Parse reply/quote and make it a hyperlink ASP.NET - c#

I'm working on a messageboard and I'd like to have the following reply/quote system:
#5432 //post number
This is a reply to a post
This is a reply to another post
This is plain text, server-side I want to replace it so it ends like this:
<a href="#5432>#5432</a>
I think the regex would be ^#\d+, but I don't know how to implement it, especially with multiple ocurrences.
This ASP.NET + C#, btw.

Here is how you can do it in c#:
string str = #"#5432 //post number
This is a reply to a post
This is a reply to another post";
Regex.Replace(str, #"(#)(\d+)", #"$1$2")


German characters sending data using POST method from ASP page to PHP page

I have a problem with sending data from ASP with the POST Method to a PHP page.
I would like to send mail with names. And since I live in Austria the names are in German and we have some Special characters. These characters don't arrive write.
I'm still pretty new to programming with C# btw. I had the Website before in Java-Script but I had to connect it with a database and therefore I switched to C# and now I'm like a "babe in the woods".
this.hdnDaten.Value = "ÄÖÜ|äöü|ß|é|#";
// mit POST versuchen
using (var client = new WebClient())
var postData = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();
postData.Add("von", this.hdnVon.Value);
postData.Add("an", this.hdnAn.Value);
postData.Add("betreff", this.hdnBetreff.Value);
postData.Add("daten", this.hdnDaten.Value);
byte[] response = client.UploadValues("http://xxxxxx.php", "POST", postData);
var responsebody = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response);
And this is how the characters (in this.hdnDaten.Value) from above arrive in the mail-body:
Does anybody know what I can do to get the same characters in the end?
Edit 20143013: I think I have a clue: I have to encode the postData into ANSI (Codepage 1252). I tried do do this, but it doesn't work. Does anybody have an Idea how I could do this?
Edit 20140320: I don't even dare to give you the answer: I was looking all the time in the wrong place (somewhat like MH370): The problem was with the receiving side of the mail (I was using a POP3-Viewer for testing); when I downloaded the mail to Outlook everything was OK. The funny thing was that this didn't happen in the original (Javascript) Version that's why I was looking at the wrong place.
Try setting client.Encoding to UTF-8 before calling UploadValues. Also ensure that you read the text as UTF-8 on the server.
Try this.hdnDaten.Value = HttpUtility.UrlEncode("ÄÖÜ|äöü|ß|é|#"); on your post parameters.
on PHP you'll need to decode the parameters via html_entity_decode

Special phone and e-mail characters

I am parsing web pages by .NET (c#, HtmlAgilityPack). There are some values in the special format in the web page code (phone, email). Target values are "+420 221 513 222" and "" for instance but in html source code the values are like
<span class="p none">420%8722%AC1%87513%87%AC222</span>
<a class="e none">rev%DBize%DB%A7se%DBcar%DB%96cz</a>
I think I am missing something. I tried to use replace function etc. but to no avail. Can somebody help me with converting this values to right string values? (regex?)
Thank you for your help.
You could use:
This can be found in the System.Web namespace.
Sure. You're looking for Uri.UnescapeDataString(url). However, it doesn't quite decode all of it at the same time. So what you need to do is use it in a loop, like this:
public static string DecodeUrlString(this string url)
string newUrl;
while ((newUrl = Uri.UnescapeDataString(url)) != url)
url = newUrl;
return newUrl;

Ampersand in query string messing up simple mailto of a link in the body

I'm trying to do a simple mailto inside my C# ASP.Net web app.
string url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("mailto:?subject=View Rig Map&body=" + url);
However if the url has a query string with an ampersand (&) separating the name-value pairs like so "http://localhost:51771/MuseumViewer.aspx?MuseumIDs=3301&CountryIDs=1" the link it cut off in the body of the email at "http://localhost:51771/MuseumViewer.aspx?MuseumIDs=3301."
I don't really want to do anything fancy because all I need to do is have the link in the body of the email. Can anyone help me with this? Would it work if I put the mailto on the client side?
I'm having a tough time deciding on who to pick as the answer but here is the solution I used:
string url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
string link = Server.UrlEncode(url);
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("mailto:?subject=View Rig Map&body=" + link);
%26 is the URL escape code for an ampersand. Try running UrlEncode() on the url.
Add reference to System.Web to your project.
Use the below lines in your app
string url = "http://localhost:51771/MuseumViewer.aspx?MuseumIDs=3301&CountryIDs=1";
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("mailto:?subject=View Rig Map&body=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode(url));

