Develop Version Numbering for an Application - c#

Firstly, I think this forum is not appropriate for my question, so if it is in wrong place, kindly forgive and place wherever appropriate. I didn't find proper forum for my question.
I have developed a C# application (Win Forms). Now I need to handle its version numbering. I can't make out what is the best way to do. I want the version number to be simple something like 1.2 or 1.2.1. I read about SVN Version, but that also seems little confusing at this stage. There are different version types for the application - 1 with the installer , and 1 without installer.
I think the release version and the development version should be the same - please correct me if I am wrong. Should it be handled automatically or change manually? What are the best, simple and easy way to handle version numbering of an application.

We use major.minor[.build[.revision]]. And we give the semantics of:
major = major version. (Kind of big changes, maybe even with UI refresh).
minor = as medium set of changes. (maybe new internal processes or engines' refactoring).
As for build and revision:
0 - Means its alpha stage.
1 - Beta.
2 - Release candidate.
3 - Production.
So, if your app its on You know you're at the alpha stage of the 3.2 version. And so on.
NOTE: Although it may seems kinda large to include the revision we found it to be a good practice because if we found some bug or unexpected behavior we just fix and increment revision and not build.

I think - and this comes from my experience, not just an idea - that you should use 4 part version numbering - very much along the lines of #Randolf. However I would make a different definition of the parts and the versioning.
major - this should be incremented when the version is a new build, is not compatible with previous versions without an upgrade process, or when the build/development platform changes ( so moving from .net 2.0 to .net 4.0 would count.
minor - this should be incremented when the data structures underlying your application change ( whether this is a db or not ). This means that a data build or update will be needed, which for clients indicates the level of work that may be needed for an upgrade.
build - this should always be incremented whenever a full production build is made, as a release candidate.
revision - this should be updated for every build, and used for bug fixes on a release candidate.
This means that you can identify with the version number exactly which changes and fixes are in that release, which is crucial for support.
Manual or automatic - this route would imply a manual update, and this is important to enable you to identify what a release contains.
Release and development version numbers should generally be the same, becasue the version number should only be incremented when a build for potential release is made. Having said that, you should also make sure that you can do development on any supported version, which may be lower than current development version, if a new release is in testing.

Frustratingly, .Net seems to consider build numbers the 'wrong' way round, according to many people. AssemblyInfo specifies build number as [Major][Minor][Build][Revision], which to me doesn't make any sense. Surely a nightly build happens more often than a revision of the spec, and is therefore the 'smallest' change? I'm not going to fight against the framework though, so I'm just going to have to tolerate it.
Maybe it's the same root cause as the phenomenon of Americans specifying dates in the wrong order. Again, common sense would dictate large->small consistently.
With regards to organising this conceptually, I would say that each part of a four-part build number should indicate the most recent change of the appropriate magnitude; i.e:
Major: A major upgrade of the application, which you expect users to pay for if it's a commercial project. Users should expect to face infrastructure concerns, such as service packs and new .Net versions;
Minor: A significant rollup of bug fixes and change requests that would fulfil the description of 'small feature'. Anything that should arguably have been in the program already can be rolled into a minor version;
Build: Personal choice, but for me this would be the unique build number. If you get your binaries from an integration server, this could run into the tens of thousands. Likely to be a nightly build, but could also be built on demand when the PM says 'go'. The build number should uniquely correspond to an event that kicked off a full production build on the integration server.
Revision: Should correspond to an amendment to the specification, at least conceptually. Would typically match an item in the changelog i.e. all incremental changes up to and including change request x.

In BuildMaster, we consider the #.#.#.# release number format to represent:
[major version].[minor version].[maintenance version].[build number]
Since mostly I would be regurgitating information from our blog, I'll just give you a link to the article written by a colleague of mine:
When it comes to updating your release numbers, I would just leave the local development version at and let your automated build process worry about the numbering.


