like written in the comments and other answers) this data is not encrypted and should not be written in that way.
I am very new at C#. In my project I need to create a csv file which will get data from a xml data. Now, I can get data from XML, and print in looger for some particulaer attributes from xml. But I am not sure how can I store my Data into CSV file for that particular attribues.
Here is my XML file that I need to create a CSV file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<tlp:WorkUnits xmlns:tlp="http://www.timelog.com/XML/Schema/tlp/v4_4"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.timelog.com/XML/Schema/tlp/v4_4 http://www.timelog.com/api/xsd/WorkUnitsRaw.xsd">
<tlp:WorkUnit ID="130">
<tlp:ProjectName>LIK Template</tlp:ProjectName>
<tlp:CustomerName>Lekt Corp Inc.</tlp:CustomerName>
And my Code where I am getting this value in logger.But I am not sure how can I create a csv file that stores that value in order.
namespace TimeLog.ApiConsoleApp
/// <summary>
/// Template class for consuming the reporting API
/// </summary>
public class ConsumeReportingApi
private static readonly ILog Logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(ConsumeReportingApi));
public static void Consume()
if (ServiceHandler.Instance.TryAuthenticate())
if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
Logger.Info("Successfully authenticated on reporting API");
var customersRaw = ServiceHandler.Instance.Client.GetWorkUnitsRaw(ServiceHandler.Instance.SiteCode,
if (customersRaw.OwnerDocument != null)
var namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(customersRaw.OwnerDocument.NameTable);
namespaceManager.AddNamespace("tlp", "http://www.timelog.com/XML/Schema/tlp/v4_4");
var workUnit = customersRaw.SelectNodes("tlp:WorkUnit", namespaceManager);
var output = new StringBuilder();
if (workUnit != null)
foreach (XmlNode customer in workUnit)
var unit = new WorkUnit();
var childNodes = customer.SelectNodes("./*");
if (childNodes != null)
foreach (XmlNode childNode in childNodes)
if (childNode.Name == "tlp:EmployeeID")
unit.EmployeeID = Int32.Parse(childNode.InnerText);
if (childNode.Name == "tlp:EmployeeFirstName")
unit.EmployeeFirstName = childNode.InnerText;
if (childNode.Name == "tlp:EmployeeLastName")
unit.EmployeeLastName = childNode.InnerText;
if (childNode.Name == "tlp:AllocationID")
unit.AllocationID = Int32.Parse(childNode.InnerText);
if (childNode.Name == "tlp:TaskName")
unit.TaskName = childNode.InnerText;
File.WriteAllText("c:\\...\\WorkUnits.csv", output.ToString());
if (Logger.IsWarnEnabled)
Logger.Warn("Failed to authenticate to reporting API");
You want to write the columns in the correct order to the CSV (of course), so you need to process them in the correct order. Two options:
intermediate class
Create a new class (let's call it WorkUnit) with properties for each of the columns that you want to write to the CSV. Create a new instance for every <tlp:WorkUnit> node in your XML and fill the properties when you encounter the correct subnodes. When you have processed the entire WorkUnit node, write out the properties in the correct order.
var output = new StringBuilder();
foreach (XmlNode customer in workUnit)
// fresh instance of the class that holds all columns (so all properties are cleared)
var unit = new WorkUnit();
var childNodes = customer.SelectNodes("./*");
if (childNodes != null)
foreach (XmlNode childNode in childNodes)
if(childNode.Name== "tlp:EmployeeID")
// employeeID node found, now write to the corresponding property:
unit.EmployeeId = childNode.InnerText;
// etc for the other XML nodes you are interested in
// all nodes have been processed for this one WorkUnit node
// so write a line to the CSV
output.AppendLine($"{unit.EmployeeId},{unit.AllocationId}, etc");
read in correct order
Instead of using foreach to loop through all subnodes in whatever order they appear, search for specific subnodes in the order you want. Then you can write out the CSV in the same order. Note that even when you don't find some subnode, you still need to write out the separator.
var output = new StringBuilder();
foreach (XmlNode customer in workUnit)
// search for value for first column (EmployeeID)
var node = workUnit.SelectSingleNode("tlp:EmployeeID");
if (node != null)
output.Append(','); // no content, but we still need a separator
// etc for the other columns
And of course watch out for string values that contain the separator.
