Extract a generic value using reflection - c#

I have the following interface in my project.
public interface Setting<T>
T Value { get; set; }
Using reflection, I would like to examine properties that implement this interface and extract Value.
So far I have written this, which successfully creates a list of properties that implement Setting.
var properties = from p in obj.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)
where p.PropertyType.GetInterfaces().Any(x => x.IsGenericType && x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IAplSetting<>))
select p;
Next I would like to do this: (Please ignore the undefined variables, you can assume that they really do exist in my actual code.)
foreach (var property in properties)
dictionary.Add(property.Name, property.GetValue(_theObject, null).Value);
The problem is that GetValue returns an object. In order to access Value, I need to be able to cast to Setting<T>. How would I get Value and store it, without needing to know the exact type of T?

You could continue this approach with one more level of indirection:
object settingsObject = property.GetValue(_theObject, null);
.GetValue(settingsObject, null));
If you're using dynamic (re: your comment about ExpandoObject), this can be much simpler:
dynamic settingsObject = property.GetValue(_theObject, null);
dictionary.Add(property.Name, settingsObject.Value);


Using Reflection to log the Properties of a type [duplicate]

I am trying to improve performance in the code below and kinda know how but not sure which is the best approach.
The first hit will take longer but subsequent hits should be quicker. Now, I could cache T (where T is a class) and then check the cache to see if "T" exists, if so - go ahead and get its related information (NamedArguments) and go through each of the NamedArguments and finally if the criteria matches, go ahead and set the value of the current property.
I just want to make it more efficient and performant. Any ideas?
var myProps = typeof(T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static).Where(prop => Attribute.IsDefined(prop, typeof(MyCustomAttribute)) && prop.CanWrite && prop.GetSetMethod() != null);
foreach (var currentProperty in myProps)
foreach (var currentAttributeForProperty in currentProperty.GetCustomAttributesData())
foreach (var currentNamedArgument in currentAttributeForProperty.NamedArguments)
if (string.Equals(currentNamedArgument.MemberInfo.Name, "PropName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
currentAttribParamValue = currentNamedArgument.TypedValue.Value == null ? null : currentNamedArgument.TypedValue.Value.ToString();
// read the reader for the currentAttribute value
if (reader.DoesFieldExist(currentAttribParamValue))
var dbRecordValue = reader[currentAttribParamValue] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader[currentAttribParamValue];
// set it in the property
currentProperty.SetValue(val, dbRecordValue, null);
DynamicMethods or ExpressionTrees will be much* faster than reflection. You could build a cache of all property getter/setters for a type, and then cache that information in a Dictionary (or ConcurrentDictionary) with type as the key.
Expression Tree Basics
Dynamic Methods
Discover type information (e.g. on app startup).
Compile dynamic methods for each property (do all properties at once).
Store those methods in a metadata class (example follows).
Cache the metadata somewhere (even a static field is fine, as long as access is synchronized). Use the type as the key.
Get the metadata for the type when needed.
Find the appropriate getter/setter.
Invoke, passing the instance on which you wish to act.
// Metadata for a type
public sealed class TypeMetadata<T> {
// The compiled getters for the type; the property name is the key
public Dictionary<string, Func<T, object>> Getters {
// The compiled setters for the type; the property name is the key
public Dictionary<string, Action<T, object>> Setters {
// rough invocation flow
var type = typeof( T);
var metadata = _cache[type];
var propertyName = "MyProperty";
var setter = metadata[propertyName];
var instance = new T();
var value = 12345;
setter( instance, value );
Example Setter
Excerpted from Dynamic Method Implementation (good article on the subject).
I can't vouch that this exact code works, but I've written very similar code myself. If you aren't comfortable with IL, definitely consider an expression tree instead.
public static LateBoundPropertySet CreateSet(PropertyInfo property)
var method = new DynamicMethod("Set" + property.Name, null, new[] { typeof(object), typeof(object) }, true);
var gen = method.GetILGenerator();
var sourceType = property.DeclaringType;
var setter = property.GetSetMethod(true);
gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); // Load input to stack
gen.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, sourceType); // Cast to source type
gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); // Load value to stack
gen.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox_Any, property.PropertyType); // Unbox the value to its proper value type
gen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, setter); // Call the setter method
var result = (LateBoundPropertySet)method.CreateDelegate(typeof(LateBoundPropertySet));
return result;
*25-100x faster in my experience
Reflection is notoriously slow in loops, so some kind of caching would probably help. But to decide what to cache, you should measure. As the famous saying goes: "premature optimization is the root of all evil"; you should make sure that you really need to optimize and what exactly to optimize.
For a more concrete advice, attributes are attached at compile time, so you could cache a type and a list of its propertyInfos for example.
I also had similar problem once - reflection is extreemely slow.
I used caching, like you are planning and performance grow more than 10 times. It was never again be a bottleneck in performance.
I've created similar logic before where I've cached an 'execution plan' for each type encountered. It was definitely faster for subsequent runs but you would have to profile your scenario to see whether it's worth the extra code complexity and memory usage.

