I have to display a google map in my website with certain specifications. However i am not even able to display the map itself.
script src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2&key=ABQIAAAAxTQuI4cSXZdKpxGMrX3fvRQUIgdt2KQbt-zRShjtqzhqRcrL_RSS0tVWaCYz7rT9XNT1ohGSL_WXBA" type="text/javascript">/script
script type="text/javascript"
i have tried using alert within the function but it seems the function is not called at all from the code behind page.i have written the function for map display in managerview.aspx page while i am calling it from the code behind page that is the managerview.aspx.cs page.i believe there is something wrong with the line i have posted.its bcoz it was displaying perfectly fine before. but not working now. :( please help
is there a way to call google-maps without using any kind of key???
you dont need to use java use iframe html code and in google it self it is explain how:
1-search your place in google map
2-click link button on the top right of the page
3-copy the code to your page
its done i do it my self and its work
i am working on a web application using asp.net c#. it has multiple textbox controls like
TextboxA TextboxB TextBoxResult1
TextBoxX TextBoxY TextBoxResult2
i am doing some calculation on TextboxA,B,X,Y and displaying result to TextBoxResult1 and TextBoxResult2 using Ontextbox_change event.
my question is that On each calculation my page is going to refresh.i need to know how can i do this without auto post back . i don't want to use code other than c# like Ajax, java script, jQuery etc.
thanks in advance
You can't. The code on a view is done at render and is then static html. In order to update the information you either do what you're doing (POST back) or use ajax to post back to the controller but only update specific information instead of refreshing the entire page. You could look into Blazor, but it's still experimental and not fully released (I can't comment on it, haven't used it myself yet).
I am trying to figure out the best way to go about printing some output data to a web page. I would like the user to upload a file and in the Code Behind (C#), I want to run a bunch of C# code to get a bunch of data from the file. I would then like to print that data to my web page in a table. Right now, my thought is to have the Code Behind to all the heavy lifting (getting all the data from the file) and then JavaScript/HTML or ASP.NET to print it all to the screen and CSS to manipulate it. Am I thinking of this the wrong way? If I'm heading down the right path, can I see a quick code snippet of a simple string variable in C# being printed to a web page via JavaScript?
Thanks in advance for any helpful input.
I am using maps from maps.nyc.gov. What i want to do is to show only map from this website in my own website.
Let say here is the sample URL:
I only want to show map from this site in my website don't know how to do it.
I used iframe but it loads complete website.
We can also use maps from this site: Sample link:
Please Guide.
Possible solution:
make an ajax call (of other technique), and only take part of the content you have retrieved on your site.
if only the map, then i think you need div tag mainCenter
Or ask if the have an API (like google maps)
i did this using CSS.
Made an iframe and loaded that site in iframe and wrapped the iframe with a div.
Set the size of the div to the size of part of website you want to show.
I am working on a website & it required to show a counter on home page.So I used an asp label as a counter that counts & display the DB records (i.e. 180000).It is working perfectly alright.
Now problem is that.I want to make it embed able
I want to embed that label to other websites.
e.g : <EMBED SRC="http://www.XXXX.com/graphics/sounds/18.mid" HEIGHT=60 WIDTH=144>
It should be dynamic (Counter Changes on home page should reflect where this counter has been embedded i.e. on blogs or on forums ) .
How can I do this?
Also what would be the best approach,a simple embed code, a iframe or through Java Script?
There are lots of ways to do this. Without more information, it's hard to recommend an exact method. If all you want to do is display a number in html, then you can simply create an aspx page that writes the number and then let people iframe to it.
If you want to get more dynamic, you can create a generic ashx handler, or set up a web service that displays that information for you.
I have one HTML file containing several <div> elements. I want to refresh just part of the page using either JavaScript or C#. Can someone help?
I am trying to do it this way:
It reloads the whole page. I wish to reload contentdiv. If contentdiv is at the middle of the page then it should load only that part.
Thank you.
You could move the contents of everything you want reloaded into an external file, and either use the <iframe> tag and only refresh that frame, or you could use JavaScript and refresh the div with Ajax.
Ajax isn't that simple to explain in a short answer, but you can find plenty of information on it here: http://www.w3schools.com/Ajax/ajax_example.asp or if you use a framework like jQuery ajax is much easier.
iFrames can be implemented (on mypage.html, for example) like so: <iframe src='mypagecontent.html'></iframe> and in mypagecontent.html you could use <script type='text/javascript'>window.location.reload();</script> to refresh the frame.
Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but hope it helps somewhat.
What ASP.NET Framework are you using? If you are using Web Forms, look into UpdatePanel