HttpWebRequest with POST and GET at the same time

I need to redirect a user to using a POST method.
Is it possible? If yes, then how?
Right now I have following and it forwards the POST data properly, but it removes the ?id=2:
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Post;
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
request.ContentLength = postData.Length;
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
The reason I need both query string data -> ?id=2 and POST data is because I pass the query string to page in which javascript is going to be handling the query string data and .NET is going to work with data sent via POST method. The POST data that I am passing can be longer than maximum amount of characters that GET method allows, therefore I can't use only GET method... so, what are your suggestions?
More information:
I am writing a routing page, which adds some custom information to query string and then routes all of the data, old and new further to some URL that was provided. This page should be able to redirect to our server as well as to someone's server and it doesn't need to know where it came from or where it goes, it just simply needs to keep the same POST, GET and HEADER information as well as additional information received at this step.
No. There is no fathomable reason to mix POST and GET.
If you need to make parameters passed in with the request available to Javascript, simply POST them to the server, and have the server spit out the relevant information in a hidden field...
<input type="hidden" value="id=2,foo=bar" disabled="disabled" />
Simple as that.
Note: Disable the hidden field to exclude it from the subseqient POST, if there is one ;)
The problem i think that the problem could be that postData does not contain the id parameter as it is supplied through querystring.
Posted data is in the body of the request and querystring data is in the url.
You probably need to fetch the id from request.querystring to you postdata variable.
Given the extra information to your question, that you require to submit to an external source, what I believe you must do is process all of the data and return a form with hidden fields. Add some javascript to submit that form to the external URL immediately upon load. Note that you won't get file uploads this way, but you can appropriately handle POST and GET data.
As far as I know, it isn't possible to redirect with POST. Couldn't you simply pretend (internally handle as if) that the request was made to the page you want to redirect the user to?
The closest answer I've found to this problem is here, but it's not transparent to the user, therefore it's not good enough for me --> Response.Redirect with POST instead of Get?
If anybody has any other suggestions, please respond!
Try sending all of the data including the id in POST. Then when you are processing the data in C#, you can read the id variable in and write it back out to your webpage within a tag:
<script type="text/javascript">
id = <%=request_id%>
Then just make sure your javascript starts running after fully loaded with an onload() call and you're good to go.
What you are actually trying to do is redirect your POST data. May I ask why? I can't see any reason why you would want to do this if in fact both pages are on your servers.
What you should be doing is processing all of your POST data in script #1, and then redirecting to something like script2.aspx?id=234 where the ID 234 is in reference to the data in your database. You can then recall it later on script2 and dump all the data into Javascript variables for your client-side stuff to use.
Either way, something about this process sounds fishy to me. Mixing up your data processing client-side and server side is like mixing vodka and milk. It rarely works well. (But white russians sure are tasty!)
Actually I was able to achieve the desired result by mixing Javascript and Codebehind code. So, what I've done is in server side code I've built an entire web page like following:
var strForm = new StringBuilder();
strForm.Append("<form id=\"" + formId + "\" name=\"" + formId + "\" action=\"" + url + queryString +"\" method=\"POST\">");
foreach (string key in data)
strForm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + key + "\" value=\"" + data[key].Replace("\"", """) + "\">");
And in addition to this form built on server side, I add a javascript code that submits the form I've just built.
var strScript = new StringBuilder();
strScript.Append("<script language='javascript'>");
strScript.Append("var v" + formId + " = document." + formId + ";");
strScript.Append("v" + formId + ".submit();");
So, what this code does, is as you see, the form action is an URL with query string parameters attached to it... but since the form method is POST, we submit the values we added as a hidden fields as POST parameters... So we end up submitting both POST and GET parameters.
Hope this solution will help somebody =)

Sending a mail as both HTML and Plain Text in .net

I'm sending mail from my C# Application, using the SmtpClient. Works great, but I have to decide if I want to send the mail as Plain Text or HTML. I wonder, is there a way to send both? I think that's called multipart.
I googled a bit, but most examples essentially did not use SmtpClient but composed the whole SMTP-Body themselves, which is a bit "scary", so I wonder if something is built in the .net Framework 3.0?
If not, is there any really well used/robust Third Party Library for sending e-Mails?
The MSDN Documentation seems to miss one thing though, I had to set the content type manually, but otherwise, it works like a charm :-)
MailMessage msg = new MailMessage(username,, subject, body);
msg.BodyEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
msg.SubjectEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
AlternateView htmlView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(htmlContent);
htmlView.ContentType = new System.Net.Mime.ContentType("text/html");
What you want to do is use the AlternateViews property on the MailMessage
Just want to add that you can use defined constants MediaTypeNames.Text.Html and MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain instead of "text/html" and "text/plain", which is always a preferable way. It's in System.Net.Mime namespace.
So in the example above, it would be:
AlternateView htmlView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(htmlContent, null, MediaTypeNames.Text.Html);
I'm just going to put a note here for anyone that's having problems and finds their way to this page - sometimes, Outlook SMTP servers will reconvert outgoing email. If you're seeing your plain-text body vanish entirely, and nothing but base64-encoded attachments, it might be because your server is reencoding the email. Google's SMTP server does not reencode email - try sending through there and see what happens.
On top of using AlternateViews views to add both the html and the plain text view, make sure you are not also setting the body of the Mail Message object.
// do not do this:
var msg = new MailMessage(model.From, model.To);
msg.Body = compiledHtml;
As it will make your email contain the html content in both views, overriding the alternative views.
For the people(like me) who've had the problem of gmail displaying the plaintext part instead of the html part.
Gmail seems to always display the last part in your message.
So if you've added the html part before your plain text part chances are gmail will always show the plain text variant.
To fix this you can simply add the plain text part before your html part.
For anyone who bumped into this issue you might want to check if you have preheader tags in your html.
In my html I've added a tag with a phrase of "Activate your client admin account by clicking the link.".
It seems like gmail is flagging the phrase "clicking the link" after removing it, all my emails that has been sent, are going straight to the inbox.
