Regex camelcase in c# - c#

I'm trying to use regex to convert a string like this "North Korea"
to a string like "northKorea" - does someone know how I might accomplish this in c# ?

if you know all your input strings are in title case (like "North Korea") you can simply do:
string input = "North Korea";
input = input.Replace(" ",""); //remove spaces
string output = char.ToLower(input[0]) +
input.Substring(1); //make first char lowercase
// output = "northKorea"
if some of your input is not in title case you can use TextInfo.ToTitleCase
string input = "NoRtH kORea";
input = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(input);
input = input.Replace(" ",""); //remove spaces
string output = char.ToLower(input[0]) +
input.Substring(1); //make first char lowercase
// output = "northKorea"

Forget regex.
All you need is a camelCase conversion algorithm:
See here:
Use this one:
string camelCase = ConvertCaseString(a, Case.CamelCase);
Copy-pasted in case it goes offline:
void Main() {
string a = "background color-red.brown";
string camelCase = ConvertCaseString(a, Case.CamelCase);
string pascalCase = ConvertCaseString(a, Case.PascalCase);
/// <summary>
/// Converts the phrase to specified convention.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="phrase"></param>
/// <param name="cases">The cases.</param>
/// <returns>string</returns>
static string ConvertCaseString(string phrase, Case cases)
string[] splittedPhrase = phrase.Split(' ', '-', '.');
var sb = new StringBuilder();
if (cases == Case.CamelCase)
splittedPhrase[0] = string.Empty;
else if (cases == Case.PascalCase)
sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (String s in splittedPhrase)
char[] splittedPhraseChars = s.ToCharArray();
if (splittedPhraseChars.Length > 0)
splittedPhraseChars[0] = ((new String(splittedPhraseChars[0], 1)).ToUpper().ToCharArray())[0];
sb.Append(new String(splittedPhraseChars));
return sb.ToString();
enum Case

You could just split it and put it back together:
string[] split = ("North Korea").Split(' ');
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < split.Count(); i++)
if (i == 0)
Edit: Switched to a StringBuilder instead, like Bazzz suggested.

This builds on Paolo Falabella's answer as a String extension and handles a few boundary cases such as empty string. Since there is some confusion between CamelCase and camelCase, I called it LowerCamelCase as described on Wikipedia. I resisted the temptation to go with nerdCaps.
internal static string ToLowerCamelCase( this string input )
string output = "";
if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( input ) == false )
output = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase( input ); //in case not Title Case
output = output.Replace( " ", "" ); //remove any white spaces between words
if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( output ) == false ) //handles the case where input is " "
output = char.ToLower( output[0] ) + output.Substring( 1 ); //lowercase first (even if 1 character string)
return output;
string test = "Foo Bar";
test = test.ToLowerCamelCase();
... //test is now "fooBar"
toong raised a good point in the comments - this will not work for graphemes. See the link provided by toong. There are also examples of iterating graphemes here and here if you want to tweak the above code for graphemes.

String::Split definitely is one of my pet peeves. Also, none of the other answers deal with:
All forms of word seperators
What happens when it starts with word seperators
I tried to get it as close as possible to what you would find in base class library code:
static string ToCamelCaseInvariant(string value) { return ToCamelCase(value, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
static string ToCamelCaseInvariant(string value, bool changeWordCaps) { return ToCamelCase(value, changeWordCaps, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
static string ToCamelCase(string value) { return ToCamelCase(value, true, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); }
static string ToCamelCase(string value, bool changeWordCaps) { return ToCamelCase(value, changeWordCaps, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); }
/// <summary>
/// Converts the given string value into camelCase.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The value.</param>
/// <param name="changeWordCaps">If set to <c>true</c> letters in a word (apart from the first) will be lowercased.</param>
/// <param name="culture">The culture to use to change the case of the characters.</param>
/// <returns>
/// The camel case value.
/// </returns>
static string ToCamelCase(string value, bool changeWordCaps, CultureInfo culture)
if (culture == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("culture");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
return value;
var result = new StringBuilder(value.Length);
var lastWasBreak = true;
for (var i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
var c = value[i];
if (char.IsWhiteSpace(c) || char.IsPunctuation(c) || char.IsSeparator(c))
lastWasBreak = true;
else if (char.IsNumber(c))
lastWasBreak = true;
if (result.Length == 0)
result.Append(char.ToLower(c, culture));
else if (lastWasBreak)
result.Append(char.ToUpper(c, culture));
else if (changeWordCaps)
result.Append(char.ToLower(c, culture));
lastWasBreak = false;
return result.ToString();
// Tests
' This is a test. 12345hello world' = 'thisIsATest12345HelloWorld'
'--north korea' = 'northKorea'
'!nOrTH koreA' = 'northKorea'
'System.Console.' = 'systemConsole'