Setting all bool members of an object using reflection

I have a struct that has a ton of named bool members. (Please leave good practices and such out of consideration now for the sake of the example).
I want to randomly set these values to either true or false, just for testing purposes.
How can I do this through reflection?
This is what I have so far:
Random r = new Random();
foreach (var bool_field in state.GetType().GetFields().Where(x => x.GetType() == false.GetType()))
bool_field.SetValue(state, r.Next() % 2 == 0 ? true : false);
Unfortunately, it never enters the loop.
Here is how the SystemState struct looks like, which is the type of the state variable. It is filled with bool auto properties.
public struct SystemState
public bool CanYouHelpMeOnThisOne { get; set; }
The solution posted below seems nice, but it does not work. The reason is that SystemState is a struct not a class. Therefor it is a Value type not a Reference type, so calling the SetValue method has no effect. After changing SystemState to class, the below solution works perfectly.
Now is there any other way, to achieve this without changing SystemState to class?
At first you need to change the Where clause:
x => x.FieldType == false.GetType()
As the type of x is FieldInfo
Since the last OP's edit it's not fields there, but properties. So, you should use GetProperties to get the list of properties, and compare the PropertyType, as x would be PropertyInfo then. Also the SetValue method is gonna to have the other signature.
foreach (var bool_field in state.GetType()
.Where(x => x.PropertyType == false.GetType()))
bool_field.SetValue(state, r.Next() % 2 == 0 ? true : false, null);
Based on OP's comments, if you do want to access the backing fields, you can use the following code:
var fs = state.GetType()
.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
.Where(x => x.FieldType == typeof(bool));
foreach (var f in fs)
f.SetValue(state, true);
The overload of GetFields without arguments returns all the public fields of the current Type. While in your case you need the private ones, so use the Type.GetFields Method (BindingFlags) with the suitable BindingFlags.

Improving performance by caching or delegate call?

