How to split string? - c#

In the following example,
/*----------------------// kvkbl jk//bv klb /* /*gkljbgflkjbncviogf*/
how do I get the strings between /* and */?

Take a look at this tutorial
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
string s = "/*there*/ is a cat";
string s = "User name (sales)";
int start = s.IndexOf("/*");
int end = s.IndexOf(")*/")
string result = s.substring(start, end - start -1)
//result contains "there"

string s = "there is a cat";
// Split string on spaces.
// ... This will separate all the words.
string[] words = s.Split(' ');
foreach (string word in words)


Split string by List

Split string by List:
I have SplitColl with delimeters:
And string like this:
When i try to split string:
var formattedText = "strxx";
var lst = new List<String>();
var arr = formattedText.Split(lst.ToArray(), 10, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
I have "str" result;
But how to skip this result? I want to get empty array in this case (when delim is a part of a word).
I expect, that when formattedText="str xx", result is str.
I have a many delimeters of address: such as street,city,town,etc.
And i try to get strings like: city DC-> DC.
But, when i get a word like:cityacdc-> i get acdc, but it not a name of a city.
It seems that you are not using your keywords really as delimiters but as search criterion. In this case you could use RegEx to search for each pattern. Here is an example program to illustrate this procedure:
static void Main(string[] args)
List<string> delim = new List<string> { "city", "street" };
string formattedText = "strxx street BakerStreet cityxx city London";
List<string> results = new List<string>();
foreach (var del in delim)
string s = Regex.Match(formattedText, del + #"\s\w+\b").Value;
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s))
results.Add(s.Split(' ')[1]);
Console.WriteLine(String.Join("\n", results));
This would handle this case:
And I try to get strings like: city DC --> DC
to handle the case where you want to find the word in front of your keyword:
I expect, that when formattedText="str xx", result is str
just switch the places of the matching criterion:
string s = Regex.Match(formattedText, #"\b\w+\s"+ del).Value;
and take the first element at the split
results.Add(s.Split(' ')[0]);
Give this a try, basically what I'm doing is first I remove any leading or tailing delimiters (only if they are separated with a space) from the formattedText string. Then using the remaining string I split it for each delimiter if it has spaces on both sides.
var result = FormatText(formattedText, delimiterlst);
static string[] FormatText(string input, List<string> delimiters)
delimiters.ForEach(d => {
TrimInput(ref input, "start", d.ToCharArray());
TrimInput(ref input, "end", d.ToCharArray());
return input.Split(delimiters.Select(d => $" {d} ").ToArray(), 10, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
static void TrimInput(ref string input, string pos, char[] delimiter)
string temp = input;
input = (pos == "start") ? input.TrimStart(delimiter) : input.TrimEnd(delimiter);
string trimmed = (pos == "start") ? input.TrimStart() : input.TrimEnd();
//update string
input = (input != trimmed) ? trimmed : temp;

String Replacement C#

Hope you can give me some light on this:
I have this var
string TestString = "KESRNAN FOREST S BV";
I want to replace the S that is alone, so I tried with the following
public static string FixStreetName(string streetName)
string result = "";
string stringToCheck = streetName.ToUpper();
// result = stringToCheck.Replace(StreetDirection(stringToCheck), "").Replace(StreetType(stringToCheck),"").Trim();
result = stringToCheck.Replace("S", "").Replace("BV", "").Trim();
return result;
But this is replacing all S on that string. any ideas?
Use regular expressions,
denotes word boundaries. here is an example on C# Pad
string x = "KESRNAN FOREST S BV";
var result = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(x, #"\bS\b", "");
If you can easily identify certain "delimiter" characters, one possibility is to 1. split your input string into several parts using string.Split; then 2. pick the parts that you want, and finally 3. "glue" them back together using string.Join:
var partsToExclude = new string[] { "S", "BV" };
/* 1. */ var parts = stringToCheck.Split(' ');
/* 2. */ var selectedParts = parts.Where(part => !partsToExclude.Contains(part));
/* 3. */ return string.Join(" ", selectedParts.ToArray());
Using Regex:
string input = "S KESRNAN FOREST S BV S";
string result = Regex.Replace(input, #"\b(S)", "");
As you can see alone S is before a space " ". In the other word have this string "S " which want to replace it.
Try this :
string TestString = "KESRNAN FOREST S BV";
string replacement = TestString.Replace("S ", "");
Another way of doing what you want:
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication2
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string testString = "S KESRNAN S FOREST BV S";
// deleting S in middle of string
for (int i = 1; i < testString.Length-1; i++)
if (testString[i]=='S'&&testString[i-1]==' '&&testString[i+1]==' ')
// deleting S in the begining of string
if (testString.StartsWith("S "))
testString = testString.Remove(0, 2);
// deleting S at the end of string
if (testString.EndsWith(" S"))
testString = testString.Remove(testString.Length-2, 2);

How do I check if a string contains a string from an array of strings?