Try the following:
var input = "Hi my name is Rony";
var subStrs = input.ToLower().Split(' ');
var output = "";
foreach(var s in subStrs)
output += s.First().ToString().ToUpper() + String.Join("", s.Skip(1));
output += s;
should get "hiMyNameIsRony" as the output

string toCamelCase(string s)
if (s.Length < 2) return s.ToLower();
return Char.ToLowerInvariant(s[0]) + s.Substring(1);
similar to Paolo Falabella's code but survives empty strings and 1 char strings.


Convert String To camelCase from TitleCase C#

I have a string that I converted to a TextInfo.ToTitleCase and removed the underscores and joined the string together. Now I need to change the first and only the first character in the string to lower case and for some reason, I can not figure out how to accomplish it.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string functionName = "zebulans_nightmare";
TextInfo txtInfo = new CultureInfo("en-us", false).TextInfo;
functionName = txtInfo.ToTitleCase(functionName).Replace('_', ' ').Replace(" ", String.Empty);
Results: ZebulansNightmare
Desired Results: zebulansNightmare
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string functionName = "zebulans_nightmare";
TextInfo txtInfo = new CultureInfo("en-us", false).TextInfo;
functionName = txtInfo.ToTitleCase(functionName).Replace("_", string.Empty).Replace(" ", string.Empty);
functionName = $"{functionName.First().ToString().ToLowerInvariant()}{functionName.Substring(1)}";
Produces the desired output.
You just need to lower the first char in the array. See this answer
Char.ToLowerInvariant(name[0]) + name.Substring(1)
As a side note, seeing as you are removing spaces you can replace the underscore with an empty string.
.Replace("_", string.Empty)
If you're using .NET Core 3 or .NET 5, you can call:
Then you'll definitely get the same results as ASP.NET's own JSON serializer.
Implemented Bronumski's answer in an extension method (without replacing underscores).
public static class StringExtension
public static string ToCamelCase(this string str)
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && str.Length > 1)
return char.ToLowerInvariant(str[0]) + str.Substring(1);
return str.ToLowerInvariant();
public static class StringExtension
public static string ToCamelCase(this string str) =>
string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) || str.Length < 2
? str.ToLowerInvariant()
: char.ToLowerInvariant(str[0]) + str.Substring(1);
and to use it:
string input = "ZebulansNightmare";
string output = input.ToCamelCase();
Here is my code, in case it is useful to anyone
// This converts to camel case
// Location_ID => locationId, and testLEFTSide => testLeftSide
static string CamelCase(string s)
var x = s.Replace("_", "");
if (x.Length == 0) return "null";
x = Regex.Replace(x, "([A-Z])([A-Z]+)($|[A-Z])",
m => m.Groups[1].Value + m.Groups[2].Value.ToLower() + m.Groups[3].Value);
return char.ToLower(x[0]) + x.Substring(1);
If you prefer Pascal-case use:
static string PascalCase(string s)
var x = CamelCase(s);
return char.ToUpper(x[0]) + x.Substring(1);
The following code works with acronyms as well. If it is the first word it converts the acronym to lower case (e.g., VATReturn to vatReturn), and otherwise leaves it as it is (e.g., ExcludedVAT to excludedVAT).
name = Regex.Replace(name, #"([A-Z])([A-Z]+|[a-z0-9_]+)($|[A-Z]\w*)",
m =>
return m.Groups[1].Value.ToLower() + m.Groups[2].Value.ToLower() + m.Groups[3].Value;
Example 01
public static string ToCamelCase(this string text)
return CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(text);
Example 02
public static string ToCamelCase(this string text)
return string.Join(" ", text
.Select(i => char.ToUpper(i[0]) + i.Substring(1)));
Example 03
public static string ToCamelCase(this string text)
char[] a = text.ToLower().ToCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < a.Count(); i++)
a[i] = i == 0 || a[i - 1] == ' ' ? char.ToUpper(a[i]) : a[i];
return new string(a);
Adapted from Leonardo's answer:
static string PascalCase(string str) {
TextInfo cultInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo;
str = Regex.Replace(str, "([A-Z]+)", " $1");
str = cultInfo.ToTitleCase(str);
str = str.Replace(" ", "");
return str;
Converts to PascalCase by first adding a space before any group of capitals, and then converting to title case before removing all the spaces.
Here's my code, includes lowering all upper prefixes:
public static class StringExtensions
public static string ToCamelCase(this string str)
bool hasValue = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str);
// doesn't have a value or already a camelCased word
if (!hasValue || (hasValue && Char.IsLower(str[0])))
return str;
string finalStr = "";
int len = str.Length;
int idx = 0;
char nextChar = str[idx];
while (Char.IsUpper(nextChar))
finalStr += char.ToLowerInvariant(nextChar);
if (len - 1 == idx)
// end of string
nextChar = str[++idx];
// if not end of string
if (idx != len - 1)
finalStr += str.Substring(idx);
return finalStr;
Use it like this:
string camelCasedDob = "DOB".ToCamelCase();
If you are Ok with the Newtonsoft.JSON dependency, the following string extension method will help. The advantage of this approach is the serialization will work on par with standard WebAPI model binding serialization with high accuracy.
