Programatically change FAT32 volume serial number - c#

How do I programatically change Volume Serial of a Fat32 partition from C#. I found this example, but it is written with C++ which I don't read well. Could someone please answer a C# code snippet?
I can see the C++ function from above example which I think it's possible to direct port to C#
void CVolumeSerialDlg::ChangeSerialNumber(DWORD Drive, const DWORD newSerial)
const max_pbsi = 3;
struct partial_boot_sector_info
LPSTR Fs; // file system name
DWORD FsOffs; // offset of file system name in the boot sector
DWORD SerialOffs; // offset of the serialnumber in the boot sector
partial_boot_sector_info pbsi[max_pbsi] =
{"FAT32", 0x52, 0x43},
{"FAT", 0x36, 0x27},
{"NTFS", 0x03, 0x48}
TCHAR szDrive[12];
char Sector[512];
sprintf(szDrive, "%c:\\", Drive & 0xFF);
if (!disk.Open(szDrive))
ShowErrorString("Could not open disk!");
// read sector
if (!disk.ReadSector(0, Sector))
ShowErrorString("Could not read sector!");
// try to search for a valid boot sector
for (i=0;i<max_pbsi;i++)
if (strncmp(pbsi[i].Fs, Sector+pbsi[i].FsOffs, strlen(pbsi[i].Fs)) == 0)
// we found a valid signature
if (i >= max_pbsi)
MessageBox(_T("Cannot change serial number of this file system!"),
_T("Error"), MB_ICONERROR);
// patch serial number
*(PDWORD)(Sector+pbsi[i].SerialOffs) = newSerial;
// write boot sector
if (!disk.WriteSector(0, Sector))
ShowErrorString("Could not write sector!");
ShowErrorString("Volume serial number changed successfully!\r"
"You might want to restart your system for changes to take effect!");

No guarantees, be careful.
void ChangeSerialNumber(char volume, uint newSerial)
var fsInfo = new[]
new { Name = "FAT32", NameOffs = 0x52, SerialOffs = 0x43 },
new { Name = "FAT", NameOffs = 0x36, SerialOffs = 0x27 },
new { Name = "NTFS", NameOffs = 0x03, SerialOffs = 0x48 }
using (var disk = new Disk(volume))
var sector = new byte[512];
disk.ReadSector(0, sector);
var fs = fsInfo.FirstOrDefault(
f => Strncmp(f.Name, sector, f.NameOffs)
if (fs == null) throw new NotSupportedException("This file system is not supported");
var s = newSerial;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i, s >>= 8) sector[fs.SerialOffs + i] = (byte)(s & 0xFF);
disk.WriteSector(0, sector);
bool Strncmp(string str, byte[] data, int offset)
for(int i = 0; i < str.Length; ++i)
if (data[i + offset] != (byte)str[i]) return false;
return true;
class Disk : IDisposable
private SafeFileHandle handle;
public Disk(char volume)
var ptr = CreateFile(
String.Format("\\\\.\\{0}:", volume),
handle = new SafeFileHandle(ptr, true);
if (handle.IsInvalid) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error());
public void ReadSector(uint sector, byte[] buffer)
if (buffer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer");
if (SetFilePointer(handle, sector, IntPtr.Zero, EMoveMethod.Begin) == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error());
uint read;
if (!ReadFile(handle, buffer, buffer.Length, out read, IntPtr.Zero)) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error());
if (read != buffer.Length) throw new IOException();
public void WriteSector(uint sector, byte[] buffer)
if (buffer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer");
if (SetFilePointer(handle, sector, IntPtr.Zero, EMoveMethod.Begin) == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error());
uint written;
if (!WriteFile(handle, buffer, buffer.Length, out written, IntPtr.Zero)) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error());
if (written != buffer.Length) throw new IOException();
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (handle != null) handle.Dispose();
enum EMoveMethod : uint
Begin = 0,
Current = 1,
End = 2
[DllImport("Kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern IntPtr CreateFile(
string fileName,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] FileAccess fileAccess,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] FileShare fileShare,
IntPtr securityAttributes,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] FileMode creationDisposition,
int flags,
IntPtr template);
[DllImport("Kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern uint SetFilePointer(
[In] SafeFileHandle hFile,
[In] uint lDistanceToMove,
[In] IntPtr lpDistanceToMoveHigh,
[In] EMoveMethod dwMoveMethod);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool ReadFile(SafeFileHandle hFile, [Out] byte[] lpBuffer,
int nNumberOfBytesToRead, out uint lpNumberOfBytesRead, IntPtr lpOverlapped);
static extern bool WriteFile(SafeFileHandle hFile, [In] byte[] lpBuffer,
int nNumberOfBytesToWrite, out uint lpNumberOfBytesWritten,
[In] IntPtr lpOverlapped);
Use e.g. ChangeSerialNumber('D', 0x12345678);

Here is a small example for reading and writing the serial number of a
FAT32 volume. To keep the sample small all error handling has been omitted.
Please note that direct access to the sectors of a volume
may lead to data loss or corruption. So be careful in using the
example below (it is not an example suitable for production usage).
No guarantee!
In the example below I use the Win32 API GetDiskFreeSpace (using .Net interop) to get
the bytes per sector for the FAT32 volume.
To open the fat volume, I use the Win32 API CreateFile because the FileStream class
does not support opening disk partitions directly.
static uint GenericRead = 0x80000000;
static uint GenericWrite = 0x40000000;
static uint OpenExisting = 3;
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern SafeFileHandle CreateFile(string lpFileName, uint dwDesiredAccess, uint dwShareMode, IntPtr SecurityAttributes, uint dwCreationDisposition, uint dwFlagsAndAttributes, IntPtr hTemplateFile);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern bool GetDiskFreeSpace(string lpRootPathName, out uint lpSectorsPerCluster, out uint lpBytesPerSector, out uint lpNumberOfFreeClusters, out uint lpTotalNumberOfClusters);
static void ReadAndSetSerialNumber()
const string driveLetter = "e:"; // Drive with FAT32 file system.
uint sectorsPerCluster;
uint bytesPerSector;
uint numberOfFreeClusters;
uint totalNumberOfClusters;
GetDiskFreeSpace(String.Format(#"{0}\", driveLetter), out sectorsPerCluster, out bytesPerSector,
out numberOfFreeClusters, out totalNumberOfClusters);
Console.Out.WriteLine("Info for drive {0}", driveLetter);
Console.Out.WriteLine("Bytes per sector: {0}", bytesPerSector);
const int fatSerialOffset = 0x43;
const int fatIdOffset = 0x52;
const string fatFileSystemId = "FAT32";
using (SafeFileHandle sfh = CreateFile(String.Format("\\\\.\\{0}", driveLetter), GenericRead | GenericWrite,
(uint)FileShare.ReadWrite, IntPtr.Zero, OpenExisting, 0, IntPtr.Zero))
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(sfh, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
byte[] firstSector = new byte[bytesPerSector];
fs.Read(firstSector, 0, (int)bytesPerSector);
if (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(firstSector, fatIdOffset, fatFileSystemId.Length) == fatFileSystemId)
Console.Out.WriteLine("FAT32 file system found...");
uint serial = BitConverter.ToUInt32(firstSector, fatSerialOffset);
Console.Out.WriteLine("Read serial number: {0:X4}-{1:X4}", serial >> 16, serial & 0xFFFF);
// Write new serial number.
byte[] newserial = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)10000123);
Array.Copy(newserial, 0, firstSector, fatSerialOffset, newserial.Length);
fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
fs.Write(firstSector, 0, (int)bytesPerSector);
Furthermore you could use the .Net Framework's DriveInfo class to enumerate the
available drives on your computer.
Hope, this helps.


Disable/Enable Windows 10 Devices Programmatically

I've been trying to disable/enable Windows 10 devices immidiately with WPF. There is an answer here but it give me an exception as mentioned in the answer's comments. There also an suggestion for fixing also in the answer's comments but I don't know how to make it work because I'm new to WPF.
Here is the code:
public static class DisableHardware
const uint DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE = 0x12;
const uint DICS_ENABLE = 1;
const uint DICS_DISABLE = 2; // disable device
const uint DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL = 1; // not profile-specific
const uint DIGCF_ALLCLASSES = 4;
const uint DIGCF_PRESENT = 2;
const uint ERROR_INVALID_DATA = 13;
const uint ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = 259;
const uint ERROR_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND = 1168;
static DEVPROPKEY DEVPKEY_Device_DeviceDesc;
static DEVPROPKEY DEVPKEY_Device_HardwareIds;
public UInt32 cbSize;
public UInt32 InstallFunction;
public SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER ClassInstallHeader;
public UInt32 StateChange;
public UInt32 Scope;
public UInt32 HwProfile;
public UInt32 cbSize;
public Guid classGuid;
public UInt32 devInst;
public IntPtr reserved; // CHANGE #1 - was UInt32
public Guid fmtid;
public UInt32 pid;
[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr SetupDiGetClassDevsW(
[In] ref Guid ClassGuid,
string Enumerator,
IntPtr parent,
UInt32 flags);
[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(IntPtr handle);
[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(IntPtr deviceInfoSet,
UInt32 memberIndex,
[Out] out SP_DEVINFO_DATA deviceInfoData);
[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool SetupDiSetClassInstallParams(
IntPtr deviceInfoSet,
[In] ref SP_DEVINFO_DATA deviceInfoData,
[In] ref SP_PROPCHANGE_PARAMS classInstallParams,
UInt32 ClassInstallParamsSize);
[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool SetupDiChangeState(
IntPtr deviceInfoSet,
[In] ref SP_DEVINFO_DATA deviceInfoData);
[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool SetupDiGetDevicePropertyW(
IntPtr deviceInfoSet,
[In] ref SP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData,
[In] ref DEVPROPKEY propertyKey,
[Out] out UInt32 propertyType,
IntPtr propertyBuffer,
UInt32 propertyBufferSize,
out UInt32 requiredSize,
UInt32 flags);
[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW(
IntPtr DeviceInfoSet,
[In] ref SP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData,
UInt32 Property,
[Out] out UInt32 PropertyRegDataType,
IntPtr PropertyBuffer,
UInt32 PropertyBufferSize,
[In,Out] ref UInt32 RequiredSize
static DisableHardware()
DisableHardware.DEVPKEY_Device_DeviceDesc = new DEVPROPKEY();
DEVPKEY_Device_DeviceDesc.fmtid = new Guid(
0xa45c254e, 0xdf1c, 0x4efd, 0x80, 0x20, 0x67,
0xd1, 0x46, 0xa8, 0x50, 0xe0); = 2;
DEVPKEY_Device_HardwareIds = new DEVPROPKEY();
DEVPKEY_Device_HardwareIds.fmtid = new Guid(
0xa45c254e, 0xdf1c, 0x4efd, 0x80, 0x20, 0x67,
0xd1, 0x46, 0xa8, 0x50, 0xe0); = 3;
public static void DisableDevice(Func<string, bool> filter, bool disable = true)
IntPtr info = IntPtr.Zero;
Guid NullGuid = Guid.Empty;
info = SetupDiGetClassDevsW(
ref NullGuid,
devdata.cbSize = (UInt32)Marshal.SizeOf(devdata);
// Get first device matching device criterion.
for (uint i = 0; ; i++)
out devdata);
// if no items match filter, throw
if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
CheckError("No device found matching filter.", 0xcffff);
string devicepath = GetStringPropertyForDevice(info,
devdata, 1); // SPDRP_HARDWAREID
// Uncomment to print name/path
// devdata, DEVPKEY_Device_DeviceDesc));
//Console.WriteLine(" {0}", devicepath);
if (devicepath != null && filter(devicepath)) break;
header.cbSize = (UInt32)Marshal.SizeOf(header);
header.InstallFunction = DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE;
propchangeparams.ClassInstallHeader = header;
propchangeparams.StateChange = disable ? DICS_DISABLE : DICS_ENABLE;
propchangeparams.Scope = DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL;
propchangeparams.HwProfile = 0;
ref devdata,
ref propchangeparams,
ref devdata);
if (info != IntPtr.Zero)
private static void CheckError(string message, int lasterror = -1)
int code = lasterror == -1 ? Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() : lasterror;
if (code != 0)
throw new ApplicationException(
String.Format("Error disabling hardware device (Code {0}): {1}",
code, message));
private static string GetStringPropertyForDevice(IntPtr info, SP_DEVINFO_DATA devdata,
uint propId)
uint proptype, outsize;
IntPtr buffer = IntPtr.Zero;
uint buflen = 512;
buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)buflen);
// CHANGE #2 - Use this instead of SetupDiGetDeviceProperty
ref devdata,
out proptype,
ref outsize);
byte[] lbuffer = new byte[outsize];
Marshal.Copy(buffer, lbuffer, 0, (int)outsize);
int errcode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
if (errcode == ERROR_INVALID_DATA) return null;
CheckError("SetupDiGetDeviceProperty", errcode);
return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(lbuffer);
if (buffer != IntPtr.Zero)
The suggested fix is:
The problem is that, the function uses a fixed buffer length of 512, which a lot of times is not enough to hold the data. What needs to be done is to first get the size of buffer as follows: if(!SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW(info, ref devdata, propId, out proptype, IntPtr.Zero, 0, ref outsize)). Once the size is got, allocate the buffer and call SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW again
I haven't messed with this stuff before, but just reading the comment on that other question, it looks like the suggestion is to do this:
private static string GetStringPropertyForDevice(IntPtr info, SP_DEVINFO_DATA devdata, uint propId)
uint proptype, outsize;
IntPtr buffer = IntPtr.Zero;
ref devdata,
out proptype,
ref outsize);
uint buflen = outsize;
buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)buflen);
outsize = 0;
ref devdata,
out proptype,
ref outsize);
byte[] lbuffer = new byte[outsize];
Marshal.Copy(buffer, lbuffer, 0, (int)outsize);
int errcode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
if (errcode == ERROR_INVALID_DATA) return null;
CheckError("SetupDiGetDeviceProperty", errcode);
return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(lbuffer);
if (buffer != IntPtr.Zero)
Call SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW with no buffer first, just to get the outsize value, then use that as your buffer size. This avoids creating a buffer of arbitrary length which could be exceeded, at the cost of making the call twice.
Again- I haven't tested this or anything, it just seems like what the person writing that comment was intending. Hopefully it works!

Read a specific sector of DVD by Pinvoke in C#

I am reading directly from a disk using C# and pinvoking the kernel32 ReadFile method.i want just read a particular sector for save time but ReadFile read from first to N sector. How can read only own sector with my choice?
public struct OVERLAPPED
public uint Internal;
public uint InternalHigh;
public uint Offset;
public uint OffsetHigh;
public int hEvent;
[DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError = true)]
static extern int CreateFile(string filename, uint desiredAccess, uint shareMode, IntPtr attributes, uint creationDisposition, uint flagsAndAttributes, IntPtr templateFile);
[DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern Boolean CloseHandle(int handle);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern Boolean ReadFile(IntPtr hFile, Byte[] buffer, UInt32 BytesToRead, ref UInt32 BytedRead, OVERLAPPED OverLapped);
static int EIGHT_K = 8192;
static int FIVE_TWELVE_BYTES = 512;
static uint GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000;
static uint OPEN_EXISTING = 3;
static uint FILE_SHARE_READ = 1;
static uint FILE_SHARE_WRITE = 2;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int fileHandle = 0;
bool returnVal = true;
// Open the device specified (Using the boot partition)
string deviceName = #"\\.\f:";
fileHandle = CreateFile(deviceName, GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, (IntPtr)0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0,(IntPtr)0);
if (fileHandle != -1)
Byte[] sector = new Byte[EIGHT_K];
UInt32 bytesRead = (uint)EIGHT_K;
// Can't get a FileStream ctor to work so I am using Win32 API ReadFile
bool worked = ReadFile((IntPtr)fileHandle, sector, (uint)EIGHT_K, ref bytesRead, ol);
catch (Exception ex)
I want to mark the DVD till required Original DVD to run the program.
Your OVERLAPPED struct is declared poorly and is incorrect in a 64 bit process. But in any case you don't need it. You are not performing overlapped I/O. Which is just as well because the declaration of ReadFile is incorrect. That function wants a pointer to an OVERLAPPED struct. You pass it by value.
In any case, you just don't need to consider overlapped I/O. So fix this issue by deleting the OVERLAPPED struct declaration from your code. And declare ReadFile like this:
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern Boolean ReadFile(IntPtr hFile, Byte[] buffer,
UInt32 BytesToRead, out UInt32 BytedRead, IntPtr Overlapped);
Pass IntPtr.Zero as the Overlapped parameter. And do make sure that you check the return value of ReadFile for an error.
The next step is to seek to a location in the file. Use SetFilePointerEx for that.
static extern bool SetFilePointerEx(IntPtr hFile, long liDistanceToMove,
out long lpNewFilePointer, uint dwMoveMethod);
Consult the documentation for SetFilePointerEx to work out how to call this function.
Since you are using direct disk access, you will of course need to align the reads to sector boundaries.

C# P/Invoke Win32 function RegQueryInfoKey

I am trying to port the following C++ code:
BOOL SyskeyGetClassBytes(HKEY hKeyReg,LPSTR keyName,LPSTR valueName,LPBYTE classBytes) {
HKEY hKey,hSubKey;
DWORD dwDisposition=0,classSize;
BYTE classStr[16];
LONG ret;
BOOL isSuccess = FALSE;
ret = RegCreateKeyEx(hKeyReg,keyName,0,NULL,REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,KEY_QUERY_VALUE,NULL,&hKey,&dwDisposition);
return FALSE;
else if(dwDisposition!=REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY) {
return FALSE;
else {
if(RegOpenKeyEx(hKey,valueName,0,KEY_READ,&hSubKey)==ERROR_SUCCESS) {
classSize = 8+1;
ret = RegQueryInfoKey(hSubKey,(LPTSTR)classStr,&classSize,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
if((ret==ERROR_SUCCESS)&&(classSize==8)) {
classBytes[0]= (HexDigitToByte(classStr[0]) << 4) | HexDigitToByte(classStr[1]);
classBytes[1]= (HexDigitToByte(classStr[2]) << 4) | HexDigitToByte(classStr[3]);
classBytes[2]= (HexDigitToByte(classStr[4]) << 4) | HexDigitToByte(classStr[5]);
classBytes[3]= (HexDigitToByte(classStr[6]) << 4) | HexDigitToByte(classStr[7]);
isSuccess = TRUE;
return isSuccess;
I spent like 5 hours trying to figure out my problem, with no success. I know for a fact that I am properly calling this method. My C# code is
unsafe static bool SyskeyGetClassBytes(RegistryHive hKeyReg, string keyName, string valueName, byte* classBytes)
UIntPtr hSubKey;
UIntPtr hKey;
RegResult tmp; ;
uint classSize;
StringBuilder classStr = new StringBuilder();
int ret;
bool isSuccess = false;
ret = RegCreateKeyEx(hKeyReg, keyName, 0, null, RegOption.NonVolatile, RegSAM.QueryValue, UIntPtr.Zero, out hKey, out tmp);
if (ret != 0)
return false;
else if (tmp != RegResult.OpenedExistingKey)
return false;
int res = RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, valueName, 0, (int)RegSAM.Read, out hSubKey);
if (res == 0)
classSize = 8 + 1;
ret = RegQueryInfoKey(hSubKey, out classStr, ref classSize, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
if ((classSize == 8))
classBytes[0] = (byte)((byte)(HexDigitToByte(classStr[0]) << (byte)4) | HexDigitToByte(classStr[1]));
classBytes[1] = (byte)((byte)(HexDigitToByte(classStr[2]) << (byte)4) | HexDigitToByte(classStr[3]));
classBytes[2] = (byte)((byte)(HexDigitToByte(classStr[4]) << (byte)4) | HexDigitToByte(classStr[5]));
classBytes[3] = (byte)((byte)(HexDigitToByte(classStr[6]) << (byte)4) | HexDigitToByte(classStr[7]));
isSuccess = true;
return false;
return isSuccess;
Its a little bit hard for me to debug, but eventually I determined that the problem is occurring at this line. Execution seems to halt afterwards.
ret = RegQueryInfoKey(hSubKey, out classStr, ref classSize, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
I know this is not a problem with permissions, as this C# program is running with admin perms AND as the local system account. The method that I need that the .Net APIs don't offer is RegQueryInfoKey. My P/Invoke signatures and types used are:
public int nLength;
public unsafe byte* lpSecurityDescriptor;
public int bInheritHandle;
public enum RegOption
NonVolatile = 0x0,
Volatile = 0x1,
CreateLink = 0x2,
BackupRestore = 0x4,
OpenLink = 0x8
public enum RegSAM
QueryValue = 0x0001,
SetValue = 0x0002,
CreateSubKey = 0x0004,
EnumerateSubKeys = 0x0008,
Notify = 0x0010,
CreateLink = 0x0020,
WOW64_32Key = 0x0200,
WOW64_64Key = 0x0100,
WOW64_Res = 0x0300,
Read = 0x00020019,
Write = 0x00020006,
Execute = 0x00020019,
AllAccess = 0x000f003f
public enum RegResult
CreatedNewKey = 0x00000001,
OpenedExistingKey = 0x00000002
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern int RegOpenKeyEx(
UIntPtr hKey,
string subKey,
int ulOptions,
int samDesired,
out UIntPtr hkResult);
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern int RegCloseKey(
UIntPtr hKey);
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern int RegCreateKeyEx(
RegistryHive hKey,
string lpSubKey,
int Reserved,
string lpClass,
RegOption dwOptions,
RegSAM samDesired,
UIntPtr lpSecurityAttributes,
out UIntPtr phkResult,
out RegResult lpdwDisposition);
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "RegQueryInfoKey", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi, SetLastError = true)]
extern private static int RegQueryInfoKey(
UIntPtr hkey,
out StringBuilder lpClass,
ref uint lpcbClass,
IntPtr lpReserved,
IntPtr lpcSubKeys,
IntPtr lpcbMaxSubKeyLen,
IntPtr lpcbMaxClassLen,
IntPtr lpcValues,
IntPtr lpcbMaxValueNameLen,
IntPtr lpcbMaxValueLen,
IntPtr lpcbSecurityDescriptor,
IntPtr lpftLastWriteTime);
The lpClass parameter is declared incorrectly. Pass the StringBuilder by value.
extern private static int RegQueryInfoKey(
UIntPtr hkey,
StringBuilder lpClass,
ref uint lpcbClass,
IntPtr lpReserved,
IntPtr lpcSubKeys,
IntPtr lpcbMaxSubKeyLen,
IntPtr lpcbMaxClassLen,
IntPtr lpcValues,
IntPtr lpcbMaxValueNameLen,
IntPtr lpcbMaxValueLen,
IntPtr lpcbSecurityDescriptor,
IntPtr lpftLastWriteTime
You also need to allocate the StringBuilder instance to have the desired capacity. So, allocate the StringBuilder like this:
StringBuilder classStr = new StringBuilder(255);//or whatever length you like
And then set classSize like this:
classSize = classStr.Capacity+1;
I removed the parameters to DllImport. Most are not necessary, and the SetLastError is incorrect.
There may be other issues with your code, but with these changes at least the call to RegQueryInfoKey will match your C++ code.
