When I simply execute the following line of code
wMessages.ScrollBarsEnabled = true;
I can see the System.UriFormatException in IntelliTrace data, saying "Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed.". I can't catch this exception, it's shown only in IntelliTrace. Removing the code makes my webbrowser work perfectly, but I need these scrollbars.
I can't understand what is the link between scrollbars and URI? Maybe it has something to do with the Document property of the browser? The URL of the document is "about:blank".
Any suggestions?
Here is the full code:
string h = "";
if (currentpage != null)
h = template + "<body><div class=\"messages\">" + currentpage.Messages() + "</div><div></div></body></html>";
h = template + "<body><div class=\"messages\">" + "</div><div></div></body></html>";
wMessages.ScrollBarsEnabled = false;
Misc.OpenNew(wMessages, h);
if (wMessages == null) return;
if (wMessages.Document == null) return;
catch (System.Exception)
HtmlElement body = wMessages.Document.Body;
wMessages.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
const double MaxHeightRatio = 0.4;
int availableHeight = pContainer.Height - wHeader.Height - pFooter.Height;
int BodyHeigth = (int)body.ScrollRectangle.Height;
if (BodyHeigth > (int)(availableHeight * MaxHeightRatio))
wMessages.Height = (int)(availableHeight * MaxHeightRatio);
wMessages.ScrollBarsEnabled = true; // here goes the exception
//wMessages.ScrollBarsEnabled = false;
wMessages.Height = BodyHeigth;
wMessages.Visible = true;
I am using PDFBox 1.8.3 and my need is to take a set of ZPLs and convert them all into one PDF. For the conversion part(ZPL to PDF), we are using labelary and this works correctly. I am basically using PDFBox to "stitch" all these individual PDFs. My source code is very simple as below :
var outputByteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
var destinationDoc = null;
var doc = null;
for each(var img in images.toArray()) {
log.debug("Working with image : " + img);
if("ZPL".equalsIgnoreCase(img.getFormat()) || "ZPL203".equalsIgnoreCase(img.getFormat())) {
try {
var convertorServiceUrl = "http://labelary ...." + img.getId()+"?labelSize=4x6&density=8dpmm";
var urlObject = new URL(convertorServiceUrl);
var conn = urlObject.openConnection();
if(destinationDoc == null ) {
var tmpfile = java.io.File.createTempFile(pw +"-"+uniqKey, ".pdf");
var raf = new org.apache.pdfbox.io.RandomAccessFile(tmpfile, "rw");
destinationDoc = PDDocument.load(conn.getInputStream(), raf);
else {
doc = PDDocument.load(conn.getInputStream());
if (doc != null && doc.getNumberOfPages() > 0) {
var page = doc.getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages().get(0);
} catch (res) {
log.error("Error message retrieved is " + exceptionMsg);
throw new BaseRuntimeException("Unable to convert the PDF for image with id " + img.getId(), res);
try {
if(destinationDoc != null) {
} catch (e1) {
log.error("Error in writing the document to the output stream " + pw + "." , e1);
throw e1;
return outputByteStream.toByteArray();
Source code runs and generates a PDF but all the pages of the PDF are pointing to the first page. So if my for-loop run 4 times, all 4 pages of the PDF are for first label.
If I use addPage like below
var outputByteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
var destinationDoc = new PDDocument();
var doc = null;
for each(var img in images.toArray()) {
log.debug("Working with image : " + img);
if("ZPL".equalsIgnoreCase(img.getFormat()) || "ZPL203".equalsIgnoreCase(img.getFormat())) {
try {
var convertorServiceUrl = "http://labelary ...." + img.getId()+"?labelSize=4x6&density=8dpmm";
var urlObject = new URL(convertorServiceUrl);
var conn = urlObject.openConnection();
doc = PDDocument.load(conn.getInputStream());
if (doc != null && doc.getNumberOfPages() > 0) {
var page = doc.getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages().get(0);
} catch (res) {
log.error("Error message retrieved is " + exceptionMsg);
throw new BaseRuntimeException("Unable to convert the PDF for image with id " + img.getId(), res);
try {
if(destinationDoc != null) {
} catch (e1) {
log.error("Error in writing the document to the output stream " + pw + "." , e1);
throw e1;
return outputByteStream.toByteArray();
Then the result is a PDF page with all empty pages.
I have already ensured that the content returned from the labelary service is correct and if I simply take the response and save it into a file it works correctly. Even saving the PDDocument one page at a time also produces the PDF correctly.