public static class StringExtensions
private class CamelCasingHelper : CamelCaseNamingStrategy
private CamelCasingHelper(){}
private static CamelCasingHelper helper =new CamelCasingHelper();
public static string ToCamelCase(string stringToBeConverted)
return helper.ResolvePropertyName(stringToBeConverted);
public static string ToCamelCase(this string str)
return CamelCasingHelper.ToCamelCase(str);
Here is the working fiddle
In .Net 6 and above
public static class CamelCaseExtension
public static string ToCamelCase(this string str) =>
char.ToLowerInvariant(str[0]) + str[1..];
public static string CamelCase(this string str)
TextInfo cultInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo;
str = cultInfo.ToTitleCase(str);
str = str.Replace(" ", "");
return str;
This should work using System.Globalization
var camelCaseFormatter = new JsonSerializerSettings();
camelCaseFormatter.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(object, camelCaseFormatter));
Strings are immutable, but we can use unsafe code to make it mutable though.
The string.Copy insured that the original string stays as is.
In order for these codes to run you have to allow unsafe code in your project.
public static unsafe string ToCamelCase(this string value)
if (value == null || value.Length == 0)
return value;
string result = string.Copy(value);
fixed (char* chr = result)
char valueChar = *chr;
*chr = char.ToLowerInvariant(valueChar);
return result;
This version modifies the original string, instead of returning a modified copy. This will be annoying though and totally uncommon. So make sure the XML comments are warning users about that.
public static unsafe void ToCamelCase(this string value)
if (value == null || value.Length == 0)
return value;
fixed (char* chr = value)
char valueChar = *chr;
*chr = char.ToLowerInvariant(valueChar);
return value;
Why use unsafe code though? Short answer... It's super fast.
Here's my code which is pretty simple. My major objective was to ensure that camel-casing was compatible with what ASP.NET serializes objects to, which the above examples don't guarantee.
public static class StringExtensions
public static string ToCamelCase(this string name)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var i = 0;
// While we encounter upper case characters (except for the last), convert to lowercase.
while (i < name.Length - 1 && char.IsUpper(name[i + 1]))
// Copy the rest of the characters as is, except if we're still on the first character - which is always lowercase.
while (i < name.Length)
sb.Append(i == 0 ? char.ToLowerInvariant(name[i]) : name[i]);
return sb.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Gets the camel case from snake case.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="snakeCase">The snake case.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private string GetCamelCaseFromSnakeCase(string snakeCase)
string camelCase = string.Empty;
string[] words = snakeCase.Split('_');
foreach (var word in words)
camelCase = string.Concat(camelCase, Char.ToUpperInvariant(word[0]) + word.Substring(1));
// making first character small case
camelCase = Char.ToLowerInvariant(camelCase[0]) + camelCase.Substring(1);
return camelCase;
I use This method to convert the string with separated by "_" to Camel Case
public static string ToCamelCase(string? s)
var nameArr = s?.ToLower().Split("_");
var str = "";
foreach (var name in nameArr.Select((value, i) => new { value, i }))
if(name.i >= 1)
str += string.Concat(name.value[0].ToString().ToUpper(), name.value.AsSpan(1));
str += name.value ;
return str;
u can change the separated by "_" with any other you want.
Simple and easy in build c#
using System;
using System.Globalization;
public class SamplesTextInfo {
public static void Main() {
// Defines the string with mixed casing.
string myString = "wAr aNd pEaCe";
// Creates a TextInfo based on the "en-US" culture.
TextInfo myTI = new CultureInfo("en-US",false).TextInfo;
// Changes a string to lowercase.
Console.WriteLine( "\"{0}\" to lowercase: {1}", myString, myTI.ToLower( myString ) );
// Changes a string to uppercase.
Console.WriteLine( "\"{0}\" to uppercase: {1}", myString, myTI.ToUpper( myString ) );
// Changes a string to titlecase.
Console.WriteLine( "\"{0}\" to titlecase: {1}", myString, myTI.ToTitleCase( myString ) );
This code produces the following output.
"wAr aNd pEaCe" to lowercase: war and peace
"wAr aNd pEaCe" to uppercase: WAR AND PEACE
"wAr aNd pEaCe" to titlecase: War And Peace
public static class StringExtension
public static string ToCamelCase(this string str)
return string.Join(" ", str
.Select(i => char.ToUpper(i[0]) + i.Substring(1).ToLower()));
I had the same issue with titleCase so I just created one, hope this helps this is an extension method.
public static string ToCamelCase(this string text)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
return text;
var separators = new[] { '_', ' ' };
var arr = text
.Where(word => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(word));
var camelCaseArr = arr
.Select((word, i) =>
if (i == 0)
return word.ToLower();
var characterArr = word.ToCharArray()
.Select((character, characterIndex) => characterIndex == 0
? character.ToString().ToUpper()
: character.ToString().ToLower());
return string.Join("", characterArr);
return string.Join("", camelCaseArr);

