I am trying to flatten 3D array into 1D array for "chunk" system in my game. It's a 3D-block game and basically I want the chunk system to be almost identical to Minecraft's system (however, this isn't Minecraft clone by any measure). In my previous 2D-games I have accessed the flattened array with following algorithm:
Tiles[x + y * WIDTH]
However, this obviously doesn't work with 3D since it's missing the Z-axis. I have no idea how to implement this sort of algorithm in 3D-space. Width, height and depth are all constants (and width is just as large as height).
Is it just x + y*WIDTH + Z*DEPTH ? I am pretty bad with math and I am just beginning 3D-programming so I am pretty lost :|
PS. The reason for this is that I am looping and getting stuff by index from it quite a lot. I know that 1D arrays are faster than multi-dimensional arrays (for reasons I cant remember :P ). Even though this may not be necessary, I want as good performance as possible :)
Here is a solution in Java that gives you both:
from 3D to 1D
from 1D to 3D
Below is a graphical illustration of the path I chose to traverse the 3D matrix, the cells are numbered in their traversal order:
Conversion functions:
public int to1D( int x, int y, int z ) {
return (z * xMax * yMax) + (y * xMax) + x;
public int[] to3D( int idx ) {
final int z = idx / (xMax * yMax);
idx -= (z * xMax * yMax);
final int y = idx / xMax;
final int x = idx % xMax;
return new int[]{ x, y, z };
The algorithm is mostly the same. If you have a 3D array Original[HEIGHT, WIDTH, DEPTH] then you could turn it into Flat[HEIGHT * WIDTH * DEPTH] by
Flat[x + WIDTH * (y + DEPTH * z)] = Original[x, y, z]
As an aside, you should prefer arrays of arrays over multi-dimensional arrays in .NET. The performance differences are significant
I think the above needs a little correction. Lets say you have a HEIGHT of 10, and a WIDTH of 90, single dimensional array will be 900. By the above logic, if you are at the last element on the array 9 + 89*89, obviously this is greater than 900. The correct algorithm is:
Flat[x + HEIGHT* (y + WIDTH* z)] = Original[x, y, z], assuming Original[HEIGHT,WIDTH,DEPTH]
Ironically if you the HEIGHT>WIDTH you will not experience an overflow, just complete bonkers results ;)
x + y*WIDTH + Z*WIDTH*DEPTH. Visualize it as a rectangular solid: first you traverse along x, then each y is a "line" width steps long, and each z is a "plane" WIDTH*DEPTH steps in area.
You're almost there. You need to multiply Z by WIDTH and DEPTH:
Tiles[x + y*WIDTH + Z*WIDTH*DEPTH] = elements[x][y][z]; // or elements[x,y,z]
The correct answer can be written various ways, but I like it best when it can be written in a way that is very easy to understand and visualize. Here is the exact answer:
(width * height * z) + (width * y) + x
Visualize it:
someNumberToRepresentZ + someNumberToRepresentY + someNumberToRepresentX
someNumberToRepresentZ indicates which matrix we are on (depth). To know which matrix we are on, we have to know how big each matrix is. A matrix is 2d sized as width * height, simple. The question to ask is "how many matrices are before the matrix I'm on?" The answer is z:
someNumberToRepresentZ = width * height * z
someNumberToRepresentY indicates which row we are on (height). To know which row we are on, we have to know how big each row is: Each row is 1d, sized as width. The question to ask is "how many rows are before the row I'm on?". The answer is y:
someNumberToRepresentY = width * y
someNumberToRepresentX indicates which column we are on (width). To know which column we are on we simply use x:
someNumberToRepresentX = x
Our visualization then of
someNumberToRepresentZ + someNumberToRepresentY + someNumberToRepresentX
(width * height * z) + (width * y) + x
The forward and reverse transforms of Samuel Kerrien above are almost correct. A more concise (R-based) transformation maps are included below with an example (the "a %% b" is the modulo operator representing the remainder of the division of a by b):
dx=5; dy=6; dz=7 # dimensions
x1=1; y1=2; z1=3 # 3D point example
I = dx*dy*z1+dx*y1+x1; I # corresponding 2D index
# [1] 101
x= I %% dx; x # inverse transform recovering the x index
# [1] 1
y = ((I - x)/dx) %% dy; y # inverse transform recovering the y index
# [1] 2
z= (I-x -dx*y)/(dx*dy); z # inverse transform recovering the z index
# [1] 3
Mind the division (/) and module (%%) operators.