So here is my example
string test = "Hello World, I am testing this string.";
string[] myWords = {"testing", "string"};
How do I check if the string test contains any of the following words? If it does contain how do I make it so that it can replace those words with a number of asterisks equal to the length of that?
You can use a regex:
public string AstrixSomeWords(string test)
Regex regex = new Regex(#"\b\w+\b");
return regex.Replace(test, AsterixWord);
private string AsterixWord(Match match)
string word = match.Groups[0].Value;
if (myWords.Contains(word))
return new String('*', word.Length);
return word;
I have checked the code and it seems to work as expected.
If the number of words in myWords is large you might consider using HashSet for better performance.
bool cont = false;
string test = "Hello World, I am testing this string.";
string[] myWords = { "testing", "string" };
foreach (string a in myWords)
if( test.Contains(a))
int no = a.Length;
test = test.Replace(a, new string('*', no));
var containsAny = myWords.Any(x => test.Contains(x));
Something like this
foreach (var word in mywords){
if(test.Contains(word )){
string astr = new string("*", word.Length);
test.Replace(word, astr);
EDIT: Refined

how to split comma with double quotes in c#?

string strExample =
how to split above string with ","
I need an answer like
string[] arrExample = YourFunc(strExample);
arrExample[0] == "10553210";
arrExample[1] == "na";
arrExample[2] == "398,633,000";
with split option.
thanks in advance
Here is an easy way,
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO;
IList<string> arrExample;
using(var csvParser = new TextFieldParser(new StringReader(strExample))
fields = csvParser.ReadFields();
You may split not by comma "," but by whole string "\",\"".
Do not forget to Trim leading and trailing quotations ":
String strExample =
string[] arrExample = St.Trim('"').Split(new String[] {"\",\""}, StringSplitOptions.None);
You can split on "," , The first and last entry you have to clean the " in the last and first entry:
string[] arr = strExample .Split(new string[] { "\",\"" },
//remove the extra quotes from the last and the first entry
arr[0] = arr[0].SubString(1,arr[0].Length - 1);
int last = arr.Length - 1;
arr[last] = arr[last].SubString(0,arr[last].Length - 1);
string[] arrExample = strExample.Split(",");
would do it, but your code won't compile. I assume you meant:
string strExample = "10553210,na,398,633,000,20130709,20130502,20120724";
If this isn't what you meant, please correct the question.
Assuming you meant this:
string strExample = "\"10553210\",\"na\",\"398,633,000\",\"20130709\",\"20130502\",\"20120724\"";
Split then Select the substring:
string[] parts = strExample.Split(',').Select(x => x.Substring(1, x.Length - 2)).ToArray();
You need to escape the double quotes if they're meant to be contained in your example string.
Using the example from Jodrell
private string[] SplitFields(string csvValue)
//if there aren't quotes, use the faster function
if (!csvValue.Contains('\"') && !csvValue.Contains('\''))
return csvValue.Trim(',').Split(',');
//there are quotes, use this built in text parser
using(var csvParser = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(new StringReader(csvValue.Trim(','))))
csvParser.Delimiters = new string[] { "," };
csvParser.HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes = true;
return csvParser.ReadFields();
This worked for me
public static IEnumerable<string> SplitCSV(string strInput)
string[] str = strInput.Split(',');
if (str == null)
yield return null;
StringBuilder quoteS = null;
foreach (string s in str)
if (s.StartsWith("\""))
if (s.EndsWith("\""))
yield return s;
quoteS = new StringBuilder(s);
if (quoteS != null)
if (s.EndsWith("\""))
string s1 = quoteS.ToString();
quoteS = null;
yield return s1;
yield return s;
static void Main(string[] args)
string s = "111,222,\"33,44,55\",666,\"77,88\",\"99\"";
var sp = SplitCSV(s);
foreach (string s1 in sp)
you can do that by doing this ..
string stringname= "10553210,na,398,633,000,20130709,20130502,20120724";
List<String> asd = stringname.Split(',');
or if you wanr array then
array[] asd = stringname.Split(',').ToArray;

