Do we still need Richter's AsyncEnumerator? - c#

Recently I stumbled across the AsyncEnumerator class form Jeffrey Richter's Power Threading Library which seems to solve several problems I'm usually encountering when programming asynchronous stuff.
The idea for this class has been around for quite a while now and I'm wondering if current versions of .NET / C# have built-in support for this mechanism by now or if it is still necessary to rely on a third party library? Or maybe newer versions of .NET have some alternative approach which simplifies asynchronous programming as much as Richter's AsyncEnumerator does?
Or in other words: Is there a reason to not start using Richter's AsyncEnumerator today?
Some links with information on AsyncEnumerator:
Jeffrey Richter and his AsyncEnumerator
Simplified APM With The AsyncEnumerator
More AsyncEnumerator Features

Yes, you will still benefit from my AsyncEnumerator. The new threading stuff introduced in .NET 4 (Tasks, Parallel, PLINQ, etc), is all about concurrency. That is, they are all about taking a computational workload, dividing it up and spawning it out onto multiple threads so that the workload can complete in less time than it would takes 1 thread to do the entire workload. You can use these constructs to execute multiple synchronous I/O operations concurrently. However, the synchronous I/O operations cause all the threads to block which then causes the threadpool to create more threads. And so, your app's resource usage skyrockets while your CPU usage remains very low. This is a very inefficient to implement your application and prevents your app from scaling.
My AsyncEnumerator is all about initiating asynchronous I/O operations without blocking any threads so that your app's resource usage remains very low so your app scales very well. CPU usage remains low in this case too because you are performing I/O; not a computational workload.
In the next version of .NET, the new async/await language features (which I worked on with Microsoft), enables you to perform async I/O and in fact, the new features are modeled very similar to my AsyncEnumerator. So much so that you can port code that uses my AsyncEnumerator to the new model with very few source code changes.
As someone else pointed out, my AsyncEnumerator still offers other features and works with .NET 2.0 and later. So, many people will still find it quite useful for a long time.

An obvious parallel here is PLINQ, but Richter himself dismisses this:
Jeffrey Richter Dec 04, 2008 at 2:27 PMquotereply They are very
different. Parallel.For in particular is about performing a bunch of
compute-bound operations in parallel scaling out across all the CPUs
in teh machine. My AsyncEnumerator is mostly about issuing one or more
concurrent I/O-bound operations without have any threads block for
them to complete.
However, the C# async CTP may be useful here, making thread continuations much more reasonable, i.e.
var bytesRead = await stream.ReadAsync(...);
Console.WriteLine(bytesRead); // woah! we're on a different thread now!
Here, the C# compiler re-writes everything around await instuctions, such that it becomes a callback/continuation to the existing async operation (which must return an "awaitable" value). Once this is in production, I hope this will become a much more natural way to write code with intrinsic delays due to async.

.net 4.0 includes the PLINQ framework and various other means of threaded computation.
See Parallel Programming in the .NET Framework for more details.

From this question Asynchronous iterator Task<IEnumerable<T>> :
It sounds like what you may really be looking for is something like IObservable<T>, which is sort of like a push-based asynchronous IEnumerable<T>. See Reactive Extensions, a.k.a. Rx from Microsoft Open Technologies (code licensed under Apache-2.0) (no affiliation) for a huge host of methods that work with IObservable<T> to make it work like LINQ-to-Objects and more.
The problem with IEnumerable<T> is that there's nothing that really makes the enumeration itself asynchronous. If you don't want to add a dependency on Rx (which is really what makes IObservable<T> shine), this alternative might work for you:
public async Task<IEnumerable<char>> TestAsync(string testString)
return GetChars(testString);
private static IEnumerable<char> GetChars(string testString)
foreach (char c in testString.ToCharArray())
// do other work
yield return c;
though I'd like to point out that without knowing what's **actually being done asynchronously, there may be a much better way to accomplish your goals. None of the code you posted will actually do anything asynchronously, and I don't really know if anything in // do other work is asynchronous (in which case, this isn't a solution to your underlying problem though it will make your code compile).