The correct Algorithm is:
Flat[ x * height * depth + y * depth + z ] = elements[x][y][z]
To better understand description of 3D array in 1D array would be ( I guess Depth in best answer is meant Y size)
IndexArray = x + y * InSizeX + z * InSizeX * InSizeY;
IndexArray = x + InSizeX * (y + z * InSizeY);
m[x][y][z] = data[xYZ + yZ + z]
summing up, it should be : targetX*YZ + targetY*Z + targetZ
In case, somebody is interested to flatten an nD (2D, 3D, 4D, ...) array to 1D, I wrote the below code. For example, if the size of the array in different dimensions is stored in the sizes array:
# pseudo code
sizes = {size_x, size_y, size_z,...};
This recursive function gives you the series of {1, size_x, size_x*size_y, size_x*size_y*size_z, ...}
// i: number of the term
public int GetCoeff(int i){
if (i==0)
return 1;
return sizes[i-1]*GetCoeff(i-1);
So, we have to multiply nD indexes by their corresponding series term and sum them to get {ix + iy*size_x + iz*size_x*size_y, ...}:
// indexNd: {ix, iy, iz, ...}
public int GetIndex1d(int[] indexNd){
int sum =0;
for (var i=0; i<indexNd.Length;i++)
sum += indexNd[i]*GetCoeff(i);
return sum;
In this code I assumed, the nD array is contiguous in memory along firstly x, then y, z, ... . So probably you call your array-like arr[z,y,x]. But, if you call them the other way, arr[x,y,z] then z is the fastest index and we like to calculate iz + iy*size_z + ix* size_z*size_y. In this case, the below function gives us the series {1, size_z, size_z*size_y, ...}:
// Dims is dimension of array, like 3 for 3D
public int GetReverseCoeff(int i){
if (i==0)
return 1;
return sizes[Dims-i]*GetReverseCoeff(i-1);
The coefficients are stored in the right order:
public void SetCoeffs(){
for (int i=0;i<Dims;i++)
coeffs[Dims-i-1] = GetReverseCoeff(i);
The 1D index is calculated the same as before except coeffs array is used:
// indexNd: {ix, iy, iz, ...}
public int GetIndex1d(int[] indexNd){
int sum =0;
for (var i=0; i<indexNd.Length;i++)
sum += indexNd[i]*coeffs[i];
return sum;
Samuel Kerrien's answer to python :
def to1D(crds,dims):
return (z * xMax * yMax) + (y * xMax) + x
def to3D(idx,dims):
z = idx // (xMax * yMax)
idx -= (z * xMax * yMax)
y = idx // xMax
x = idx % xMax
return x, y, z
I need to apply a 1d gaussian filter to a list of floats in c#, ie, to smooth a graph.
I got as far as simply averaging each value with n neighbors, but the result wasn't quite right and so I discovered that I need to apply a normal distribution weight to the contributions of the values per iteration.
I can't find a library like scipy that has a function for this, and I don't quite understand the algebraic formulas I have found for computing a gaussian kernal. Examples are generally geared towards a 2D implementation for images.
Can anyone suggest the modifications that would need to be made to the following code to achieve the proper gaussian effect?
public static List<float> MeanFloats(List<float> floats, int width)
List<float> results = new List<float>();
if (width % 2 == 0)
width -= 1; // make sure width is odd
int halfWidthMinus1 = width / 2; // width is known to be odd, divide by 2 will round down
for (int i = 0; i < floats.Count; i++) // iterate through all floats in list
float result = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
var index = i - halfWidthMinus1 + j;
index = math.max(index, 0); // clamp index - the first and last elements of the list will be used when the algorithm tries to access outside the bounds of the list
index = math.min(index, floats.Count-1);
result += floats[index]; // multiply with kernal here??
result /= width; // calculate mean
return results;
If relevant this is for use in a Unity game.
A 1-dimensional Gaussian Kernel is defined as
where sigma is the standard deviation of your list, and x is the index distance.
You then create a kernel by filling each of its array slots with a multiplier. Here is an (untested) example:
private static float[] GaussianKernel(int width, float sigma)
float[] kernel = new float[width + 1 + width];
for (int i = -width; i <= width; i++)
kernel[width + i] = Mathf.Exp(-(i * i) / (2 * sigma * sigma)) / (Math.PI * 2 * sigma * sigma);
return kernel;
In your smoothing function you apply this multiplier to the floats[index] value. Finally, before adding the result, instead of dividing it by the width, you divide it by the total sum of the kernel weights (the values of the kernel array).