The problem I have is with the "stitching" of PDFs. It should work as per the documentation but I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
I have a list of mp3 which I am downloading. After some files are downloaded, not all of them - around 5-7, I get WebException. I did a stacktrace and this is the result.
Exception thrown: 'System.Net.WebException' in System.dll
Debug message: The operation has timed out
InnerEx: at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at iBlock.Main._InetGetHTMLSearch(String sArtist) in C:\Users\...\Main.cs:line 590
My _InetGetHTMLSearch looks like this
private void _InetGetHTMLSearch(string sArtist)
if (AudioDumpQuery == string.Empty)
//return string.Empty;
string[] sStringArray;
string sResearchURL = "http://www.audiodump.biz/music.html?" + AudioDumpQuery + sArtist.Replace(" ", "+");
string aRet;
HttpWebRequest webReq = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(sResearchURL);
webReq.UserAgent = "Mozilla / 5.0(Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit / 537.75.14(KHTML, like Gecko) Version / 7.0.3 Safari / 7046A194A";
webReq.Referer = "http://www.audiodump.com/";
webReq.Timeout = 5000;
webReq.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
webReq.Method = "GET";
using (WebResponse response = webReq.GetResponse())
using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream())
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);
aRet = reader.ReadToEnd();
string[] aTable = _StringBetween(aRet, "<BR><table", "table><BR>", RegexOptions.Singleline);
if (aTable != null)
string[] aInfos = _StringBetween(aTable[0], ". <a href=\"", "<a href=\"");
if (aInfos != null)
for (int i = 0; i < aInfos.Length; i++)
//do some magic here
//debug 2
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Debug message: " + ex.Message + "InnerEx: " + ex.StackTrace);
//throw exception
what this method does is simple. A simple search of the sArtist given at audiodump.com
I have a timer which runs very fast, every 10ms.
private void MainTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
_DoDownload(DoubleDimList[i][y], ref mp3ToPlay);
if (muted) Mute(0);
if (Downloading)
StatusLabel.Text = "Downloading: " + DoubleDimList[i][y];
Now this timer handles the download in the background in a Global scope.
The _DoDownload methos which basically starts the entire process looks like this
private void _DoDownload(string dArtist, ref string dPath)
if (!Contain && skip <= 3 && !Downloading)
if (aLinks.Count < 1)
//skip and return
Console.WriteLine("Skipping: " + dArtist);
IniWriteValue(_playlists[i], "Track " + y, dArtist + " -iBlockSkip");
string path = mp3Path + "\\" + dArtist + ".mp3";
if (DownloadOne(aLinks[0], path, false))
Downloading = true;
catch (Exception Ex)
MessageBox.Show("Download start error: " + Ex.Message);
else if (Downloading)
try {
int actualBytes = strm.Read(barr, 0, arrSize);
fs.Write(barr, 0, actualBytes);
bytesCounter += actualBytes;
double percent = 0d;
if (fileLength > 0)
percent =
100.0d * bytesCounter /
(preloadedLength + fileLength);
label1.Text = Math.Round(percent) + "%";
if (Math.Round(percent) >= 100)
string path = mp3Path + "\\" + dArtist + ".mp3";
label1.Text = "";
dPath = path;
lastArtistName = "N/A";
Downloading = false;
if (y >= DoubleDimList[i].Count)
if (Math.Round(percent) <= 1)
if (hTimmer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 3000)
string path = mp3Path + "\\" + dArtist + ".mp3";
Contain = false;
skip += 1;
Downloading = false;
} }
catch(Exception Ex)
MessageBox.Show("Downloading error: " + Ex.Message);
Now once the exception is thrown it messes up the entire project. As you see in the last method, if _InetGetHTMLSearch doesn't update the search(returns nothing) I am skipping and moving to next search. However the exception will be thrown in every next search. I tried setting new cookies in every search but still didn't work.
Any solutions how to avoid this issue?
P.S. I have to say that if I change the timer's Interval to 500ms it will download more mp3 before the exception is thrown but not all of them.
Edit: The issue here is obvious. The request timesout but even if I set it to Timeout.Infinite it will hand there forever
I have a .net page which needs to open a new pop-up window when certain conditions are not met in the code behind file. I have the following code:
private bool isValidPart(string partNo)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(partNo))
DataBase.DBManager dm = new DBManager();
if (!Convert.ToBoolean(dm.ExecScalar("usp_getPart", partNo)))
string url = "test.aspx";
string s = "window.open('" + url + "', 'popup_window', 'width=300,height=100,left=100,top=100,resizable=yes');";
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "script", s, true);
return false;
return true;
I put a break point and verified it. It hits the line but the pop-up window does not open up. It just simply moves to next line and returns false.
