Which one is better for a voting function - c#

Which system would be the best to go ahead with for voting function and why? ;
Putting the votes separately inside a database table and calculating the average when it is needed
Having only one row for one product. When a new vote comes, getting that vote form database, calculate it again and update the record. for example, we have a vote record for product 1. Its vote is totally 326 inside database and 45 people have voted. then we receive a new vote which is 4 and for product 1. We take the record from database and then do the following function;
(326 + 4) / (45 + 1)
then save it to database again with total value of 330 and 46 as voted people.
I always go ahead with the first option but I wanna know what others are doing.

Well, it always depends on what you want to with the additional information about the votes.
If you want to know for example trends in voting (is the average going up or down) or you want to know it the votes are relatively old / new or what user has casted the vote (the 1-vote-per-person-check) etc. etc. etc. you want to store each vote in a separate table.
If all you care about is the end result the second option is way more efficient.

If you want to suppress that people can vote twice you will need the 1-row-per-vote approach anyway, so I recommend the first option.
The second option might be better performance-wise - but should that ever be a problem, it's easy to use a caching-mechanism.

There are lots of factors to consider. Are you needing to defend against someone attacking your application server and modifying the vote count? Are you concerned with people's votes being discoverable? Are you concerned about locking-related performance issues? All of those will affect the decision, and the answers to those vary wildly depending on the specific scenario.


C# inventory updating stock

I am building an app with a SQL Server database. I have a main table of products (tblProducts) with a column that holds the quantity in hand (quantity). Another table holds the orders (tblOrders) that come from the supplier.
When an order comes in, I add the order to my database (tblOrders) and then I edit tblProducts to add to the quantity column the new received product.
As far, everything is good.
My question: after let's say 1 year of many many orders, with a lot of edits in quantity, do you guys, periodically check all orders to check if the quantity in main table tblProducts is correct ? Or do I just assume that it is always correct?
What procedures do you use for updating this kind of database? Do you sum all orders every time when you need quantity in hand?
This is really up to how you want to implement it.
Trusting that the values will always check out (with adequate testing to ensure only stable code will see production) is the easiest and the fastest way, but might be vulnerable to data corruption, and thus, not that recommended.
Always summing up the orders is the safest way and correct way, but will become increasingly slower as the size of your tables grow. If this is not an issue for you, then this is the recommended option.
What I consider a good intermediate method is to have a separate tblProductLogs table which stores the stock of an item at a specific timestamp. You can sum the inventory at set periods (daily, hourly, up to you), and when you want to retrieve the current inventory stock you only need to sum the values that were registered after the last log entry for that item, saving you query time. This could be made more safe if update operations were disabled on the log table, since you won't need to modify the entries there. This is faster than the second option, and somewhat more stable than the first.

Lottery ticket approach

I have around 1 million records, witch are for answering questions during 24 days (one per day).
What I'm trying to accomplish is gather all correct answers throughout the days and make then a lottery selection, like, if a subscriber answered all 24 answers correctly he/she has an higher probability of be selected than a subscriber that only answered correctly one answer.
I'm using Linq-to-Sql as I fell more comfortable of using it, rather than pure T-SQL, even though this would be to be porter to T-SQL, but LinqPad helps me on that, so here's what I've got so far:
// all correct answers id's
var correct = from a in JK_ChallengeAnswers
where a.correct
select a.challenge_answer_id;
// all correct answers
var query = from cr in JK_ChallengeResponses
where correct.Contains(cr.challenge_answer_id)
select cr;
query.Count().Dump(); // 978144
var random = new Random();
int pos = random.Next(query.Count()); // random select
query.Skip(pos).Take(1).Dump(); // get one...
This is straight forward ... and it's linear, there is no "ticket" approach, here a person that answered 1 question as the exact percentage of winning of the one that answered all 24...
How would I go and try the lottery approach, what should be my next step?
No need to show me code, I can get that, only the steps, cause I'm not getting them somehow.
Create a table of lottery tickets.
For each subscriber, put their entry in the table once for each question they got correct.
Choose a record from that table at random.
Create a view with all the people's names that have answered correctly. Then you can use a random number generator to select the person whos id matches the random number. If you need more help ask me.
To me, the lottery approach is already working for you because each person can guess an answer every day for 24 days. That means they have 24 answers in your table with the foreign key that points to the correct answer. By doing this, I have a better chance of getting the right answer if I submitted 24 entries into the database. This would make my approach work.
Let me know if you had a different idea for how this would work.