You could compile the values of the current kernel weight during each iteration in your j-loop weightSum += kernel[j].
currently I am using this formula to flatten a multidimensional array (x,y,z):
array = new byte[GridSizeX*GridSizeY*GridSizeZ];
index = x + y * GridSizeX+ z * GridSizeX* GridSizeY;
I was wondering how I would go about making it work for negative values of either x,y and z, since the index can't be a negative value the formula doesn't work for example with the cell (-1,2,3).
Is there a clean formula that can take into account various ranges of x,y,z(also non uniform ranges)?
For example minX=-5, maxX =7/ minY=-2,maxY=3 // minZ=-4,maxZ =6.
x is in [minX..maxX] range
y is in [minY..maxY] range
z is in [minZ..maxZ] range
The formula for zero-based index will be
index = (x - minX) +
(y - minY) * (maxX - minX + 1) +
(z - minZ) * (maxX - minX + 1) * (maxY - minY + 1);
Say I have an grid of 100by100.
Now I have a location on 23,70.
How can I find all XY points on this grid within a distance of 5?
Your question is a little vague, but there might be some simple methods to do it quickly depending on your requirements and definitions.
Assuming that we're talking about a unit-square grid there are 3 primary ways to define the distance:
Number of steps in the 8 directions: n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw
Number of steps in the 4 directions: n, e, s, w
Linear distance between the cells (Pythagoras)
The first is the simplest, being simply a square from [x - 5, y - 5] to [x + 5, y + 5]. Quick enough to calculate on the fly.
Second option is a diamond shape which satisfies the following function:
static bool InRange(Point C, Point P) => (Math.Abs(P.X - C.X) + Math.Abs(P.Y - C.Y)) <= 5;
And finally, linear distance uses Pythagoras to find the distance between the cells and compares that to your threshold value. The final shape will depend on how you handle overlap. You could use the following test function:
static bool InRange(Point C, Point P) => ((P.X - C.X) * (P.X - C.X)) + ((P.Y - C.Y) * (P.Y - C.Y)) <= 25;
Note that in all cases the possible solution range falls in the square defined by the first solution, so you don't have to test every single cell on your grid. At most there are 24 tests (for a distance of 5) modified by the size of the grid.
Here's a general solution building on the above, using LINQ because I like it:
public static IEnumerable<Point> PointsInRange(this Point C, int range, int method)
// select filter function
Func<int, int, bool> filter = (x, y) => true;
if (method == 1)
filter = (x, y) => (Math.Abs(x) + Math.Abs(y)) <= range;
else if (method == 2)
filter = (x, y) => (x * x + y * y) <= (range * range);
// apply filter to all cells in potential range
var validOffsets =
from dx in Enumerable.Range(-range, range * 2 + 1)
from dy in Enumerable.Range(-range, range * 2 + 1)
where (dx != 0 || dy != 0) && filter(dx, dy)
select new { dx, dy };
// offset from center and clip to grid
var result =
from o in validOffsets
let x = C.x + o.dx
let y = C.y + o.dy
where x >= 0 && x < 100 && y >= 0 && y < 100
select new Point(x, y);
return result;
There are a few speed-ups you can apply, as always.
Of course if you only ever want to get the valid cells for a specific range (5 for instance) then you can reduce it further by specifying the valid offsets in an array instead of calculating them as above. You can cut the whole start of the method and replace it with a constant array with the shape you want. Or combine the two ideas and cache the answers so that you have the flexibility of arbitrary range and the speed of computing the valid offsets only once.
Sorry I had no idea how set a topic which could express what help I need.
I have in an array of bytes, values for each pixel from a bitmap. It is a one dimensional array, from left to right. It takes each row and add it to the end of array's index.
I would like to split a bitmap to 225(=15*15) pieces. Each brick has for example dimension 34x34 and the length of array is then 260100(=225*34*34). So as you see now we will need 15 bricks on width and on height.
Few months ago I was using two loops starting from 0 - 14. I wrote own long code to get all that 34x34 bricks. However I didn't used any array which was storing all values.
Now I have a one dimensional array because marshal copy and bitmapdata with bitlocks were the best way to fast copy all pixels' values to array.
But I stand face to face with problem how to get 34 elements then one row lower and another one knowing that on 35 level will be another brick with its own starting value..
PS. edit my post if something is not good.
Few people could say "first make any your test code". I tried that but what I got was just trash and I really don't know how to do that.
This method was used to crop image to smaller images containing bricks. But I don't want store small images of brick. I need values storing in array of bytes.