How to use an altered Roslyn in Visual Studio

C# isn't enough for me, so I've taken advantage of the newly-open sourced Roslyn to extend it, say by modifying it to use French quotes.
But I don't want to build my newly-French-quoted files on the command line! I want Intellisense! I want a nice UI! In short, I want to get Visual Studio to use my Roslyn, not Microsoft's.
Can I do this yet? If so, how?
Quoted straight from this link in your question:
It is also possible to update your copy of Visual Studio to use your
own built version of Roslyn (for example, to see how the IDE reacts to
your changes), but it’s slightly complicated:
First of all, you’ll need to use the release fork, not the master
fork. This is because the compiler code is constantly changing in
reaction to feedback, and that includes changes to the APIs that are
used by the non-open IDE bits in the Roslyn preview in order to access
compiler information (until the APIs get locked down as we get closer
to completion). When these APIs change, the ability to communicate
between the two is lost. The release fork, however, accurately
reflects the state of the code at the time that the Roslyn preview was
snapped, and so is safe to use as a baseline for this sort of thing.
(You can see the fork on the Roslyn CodePlex site by choosing “Source
Code” and then opening the “Browsing changes in” dropdown – it’s
called “releases\build-preview.”)
To switch to this fork in Git, you will need to execute the following
two commands from an appropriate Git prompt in your enlistment:
Git fetch
Git checkout – track origin/releases/build-preview
Your git repository will now have the contents of the
releases/build-preview branch. Once you’ve done this, you can switch
back and forth between the branches using Git checkout master and git
checkout releases/build-preview. (Details on Git usage are beyond the
scope of this blog; see for more
information on branching in Git.)
Second, you’ll need to disable Visual Studio’s strong-name assembly
checking for the relevant assemblies first. There’s a script to help
with that, which you can find checked into the source code at
With all of that done, make your changes. Then, after building, ensure
that CompilerPackage is set as the startup project, and then
F5/Ctrl+F5 to launch a VS instance containing the changes.
Please note that we will never accept pull requests for the release
fork – we need to keep it pristine and accurately reflecting the state
of the code relative to the Roslyn preview bits. Anything you actually
want considered for submission would need to be ported to a fork
created from the master first.
Interesting times ahead. Though I have a certain amount of trepidation about finding myself in a company where they use an entirely customised compiler to do awful, awful things. The gun to shoot yourself in the foot with has just been upgraded...

Managing internal changes when deploying update for Windows Phone

In the near future, I will be adding some features to my WP7 app. As seen here, I will be making some changes to the database. Where and how would you handle updates like this in the code? I don't think there is a way to add code anywhere than runs on an 'update'. It's hardwired into the apps code.
I'm thinking of having a flag that gets set in IsolatedStorage. Name it something like v1.2UpgradeFlag, and set it to false. In the App.xaml.cs, check that flag, and if it is false, meaning the upgrade hasn't run, run some set of code, and update the flag.
The idea of having code sitting there like that, that may not be applicable to multiple versions ago kind of clunky.
Edit: I'm also curious how I would manage cumulative updates to the application. So in v1.2, I have some code that updates the database schema. What if someone buys the app while it is at v1.3? I don't want them 'getting' v1.1, having the app run 1.2 upgrade code, to get to v1.3.
Since this is the first time you will have to run a database upgrade, I would be tempted to add an extra table to the schema that will hold the version information. If, when you attempt to retrieve the data, it gives a NotFound error, you know you will need to run the upgrade. That way, you can manage the process in subsequent versions without having to manage the extra file.
In order to do cumulative updates, you can use the same mechanism. You can maintain a method that will update the database from v1 to v1.2, another method to go from 1.2 to 1.3, etc. The method that maintains the upgrade process may look something like this pseudocode...
var currentDbVersion = GetDbVersion();
while(currentDbVersion < currentCodeVersion)
case 1.2:
case 1.3:
currentDbVersion = GetDbVersion();
That should allow you to upgrade from any previous version to the current without maintaining several code paths (since a 1.0 to 1.2 upgrade will never change, and you should have a known start position for each cumulative step)
There may well be far more sensible ideas out there, but this is the first thing I thought of.

What changes require a dependent assembly to be redeployed?