May I please know the reason behind it?
#yog2411 This is the code which checks that isvalidpart()
private bool SetRowData()
int rowIndex = 0;
if (ViewState["CurrentData"] != null)
DataTable dtCurrentData = (DataTable)ViewState["CurrentData"];
DataRow drCurrentRow = null;
if (dtCurrentData.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int i = 1; i <= dtCurrentData.Rows.Count; i++)
TextBox TextCustomerName = (TextBox)gvInventory.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[1].FindControl("txtCustomerName");
TextBox TextPONumber = (TextBox)gvInventory.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[2].FindControl("txtPONumber");
TextBox TextPartNumber = (TextBox)gvInventory.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[3].FindControl("txtPartNumber");
TextBox TextQuantity = (TextBox)gvInventory.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[4].FindControl("txtQuantity");
//TextBox TextReqShipDate = (TextBox)gvInventory.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[5].FindControl("txtReqShipDate");
if (!isValidPart(TextPartNumber.Text))
return false;
drCurrentRow = dtCurrentData.NewRow();
drCurrentRow["RowNumber"] = i + 1;
dtCurrentData.Rows[i - 1]["CustName"] = TextCustomerName.Text;
dtCurrentData.Rows[i - 1]["PONum"] = TextPONumber.Text;
dtCurrentData.Rows[i - 1]["PartNum"] = TextPartNumber.Text;
dtCurrentData.Rows[i - 1]["Qty"] = TextQuantity.Text;
// dtCurrentData.Rows[i - 1]["ReqShipDate"] = TextReqShipDate.Text;
ViewState["CurrentData"] = dtCurrentData;
gvInventory.DataSource = dtCurrentData;
return true;
try writing a JS function
function showMyPopUp(myUrl) {
//I have this settings and it works like a popUp,
//I just going to write the properties you have, but you can change them for these ones
//var CustomFeatures = 'titlebar=no, status=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,toolbar=no,location=no,width=300,height=100,top=100,left=100';
var CustomFeatures = 'resizable=yes,width=300,height=100,top=100,left=100';
window.open(myUrl, '_blank', CustomFeatures, true);
and in your C# this
string url = "test.aspx";
string myCallfunction = "showMyPopUp('" + url + "');"
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "Funct", myCallfunction , true);
hope it helps
Recently, I've been getting an IndexOutOfRange exception in a particular method. The new code in this function reads a "csv" file (a .txt file renamed with the extension "CSV") and parses it; so it must be code specific to that or else the data itself that is raising this exception.
But it's apparently not on the Insert into the database, because I added a MessageBox.Show() in the catch block where the insert takes place, and I never see it.
public bool PopulatePlatypusItemsListAndInsertIntoPlatypusItemsTable(frmCentral fc)
const int Platypus_ID_OFFSET = 0;
const int Platypus_ITEM_ID_OFFSET = 1;
const int ITEM_ID_OFFSET = 2;
const int PACKSIZE_OFFSET = 3;
bool ret = false;
string dSQL;
bool First = true;
if (File.Exists(csvFilePathName))
int fzz = 0;
dSQL = "DELETE FROM PlatypusItems";
dbconn.DBCommand(dSQL, true);
frmCentral.listboxMessage.TopIndex = frmCentral.listboxMessage.Items.Add(Convert.ToString(++frmCentral.lstMessageCount) +
". Error processing PlatypusItem data from server");
SqlCeConnection conn = dbconn.GetConnection();
if (conn != null && conn.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
SqlCeCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO PlatypusItems ( PlatypusID, PlatypusItemID, ItemID, PackSize) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";
if (!ret)
ret = true;
PlatypusItem DuckbillItm = new PlatypusItem();
string thisLine;
string[] arrLine;
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(csvFilePathName))
while (sr.Peek() >= 0)
thisLine = sr.ReadLine();
arrLine = thisLine.Split(',');
DuckbillItm.PlatypusID = arrLine[Platypus_ID_OFFSET];
DuckbillItm.PlatypusItemID = arrLine[Platypus_ITEM_ID_OFFSET];
DuckbillItm.ItemID = arrLine[ITEM_ID_OFFSET];
DuckbillItm.PackSize = Convert.ToInt32(arrLine[PACKSIZE_OFFSET]);
dSQL = "INSERT INTO PlatypusItems (PlatypusID, PlatypusItemID, ItemID, PackSize) VALUES (" + DuckbillItm.PlatypusID + ",'" +
DuckbillItm.PlatypusItemID + "','" + DuckbillItm.ItemID + "'," + DuckbillItm.PackSize + ")";
if (!First)
cmd.Parameters[0].Value = DuckbillItm.PlatypusID;
cmd.Parameters[1].Value = DuckbillItm.PlatypusItemID;
cmd.Parameters[2].Value = DuckbillItm.ItemID;
cmd.Parameters[3].Value = DuckbillItm.PackSize.ToString();
if (First)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#PlatypusID", DuckbillItm.PlatypusID);
cmd.Parameters.Add("#PlatypusItemID", DuckbillItm.PlatypusItemID);
cmd.Parameters.Add("#ItemID", DuckbillItm.ItemID);
cmd.Parameters.Add("#PackSize", DuckbillItm.PackSize);
First = false;
if (frmCentral.CancelFetchInvDataInProgress)
return false;
// testing with these reversed: - either way, get the IndexOutOfRange exception...