I am trying to improve performance in the code below and kinda know how but not sure which is the best approach.
The first hit will take longer but subsequent hits should be quicker. Now, I could cache T (where T is a class) and then check the cache to see if "T" exists, if so - go ahead and get its related information (NamedArguments) and go through each of the NamedArguments and finally if the criteria matches, go ahead and set the value of the current property.
I just want to make it more efficient and performant. Any ideas?
var myProps = typeof(T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static).Where(prop => Attribute.IsDefined(prop, typeof(MyCustomAttribute)) && prop.CanWrite && prop.GetSetMethod() != null);
foreach (var currentProperty in myProps)
foreach (var currentAttributeForProperty in currentProperty.GetCustomAttributesData())
foreach (var currentNamedArgument in currentAttributeForProperty.NamedArguments)
if (string.Equals(currentNamedArgument.MemberInfo.Name, "PropName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
currentAttribParamValue = currentNamedArgument.TypedValue.Value == null ? null : currentNamedArgument.TypedValue.Value.ToString();
// read the reader for the currentAttribute value
if (reader.DoesFieldExist(currentAttribParamValue))
var dbRecordValue = reader[currentAttribParamValue] == DBNull.Value ? null : reader[currentAttribParamValue];
// set it in the property
currentProperty.SetValue(val, dbRecordValue, null);
DynamicMethods or ExpressionTrees will be much* faster than reflection. You could build a cache of all property getter/setters for a type, and then cache that information in a Dictionary (or ConcurrentDictionary) with type as the key.
Expression Tree Basics
Dynamic Methods
Discover type information (e.g. on app startup).
Compile dynamic methods for each property (do all properties at once).
Store those methods in a metadata class (example follows).
Cache the metadata somewhere (even a static field is fine, as long as access is synchronized). Use the type as the key.
Get the metadata for the type when needed.
Find the appropriate getter/setter.
Invoke, passing the instance on which you wish to act.
// Metadata for a type
public sealed class TypeMetadata<T> {
// The compiled getters for the type; the property name is the key
public Dictionary<string, Func<T, object>> Getters {
// The compiled setters for the type; the property name is the key
public Dictionary<string, Action<T, object>> Setters {
// rough invocation flow
var type = typeof( T);
var metadata = _cache[type];
var propertyName = "MyProperty";
var setter = metadata[propertyName];
var instance = new T();
var value = 12345;
setter( instance, value );
Example Setter
Excerpted from Dynamic Method Implementation (good article on the subject).
I can't vouch that this exact code works, but I've written very similar code myself. If you aren't comfortable with IL, definitely consider an expression tree instead.
public static LateBoundPropertySet CreateSet(PropertyInfo property)
var method = new DynamicMethod("Set" + property.Name, null, new[] { typeof(object), typeof(object) }, true);
var gen = method.GetILGenerator();
var sourceType = property.DeclaringType;
var setter = property.GetSetMethod(true);
gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); // Load input to stack
gen.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, sourceType); // Cast to source type
gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); // Load value to stack
gen.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox_Any, property.PropertyType); // Unbox the value to its proper value type
gen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, setter); // Call the setter method
var result = (LateBoundPropertySet)method.CreateDelegate(typeof(LateBoundPropertySet));
return result;
*25-100x faster in my experience
Reflection is notoriously slow in loops, so some kind of caching would probably help. But to decide what to cache, you should measure. As the famous saying goes: "premature optimization is the root of all evil"; you should make sure that you really need to optimize and what exactly to optimize.
For a more concrete advice, attributes are attached at compile time, so you could cache a type and a list of its propertyInfos for example.
I also had similar problem once - reflection is extreemely slow.
I used caching, like you are planning and performance grow more than 10 times. It was never again be a bottleneck in performance.
I've created similar logic before where I've cached an 'execution plan' for each type encountered. It was definitely faster for subsequent runs but you would have to profile your scenario to see whether it's worth the extra code complexity and memory usage.