At my workplace we deploy internal application by only replacing assemblies that have changed (not my idea).
We can tell which assemblies we need to deploy by looking at if the source files that are compiled into the assemblies have changed. Most of the time we don't need to redeploy assemblies that depend on assemblies that have changed. However we have found some cases where even though no source files in an assembly have changed, we need to redeploy it.
So far we know that any of these changes in an assembly, will require all dependent assemblies to need to be recompiled and deployed:
Constant changes
Enum definition changes (order of values)
Return type of a function changes and caller uses var (sometimes)
Namespace of a class changes to another already referenced namespace.
Are there any other cases that we're missing? I'm also open to arguments why this entire approach is flawed (although it's been used for years).
Edit To be clear, we're always recompiling, but only deploying assemblies where the source files in them have changed.
So anything that breaks compilation will be picked up (method name changes, etc.), since they require changes in the calling code.
Here is another one:
Changes to optional parameter values.
The default values get directly compiled to the assembly using them (if not specified)
public void MyOptMethod(int optInt = 5) {}
Any calling code such as this:
Will end up compiled to:
If you change the method to:
public void MyOptMethod(int optInt = 10) {}
You will need to recompile all dependent assemblies if you want the new default to apply.
Additional changes that will require recompilation (thanks Polynomial):
Changes to generic type parameter constraints
Changes to method names (especially problematic when using reflection, as private methods may also be inspected)
Changes to exception handling (different exception type being thrown)
Changes to thread handling
Etc... etc... etc...
So - always recompile everything.
First off, we have sometimes deployed only a few assemblies in an application instead of the complete app. However, this is by no means the norm and has ONLY been done in our test environments when the developer had very recently (as in within the last few minutes) published the whole site and was just making a minor tweak. However, once the dev is satisfied they will go ahead and do a full recompile and republish.
The final push to testing is always based off a full recompile / deploy. The pushes to staging and ultimately production are based off of that full copy.
Besides repeatability, one reason is that you really can't be 100% positive that a human didn't miss something in the comparisons. Next, the amount of time to deploy 100 assemblies versus 5 is trivial and quite frankly not worth the amount of human time it takes to try and figure out what really changed.
Quite frankly, the list you have in combination with Oded's answer ought to be enough to convince others of the potential for failure. However, the very fact that you have already run into failures due to this lackadaisical approach should be enough of a warning flag to stop it from continuing.
At the end of the day, it really boils down to a question of professionalism. Standardization and repeatability of the process of moving code out of development, through the various hoops and ultimately into production are extremely important in creating robust mission critical applications. If your deployment process is frought with the potential for failure due to these types of risk inducing short cuts, it raises questions on the quality of the code being produced.

C# Effective way to manage revision number

C# 2008 SP1
I am wondering what is the best way to handle revision numbers.
I had always thought there is normally only 3 numbers. (Major, Minor, and Bug fixes).
However, I am left wondering what the build number is and the Revision number.
For example, in the past I have normally used only 3 numbers. I there is some very minor change or a bug fix I would increment the 3rd number (bug fixes).
Because I am new to this. What is normally done in the professional world?
Many thanks for any advice,
In my AssemblyInfo file I have the following:
// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
// Major Version
// Minor Version
// Build Number
// Revision
// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers
// by using the '*' as shown below:
// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.2.*")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
// 1.0.2 Added feature for detecting if a sound card is installed.
From MSDN:
Build : A difference in build number represents a recompilation of
the same source. This would be
appropriate because of processor,
platform, or compiler changes.
Revision : Assemblies with the same name, major, and minor version numbers
but different revisions are intended
to be fully interchangeable. This
would be appropriate to fix a security
hole in a previously released
Phil Haack has a nice deconstruction of the .NET versioning system, but in practice I don't think his concerns really matter since in my experience the .NET/MS versioning system is only really used by technical for debugging/support/tracking purposes, the public and project management will often be date or made-up-marketing-version-number based.
FWIW every .NET project I've worked on ha been governed by "X.Y.*" i.e. we like to manually control what the major and minors are but let the system control the build and revision.
Try this:
I think Paul Alexander's answer is the correct one but I'd like to add the following remark to your AssemblyInfo file:
If you use 1.0.2.* remember that the last bit (replaced by the *) is a random number So if you build 1.0.2.*` this evening, and you build it again tomorrow morning, the second version could have a lower version number than the build you did earlier.
You'll want to consider versioning your assembly and file differently. When you change the assembly version number it's possible, but extremely difficult, for existing code to use it without recompiling. We only change the assembly version when there are breaking changes so we can release minor bug fixes easily.
Read more on our Assembly Versioning policy.
We use the Bug-fix number in increments of two. Odd numbers mean released minor bug fixes and even numbers mean working on bug fixes. Apparently this is common in some businesses, i.e., the one I am in.
The idea is to identify accidental releases, and somehow I like the idea. Doing things so that you easily see things that are wrong. This does not say that an odd number necessarily is a non-accidental release, only that it is with a quite high probability.
Thanks for all your suggestions.
I have decided to use the following.
My project has the following version number:
1. :Major changes
0. :Minor changes
2. :Bug fixes
20 :Subversion revision number
So I have changed the following in my assemblyinfo.c file
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
Any suggestions on this idea, I would be happy to hear.
Many thanks,

Best practices for assembly naming and versioning?