Under, there is a proof.
private void OCropImage(int ii, int jj, int p, int p2)
////We took letter and save value to binnary, then we search in dictionary by value
this.rect = new Rectangle();
this.newBitmap = new Bitmap(this.bitmap);
for (ii = 0; ii < p; ii++)
for (jj = 0; jj < p2; jj++)
////New bitmap
this.newBitmap = new Bitmap(this.bitmap);
////Set rectangle working area with letters
this.rect = new Rectangle(jj * this.miniszerokosc, ii * this.miniwysokosc, this.miniszerokosc, this.miniwysokosc);
////Cut single rectangle with letter
this.newBitmap = this.newBitmap.Clone(this.rect, this.newBitmap.PixelFormat);
////Add frame to rectangle to delet bad noise
this.OAddFrameToCropImage(this.newBitmap, this.rect.Width, this.rect.Height);
this.frm1.SetIm3 = (System.Drawing.Image)this.newBitmap;
////Create image with letter which constains less background
this.newBitmap = this.newBitmap.Clone(this.GetAreaLetter(this.newBitmap), this.newBitmap.PixelFormat);
////Count pixels in bitmap
this.workingArea = this.GetBinnary(this.newBitmap);
var keysWithMatchingValues = this.alphabetLetters.Where(x => x.Value == this.workingArea).Select(x => x.Key);
foreach (var key in keysWithMatchingValues)
this.chesswords += key.ToString();
this.chesswords += Environment.NewLine;
var ordered = this.alphabetLetters.OrderBy(x => x.Value);
PS2. sorry for my English, please correct it if it is needed.
If I get you right, then if you have an image like this
Which is stored in an array in left-to-right row scan like this:
p00,p01,...,p0n, p10,p11,...,p1n, p20,p21, ...
If I understand you correctly, what you want to be able to do, is to take a given rectangle (from a certain x and y with a certain width and height) from the image. Here is code to do this, with explanations:
byte[] crop_area (byte[] source_image, int image_width, int image_height,
int start_x, int start_y, int result_width, int result_height)
byte[] result = new byte[result_width * result_height];
int endX = x + result_width;
int endY = y + result_height;
int pos = 0;
for (int y = startY; y < endY; y++)
for (int x = startX; x < endX; x++)
/* To get to the pixel in the row I (starting from I=1), we need
* to skip I-1 rows. Since our y indexes start from row 0 (not 1),
* then we don't need to subtract 1.
* So, the offset of the pixel at (x,y) is:
* y * image_width + x
* |-----------------------| |-----------------|
* Skip pixels of y rows Offset inside row
result[pos] = source_image[y * image_width + x];
/* Advance to the next pixel in the result image */
return result;
Then, to take the block in the row I and column J (I,J=0,...,14) do:
crop_area (source_image, image_width, image_height, J*image_width/15, I*image_height/15, image_width/15, image_height/15)
I would like to generate a digital signal, which'll then be used to implement an ASK(Amplitude Shift Keying) Signal.
Let's say the message bits are 10110, data rate : 3.9 Khz & amplitude A.
What would be the best way to generate a Square signal(Digital).
I tried the following code, but the outcome is not a desired one.
double[] x = new double[1000];
double[] y = new double[1000];
double freq = 3900.0;
for (int k = 0; k < y.Length; k++)
x[k] = k;
y[k] = (4 / Math.PI) * (((Math.Sin(((2 * k) - 1) * (2 * Math.PI * freq))) / ((2 * k) - 1)));
// Plot Square Wave
plotSquare(x, y, Msg);
The easiest way I can think of is to set y to be sign of a sine wave, making allowances for when it equals zero. I don't know if C# has the triple-operator, but something like this might work:
y[k] = Math.Sin(freq * k)>=0?A:-1*A;
Math.Sin is useful for sine wave, but a square wave should be far, far simpler (i.e. signal is 'high' for a period, then 'low' for a period). If you have a Math.Sin anywhere, you are generate a sine wave, not a square wave. Bearing in mind a square wave can be generated with a condition (is x>y) and a sine wave needs a full mathematical operation, it's far more efficient, too.
C#'s Iterator Block support comes to mind:
IEnumerable<Tuple<double, double>> SquareWave(double freq, double lowAmp, double highAmp)
for (var x = 0.0; true; x += 1.0)
var y = ((int)(x / freq) % 2) == 0 ? lowAmp : highAmp;
yield return Tuple.Create(x, y);
use like this:
foreach(var t in SquareWave(10, -5, 5).Take(30))
Console.WriteLine("X: {0:0.0}/Y: {1:0.0}", t.Item1, t.Item2);