C# string.split() separate string by uppercase

I've been using the Split() method to split strings. But this work if you set some character for condition in string.Split(). Is there any way to split a string when is see Uppercase?
Is it possible to get few words from some not separated string like:
And the result string is to be like:
Delete Sensor From Template
Use Regex.split
string[] split = Regex.Split(str, #"(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])");
Another way with regex:
public static string SplitCamelCase(string input)
return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(input, "([A-Z])", " $1", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Compiled).Trim();
If you do not like RegEx and you really just want to insert the missing spaces, this will do the job too:
public static string InsertSpaceBeforeUpperCase(this string str)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
char previousChar = char.MinValue; // Unicode '\0'
foreach (char c in str)
if (char.IsUpper(c))
// If not the first character and previous character is not a space, insert a space before uppercase
if (sb.Length != 0 && previousChar != ' ')
sb.Append(' ');
previousChar = c;
return sb.ToString();
I had some fun with this one and came up with a function that splits by case, as well as groups together caps (it assumes title case for whatever follows) and digits.
Input -> "TodayIUpdated32UPCCodes"
Output -> "Today I Updated 32 UPC Codes"
Code (please excuse the funky symbols I use)...
public string[] SplitByCase(this string s) {
var ʀ = new List<string>();
var ᴛ = new StringBuilder();
var previous = SplitByCaseModes.None;
foreach(var ɪ in s) {
SplitByCaseModes mode_ɪ;
if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ɪ.ToString())) {
mode_ɪ = SplitByCaseModes.WhiteSpace;
} else if("0123456789".Contains(ɪ)) {
mode_ɪ = SplitByCaseModes.Digit;
} else if(ɪ == ɪ.ToString().ToUpper()[0]) {
mode_ɪ = SplitByCaseModes.UpperCase;
} else {
mode_ɪ = SplitByCaseModes.LowerCase;
if((previous == SplitByCaseModes.None) || (previous == mode_ɪ)) {
} else if((previous == SplitByCaseModes.UpperCase) && (mode_ɪ == SplitByCaseModes.LowerCase)) {
if(ᴛ.Length > 1) {
ʀ.Add(ᴛ.ToString().Substring(0, ᴛ.Length - 1));
ᴛ.Remove(0, ᴛ.Length - 1);
} else {
previous = mode_ɪ;
if(ᴛ.Length != 0) ʀ.Add(ᴛ.ToString());
return ʀ.ToArray();
private enum SplitByCaseModes { None, WhiteSpace, Digit, UpperCase, LowerCase }
Here's another different way if you don't want to be using string builders or RegEx, which are totally acceptable answers. I just want to offer a different solution:
string Split(string input)
string result = "";
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
if (char.IsUpper(input[i]))
result += ' ';
result += input[i];
return result.Trim();