Assuming that you put your XML data into List
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var fin list.ToList())
str.Append(fin.listfield.ToString() + ",");
to create a new line:
str.Replace(",", Environment.NewLine, str.Length - 1, 1);
to save:
string filename=(DirectoryPat/filename.csv");
File.WriteAllText(Filename, str.ToString());
Try this:
var output = new StringBuilder();
if (workUnit != null)
foreach (XmlNode customer in workUnit)
var unit = new WorkUnit();
var childNodes = customer.SelectNodes("./*");
if (childNodes != null)
for (int i = 0; i<childNodes.Count; ++i)
XmlNode childNode = childNodes[i];
if (childNode.Name == "tlp:EmployeeID")
unit.EmployeeID = Int32.Parse(childNode.InnerText);
if (childNode.Name == "tlp:EmployeeFirstName")
unit.EmployeeFirstName = childNode.InnerText;
if (childNode.Name == "tlp:EmployeeLastName")
unit.EmployeeLastName = childNode.InnerText;
if (childNode.Name == "tlp:AllocationID")
unit.AllocationID = Int32.Parse(childNode.InnerText);
if (childNode.Name == "tlp:TaskName")
unit.TaskName = childNode.InnerText;
if (i<childNodes.Count - 1)
File.WriteAllText("c:\\Users\\mnowshin\\projects\\WorkUnits.csv", output.ToString());
You can use this sequence:
a. Deserialize (i.e. convert from XML to C# objects) your XML.
b. Write a simple loop to write the data to a file.
The advantages of this sequence:
You can use a list of your data/objects "readable" that you can add any other access code to it.
If you XML schema changed at any time, you can maintain the code very easily.
The solution
a. Desrialize:
Copy you XML file contents. Note You should modify your XML input before coping it.. You should double the WorkUnit node, in order to tell Visual Studio that you would have a list of this node nested inside WorkUnits node.
From Visual Studio Menus select Edit -> Paste Special -> Paste XML as Classes.
Use the deserialize code.
var workUnitsNode = customersRaw.SelectSingleNode("tlp:WorkUnits", namespaceManager);
XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(WorkUnits));
WorkUnits workUnits = (WorkUnits)ser.Deserialize(workUnitsNode);
b. Write the csv file
StringBuilder csvContent = new StringBuilder();
// add the header line
foreach (var unit in workUnits.WorkUnit)
"{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}",
new object[]
// you get the idea
File.WriteAllText(#"G:\Projects\StackOverFlow\WpfApp1\WorkUnits.csv", csvContent.ToString());
You can use Cinchoo ETL - if you have room to use open source library
using (var csvWriter = new ChoCSVWriter("sample1.csv").WithFirstLineHeader())
using (var xmlReader = new ChoXmlReader("sample1.xml"))
130,3,114,239,26,LIK Template,343,Lekt Corp Inc.,1,0,AL
Disclaimer: I'm the author of this library.
We have conditional Footers that INCLUDETEXT based on the client:
Depending on our document, there could be a varying amount of IF/ELSE, and these all work correctly for merging the correct files in the correct place.
However, some of these documents may have client specific images/branding, which also need to be copied across from the INCLUDETEXT file.
Below is the method that is called to replace any Picture elements that exist in the IEnumerable<Run> that is copied from the Source document to the Target document.
The image is copied fine, however it doesn't appear to update the RID in my Picture or add a record into the .XML.Rels files. (I even tried adding a ForEach to add to all the headers and footers, to see if this made any difference.
private void InsertImagesFromOldDocToNewDoc(WordprocessingDocument source, WordprocessingDocument target, IEnumerable<Picture> pics)
IEnumerable<Picture> imageElements = source.MainDocumentPart.Document.Descendants<Run>().Where(x => x.Descendants<Picture>().FirstOrDefault() != null).Select(x => x.Descendants<Picture>().FirstOrDefault());
foreach (Picture pic in pics) //the new pics
Picture oldPic = imageElements.Where(x => x.Equals(pic)).FirstOrDefault();
if (oldPic != null)
string imageId = "";
ImageData shape = oldPic.Descendants<ImageData>().FirstOrDefault();
ImagePart p = source.MainDocumentPart.GetPartById(shape.RelationshipId) as ImagePart;
ImagePart newPart = target.MainDocumentPart.AddPart<ImagePart>(p);
shape.RelId = target.MainDocumentPart.GetIdOfPart(newPart);
string relPart = target.MainDocumentPart.CreateRelationshipToPart(newPart);
Has anyone come across this issue before?
It appears the OpenXML SDK documentation is a 'little' sparse...