history of records in lookup tables

i hope the term 'lookup table' is well chosen, what i mean is for example a rate table (lookup) with the following rates:
cheap: $15,-
Medium: $30,-
expensive: $45,-
we're at the situation that for a given entity (we call it 'fault', it is a malfunction of a device, airco, elevator, krane, toilet etc.) a constructor is hired to fix that device.
that constructor has these three (made up) rates: cheap, medium and expensive.
When the constructor fixes the fault, he enters the hours worked and the rate (when a senior has done the job, 'expensive', and when a junior has done the job, 'cheap')
technically, we then add a FK from the Fault table to the Rates table.
So when the invoice has to be printed, we get the rate via the FK and the hours worked from the fault record.
Problem is that when the constructor changes his rates, and you recalculate an old invoice months later, other amounts are calculated for the invoice because the record has changed.
So we have to construct some kind of history, and that's the question: how is that done?
what i've come up with is 2 different situations, and the question is: is one of these a good one are there better ways?
1 add a valid-from and valid-until field at the rate table, so when you edit a value, you in fact create a new record with new valid dates. downside is you have to always get the rates with a specific date in mind, which for the current situation (the actual rate at this moment) is not neccessary.
2 don't put a FK from fault to rate, but when you set a rate at a fault, you just copy the VALUE from rate to fault. downside is that when the fault is still editable, when you edit the rate, the fault's rate is not updated. And, when you edit a fault, you get a dropdown box with 3 values to choose from, non of which are the same of the current values.
At this point thanks already for reading this entire post!
I don't like #2; I never like replacing relationships with actual values (denormalizing) if I can help it. Also, it makes auditing a lot harder; if there's a weird value in for the rate, where did it come from?
The problem with #1, though, is that if for some reason you change the date of the invoice, it should probably still have the same rate that it had when it was originally created.
For these reasons, I'd recommend doing the part of #1 where a rate change always created a new row, but then link from each fault to the rate that was actually applied (i.e. rather than relying on the date to join to a rate, actually store a rate id with the fault).
One approach to finding the current rate is just to look for the one that has no end date. Or alternately, don't use end dates at all (the start date of the next rate is treated as the end date of the previous rate), and just sort by date and take the last one.
There was a good discussion of this over on Programmers.SE
How to Store Prices That Have Effective Dates
It's a well-known problem and using effective dates is the best way to do it.
I'd suggest keeping a table of contractor rates, ordered by date. When a contractor's rates change, instead of changing the existing rate add a new entry. When you need to get the current rate, sort by the timestamp descending and limit 1. Add the date entry for the current rate entry to each job record and then you can perform a simple join to get all the information at once.