Get certain value in the string from text file

I have this in my text file:
000000004:Tomato Sauce:$1.99:437:03/11/2015:03/11/2016:$0.99
000000006:Orange Juice:$2.99:398:03/11/2015:03/11/2016:$1.99
I need to get the value of each of the "quantity" values from the position in bold.
I want to also compare the values that I got and give an error if the quantity is low.
Solution with minimal memory consumption in case of large input data.
In additional: there are not processing of incorrect data in quantity column. To do this just replace int.Parse block;
This is several methods to process file data using LINQ expressions
internal static class MyExtensions
/// <exception cref="OutOfMemoryException">There is insufficient memory to allocate a buffer for the returned string. </exception>
/// <exception cref="IOException">An I/O error occurs. </exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><paramref name="stream" /> does not support reading. </exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="stream" /> is null. </exception>
public static IEnumerable<string> EnumerateLines(this Stream stream)
using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
var line = reader.ReadLine();
if (line == null) break;
yield return line;
} while (true);
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="line"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
public static IEnumerable<string> ChunkLine(this string line)
if (line == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("line");
return line.Split(':');
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="chuckedData"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Index should be not negative value</exception>
public static string GetColumnData(this IEnumerable<string> chuckedData, int columnIndex)
if (chuckedData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("chuckedData");
if (columnIndex < 0) throw new ArgumentException("Column index should be >= 0", "columnIndex");
return chuckedData.Skip(columnIndex).FirstOrDefault();
This is example of usage:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var values = EnumerateQuantityValues("largefile.txt");
// do whatever you need
private IEnumerable<int> EnumerateQuantityValues(string fileName)
const int columnIndex = 3;
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(fileName))
IEnumerable<int> enumerable = stream
.Select(x => x.ChunkLine().GetColumnData(columnIndex))
foreach (var value in enumerable)
yield return value;
just consider if you are managed to get all these lines in string array or list.
you can apply the below code to get the collection of quantity as IEnumerable<string>.
var quantity = arr.Select(c =>
var temp = c.Split('$');
if (temp.Length > 1)
temp = temp[1].Split(':');
if (temp.Length > 1)
return temp[1];
return null;
}).Where(c => c != null);
Check the Fiddle.
you simply need to split the string
string data = #"000000000:Carrots:$1.99:214:03/11/2015:03/11/2016:$0.99
000000004:Tomato Sauce:$1.99:437:03/11/2015:03/11/2016:$0.99
000000006:Orange Juice:$2.99:398:03/11/2015:03/11/2016:$1.99
string[] rows = data.split(Environment.Newline.ToCharArray());
foreach(var row in rows)
string[] cols = row.Split(':');
var quantity = cols[3];
You can use String.Split to do this.
// Read all lines into an array
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(#"C:\path\to\your\file.txt");
// Loop through each one
foreach (string line in lines)
// Split into an array based on the : symbol
string[] split = line.Split(':');
// Get the column based on index
Check out the example code below. The string you care about is named theValueYouWantInTheString.
char[] delimiterChar = { ':' };
string input = #"000000010:Chicken:$8.99:345:03/11/2015:03/11/2016:$7.99";
string[] values = input.Split(delimiterChar);
string theValueYouWantInTheString = values[3];
If you have a problem, use regular expression. Now you have two problems.
Here is a program that uses your input as a txt file. The function GetQuantity returns a list with int that contains the quantity. With this approach you can define more groups to extract information from each line.
namespace RegExptester
class Program
private static List<int> GetQuantity(string txtFile)
string tempLineValue;
Regex regex = new Regex(#"[0-9]*:[a-zA-Z]*:\$[0-9]*\.[0-9]*:([0-9]*).*", RegexOptions.Compiled);
List<int> retValue = new List<int>();
using (StreamReader inputReader = new StreamReader(txtFile))
while (null != (tempLineValue = inputReader.ReadLine()))
Match match = regex.Match(tempLineValue);
if (match.Success)
if(match.Groups.Count == 2)
int numberValue;
if (int.TryParse(match.Groups[1].Value, out numberValue))
return retValue;
static void Main(string[] args)
var tmp = GetQuantity("c:\\tmp\\junk.txt");
Apparently from each line you want the part between the 3th and the 4th colon. Linq can do that for you:
using (var textReader = new StreamReader(fileName))
// read all text and divide into lines:
var allText = textReader.ReadToEnd();
var allLines = textReader.Split(new char[] {'\r','\n'}, StringSplitIoptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
// split each line based on ':', and take the fourth element
var myValues = allLines.Select(line => line.Split(new char[] {':'})
If you want less readability, of course you can concatenate these statements into one line.