Threads can run on different processors or cores for both Task.Factory.StartNew and Parallel.Invoke

I am looking to clarify my understanding of .NET multithreading, and in particular, which .NET methods create threads which may potentially execute at the same time on different processors or cores in a multi-processor/core system.
In the .NET TPL framework you can use the methods Parallel.Invoke, or Task.Factory.StartNew to achieve some kind of parallelism.
My understanding is that in both cases .NET creates new Tasks (behind the scenes for Parallel.Invoke), which the .NET environment then allocates to managed threads behind the scenes, which are then assigned to threads, which the CPU may allocate to different cores or processors depending on the workload. The main difference between the two methods is semantics - Parallel.Invoke executes multiple tasks and waits for them to complete; Task.Factory.StartNew starts a new task in the background. In both cases, the actual work may be done on different cores or processors. As per Task Parallel Library (TPL).
I have a colleague who is convinced that only the Parallel.Invoke method allows the threads to be executed on different cores/processors, and that Task.Factory.StartNew starts a new thread but that thread will only be scheduled on one core/processor - so doesn't actually give parallelism.
I can't find any documentation or articles which explicitly state whether this is the case or not. My colleague refers me to the same articles that I am looking at, such as Task-based Asynchronous Programming, which I think validate my understanding but my colleague thinks validates his.
The documentation sometimes uses the term "parallel processing" with reference to Parallel.Invoke and "asynchronous tasks" with reference to "Task.Factory.StartNew", but as far as I understand the same thing happens in the background with regards to allocation to multiple processors/cores.
Can anyone please help to clarify the situation, if possible with links to documentation/articles.
I know this sounds like seeking resolution to an argument with a colleague, but I am genuinely looking to clarify whether or not I understand this correctly.
It's actually pretty easy to answer.
Queues the specified work to run on the ThreadPool ....
Task Parallel Library
... In addition, the TPL handles the partitioning of the work, the scheduling of threads on the ThreadPool, ....
Using the same ThreadPool how is it possible for the ThreadPool to determine the type of task in order to limit the CPU? Either they both run on all Processors or the they all run one a Single Processor.
Extra Credit:
This begs the question, Is the ThreadPool Multi-Core aware?
The answer is surprisingly, it doesn't care. The ThreadPool asks the operating system (just like any c# application that uses new Thread()) for a Thread, it actually the responsibility of the OS. I think it would be pretty clear by now that with all the abstraction that even suggesting that C# can by default limit how threads are used is a pretty ridiculous assertion. (Yes you can run a thread on whatever core you want etc etc, but that is not how the ThreadPool works by default).
I highly recommend reading StartNew is Dangerous... TLDR? Use Task.Run().
Although operating systems sometimes provide for "processor affinity," this is an edge-case and its use (or availability) is quite rare. So far as I am aware, .NET does not make any use of such things.
Your foundation assumption must always be: "a runnable thread/process will run where it damn well pleases," and it might switch from one CPU resource to another at any time. The .NET framework makes things a whole lot "nicer" for you in a lot of ways, but the underlying scheduling decisions are still being made – exclusively – by the host operating system.

How to synchronize TPL Tasks, by using Monitor / Mutex / Semaphore? Or should one use something else entirely?