//dbconn.DBCommand(cmd, dSQL, true);
dbconn.DBCommand(cmd, cmd.CommandText, true); //<-- If this works as well or better, dSQL is only there for the progress updating code below
// the first line is the legacy code; the second seems more sensible to me; both seem to work
catch (Exception x)
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("dbcommand exc message = {0}; PlatypusID = {1}; PlatypusItemID = {2}; ItemID = {3}; PackSize = {4}",
x.Message, DuckbillItm.PlatypusID, DuckbillItm.PlatypusItemID, DuckbillItm.ItemID, DuckbillItm.PackSize));//TODO: Remove
frmCentral.listboxMessage.TopIndex =
frmCentral.listboxMessage.Items.Add(Convert.ToString(++frmCentral.lstMessageCount) +
". Error processing Platypus Item data from server");
fzz += dSQL.Length; //<-- tried commenting this weird code out, but still get IndexOutOfRangeException
if (fzz > fc.ProgressChangedIndex)
fc.ProgressChangedIndex = fzz + fc.ProgressChangedIncrement;
if (((frmCentral.ProgressBar.progressBar1.Maximum/4) + (fzz*3) < frmCentral.ProgressBar.progressBar1.Maximum) &&
((frmCentral.ProgressBar.progressBar1.Maximum/4) + (fzz*3) > frmCentral.ProgressBar.progressBar1.Value))
frmCentral.ProgressBar.progressBar1.Value = (frmCentral.ProgressBar.progressBar1.Maximum/4) + (fzz*3);
catch (Exception ex)
duckbilledPlatypiRUs.ExceptionHandler(ex, "PlatypusItemFile.PopulatePlatypusItemsListAndInsertIntoPlatypusItemsTable");
return ret;
I know this code is kind of a wacko mix of different styles; the good code is mine, and the weird code is legacy (g,d&r)
I can do this, of course, to sweep the dust under the rug:
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex.Message.IndexOf("IndexOutOfRange") < 0)
duckbilledPlatypiRUs.ExceptionHandler(ex, "PlatypusItemFile.PopulatePlatypusItemsListAndInsertIntoPlatypusItemsTable");
...but I don't know if that IndexOutOfRangeException is actually something serious that is wreaking mayhem in the innards of this app.
I added this code:
if (arrLine[PLATYPUS_ID_OFFSET].Length > 10) //TODO: Remove?
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("PLATYPUS_ID_OFFSET length should be 10; was {0}", arrLine[PLATYPUS_ID_OFFSET].Length));
arrLine[PLATYPUS_ID_OFFSET] = arrLine[PLATYPUS_ID_OFFSET].Substring(0, 10);
if (arrLine[PLATYPUS_ITEM_ID_OFFSET].Length > 19)
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("PLATYPUS_ITEM_ID_OFFSET length should be 19; was {0}", arrLine[PLATYPUS_ID_OFFSET].Length));
if (arrLine[ITEM_ID_OFFSET].Length > 19)
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("ITEM_ID_OFFSET length should be 19; was {0}", arrLine[PLATYPUS_ID_OFFSET].Length));
arrLine[ITEM_ID_OFFSET] = arrLine[ITEM_ID_OFFSET].Substring(0, 19);
...and I never saw those MessageBox.Show()s, so I guess it's not the three string values that are causing the problem; perhaps the int (PackSize). PackSize would never be greater than what Int32 allows; is there a TryParse() equivalent in .NET 1.1?