C# Create Acronym from Word

Given any string, I'd like to create an intelligent acronym that represents the string. If any of you have used JIRA, they accomplish this pretty well.
For example, given the word: Phoenix it would generate PHX or given the word Privacy Event Management it would create PEM.
I've got some code that will accomplish the latter:
string.Join(string.Empty, model.Name
This case doesn't handle if there is only one word and its lower case either.
but it doesn't account for the first case. Any ideas? I'm using C# 4.5
For the Phoenix => PHX, I think you'll need to check the strings against a dictionary of known abbreviations. As for the multiple word/camel-case support, regex is your friend!
var text = "A Big copy DayEnergyFree good"; // abbreviation should be "ABCDEFG"
var pattern = #"((?<=^|\s)(\w{1})|([A-Z]))";
string.Join(string.Empty, Regex.Matches(text, pattern).OfType<Match>().Select(x => x.Value.ToUpper()))
Let me explain what's happening here, starting with the regex pattern, which covers a few cases for matching substrings.
// must be directly after the beginning of the string or line "^" or a whitespace character "\s"
// match just one letter that is part of a word
// if the previous requirements are not met
// match any upper-case letter
The Regex.Matches method returns a MatchCollection, which is basically an ICollection so to use LINQ expressions, we call OfType() to convert the MatchCollection into an IEnumerable.
Regex.Matches(text, pattern).OfType<Match>()
Then we select only the value of the match (we don't need the other regex matching meta-data) and convert it to upper-case.
Select(x => x.Value.ToUpper())
I was able to extract out the JIRA key generator and posted it here. pretty interesting, and even though its JavaScript it could easily be converted to c#.
Here is a simple function that generates an acronym. Basically it puts letters or numbers into the acronym when there is a space before of this character. If there are no spaces in the string the the string is returned back. It does not capitalize letters in the acronym, but it is easy to amend.
You can just copy it in your code and start using it.
Results are the following. Just an example:
Deloitte Private Pty Ltd - DPPL
Clearwater Investment Co Pty Ltd (AC & CC Family Trust) - CICPLACFT
private string Acronym(string value)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
return value;
} else
var builder = new StringBuilder();
foreach(char c in value)
if (char.IsWhiteSpace(c) || char.IsLetterOrDigit(c))
string trimmedValue = builder.ToString().Trim();
if (trimmedValue.Contains(' '))
for(int charIndex = 0; charIndex < trimmedValue.Length; charIndex++)
if (charIndex == 0)
} else
char currentChar = trimmedValue[charIndex];
char previousChar = trimmedValue[charIndex - 1];
if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(currentChar) && char.IsWhiteSpace(previousChar))
return builder.ToString();
} else
return trimmedValue;
I need a not repeating code,So I create the follow method.
If you use like this,you will get
HashSet<string> idHashSet = new HashSet<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
var eName = "China National Petroleum";
Console.WriteLine($"count:{i+1},short name:{GetIdentifierCode(eName,ref idHashSet)}");
the method is this.
/// <summary>
/// 根据英文名取其简写Code,优先取首字母,然后在每个单词中依次取字母作为Code,最后若还有重复则使用默认填充符(A)填充
/// todo 当名称为中文时,使用拼音作为取Code的源
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <param name="idHashSet"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetIdentifierCode(string name, ref HashSet<string> idHashSet)
var words = name;
var fillChar = 'A';
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(words))
words += fillChar.ToString();
} while (idHashSet.Contains(words));
//if (IsChinese)
// words = GetPinYin(words);
//中国石油天然气集团公司(China National Petroleum)
var sourceWord = new List<string>(words.Split(' '));
var returnWord = sourceWord.Select(c => new List<char>()).ToList();
int index = 0;
var listAddWord = sourceWord[index];
var addWord = returnWord[index];
if (sourceWord.All(c => string.IsNullOrEmpty(c)))
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(listAddWord))
if (index == sourceWord.Count - 1)
index = 0;
if (addWord == null)
addWord = new List<char>();
string addString = string.Empty;
if (listAddWord.All(a => char.IsUpper(a)))
addWord = listAddWord.ToCharArray().ToList();
returnWord[index] = addWord;
addString = listAddWord;
addString = listAddWord.First().ToString();
listAddWord = listAddWord.Replace(addString, "");
sourceWord[index] = listAddWord;
if (index == sourceWord.Count - 1)
index = 0;
} while (idHashSet.Contains(string.Concat(returnWord.SelectMany(c => c))));
words = string.Concat(returnWord.SelectMany(c => c));
return words;