I'm trying to move some of my old projects from ThreadPool and standalone Thread to TPL Task, because it supports some very handy features, like continuations with Task.ContinueWith (and from C# 5 with async\await), better cancellation, exception capturing, and so on. I'd love to use them in my project. However I already see potential problems, mostly with synchronization.
I've written some code which shows a Producer / Consumer problem, using a classic stand-alone Thread:
class ThreadSynchronizationTest
private int CurrentNumber { get; set; }
private object Synchro { get; set; }
private Queue<int> WaitingNumbers { get; set; }
public void TestSynchronization()
Synchro = new object();
WaitingNumbers = new Queue<int>();
var producerThread = new Thread(RunProducer);
var consumerThread = new Thread(RunConsumer);
private int ProduceNumber()
// Long running method. Sleeping as an example
return CurrentNumber;
private void ConsumeNumber(int number)
// Long running method. Sleeping as an example
private void RunProducer()
while (true)
int producedNumber = ProduceNumber();
lock (Synchro)
// Notify consumer about a new number
private void RunConsumer()
while (true)
int numberToConsume;
lock (Synchro)
// Ensure we met out wait condition
while (WaitingNumbers.Count == 0)
// Wait for pulse
numberToConsume = WaitingNumbers.Dequeue();
In this example, ProduceNumber generates a sequence of increasing integers, while ConsumeNumber writes them to the Console. If producing runs faster, numbers will be queued for consumption later. If consumption runs faster, the consumer will wait until a number is available. All synchronization is done using Monitor and lock (internally also Monitor).
When trying to 'TPL-ify' similar code, I already see a few issues I'm not sure how to go about. If I replace new Thread().Start() with Task.Run():
TPL Task is an abstraction, which does not even guarantee that the code will run on a separate thread. In my example, if the producer control method runs synchronously, the infinite loop will cause the consumer to never even start. According to MSDN, providing a TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning parameter when running the task should hint the TaskScheduler to run the method appropriately, however I didn't find any way to ensure that it does. Supposedly TPL is smart enough to run tasks the way the programmer intended, but that just seems like a bit of magic to me. And I don't like magic in programming.
If I understand how this works correctly, a TPL Task is not guaranteed to resume on the same thread as it started. If it does, in this case it would try to release a lock it doesn't own while the other thread holds the lock forever, resulting in a deadlock. I remember a while ago Eric Lippert writing that it's the reason why await is not allowed in a lock block. Going back to my example, I'm not even sure how to go about solving this issue.
These are the few issues that crossed my mind, although there may be (probably are) more. How should I go about solving them?
Also, this made me think, is using the classical approach of synchronizing via Monitor, Mutex or Semaphore even the right way to do TPL code? Perhaps I'm missing something that I should be using instead?
Your question pushes the limits of broadness for Stack Overflow. Moving from plain Thread implementations to something based on Task and other TPL features involves a wide variety of considerations. Taken individually, each concern has almost certainly been addressed in a prior Stack Overflow Q&A, and taken in aggregate there are too many considerations to address competently and comprehensively in a single Stack Overflow Q&A.
So, with that said, let's look just at the specific issues you've asked about here.
TPL Task is an abstraction, which does not even guarantee that the code will run on a separate thread. In my example, if the producer control method runs synchronously, the infinite loop will cause the consumer to never even start. According to MSDN, providing a TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning parameter when running the task should hint the TaskScheduler to run the method appropriately, however I didn't find any way to ensure that it does. Supposedly TPL is smart enough to run tasks the way the programmer intended, but that just seems like a bit of magic to me. And I don't like magic in programming.
It is true that the Task object itself does not guarantee asynchronous behavior. For example, an async method which returns a Task object could contain no asynchronous operations at all, and could run for an extended period of time before returning an already-completed Task object.
On the other hand, Task.Run() is guaranteed to operate asynchronously. It is documented as such:
Queues the specified work to run on the ThreadPool and returns a task or Task<TResult> handle for that work