I am looking out for some good practices on naming assemblies and versioning them. How often do you increment the major or minor versions?
In some cases, I have seen releases going straight from version 1.0 to 3.0. In other cases, it seems to be stuck at version 1.0.2.xxxx.
This will be for a shared assembly used in multiple projects across the company. Looking forward to some good inputs.
Some good information from this article on Suzanne Cook's blog on MSDN (posted 2003-05-30):
When to Change File/Assembly Versions
First of all, file versions and assembly versions need not coincide
with each other. I recommend that file versions change with each
build. But, don’t change assembly versions with each build just so
that you can tell the difference between two versions of the same
file; use the file version for that. Deciding when to change assembly
versions takes some discussion of the types of builds to consider:
shipping and non-shipping.
Non-Shipping Builds In general, I recommend keeping non-shipping assembly versions the same between shipping builds. This
avoids strongly-named assembly loading problems due to version
mismatches. Some people prefer using publisher policy to redirect new
assembly versions for each build. I recommend against that for
non-shipping builds, however: it doesn’t avoid all of the loading
problems. For example, if a partner x-copies your app, they may not
know to install publisher policy. Then, your app will be broken for
them, even though it works just fine on your machine.
But, if there are cases where different applications on the same
machine need to bind to different versions of your assembly, I
recommend giving those builds different assembly versions so that the
correct one for each app can be used without having to use
Shipping Builds As for whether it’s a good idea to change that version for shipping builds, it depends on how you want the binding to
work for end-users. Do you want these builds to be side-by-side or
in-place? Are there many changes between the two builds? Are they
going to break some customers? Do you care that it breaks them (or do
you want to force users to use your important updates)? If yes, you
should consider incrementing the assembly version. But, then again,
consider that doing that too many times can litter the user’s disk
with outdated assemblies.
When You Change Your Assembly Versions To change hardcoded versions to the new one, I recommend setting a variable to the version
in a header file and replacing the hardcoding in sources with the
variable. Then, run a pre-processor during the build to put in the
correct version. I recommend changing versions right after shipping,
not right before, so that there's more time to catch bugs due to the
One way to define your versioning is to give semantic meaning to each portion:
Go from N.x to N+1.0 when compatibility breaks with the new relase
Go from N.M to N.M+1 when new features are added which do not break compatibility
Go from N.M.X to N.M.X+1 when bug fixes are added
The above is just an example -- you'd want to define the rules that make sense for you. But it is very nice for users to quickly tell if incompatibilities are expected just by looking at the version.
Oh, and don't forget to publish the rules you come up with so people know what to expect.
Semantic Versioning has a set of guidelines and rules as to how to apply this (and when). Very simple to follow and it just works.
The first thing I would recommend is to become familiar with the differences between the Assembly version and the File version. Unfortunately, .NET tends to treat these as the same when it comes to the AssemblyInfo files in that it usually only puts AssemblyVersion and allows the FileVersion to default to the same value.
Since you said this is a shared assembly, I'm assuming you mean it's shared at a binary level (not by including the project in the various solutions). If that's the case you want to be very deliberate about changing the Assembly version as that is what .NET uses to strong name the assembly (to allow you to put it in the GAC) and also makes up the "assembly full name". When the assembly version changes, it can have breaking changes for the applications that use it without adding assembly redirect entries in the app.config file.
As for naming, I think it depends on what your company naming rules are (if any) and the purpose of the library. For exmaple, if this library provides "core" (or system level) functionality that isn't specific to any particular product or line of business, you could name it as:
if it's part of a larger library, or simply
As far as when to increment version numbers, it's still rather subjective and depends on what you consider each portion of the build number to represent. The default Microsoft scheme is Major.Minor.Build.Revision, but that doesn't mean you can't come up with your own definitions. The most important thing is to be consistent in your strategy and make sure that the definitions and rules make sense across all of your products.
In almost every version scheme I've seen the first two portions are Major.Minor. The major version number usually increments when there are large changes and/or breaking changes, while the minor version number usually increments to indicate that something changed which did was not a breaking change. The other two numbers are considerably more subjective and can be the "build" (which is often times a serial date value or a sequentially updating number that changes each day) and the "revision" or patch number. I've also seen them reversed (giving Major.Minor.Revision.Build) where build is a sequentially incrementing number from an automated build system.
Keep in mind that the assembly major and minor versions are used as the type library version number when the assembly is exported.
Finally, take a look at some of these resources for more information:
