Parse numbers from large text, possibly without regex (performance critical) - c#

I'm extremely familiar with regex before you all start answering with variations of: /d+
I want to know if there are alternatives to regex for parsing numbers out of a large text file.
I'm parsing through tons of huge files and need to do some group/location analysis on the positions of keywords. I'm now at the point where i need to start finding groups of numbers as well nested closely to my content of interest. I want to avoid regex if at all possible because this needs to be a speedy process.
It is possible to take chunks of a file to inspect for the numbers of interest. That however would require more work and add hard coded limits for searching. (i'd like to avoid this)
I'm open to any suggestions.
Sorry for the lack of sample data. For HIPAA reasons I'd rather not even consider scrambling the text and posting it.
A great substitute would be the HTML source of any question page. Imagine I needed to grab the reputation (score) of all people that posted an answer to a question. This also means that the comma (,) is needed as well. I can't remove the html to simplify the content because I'm using some density analysis to weed out unrelated content. Removing the HTML would mix content too close together.

Unless the file is some sort of SGML, then I don't know of any method (which is not to say there isn't, I just don't know of one)
However, it's not to say that you can't create your own parser; you could eliminate some of the overheads of the .Net regex library by writing something that only finds ranges of numbers.
Fundamentally, I guess that that's all any library would do, at the most basic level.
Might help if you can post a sample of the sort of data you'll be processing?


Resolving a poor search on run-on tokens in a query

A little personal project of mine is to blindly produce a search engine from scratch without using any outside sources. This is mostly for a learning experience and I haven't had much trouble up until now, where I have both a dilemma and a tough problem.
Observe this case:
Suzy wants to search for "fuzzy bears". This is fine, functions as well as it can. However, Suzy screws up and types "fuzzybears". Right now, my search algorithm breaks down since this is interpreted as a single token, and not multiple tokens. Any case or combination of words that has even one occurrence of such a run on term, or glued tokens, causes a poor search result.
For scope, this is something I am writing using a combination of C# and T-SQL.
I've tried multiple solutions, but nothing has really come from them. Firstly, I used a List to take the terms and create variations, but this was much too slow to my liking and required a lot more memory than I feel it should need.
I wanted to save search queries to a database for statistics and maybe to learn more about organically growing the algorithm, so maybe a way to handle these glued tokens in SQL could be a solution, but I have no clue how to start with something like that unless I used a cursor or some other slow solution.
I could take searches, save them to my database, create different combinations where some tokens are glued, and then have those glued tokens as terms to hit on? The issue with this solution is it takes up quite a bit of space and I won't always need these strings since spelling errors like this aren't all too common.
Mainly, what I need is speed. It doesn't really have to be pretty, but if it's fast and accurate then I'm happy even if it takes up a lot of disk space.
Not asking for solutions here, but if anyone can point me in a direction I can go or it would be greatly appreciated.
Consider this approach: since spaces, punctuation, and anything similar would screw up a search like this, remove all of those, convert to a common case (I prefer lowercase, but pick what you prefer), and then tokenize based on syllables, using roughly the same set of division rules as for hyphenating English words.
So, to search for answers that contain "Consider this approach:", you reduce the phrase to "considerthisapproach" and then tokenize as "con","sid","er","this","ap","proach". If con and sid and er appear next to each other, and in that order, you've found the word "consider".
This approach can be adapted for statistical matching too, so e.g. if at least 85% of syllables are found in the correct order, you consider it a close match, and maybe order the results by match % so more meaningful matches are at the top.

Word game mechanics in XNA

I'm planning on making a casual word game for WP7 using XNA. The game mechanics are fine enough for me to implement but it is just the checking to see if the word they make is actually a word or not.
I thought about having a text file and loading that into memory at the start, but surely this wouldn't be possible to keep in memory for a phone? Also how slow would it be to read from this to see if it is a word. How would they be stored in memory? Would it be best to use a dictionary/hashmap and each key is a word and i just check to see if that key exists? Or would it put them in an array?
Stuck on the best way to implement this, so any input is appreciated. Thanks
Depending on your phones hardware, you could probably just load up a text file into memory. The english language probably has only a couple hundred thousand words. Assuming your average word is around 5 characters or so, thats roughly a meg of data. You will have overhead managing that file in memory, but thats where specifics of hardware matter. BTW, it's not uncommon for current generation of phones to have a gig of RAM.
Please see the following related SO questions which require a text file for a dictionary of words.
Dictionary text file
Putting a text file into memory, even of a whole dictionary, shouldn't be too bad as seth flowers has said. Choosing an appropriate data structure to hold the words will be important.
I would not recommend a dictionary using words as keys... that's kind of silly honestly. If you only have keys and no values, what good is a dictionary? However, you may be on a good track with the Dictionary idea. The first thing I would try would be a Dictionary<char, string[]>, where the key is the first letter, and the value is a list of all words beginning with that letter. Of course, that array will be very long, and search time on the array slow (though lookup on the key should be zippy, as char hashes are unique). The advantage is that, if you use the proper .txt dictionary file and load each word in order, you will know that list is ordered by alphabet. So, you can use efficient search techniques like binary search, or any number of searches formulated for pre-sorted lists. It may not be that slow in the end.
If you want to go further, though, you can use the structure which underlies predictive text. It's called a Patricia Trie, or Radix Trie (Wikipedia). Starting with the first letter, you work your way through all possible branches until you either:
assemble the word the user entered, so it is a valid word
reach the end of the branch; this word does not exist.
'Tries' were made to address this sort of problem. I've never represented one in code, so I'm afraid I can't give you any pointers (ba dum tsh!), but there's likely a wealth of information on how to do it available on the internet. Using a Trie will likely be the most efficient solution, but if you find that an alphabet Dictionary like I mentioned above is sufficiently fast using binary search, you might just want to stick with that for now while you develop the actual gameplay. Getting bogged down with finding the best solution when just starting your game tends to bleed off your passion for getting it done. If you run into performance issues, then you make improvements-- at least that's my philosophy when designing games.
The nice thing is, since Windows Phone supports only essentially 2 different specs, once you test the app and see it runs smoothly on them, you really don't have to worry about optimizing for any worse conditions. So use what works!
P.S.: on Windows Phone, loading text files is tricky. Here is a post on the issue which should help you.

Sum 2 numbers in a text field

I am using Telerik controls in an ASP.Net application for invoice entry.
I'm looking for the ability to enter multiple amounts in one numeric field and add them together, just like in Quickbooks.
=0.12+3.45TAB or ENTER
adds values to 3.57 and jumps to the next field.
Anyone has any ideas?
You have three choices here:
Write your own method to parse the formula (more complicated than it sounds, even if you think it sounds complicated).
Use an pre-written math parser. This is a decent one.
Use eval().
NOTE: Should you choose option #3, exercise extreme caution and do your research first. eval() can leave your application open to all sorts of nasty code injection.
You'll need to build a lexical parser for in-fix (rather than prefix) notation. There should be plenty of examples around - it's a pretty standard concept used on a lot of degree courses.
As to whether it's a good idea to do this (I assume client-side)...

How to detect abusive comments on my website?

I have my website where I have given users the opportunity to share their status. How can I detect that if any abusive or slang words are used so as to block such comments?
Is there any library or trick to detect such kind of comments in .NET?
It is not a trick; use a dictionary of bad words, and add some logic to detect "bad words" in good places. Add the ability for users to post complains about mis-correction of your logic (so you can fine tune it) and that's it.
Implementation is pretty easy, and a dictionary of "bad words" - either look it up, or write one your own.
(I used to collect bad words from customer complains on a chat service - after a year it was almost bulletproof.)
This is actually quite difficult to automate and do accurately without unintended side effects. You can maintain a dictionary of bad words, and use regular expressions to replace occurrences of those bad words. Please see my answer to the following question for example code, plus some of the issues:
Replace Bad words using Regex
Automated approaches have a number of shortcommings: false positives, missing bad words that are not in the dictionary, and minor variations of bad words that are not detected. Involvement from users can be used to bolster or as an alternative approach e.g SO has the abiliy to flag comments and moderators can delete or censor them.
There are some bad word lists around which you can download and use.
The best thing to do is to start with a small list and add to it based on the real comments made on your site. You can put a report link on the comments so other visitors can notify you if there are bad comments made.

Pattern (regex) based searching systems

I'm looking for a way to search through terabytes of data for patterns matching regexes. The implementation does need to support a lot of the finer capabilities of regexes, such as beginning and end of line data, full TR1 support (preferably with POSIX and/or PCRE support), and the like. We're effectively using this application to test policy regarding storage of potentially sensitive information.
I've looked into indexing solutions, but the majority of the commercial suites don't seem to have the finer regex capabilites we'd like (to date, they've all utterly failed at parsing the complex regexes we're using).
This is a complicated problem because of the sheer mass of the amount of data we have, and the amount of system resources we have to dedicate to the task of scanning (not much, its just checks on policy compliance, so there isn't much of a budget there for hardware).
I looked into Lucene but I'm a little hesitant about using index systems that aren't fully capable of dealing with our regex battery, and while searching through the entire dataset would remedy this problem, we'd have to let the servers chug along at performing these actions for a couple weeks at least.
Any suggestions?
PowerGREP can handle any regular expression and has been designed for exactly this purpose. I've found it to be extremely fast searching through large amounts of data, but I haven't tried it on the order of terabytes yet. But since there's a 30 day trial, it's worth a shot, I'd say.
It's especially powerful when it comes to searching specific parts of files. You can section the file according your own criteria, and then apply another search only on those sections. Plus, it has got very good reporting capabilities.
You might want to take a look at Apache Hadoop. Enormous sites like Yahoo and Facebook use Hadoop for a variety of things, one of them being processing multi-TB of text logs.
In the Hadoop documentation there is an example of a distributed Grep that could be scaled to handle any concievable data set size.
There is also a SequenceFileInputFilter.RegexFilter in the Hadoop API if you wanted to roll your own solution.
I can only offer a high-level answer. Building on Tim's and shadit's answers, use a two-pass approach implemented as a MapReduce algorithm on EC2 or Azure Compute. In each pass the Map could take a chunk of data with an identifier and return to Reduce the identifier if a match is found, else a null value. Scale it as wide as you need to shrink the processing time.
The grep program is highly optimized for regex searching in files, to the point where I would say you could not beat it with any general-purpose regex library. Even that would be impractically slow for searching terabytes, so I think you're out of luck on doing full regex searches.
One option might be to use an indexer as a first-pass to find likely matches, then extract some bytes on either side of each match and run a full regex match on it.
disclaimer: i am not a search expert.
if you really need all the generality of regexps then there's going to be nothing better than trawling through all the data (but see comments below on speeding that up).
however, i would guess that is not really the case. so the first thing to do is see if you can use an index to identify possible documents. if, for example, you know that you all your matches will include a word (any word) then you can index the words, use that to find the (hopefully small) set of documents that include that word, and then use grep or equivalent only on those files.
so, for example, maybe you need to find documents that have "FoObAr" at the start of the line. you would start with a caseless index to identify files that have "foobar" anywhere, and then grep (only) those for "^FoObAr".
next, how to grep as quickly as possible. you're likely going to be limited by io speed. so look at using several disks (there may be no need to use raid - you could just have one thread per disk). also, consider compression. you don't need random access to these files, and if they are text (i assume they are if you are grepping them) then they will compress nicely. that will reduce the amount of data you need to read (and store).
finally, note that if your index doesn't work for ALL queries, then it's probably not worth using. you can "grep" for all expressions in a single pass, and the expensive process is reading the data, not the details of the grep, so even if there is "just one" query that cannot be indexed, and you therefore need to scan everything, then building and using an index is probably not a good use of your time.