While the Task object itself abstracts the idea of a "future" or "promise" (to use synonymous terms found in programming), the specific implementation is very much tied to the thread pool. When used correctly, you can be assured of asynchronous operation.
If I understand how this works correctly, a TPL Task is not guaranteed to resume on the same thread as it started. If it does, in this case it would try to release a lock it doesn't own while the other thread holds the lock forever, resulting in a deadlock. I remember a while ago Eric Lippert writing that it's the reason why await is not allowed in a lock block. Going back to my example, I'm not even sure how to go about solving this issue.
Only some synchronization objects are thread-specific. For example, Monitor is. But Semaphore is not. Whether this is useful to you or not depends on what you are trying to implement. For example, you can implement the producer/consumer pattern with a long running thread that uses BlockingCollection<T>, without needing to call any explicit synchronization objects at all. If you did want to use TPL techniques, you could use SemaphoreSlim and its WaitAsync() method.
Of course, you could also use the Dataflow API. For some scenarios this would be preferable. For very simple producer/consumer, it would probably be overkill. :)
Also, this made me think, is using the classical approach of synchronizing via Monitor, Mutex or Semaphore even the right way to do TPL code? Perhaps I'm missing something that I should be using instead?
IMHO, this is the crux of the matter. Moving from Thread-based programming to the TPL is not simply a matter of a straight-forward mapping from one construct to another. In some cases, doing so would be inefficient, and in other cases it simply won't work.
Indeed, I would say a key feature of TPL and especially of async/await is that synchronization of threads is much less necessary. The general idea is to perform operations asynchronously, with minimal interaction between threads. Data flows between threads only at well-defined points (i.e. retrieved from the completed Task objects), reducing or even eliminating the need for explicit synchronization.
It's impossible to suggest specific techniques, as how best to implement something will depend on what exactly the goal is. But the short version is to understand that when using TPL, very often it is simply unnecessary to use synchronization primitives such as what you're used to using with the lower-level API. You should strive to develop enough experience with the TPL idioms that you can recognize which ones apply to which programming problems, so that you apply them directly rather than trying to mentally map your old knowledge.
In a way, this is (I think) analogous to learning a new human language. At first, one spends a lot of time mentally translating literally, possibly remapping to adjust to grammar, idioms, etc. But ideally at some point, one internalizes the language and is able to express oneself in that language directly. Personally, I've never gotten to that point when it comes to human languages, but I understand the concept in theory :). And I can tell you firsthand, it works quite well in the context of programming languages.
By the way, if you are interested in seeing how TPL ideas taken to extremes work out, you might like to read through Joe Duffy's recent blog articles on the topic. Indeed, the most recent version of .NET and associated languages have borrowed heavily from concepts developed in the Midori project he's describing.
Tasks in .Net are a hybrid. TPL brought tasks in .Net 4.0, but async-await only came with .Net 4.5.
There's a difference between the original tasks and the truly asynchronous tasks that came with async-await. The first is simply an abstraction of a "unit of work" that runs on some thread, but asynchronous tasks don't need a thread, or run anywhere at all.
The regular tasks (or Delegate Tasks) are queued on some TaskScheduler (usually by Task.Run that uses the ThreadPool) and are executed by the same thread throughout the task's lifetime. There's no problem at all in using a traditional lock here.
The asynchronous tasks (or Promise Tasks) usually don't have code to execute, they just represent an asynchronous operation that will complete in the future. Take Task.Delay(10000) for example. The task is created, and completed after 10 seconds but there's nothing running in the meantime. Here you can still use the traditional lock when appropriate (but not with an await inside the critical section) but you can also lock asynchronously with SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync (or other async synchronization constructs)
Is using the classical approach of synchronizing via Monitor, Mutex or Semaphore even the right way to do TPL code?
It may be, that depends on what the code actually does and whether it uses TPL (i.e. Tasks) or async-await. However, there are many other tools you can now use like async synchronization constructs (AsyncLock) and async data structures (TPL Dataflow)