Try this signature for RegQueryInfoKey:
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint="RegQueryInfoKey", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Winapi, SetLastError=true)]
extern private static int RegQueryInfoKey(
UIntPtr hkey,
out StringBuilder lpClass,
ref uint lpcbClass,
IntPtr lpReserved,
out uint lpcSubKeys,
out uint lpcbMaxSubKeyLen,
out uint lpcbMaxClassLen,
out uint lpcValues,
out uint lpcbMaxValueNameLen,
out uint lpcbMaxValueLen,
out uint lpcbSecurityDescriptor,
IntPtr lpftLastWriteTime);
You are not declaring them as out params and in the RegQueryInfoKey Win32 call they are _Out_opt_.
You need to initialize your StringBuilder with enough capacity to store a classSize number of characters.
classSize = 8 + 1;
classStr.Capacity = classSize;
ret = RegQueryInfoKey(hSubKey, out classStr, ref classSize, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
The marshaller will use the capacity set on the StringBuilder to send a buffer of the capacity size to the RegQueryInfoKey function. Without that you are probably corrupted memory.

RtlCompressBuffer API in C#

I'm trying to use the RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize and RtlCompressBuffer functions in a C# project.
Here is what I have so far:
class Program
static extern uint RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize(uint CompressionFormat, out uint pNeededBufferSize, out uint Unknown);
static extern uint RtlCompressBuffer(uint CompressionFormat, byte[] SourceBuffer, uint SourceBufferLength, out byte[] DestinationBuffer,
uint DestinationBufferLength, uint Unknown, out uint pDestinationSize, IntPtr WorkspaceBuffer);
static void Main(string[] args)
uint dwSize = 0;
uint dwRet = 0;
uint ret = RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize(COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1 | COMPRESSION_ENGINE_MAXIMUM, out dwSize, out dwRet);
IntPtr pMem = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)dwSize);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
byte[] outBuf = new byte[1024];
uint destSize = 0;
ret = RtlCompressBuffer(COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1 | COMPRESSION_ENGINE_MAXIMUM, buffer, 1024, out outBuf, 1024, 0, out destSize, pMem);
RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize works since it returns 0 (NT success code) but when I call RtlCompressBuffer I get a Memory Access Violation error.
EDIT: With help from David's answer I've fixed the issue and the correct code is below.
const ushort COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1 = 2;
const ushort COMPRESSION_ENGINE_MAXIMUM = 0x100;
static extern uint RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize(ushort CompressionFormat, out uint pNeededBufferSize, out uint Unknown);
static extern uint RtlCompressBuffer(ushort CompressionFormat, byte[] SourceBuffer, int SourceBufferLength, byte[] DestinationBuffer,
int DestinationBufferLength, uint Unknown, out int pDestinationSize, IntPtr WorkspaceBuffer);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern IntPtr LocalAlloc(int uFlags, IntPtr sizetdwBytes);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr LocalFree(IntPtr hMem);
internal static byte[] Compress(byte[] buffer)
var outBuf = new byte[buffer.Length * 6];
uint dwSize = 0, dwRet = 0;
uint ret = RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize(COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1 | COMPRESSION_ENGINE_MAXIMUM, out dwSize, out dwRet);
if (ret != 0)
return null;
int dstSize = 0;
IntPtr hWork = LocalAlloc(0, new IntPtr(dwSize));
buffer.Length, outBuf, outBuf.Length, 0, out dstSize, hWork);
if (ret != 0)
return null;
Array.Resize(ref outBuf, dstSize);
return outBuf;
You are very nearly there. The problem is this part of your P/invoke for RtlCompressBuffer:
out byte[] DestinationBuffer
The default marshalling for byte[] is for the array contents to marshalled in both directions, from managed to unmanaged, and then back again when the function returns. The C definition of RtlCompressBuffer is annotated with __out but that means that the array contents are __out rather than the pointer being __out.
Change your P/invoke to
byte[] DestinationBuffer
and similarly in the call to RtlCompressBuffer change out outBuf to outBuf and you should be good to go.
Be warned that your code as it stands will return an status code of STATUS_BUFFER_ALL_ZEROS so don't be tricked into thinking that this non-zero return value indicates failure.
One final point, the first parameter to both P/invokes, CompressionFormat, should be declared as ushort.