How to ignore case in String.replace

string sentence = "We know it contains 'camel' word.";
// Camel can be in different cases:
string s1 = "CAMEL";
string s2 = "CaMEL";
string s3 = "CAMeL";
// ...
string s4 = "Camel";
// ...
string s5 = "camel";
How to replace 'camel' in sentence with 'horse' despite of string.Replace doesn't support ignoreCase on left string?
Use a regular expression:
var regex = new Regex( "camel", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase );
var newSentence = regex.Replace( sentence, "horse" );
Of course, this will also match words containing camel, but it's not clear if you want that or not.
If you need exact matches you can use a custom MatchEvaluator.
public static class Evaluators
public static string Wrap( Match m, string original, string format )
// doesn't match the entire string, otherwise it is a match
if (m.Length != original.Length)
// has a preceding letter or digit (i.e., not a real match).
if (m.Index != 0 && char.IsLetterOrDigit( original[m.Index - 1] ))
return m.Value;
// has a trailing letter or digit (i.e., not a real match).
if (m.Index + m.Length != original.Length && char.IsLetterOrDigit( original[m.Index + m.Length] ))
return m.Value;
// it is a match, apply the format
return string.Format( format, m.Value );
Used with the previous example to wrap the match in a span as:
var regex = new Regex( highlightedWord, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase );
foreach (var sentence in sentences)
var evaluator = new MatchEvaluator( match => Evaluators.Wrap( match, sentence, "<span class='red'>{0}</span>" ) );
Console.WriteLine( regex.Replace( sentence, evaluator ) );
Add an extension method for string to do the trick:
string yourString = "TEXTTOREPLACE";
yourString.Replace("texttoreplace", "Look, I Got Replaced!", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
public static class Extensions
public static string Replace(this string source, string oldString, string newString, StringComparison comp)
int index = source.IndexOf(oldString, comp);
// Determine if we found a match
bool MatchFound = index >= 0;
if (MatchFound)
// Remove the old text
source = source.Remove(index, oldString.Length);
// Add the replacemenet text
source = source.Insert(index, newString);
// recurse for multiple instances of the name
if (source.IndexOf(oldString, comp) != -1)
source = Replace(source, oldString, newString, comp);
return source;
Here's an extension method taking a StringComparison, using string.IndexOf:
public static string Replace(this string source, string oldValue, string newValue, StringComparison comparisonType)
if (source.Length == 0 || oldValue.Length == 0)
return source;
var result = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
int startingPos = 0;
int nextMatch;
while ((nextMatch = source.IndexOf(oldValue, startingPos, comparisonType)) > -1)
result.Append(source, startingPos, nextMatch - startingPos);
startingPos = nextMatch + oldValue.Length;
result.Append(source, startingPos, source.Length - startingPos);
return result.ToString();
Btw, here's also a similar Contains-method also taking a StringComparison:
public static bool Contains(this string source, string value, StringComparison comparisonType)
return source.IndexOf(value, comparisonType) >= 0;
Some tests:
public class ExternalTests
private static string[] TestReplace_args =
"HELLO World/Hello/Goodbye/Goodbye World",
"Hello World/world/there!/Hello there!",
"hello WoRlD/world/there!/hello there!",
[Test, TestCaseSource("TestReplace_args")]
public void TestReplace(string teststring)
var split = teststring.Split("/");
var source = split[0];
var oldValue = split[1];
var newValue = split[2];
var result = split[3];
Assert.That(source.Replace(oldValue, newValue, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), Is.EqualTo(result));
Here is my extension method, which combines Tom Beech's, with the recursiveness of sntbob's, and a cleaner fix to the bug that ksun pointed out.
public static string Replace(this string source, string oldString,
string newString, StringComparison comparison)
int index = source.IndexOf(oldString, comparison);
while (index > -1)
source = source.Remove(index, oldString.Length);
source = source.Insert(index, newString);
index = source.IndexOf(oldString, index + newString.Length, comparison);
return source;
string source = "banana";
Console.WriteLine(source.Replace("AN", "banana", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
And, if you still want the recursive nature to be optional:
public static string Replace(this string source, string oldString,
string newString, StringComparison comparison,
bool recursive = true)
int index = source.IndexOf(oldString, comparison);
while (index > -1)
source = source.Remove(index, oldString.Length);
source = source.Insert(index, newString);
if (!recursive)
return source;
index = source.IndexOf(oldString, index + newString.Length, comparison);
return source;
string source = "banana";
Console.WriteLine(source.Replace("AN", "banana", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, false));
Utiltize StringComparison because of its handy OrdinalIgnoreCase
string sentence = "We know it contains 'camel' word.";
string wordToFind = "camel";
string replacementWord = "horse";