C# Socket performance with .Net 4.5 Async vs [...]Async vs Begin[...]

Currently, from what I've researched, there are 3 ways to work with socket asynchronously:
.Net 4.5 Async example: Using .Net 4.5 Async Feature for Socket Programming (second post)
I am very confused with all the options .Net provides for working with asynchronous sockets. Why should I use one or the other? What better choice to have performance with thousands of simultaneous connections?
Methods using SocketAsyncEventArgs most closely match the underlying Windows technology (I/O Completion Ports). They are essentially a bare-metal wrapper designed to perform zero allocation and extract the highest performance at the cost of a less friendly API. This has a disadvantage of more tightly coupled code as it doesn't implement any standard Stream API. The other async socket methods all wrap this one.
Methods using a Begin/End pair are using what's called the Asynchronous Programming Model (APM). APM is the original async model of .NET. It's very easy to write spaghetti code if you use it half-cocked, but it's functional and fairly simple to use once you have some experience with it. They shouldn't see much use in modern .NET, though, because we've got something far easier and better performing:
Methods returning a Task are using the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP). Tasks are a pure upgrade to APM: they're more flexible, easier to compose, and should generally have equal or better performance. When combined with language-integrated async/await, you can write code that performs great and is significantly easier to understand and maintain.
tl;dr use Task methods, unless you've got a requirement of extreme perf. Then use SocketAsyncEventArgs methods. Don't use APM methods.
What better choice to have performance with thousands of simultaneous
A curiosity regarding the Begin[...]. If I have a MMORPG server where
one connection interacting with each other for position update,
animation, effects (basic MMORPG mechanism), in numbers, which would
be "heavily loaded servers"? 200~300 simultaneous connections?
On the server side, you may benefit equally well from using any asynchronous socket APIs, either Begin/End-style APM ones, event-based EAP ones or Task-based TAP ones. That's because you'll be blocking fewer threads, as opposed to using the synchronous APIs. So, more thread will be available to concurrently serve other incoming requests to your server, thus increasing its scalability.
Most likely, your won't see any performance advantage of using TAP socket APIs over their APM or EAP analogues. However, the TAP API pattern is so much easier to develop with than APM or EAP. When used with async/await, it produces shorter, more readable and less error-prone code. You get natural pseudo-linear code flow, which is not otherwise possible with APM callbacks or EAP event handlers. If you're unable find a proper Task-based socket API, you can always make one yourself from a Begin/End APM API with Task.FromAsync (or from an EAP API, check "A reusable pattern to convert event into task").
When it comes to a client side UI app, the scalability is not that important, but there's another benefit from the TAP pattern. With little efforts, it helps making your UI responsive, because you won't be blocking the UI thread (what usually happens while waiting for the result of a synchronous call). This is not specific to Task-based Socket API, it applies to any Task-based API, e.g, Task.Delay() or Stream.ReadAsync().
For some good reading materials on asynchronous programming in C#, check the async/await tag wiki:
If you have the chance of using .NET 4.5 and async/await, I totally recommend it.
Basically there are these ways of doing multithreading in .NET:
XXXAsync method and the XXXCompleted event.
BeginXXX and EndXXX methods.
Task Parallel Library.
The first one are raw threads, an option you should avoid because creating threads is a expensive operation. The rest, are just different ways of using the ThreadPool, that is a tool responsible of maintain a collection of threads that can be used to schedule your tasks, yielding a better performance than the first option.
The use different syntax's, but at to me, the most clear is async/await. I have created recently a WebSocket connector using sockets and asyn/await and the performance is quite good. Technically, async/await are not giving you a performance boost, but the clarity in the code will allow you to streamline the approach of your application, and that may give a good performance boost in comparison with a messy code based on continuations.
First, you might want to check out this article on MSDN about what the differences between the various async programming mechanisms in .NET are.
Begin[…] was the first async socket implementation, using APM (Asynchronous Programming Model). It takes a callback as one of its arguments. While somewhat dated compared to newer methods, this works fine if you don't mind dealing with callbacks and the messy code they can create. There's also some extra overhead associated with this because of the state object, and on heavily loaded servers this can start to become a problem.
[…]Async uses the newer event based model, and is also a lighter implementation to help deal with the high traffic issues Begin[…] has. This way works nicely, but can also result in messy code if you aren't careful. Oh yea, there's a bug you can read about here, though it's likely something you won't care about unless you're building a very performant piece of software.
Task based asynchronous programming (TPL) is the newest mechanism and, with the help of the async/await keywords, can have most (if not all) of the efficiency associated with […]Async while offering much easier to understand code. Also, with Tasks, it's much easier to wait on multiple operations to finish at a time. It's important note that, while there are several native .NET functions that implement TPL and return a Task, there isn't yet one for Socket operations. There are examples of how to do this online, but it requires a bit of extra work.

What is the difference in .NET between developing a multithreaded application and parallel programming?