I do see the "IndexOutOfRange" from the exception here, and yet never the MessageBox.Show()s:
thisLine = sr.ReadLine();
arrLine = thisLine.Split(',');
if (arrLine[PLATYPUS_ID_OFFSET].Length > 10) //TODO: Remove?
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("PLATYPUS_ID_OFFSET length should be 10; was {0}", arrLine[PLATYPUS_ID_OFFSET].Length));
arrLine[PLATYPUS_ID_OFFSET] = arrLine[PLATYPUS_ID_OFFSET].Substring(0, 10);
. . .
DuckbillItm.ItemID = arrLine[ITEM_ID_OFFSET];
DuckbillItm.PackSize = Convert.ToInt32(arrLine[PACKSIZE_OFFSET]);
catch (Exception exc)
It was bad data, after all; some of the lines had four commas in them instead of the expected three. So, I just removed those lines (after adding code to check each element of the array for size, and trimming them prior to that) and it runs fine.
My initial guess: Probably one of the arrLine[...] lines (e.g. DuckbillItm.PlatypusID = arrLine[Platypus_ID_OFFSET]) would cause this if your input .csv file is bad. Do a debug build and put your breakpoint on the catch handler, and tell us what "ex.StackTrace" says.
I am trying to pass value from C# code to a CrystalReport report.
private void PrintOrder(List<OrderPrintBO> pListOrderBO)
DSOrderReport oDSOrderReport = new DSOrderReport();
DataTable oDataTable = oDSOrderReport.Tables[0];
String sOrderNo = "";
if (pListOrderBO.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < pListOrderBO.Count; i++)
DataRow oRow = oDataTable.NewRow();
oRow["OrderID"] = pListOrderBO[i].OrderID;
oRow["OrderNumber"] = pListOrderBO[i].OrderNumber;
sOrderNo = pListOrderBO[i].OrderNumber;
if (oDSOrderReport.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
// Main Copy
PrintDialog printDialog = new PrintDialog();
rptOrder oMainOrder = new rptOrder();
String sCompanyName = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CompanyName"].ToString();
String sPhone1 = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Phone1"].ToString();
String sPhone2 = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Phone2"].ToString();
String sShowOrderNo = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ShowOrderNo"].ToString();
((CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject)oMainOrder.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["txtCompanyName"]).Text = sCompanyName;
((CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject)oMainOrder.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["txtPhone1"]).Text = "Tel:" + sPhone1;
((CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject)oMainOrder.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["txtPhone2"]).Text = "Tel:" + sPhone2;
////This commented out section gives exception
//string sVarOrderNo = "";
//if (sShowOrderNo.ToLower() == "yes")
// sVarOrderNo = sOrderNo;
//((CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject)oMainOrder.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["txtOrderNo"]).Text = "O.N. : " + sVarOrderNo;
oMainOrder.PrintOptions.PrinterName = printDialog.PrinterSettings.PrinterName;
oMainOrder.PrintToPrinter(1, false, 0, 0);
MessageBox.Show("Order Printed Successfully", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Error in Printing Order", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
End Edit
For the first three text boxes (CompanyName, Phone1 & Phone2), every thing working just fine, but when I tried to pass the OrderNo to the report, Index was outside the bounds of the array. exception is occured, even though my report have a TextBox object named txtOrderNo
I am not sure why this is happening. Please help. Thanks.
Try to change your sOrderNo related code is as below.
string sVarOrderNo = "";
if (sShowOrderNo.ToLower() == "yes")
sVarOrderNo = sOrderNo;
((CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject)oMainOrder.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["txtOrderNo"]).Text = "O.N. : " + sVarOrderNo;
Your problem is below mentioned code snippet.Inside the for loop you try to assign a value to sOrderNo. Which is meaningless.B'cos it overrides every time when loop goes.So what is the purpose of this ? If you need this value then you have to bring this value through as your table's row or as a parameter to the report.
if (pListOrderBO.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < pListOrderBO.Count; i++)
DataRow oRow = oDataTable.NewRow();
oRow["OrderID"] = pListOrderBO[i].OrderID;
oRow["OrderNumber"] = pListOrderBO[i].OrderNumber;
sOrderNo = pListOrderBO[i].OrderNumber;
I hope this will help to you.