int index = sentence.IndexOf(wordToFind , StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
// Did we match the word regardless of case
bool match = index >= 0;
// perform the replace on the matched word
if(match) {
sentence = sentence.Remove(index, wordToFind.Length)
sentence = sentence.Insert(index, replacementWord)
Sure would be nice if the C# String class had an ignoreCase() method like Java.
You could also use String.IndexOf
You may get slightly better performance doing it this way than with RegExpressions (I abhor them because they're not intuitive and easy to screw up, although this simple .Net function call abstracts the actual messy RegEx, and doesn't provide much room for error), but that's probably not a concern for you; computers are REALLY fast these days, right? :) The overload for IndexOf that takes a StringComparison object allows you to optionally ignore case, and because IndexOf returns the first occurrence from at a specified position, you'll have to code a loop to process a string having multiple occurrences.
public static string CustomReplace(string srcText, string toFind, string toReplace, bool matchCase, bool replace0nce)
StringComparison sc = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
if (matchCase)
sc = StringComparison.Ordinal;
int pos;
while ((pos = srcText.IndexOf(toFind, sc)) > -1)
srcText = srcText.Remove(pos, toFind.Length);
srcText = srcText.Insert(pos, toReplace);
if (replace0nce)
return srcText;
It may not be as efficient as some of the other answers, but I kind of like the CustomReplace function written by sntbob.
However, there is a flaw in it. If the text replacement is recursive it will cause an infinite loop. For example, CustomReplace("I eat bananas!","an","banana",false,false) would cause an infinite loop and the string would continue growing larger.
For example, after the 4th iteration the string would be "I eat bbbbbananaanaanaanaanas!"
If you want to only replace the two instances of "an" inside "banana" then you'll have to take another approach. I modified sntbob's code to account for this case. I admit that it's much more convoluted, but it handles recursive replacements.
public static string CustomReplace(string srcText, string toFind, string toReplace, bool matchCase, bool replaceOnce)
StringComparison sc = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
if (matchCase)
sc = StringComparison.Ordinal;
int pos;
int previousProcessedLength = 0;
string alreadyProcessedTxt = "";
string remainingToProcessTxt = srcText;
while ((pos = remainingToProcessTxt.IndexOf(toFind, sc)) > -1)
previousProcessedLength = alreadyProcessedTxt.Length;
//Append processed text up until the end of the found string and perform replacement
alreadyProcessedTxt += remainingToProcessTxt.Substring(0, pos + toFind.Length);
alreadyProcessedTxt = alreadyProcessedTxt.Remove(previousProcessedLength + pos, toFind.Length);
alreadyProcessedTxt = alreadyProcessedTxt.Insert(previousProcessedLength + pos, toReplace);
//Remove processed text from remaining
remainingToProcessTxt = remainingToProcessTxt.Substring(pos + toFind.Length);
if (replaceOnce)
return alreadyProcessedTxt + remainingToProcessTxt;
Why not just import the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace and use the VB Strings.Replace method?
var newString = Strings.Replace(SourceString, FindTextValue, ReplacementTextValue, 1, -1, Constants.vbTextCompare);
vbTextCompare forces a case-insensitive replacement. Job done.
Okay, it's not 'pure' C#, but it gets you to where you want to go with much less complexity and messing around.
Here's one more alternative that uses StringComparison as an extension method. on a StringBuilder object. I've read some articles indicating that a StringBuilder might be a little more efficient with memory than using strings. You can easily alter this to work with strings if that's what you need.
/// <summary>
/// Extension method to find/replace replaces text in a StringBuilder object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="original">Source StringBuilder object</param>
/// <param name="oldString">String to search for</param>
/// <param name="newString">String to replace each occurrance of oldString</param>
/// <param name="stringComparison">String comparison to use</param>
/// <returns>Original Stringbuilder with replacements made</returns>
public static StringBuilder Replace(this StringBuilder original,
string oldString, string newString, StringComparison stringComparison)
//If anything is null, or oldString is blank, exit with original value
if ( newString == null || original == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldString))
return original;
//Convert to a string and get starting position using
//IndexOf which allows us to use StringComparison.
int pos = original.ToString().IndexOf(oldString, 0, stringComparison);
//Loop through until we find and replace all matches
while ( pos >= 0 )
//Remove the old string and insert the new one.
original.Remove(pos, oldString.Length).Insert(pos, newString);
//Get the next match starting 1 character after last replacement (to avoid a possible infinite loop)
pos = original.ToString().IndexOf(oldString, pos + newString.Length + 1, stringComparison);
return original;