Recently I've read a lot about parallel programming in .NET but I am still confused by contradicting statements over the texts on this subject.
For example, tThe popup (upon pointing a mouse on tag's icon) description of the task-parallel-library tag:
"The Task Parallel Library is part of .NET 4. It is a set of APIs tpo
enable developers to program multi-core shared memory processors"
Does this mean that multi-core-d and parallel programming applications impossible using prior versions of .NET?
Do I control a multicore/parallel usage/ditribution between cores in .NET multithreaded application?
How can I identify a core on which a thread to be run and attribute a thread to a specific core?
What has the .NET 4.0+ Task Parallel Library enabled that was impossible to do in previous versions of .NET?
Well, it was difficult to formulate specific questions but I'd like to better understand:
What is the difference in .NET between developing a multi-threaded application and parallel programming?
So far, I could not grasp the difference between them
MSDN "Parallel Programming in the .NET Framework" starts from version .NET 4.0 and its article Task Parallel Library tells:
"Starting with the .NET Framework 4, the TPL is the preferred way to
write multithreaded and parallel code"
Can you give me hints how to specifically create parallel code in pre-.NET4 (in .NET3.5), taking into account that I am familiar with multi-threading development?
I see "multithreading" as just what the term says: using multiple threads.
"Parallel processing" would be: splitting up a group of work among multiple threads so the work can be processed in parallel.
Thus, parallel processing is a special case of multithreading.
Does this mean that multi-core-d and parallel programming applications impossible using prior versions of .NET?
Not at all. You could do it using the Thread class. It was just much harder to write, and much much harder to get it right.
Do I control a multicore/parallel usage/ditribution between cores in .NET multithreaded application?
Not really, but you don't need to. You can mess around with processor affinity for your application, but at the .NET level that's hardly ever a winning strategy.
The Task Parallel Library includes a "partitioner" concept that can be used to control the distribution of work, which is a better solution that controlling the distribution of threads over cores.
How can I identify a core on which a thread to be run and attribute a thread to a specific core?
You're not supposed to do this. A .NET thread doesn't necessarily correspond with an OS thread; you're at a higher level of abstraction than that. Now, the default .NET host does map threads 1-to-1, so if you want to depend on an undocumented implementation detail, then you can poke through the abstraction and use P/invoke to determine/drive your processor affinity. But as noted above, it's not useful.
What has the .NET 4.0+ Task Parallel Library enabled that was impossible to do in previous versions of .NET?
Nothing. But it sure has made parallel processing (and multithreading) much easier!
Can you give me hints how to specifically create parallel code in pre-.NET4 (in .NET3.5), taking into account that I am familiar with multi-threading development?
First off, there's no reason to develop for that platform. None. .NET 4.5 is already out, and the last version (.NET 4.0) supports all OSes that the next older version (.NET 3.5) did.
But if you really want to, you can do simple parallel processing by spinning up Thread objects or BackgroundWorkers, or by queueing work directly to the thread pool. All of these approaches require more code (particularly around error handling) than the Task type in the TPL.
What if i ask you "Do you write business software with your own developed language? or Do you drink water after digging your own well?"
That's the difference in writing multi threading by creating threads and manage them around while you can use abstraction over threads using TPL. Multicore and scheduling of threads on cores is maintained at OS so you don't need to worry about whether your threads are getting executed on the cores your system supports AFAIK.
Check this article, it basically sums up what was (virtually) impossible before TPL, even though many companies had brewed their own parallel processing libraries none of them had been fully optimized to take advantage of all resources of the popular architectures (simply because it's big task & Microsoft has a lot of resources + they are good). Also it's interesting to note Intel's counterpart implementation TBB vs TPL
Does this mean that multi-core-d and parallel programming applications impossible using prior versions of .NET?
Not at all. Types like Thread and ThreadPool for scheduling computations on other threads and ManualResetEvent for synchronization were there since .Net 1.
Do I control a multicore/parallel usage/ditribution between cores in .NET multithreaded application?
No, that's mostly the job of the OS. You can set ProcessorAffinity of a ProcessThread, but there is no simple way to get a ProcessThread from a Thread (because it was originally thought that .Net Threads may not directly correspond to OS threads). There is usually no reason to do this and you especially shouldn't do it for ThreadPool threads.
What has the .NET 4.0+ Task Parallel Library enabled that was impossible to do in previous versions of .NET?
I'd say it didn't make anything impossible possible. But it made lots of tasks much simpler.
You could always write your own version of ThreadPool and manually use synchronization primitives (like ManualResetEvent) for synchronization between threads. But doing that properly and efficiently is lots of error-prone work.
What is the difference in .NET between developing a multi-threaded application and parallel programming?
This is just a question of naming and doesn't have much to do with your previous questions. Parallel programming means performing multiple operations at the same time, but it doesn't say how do you achieve parallelism. For that, you could use multiple computers, or multiple processes or multiple threads, or even a single thread.
(Parallel programming on a single thread can work if the operations are not CPU-bound, like reading a file from disk or fetching some data from the internet.)
So, multi-threaded programming is a subset of parallel programming, though one that's most commonly used on .Net.
Multithreading used to be available on single-core CPUs. I believe in .NET world, "parallel programming" represents compiler/language, as well as namespace and "library" additions, that facilitate multi-core capabilities (better than before). In this sense "parallel programming" is a category under multithreading, that provides improved support for multiple CPUa/cores.
My own ponderings: at the same time I see .NET "parallel programming" to encompass not only multi-threading, but other techniques. Consider the fact that the new async/await facilities don't guarantee multi-threading, as in certain scenarios they are only an abstraction of the continuation-passing-style paradigm that could accomplish everything on a single thread. Include in the mix parallelism that comes from running different processes (potentially on different machines) and in that sense, multithreading is only a portion of the broader concept of "parallel programming".
But if you consider the .NET releases I think the former is a better explanation.