Comparing the value of a property in two instances

I think I'm having boxing issues
foreach(var p in item.GetType().GetProperties().
Where(p => p.GetValue(original, null) is ValueType))
var originalValue = p.GetValue(original, null);
var modifiedValue = p.GetValue(item, null);
if (!originalValue.Equals(modifiedValue))
kvpData.AppendFormat("{0}={1}&", p.Name, originalValue);
originalValue is never equal to modifiedValue, Im guessing it's because they are boxed inside Object. But how do I fix it?
It is not a boxing issue. Equals is a virtual method, which the boxed value types override just fine.
However, I am not sure what the issue is. Could it be that there aren’t actually any matching properties? Remember that GetProperties() without any parameters will only return public properties. If the properties you need are private, you need to add some BindingFlags:
GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
(I’m assuming here that you don’t want static properties.)
Are you also sure that it is actually properties that you are after and not fields? Remember that if you declare something as
public string Name;
then it’s a field, whereas
public string Name { get; set; }
is a property. If it’s actually fields you need, you need to use GetFields() instead of GetProperties() with the same binding flags.
Linq is a great tool, but I'm not sure why you're using it here. You're actually causing the set of properties to get iterated twice, which is very expensive. I'd write the code without Linq. Also, there's no need to get the value more than once, which is again very expensive. Give this code a try. It avoids the flaws I pointed out and was comparing correctly when I made and tested a dummy class with it:
foreach(PropertyInfo p in item.GetType().GetProperties())
if (p.PropertyType.BaseType == typeof(ValueType) || p.PropertyType == typeof(string))
var originalValue = p.GetValue(original, null);
var modifiedValue = p.GetValue(item, null);
if (originalValue != modifiedValue) kvpData.AppendFormat("{0}={1}&", p.Name, originalValue);
Also, note that strings are not a ValueType although they do implement a value comparison.
From MSDN: Object.Equals :
The default implementation of Equals supports reference equality for
reference types, and bitwise equality for value types. Reference
equality means the object references that are compared refer to the
same object. Bitwise equality means the objects that are compared have
the same binary representation.
That means that in your case this 2 objects (if they are reference types) are never point to the same instance.
There is no an easy way to resolve this in so generic way as you would like to do.
But you can implement (just an example) an IComparable on those types you gonna to compare, and after in this iteration check if the type of the value rturned implements that interface, so cast and call it's implemented IComparable.CompareTo method.
You can check if the object implements specified interfacce, in this current case IComparable, you can do something like this:
originalValue .GetType().GetInterfaces().Any(x =>
x.IsGenericType && x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IComparable))
Hope this helps.

Build an object from another object in C# using generic code

Let's say I have an object of Type User that looks like this:
User {
Name = "Bob",
Email = "Bob#gmail.com",
Class = NULL
Can anyone think of a way to take that object and create an object like this:
User {
Name = "Bob",
Email = "Bob#gmail.com"
Using entirely generic code? Meaning, I don't want to hard code anything to do with the Type, or the Properties because this code would need to be applied to every Entity on my site. (the "User" type is an Entity by the way, so use that if it helps you code this better).
I'm just trying to come up with a solution to a problem I have and I BELIEVE that Stub Entities may fix the problem, but I need to do it without hard coding any Types or Properties.
Use reflection to achieve this:
public void CopyValues<TSource, TTarget>(TSource source, TTarget target)
var sourceProperties = typeof(TSource).GetProperties().Where(p => p.CanRead);
foreach (var property in sourceProperties)
var targetProperty = typeof(TTarget).GetProperty(property.Name);
if (targetProperty != null && targetProperty.CanWrite && targetProperty.PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(property.PropertyType))
var value = property.GetValue(source, null);
targetProperty.SetValue(target, value, null);
Generics are not gonna help you for this case. There might be some option in the Entity Framework but i am not really known with that.
It would however be possible using Reflection. You could try something like this:
public static void CopyProperties(object a, object b)
if (a.GetType() != b.GetType())
throw new ArgumentException("Types of object a and b should be the same", "b")
foreach (PropertyInfo property in a.GetType().GetProperties())
if (!property.CanRead || !property.CanWrite || (property.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0))
property.SetValue(b, property.GetValue(a, null), null);
Keep in mind tough that this requires all the properties you want to copy to have both a public setter and getter. Also there is the difference between "deep copy" vs "shallow copy" wich means if sub-objects are also copied or only referenced. This example will only reference them so it would be a "shallow copy"
This looks like a problem for reflection rather than generics (although generics can be used as a sneaky way of caching the strategy for reflection). Unless I misread it, you want to create a new instance and copy most of the members... Which reflection is good at, albeit relatively slow. You can improve the speed by using meta-programming; on the first run (per-type) generate an optimised version, perhaps using DynamicMethod or Expression, and store a typed delegate from that. Then just use the delegate.