How to do non-cached file writes in C# winform app

I'm trying to determine worst case disk speed, so I wrote the following function.
static public decimal MBytesPerSec(string volume)
string filename = volume + "\\writetest.tmp";
if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename))
System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(filename);
char[] data = new char[64000];
Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
int i = 0;
for (; i < 1000; i++)
if (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 2000)
System.IO.File.Delete(volume + "\\test.txt");
decimal mbytessec = (i * 64 / watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
return mbytessec;
The function works OK, but the writes are getting cached, so the speed is not worst case.
In WIN32 C++, I would simply create the file with FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING, FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH options, and then make sure to follow the non-cached writing rules (write to the file at sector size offsets, with minimum of 4k writes)
I found one article that discusses the .NET technique.
So I wrote a new function (ignore the math errors).
static public decimal MBytesPerSecNonCached(string volume)
const FileOptions FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING = (FileOptions)0x20000000;
string filename = volume + "\\writetest.tmp";
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None, 1024, FileOptions.WriteThrough | FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING))
byte[] data = new byte[65535];
int i = 0;
Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
for (; i < 1000; i++)
fs.Write(data, 0, 65535);
if (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 2000)
decimal mbytessec = (i * 64 / watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
return mbytessec;
This function works for 4k, 16K and 32K write sizes, but once I try 64K write sizes, I get an exception:
IO operation will not work. Most likely the file will become too long or the handle was not opened to support synchronous IO operations.
So, how can I fix this so I can test with larger than 32KB write sizes (64KB to 4096KB)?
Try some unmanaged code:
[DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError = true)]
static extern unsafe SafeFileHandle CreateFile(
string FileName, // file name
uint DesiredAccess, // access mode
uint ShareMode, // share mode
IntPtr SecurityAttributes, // Security Attr
uint CreationDisposition, // how to create
uint FlagsAndAttributes, // file attributes
IntPtr hTemplate // template file
const uint FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING = 0x20000000;
SafeFileHandle handle = CreateFile("filename",
var unBufferedStream = new FileStream(handle,FileAccess.Read,blockSize,false);
now you should have access to an unbuffered stream which you can read and write however you please with no constraints
For the can also disable caching like this:
[DllImport("KERNEL32", SetLastError = true)]
public extern static int DeviceIoControl(IntPtr hDevice, uint IoControlCode,
IntPtr lpInBuffer, uint InBufferSize,
IntPtr lpOutBuffer, uint nOutBufferSize,
ref uint lpBytesReturned,
IntPtr lpOverlapped);
[DllImport("KERNEL32", SetLastError = true)]
public extern static int CloseHandle(
IntPtr hObject);
public byte ParametersSavable;
public byte ReadCacheEnabled;
public byte WriteCacheEnabled;
public int ReadRetentionPriority;//DISK_CACHE_RETENTION_PRIORITY = enum = int
public int WriteRetentionPriority;//DISK_CACHE_RETENTION_PRIORITY = enum = int
public Int16 DisablePrefetchTransferLength;//WORD
public byte PrefetchScalar;
public void SetDiskCache(byte val)
IntPtr h = CreateFile("\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE0", (uint)FileAccess.Read | (uint)FileAccess.Write, (uint)FileShare.Write, IntPtr.Zero, (uint)FileMode.Open, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
IntPtr ptrout = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(sInfo));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(sInfo, ptrout, true);
uint dwWritten = 0;
int ret = DeviceIoControl(h,IOCTL_DISK_GET_CACHE_INFORMATION,IntPtr.Zero,0,ptrout,(uint)Marshal.SizeOf(sInfo),ref dwWritten,IntPtr.Zero);
sInfo = (DISK_CACHE_INFORMATION)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptrout,typeof(DISK_CACHE_INFORMATION));
sInfo.ReadCacheEnabled = val;
// acuma trimite structura modificata
IntPtr ptrin = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(sInfo));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(sInfo, ptrin, true);
ret = DeviceIoControl(h, IOCTL_DISK_SET_CACHE_INFORMATION, ptrin, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(sInfo), IntPtr.Zero, 0, ref dwWritten, IntPtr.Zero);