c# - SQL - speed up code to DB

I have a page with 26 sections - one for each letter of the alphabet. I'm retrieving a list of manufacturers from the database, and for each one, creating a link - using a different field in the Database. So currently, I leave the connection open, then do a new SELECT by each letter, WHERE the Name LIKE that letter. It's very slow, though.
What's a better way to do this?
Since you are going to fetch them all anyway, you might find it faster to fetch them in one go and split them into letter-groups in the code.
Looking at it from the other end, why do you need to fetch all the lists just to build a set of links? Shouldn't you fetch a single letter when its link is clicked?
It sounds like you are doing up to 26 queries, which will never be fast. Often a single db query can take at least 40 ms, due to network latency, establishing connection, etc. So, doing this 26 times means that it will take around 40 x 26 ms, or more than one second. Of course, it can take much longer depending on your schema, data set, hardware, etc., but this is a rule of thumb that gives you a rough idea of the impact of queries on overall page render time.
One way I deal with this kind of situation is to use a DataTable. Fetch all the records into the DataTable, and then you can iterate through the alphabet, and use the Select method to filter.
DataTable myData = GetMyData();
foreach(string letter in lettersOfTheAlphabet)
myData.Filter(String.Format("Name like '{0}%'", letter));
//create your link here
Depending on your model layer you may wish to filter in a different way, but this is the basic idea that should improve the performance a lot.
Assuming you are querying to determine which letters are used, so that you know which links to render, you could actually just query for the letters themselves, like this:
select distinct substring(ManufacturerName, 1, 1) as FirstCharacter
from MyTable
order by 1
get one result set from one query and split that up. There is quite a lot of overhead going out the the database 26 times to do basically the same work!
You could probably do it smarter with a stored procedure. Let the SP return all the information you need in one call, and suddenly you only have one database interaction instead of 26...
Bring back all the items in one set (dataset, etc..), either through stored procedure or query, including the field left(col1,1), and sorting by that field..
select left(col1,1) as LetterGroup, col1, url_column from table1 order by left(col1,1)
Then look through the whole resultset, changing sections when the letter changes.
First letter in the alphabet sucks (sorry) as discriminator. You do not neet to split them actually (you could just ask for "where name like 'a%'), but whatever you run for that gives you on average a 1/26 or so split of the names. Not extremely efficient.
What do you mean with "creating a link - using a different field in the Database" - this sounds like a bad design to me.
there are a couple ways u can do this. 1) create a view in your db that has all the manufactures and their website link and then continue to hit the view for each letter. 2) select all the manufactures once and store it in a .net dataset and then use that dataset to populate your links.
This seems dirty to me, but you could create a first letter CHAR column and trigger to populate it. Have the first letter from the manufacturer name stored in that column and index it. Then select * from table where FirstLetter = 'A'.
Or create a lookup table with rows A - Z and set up foreign key in the manufacturer table. Again you would probably need a trigger to update this information. Then you could inner join the lookup table to the manufacturer table.
Then instead of putting 26 datasets in the page, have a list of links (A-Z) which select and show each dataset one at a time.
If I read you right, you're making a query for every manufacturer to get the "different field" you need to construct the link. If so, that's your problem, not the 26 alphabetic queries (though that's no help).
In a case like that, the faster way is this one query:
SELECT manufacturer_name, manufacturer_id, different_field
FROM manufacturers m
INNER JOIN different_field_table d
ON m.manufacturer_id = d.manufacturer_id
ORDER BY manufacturer_name
In your server code, loop through the records as usual. If you want, emit a heading when the first letter of the manufacturer_name changes.
For additional speed:
Put that in a stored procedure.
Index different_field_table on manufacturer_id.

Ratings to the items based on user click

I am trying to have a ratings strategy in the hotels search website.Ratings is based on number of clicks by the users who view different hotels.I am trying to assign number of points to each click.
Suppose i have a POINTS column in the hotels table which increases by the number of clicks on each hotel, the problem i face is suppose i have a hotel1 which was introduced in week1 then it gains considerable amount of points by week2 but if i introduce a new hotel2 at week2 although this new hotel is competetively increasing the points it cant reach easily the hotel1 becoz of there difference in weeks which they were introduced.
I thought a way to solve the above problem by introducing a DAYS column then i can divide the POINTS of each HOTEL by number of days so that i can have clear ratings to each hotel.
I need your help about how i get the number of each passing day in the DAYS column after new hotel is added in the table of database.
It would probably be better to have a CreateDate column, and then in client side code do something along the lines of:
int days = Date.Now.Subtract(hotel.CreateDate).Days;
This will cause less updates to your database too, as the date only needs to be set on create.
I'm not going to go into the statistical theory of what you're doing, but let me state for the record that I think your stats are going to be misleading.
Be that as it may, just to achieve what you say you want to achieve, I would do what #Andy just said you should do. (Beat me to it!)
As I understand it, you are asking people to "vote" on the hotels, but the only possible votes are "yes" and "no vote".
Whether this is statistically valid will depend on when people are asked to vote. If every time someone visits a hotel, you ask him whether he was satisfied with his stay, and people consistently do this, I suppose it would be generally valid. But if the scoring system is such that users do not perceive a need to re-vote on a hotel that they have already voted on, then hotels that are on the list longer will see their ratings tend to sink. If it reached a point where every user who had visited a hotel has voted (or not), and no one saw a need to vote again, then that hotels score would gradually sink.
Also, this system would be biased in favor of big hotels. If hotel A has 500 rooms and hotel B has 10 rooms, it would b e very tough for hotel B to ever get as many votes as hotel A.
I think you'd be better to ask people to rate the hotel on some scale -- 1 to 5 stars or whatever -- and then present the average score. Probably along with the number of ratings, as people can probably figure out that if there's only one rating and it's the highest possible, that might be the owner rating his own hotel.
An alternative to calculating the days in code would be to use a computed column in the database (assuming by the sql tag you meant sql server). As the other posters have said, add a CreateDate column for the hotel and then add a computed column to return the date diff.