C# Regex for Movie Filename

I have been trying to use a C# Regex unsuccessfully to remove certain strings from a movie name.
Examples of the file names I'm working with are:
EuroTrip (2004) [SD]
Event Horizon (1997) [720]
Fast & Furious (2009) [1080p]
Star Trek (2009) [Unknown]
I'd like to remove anything in square brackets or parenthesis (including the brackets themselves)
So far I'm using:
movieTitleToFetch = Regex.Replace(movieTitleToFetch, "([*\\(\\d{4}\\)])", "");
Which seems to remove the Year and Parenthesis ok, but I just can't figure out how to remove the Square Brackets and content without affecting other parts... I've had miscellaneous results but the closest one has been:
movieTitleToFetch = Regex.Replace(movieTitleToFetch, "([?\\[+A-Z+\\]])", "");
Which left me with:
urorip (2004)
Instead of:
EuroTrip (2004) [SD]
Any whitespace that is left at the ends are ok as I will just perform
movieTitleToFetch = movieTitleToFetch.Trim();
at the end.
Thanks in advance,
This regex pattern should work ok... maybe needs a bit of tweaking
Regex.Replace(movieTitleToFetch, #"[\[\(].+?[\]\)]", "");
This should match anything from either "[" or "(" until the next occurance of "]" or ")"
If that does not work try removing the escape character for the parentheses, like so...
Regex.Replace(movieTitleToFetch, #"[\[(].+?[\])]", "");
#Craigt is pretty much spot on but it's possibly cleaner to ensure that the brackets are matched.
I'know i'm late on this thread but i wrote a simple algorythm to sanitize the downloaded movies filenames.
This runs these steps:
Removes everything in brackets (if find a year it tries to keep the info)
Removes a list of common used words (720p, bdrip, h264 and so on...)
Assumes that can be languages info in the title and removes them when at the end of remaining string (before special words)
if a year was not found into parenthesis looks at the end of remaining string (as for languages)
Doing this replaces dots and spaces so the title is ready, as example, to be a query for a search api.
Here's the test in XUnit (i used most of italian titles to test it)
using Grappachu.Movideo.Core.Helpers.TitleCleaner;
using SharpTestsEx;
using Xunit;
namespace Grappachu.MoVideo.Test
public class TitleCleanerTest
[InlineData("Avengers.Confidential.La.Vedova.Nera.E.Punisher.2014.iTALiAN.Bluray.720p.x264 - BG.mkv",
"Avengers Confidential La Vedova Nera E Punisher", 2014)]
[InlineData("Fuck You, Prof! (2013) BDRip 720p HEVC ITA GER AC3 Multi Sub PirateMKV.mkv",
"Fuck You, Prof!", 2013)]
[InlineData("Il Libro della Giungla(2016)(BDrip1080p_H264_AC3 5.1 Ita Eng_Sub Ita Eng)by siste82.avi",
"Il Libro della Giungla", 2016)]
[InlineData("Il primo dei bugiardi (2009) [Mux by Little-Boy]", "Il primo dei bugiardi", 2009)]
"il viaggio di arlo", 2015)]
[InlineData("La Mafia Uccide Solo D'estate 2013 .avi",
"La Mafia Uccide Solo D'estate", 2013)]
"Ip Man 3", 2015)]
"Inferno", 2016)]
"Ghostbusters", 2016)]
[InlineData("Transcendence.mkv", "Transcendence", null)]
[InlineData("Being Human (Forsyth, 1994).mkv", "Being Human", 1994)]
public void Clean_should_return_title_and_year_when_possible(string filename, string title, int? year)
var res = MovieTitleCleaner.Clean(filename);
and fisrt version of the code
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Grappachu.Movideo.Core.Helpers.TitleCleaner
public class MovieTitleCleanerResult
public string Title { get; set; }
public int? Year { get; set; }
public string SubTitle { get; set; }
public class MovieTitleCleaner
private const string SpecialMarker = "§=§";
private static readonly string[] ReservedWords;
private static readonly string[] SpaceChars;
private static readonly string[] Languages;
static MovieTitleCleaner()
ReservedWords = new[]
SpecialMarker, "hevc", "bdrip", "Bluray", "x264", "h264", "AC3", "DTS", "480p", "720p", "1080p"
var cultures = CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures);
var l = cultures.Select(x => x.EnglishName).ToList();
l.AddRange(cultures.Select(x => x.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName));
Languages = l.Distinct().ToArray();
SpaceChars = new[] {".", "_", " "};
public static MovieTitleCleanerResult Clean(string filename)
var temp = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);