How many models of Asynchronous development in .NET?

I am learning asynchronous programming using C# and I usually use BeginInvoke, but I am not very sure about the other methods of creating asynchronous application.
I have asked a question about this,see below link for more details:
How to return T value from BeginInvoke?
In above link, Gravell said that there are four models of asynchronous development
There's at least 4, then - a regular callback (non-APM, non-EAP) is also not uncommon
But Overflow said that there are three:
There are 3 models of asynchronous development in .NET
APM - (BeginXXX / EndXXX) which you are using here, when the long running task completes, it calls back into your code in the EndXXX method
EAP - Event based. In this model, when the long running task completes, an event is raised to inform your code.
TPL - New in .NET 4, this is the Task-based version. It looks most like synchronous programming to client code, using a fluent interface. Its calls back to your code using ContinueWith.
Anyone can help me on this?
I have searched a lot, but actually they are using BeginInvoke most. thanks for your help.
Thread.Start - brutal
delegate.BeginInvoke/EndInvoke - 'old' standard
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem - smart
TaskFactory.StartNew - the only way to do it correct (according to Patterns of parallel programming book | i recommend you to read it first for disambiguation)
There's a lot that can be caught in the term "asynchronous development."
For one, you could want to execute code on a background thread. I recently updated a blog post of mine contrasting several common approaches to executing code in the background. Here's the list, in order from most desirable to least:
Task (as used by async/await).
Task (as used by the Task Parallel Library).
On another hand, you could want to represent an asynchronous operation (which may or may not be actual code executing on a background thread). In that case, there are several approaches, in order from most desirable to least:
Task (in the style of the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP))
IAsyncResult with Begin*/End* methods (which has the unfortunate name Asynchronous Programming Model (APM)).
A component written using the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern (EAP).
(As a side note, BackgroundWorker is EAP, and Delegate.BeginInvoke is APM).
On another hand, you could mean asynchronous programming in general, which can be interpreted to mean a reactive approach. In this case, there are only two approaches that I know of:
Reactive Extensions (Rx).
Event-based Asynchronous Pattern (EAP).
However, you could make a case that any event-driven program is reactive to some extent, so just handling UI events is a (simple) form of "asynchronous programming."
Also, these are only the common models. Any platform or library can add more. Here's some off the top of my head:
The Socket class has a special form of APM that can be used to minimize memory allocations. It works very similarly to APM but does not fit the pattern.
The WinRT runtime (coming in Windows 8) has its own representations of asynchronous operations (IAsyncOperation<TResult> and IAsyncInfo).
Windows Phone has specific support for a background agent, which permits you to run code in the background even if your app isn't currently running.
It will most certainly be useful to learn the methods Mikant described for asynchronous development. Just wanted to give you a heads up though that C# 5.0 is completely redesigning how the language deals with async. This will be its main theme along with introducing two new keywords, async and await. You simply call await on a long-running task and it will begin the task and return control to the calling method. Once the task is complete it proceeds with the rest of the code.
Here is an excellent video for the full details of its usage and explanation. It not only describes the old way of performing async operations but a complete review of the new style. It makes writing async applications a ton easier and much more readable with a natural flow.
This is the future of C# async behavior so well worth learning.