Late reaction but this thread helped me a lot to got it working. Here my solution for copying a document with images
private static void CopyDocumentWithImages(string path)
if (!Path.GetFileName(path).StartsWith("~$"))
using (var source = WordprocessingDocument.Open(path, false))
using (var newDoc = source.CreateNew(path.Replace(".docx", "-images.docx")))
foreach (var e in source.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body.Elements())
var clonedElement = e.CloneNode(true);
.ToList().ForEach(blip =>
var newRelation = newDoc.CopyImage(blip.Embed, source);
blip.Embed = newRelation;
clonedElement.Descendants<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Vml.ImageData>().ToList().ForEach(imageData =>
var newRelation = newDoc.CopyImage(imageData.RelationshipId, source);
imageData.RelationshipId = newRelation;
public static string CopyImage(this WordprocessingDocument newDoc, string relId, WordprocessingDocument org)
var p = org.MainDocumentPart.GetPartById(relId) as ImagePart;
var newPart = newDoc.MainDocumentPart.AddPart(p);
return newDoc.MainDocumentPart.GetIdOfPart(newPart);
public static WordprocessingDocument CreateNew(this WordprocessingDocument org, string name)
var doc = WordprocessingDocument.Create(name, WordprocessingDocumentType.Document);
doc.MainDocumentPart.Document = new Document(new Body());
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(org.MainDocumentPart.ThemePart.GetStream()))
using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(doc.MainDocumentPart.AddNewPart<ThemePart>().GetStream(FileMode.Create)))
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(org.MainDocumentPart.StyleDefinitionsPart.GetStream()))
using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(doc.MainDocumentPart.AddNewPart<StyleDefinitionsPart>().GetStream(FileMode.Create)))
return doc;
I had faced the same problem when I was trying to copy the numbering styles from one document to the other.
I think what Word does internally is, whenever an object is copied from one document to the other the ID for that object is not copied over to the new document and instead what happens is a new ID is assigned to it.
You'll have to get the ID after the image has been copied and then replace it everywhere your image has been used.
I hope this helps, this is what I to use copy numbering styles.
i have the following code which checks if some folders were created; The list of folders with full path is stored in an xml file.
namespace InstallationCheck
public class Checking
public bool result()
bool returns = true;
//Reads from xml file the element content from a tag line (ex: esecpath)
string esecpath = Checking.CitXml("C:\\testconfig.xml", "esecpath");
string agentpath = Checking.CitXml("C:\\testconfig.xml", "agentpath");
string datapath = Checking.CitXml("C:\\testconfig.xml", "datapath");
string debugpath = Checking.CitXml("C:\\testconfig.xml", "debugpath");
string helppath = Checking.CitXml("C:\\testconfig.xml", "helppath");
string patchpath = Checking.CitXml("C:\\testconfig.xml", "patchpath");
// Compare the paths from XML with the paths of the app.
List<bool> listtest = new List<bool>();
listtest.Add((Directory.Exists(esecpath) == true));
listtest.Add((Directory.Exists(agentpath) == true));
listtest.Add((Directory.Exists(datapath) == true));
listtest.Add((Directory.Exists(debugpath) == true));
listtest.Add((Directory.Exists(patchpath) == true));
listtest.Add((Directory.Exists(helppath) == true));
//Cheking if any of paths are false
foreach (bool varia in listtest)
returns = returns && varia;
return returns;
// Reading from XML method
public static string CitXml(string xmlpath, string field)
XmlTextReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(xmlpath);
xmlReader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None;
return xmlReader.ReadElementString(field);
Now i need to check if some files were created (many of them), to spare me of manualy adding all in to the code, i wonder how should i do it; i want the code to read the xml file and check if all of the files (from the xml) were created. So i wonder if someone of you can give an ideea, a hint (so i can go read about it), maybe a code example. Thank you.
Well, to see if any were created, re-write the code to be something like:
public bool result()
Dictionary<string, string> files = new Dictionary<string, string>();
files.Add("esecpath", "C:\\testconfig.xml");
// ... etc for each file
// if you want to see if any don't exist, then use ...
// if(files.Any(f => !File.Exists(f.Value)))
// else, these are all the created files
var createdFiles = files.Where(f => !File.Exists(f.Value));
if(createdFiles.Count() > 0)
// A file doesn't exist! Therefore you are creating it!
var directories = files.Select(f => Checking.CitXml(f.Value, f.Key));
return directories.All(d => Directory.Exists(d));