int? maybeYear = null;
// Remove what's inside brackets trying to keep year info.
temp = RemoveBrackets(temp, '{', '}', ref maybeYear);
temp = RemoveBrackets(temp, '[', ']', ref maybeYear);
temp = RemoveBrackets(temp, '(', ')', ref maybeYear);
// Removes special markers (codec, formats, ecc...)
var tokens = temp.Split(SpaceChars, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var title = string.Empty;
for (var i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++)
var tok = tokens[i];
if (ReservedWords.Any(x => string.Equals(x, tok, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
if (title.Length > 0)
title = string.Join(" ", title, tok).Trim();
temp = title;
// Remove languages infos when are found before special markers (should not remove "English" if it's inside the title)
tokens = temp.Split(SpaceChars, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
for (var i = tokens.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var tok = tokens[i];
if (Languages.Any(x => string.Equals(x, tok, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
tokens[i] = string.Empty;
title = string.Join(" ", tokens).Trim();
// If year is not found inside parenthesis try to catch at the end, just after the title
if (!maybeYear.HasValue)
var resplit = title.Split(SpaceChars, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var last = resplit.Last();
if (LooksLikeYear(last))
maybeYear = int.Parse(last);
title = title.Replace(last, string.Empty).Trim();
// TODO: review this. when there's one dash separates main title from subtitle
var res = new MovieTitleCleanerResult();
res.Year = maybeYear;
if (title.Count(x => x == '-') == 1)
var sp = title.Split('-');
res.Title = sp[0];
res.SubTitle = sp[1];
res.Title = title;
return res;
private static string RemoveBrackets(string inputString, char openChar, char closeChar, ref int? maybeYear)
var str = inputString;
while (str.IndexOf(openChar) > 0 && str.IndexOf(closeChar) > 0)
var dataGraph = str.GetBetween(openChar.ToString(), closeChar.ToString());
if (LooksLikeYear(dataGraph))
maybeYear = int.Parse(dataGraph);
var parts = dataGraph.Split(SpaceChars, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (var part in parts)
if (LooksLikeYear(part))
maybeYear = int.Parse(part);
str = str.ReplaceBetween(openChar, closeChar, string.Format(" {0} ", SpecialMarker));
return str;
private static bool LooksLikeYear(string dataRound)
return Regex.IsMatch(dataRound, "^(19|20)[0-9][0-9]");
public static class StringUtils
public static string GetBetween(this string src, string a, string b,
StringComparison comparison = StringComparison.Ordinal)
var idxStr = src.IndexOf(a, comparison);
var idxEnd = src.IndexOf(b, comparison);
if (idxStr >= 0 && idxEnd > 0)
if (idxStr > idxEnd)
Swap(ref idxStr, ref idxEnd);
return src.Substring(idxStr + a.Length, idxEnd - idxStr - a.Length);
return src;
private static void Swap<T>(ref T idxStr, ref T idxEnd)
var temp = idxEnd;
idxEnd = idxStr;
idxStr = temp;
public static string ReplaceBetween(this string s, char begin, char end, string replacement = null)
var regex = new Regex(string.Format("\\{0}.*?\\{1}", begin, end));
return regex.Replace(s, replacement ?? string.Empty);
This does the trick:
It removes anything from "[" to the next "]" and anything from "(" to the next ")".
Can you just use:
string MovieTitle="Star Trek (2009) [Unknown]";
movieTitleToFetch= MovieTitle.IndexOf('(')>MovieTitle.IndexOf('[')?
Cant we use this instead:-
Above code will surely return you the perfect movie titles for these strings:-
EuroTrip (2004) [SD]
Event Horizon (1997) [720]
Fast & Furious (2009) [1080p]
Star Trek (2009) [Unknown]
if there occurs a case where you will not have year but only type i.e :-
EuroTrip [SD]
Event Horizon [720]
Fast & Furious [1080p]
Star Trek [Unknown]
then use this
else if(movieTitleToFetch.Contains("["))
I came up with .+\s(?<year>\(\d{4}\))\s(?<format>\[\w+\]) which matches any of your examples, and contains the year and format as named capture groups to help you replace them.
This pattern translates as:
Any character, one or more repitions
Literal '(' followed by 4 digits followed by literal ')' (year)
Literal '[' followed by alphanumeric, one or more repitions, followed by literal ']' (format)
