What data structure could I use in C# to allow quick insertion/deletion as well as uniform random selection? A List has slow deletion by element (since it needs to find the index of the element each time), while a HashSet does not seem to allow random selection of an element (without copying to a list.)
The data structure will be updated continuously, so insertion and deletion need to be online procedures. It seems as if there should be a way to make insertion, deletion, and random selection all O(log n).
A binary search tree with arbitrary integer keys assigned to the objects would solve all of these problems, but I can't find the appropriate class in the C# standard library. Is there a canonical way to solve this without writing a custom binary search tree?
There is already a BST in the C# BCL, it's called a SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue>, if you don't want Key Value Pairs, but instead want single items, you can use the SortedSet<T> (SortedSet is in .NET 4.0).
It sounds like from your example you'd want a SortedDictionary<int, WhateverValueType>. Though I'm not sure exactly what you are after when you say "uniform random selection".
Of course, the Dictionary<TKey, TValue> is O(1) which is much faster. So unless you have a need for sorted order of the keys, I'd use that.
UPDATE: From the sounds of your needs, you're going to have a catch-22 on efficiency. To be able to jump into a random contiguous index in the data structure, how often will you be inserting/deleting? If not often, you could use an array and just Sort() after (O(n log n)), or always insert/delete in order (O(n)).
Or, you could wrap a Dictionary<int, YourType> and keep a parallel List<int> and update it after every Add/Delete:
_dictionary.Add(newIndex, newValue);
And then just access a random index from the list on lookups. The nice thing is that in this method really the Add() will be ~ O(1) (unless List resizes, but you can set an initial capacity to avoid some of that) but you would incurr a O(n) cost on removes.
I'm afraid the problem is you'll either sacrifice times on the lookups, or on the deletes/inserts. The problem is all the best access-time containers are non-contiguous. With the dual List<int>/Dictionary<int, YourValue> combo, though, you'd have a pretty good mix.
UPDATE 2: It sounds like from our continued discussion that if that absolute performance is your requirement you may have better luck rolling your own. Was fun to think about though, I'll update if I think of anything else.
Binary search trees and derived structures, like SortedDictionary or SortedSet, operate by comparing keys.
Your objects are not comparable by itself, but they offer object identity and a hash value. Therefore, a HashSet is the right data structure. Note: A Dictionary<int,YourType> is not appropriate because removal becomes a linear search (O(n)), and doesn't solve the random problem after removals.
Insert is O(1)
Remove is O(1)
RandomElement is O(n). It can easily be implemented, e.g.
No copying to an intermediate list is necessary.
I realize that this question is over 3 years old, but just for people who come across this page:
If you don't need to keep the items in the data set sorted, you can just use a List<ItemType>.
Insertion and random selection are O(1). You can do deletion in O(1) by just moving the last item to the position of the item you want to delete and removing it from the end.
using System; // For the Random
using System.Collections.Generic; // The List
// List:
List<ItemType> list = new List<ItemType>();
// Add x:
ItemType x = ...; // The item to insert into the list
list.Add( x );
// Random selection
Random r = ...; // Probably get this from somewhere else
int index = r.Next( list.Count );
ItemType y = list[index];
// Remove item at index
list[index] = list[list.Count - 1]; // Copy last item to index
list.RemoveAt( list.Count - 1 ); // Remove from end of list
EDIT: Of course, to remove an element from the List<ItemType> you'll need to know its index. If you want to remove a random element, you can use a random index (as done in the example above). If you want to remove a given item, you can keep a Dictionary<ItemType,int> which maps the items to their indices. Adding, removing and updating these indices can all be done in O(1) (amortized).
Together this results in a complexity of O(1) (amortized) for all operations.
I need to store a set of elements. What I need is functionality to
remove (single) elements and
add (sets of) elements and
each object should only be in the set once and
get a random element from the set
I chose the HashSet (C#) since it sports fast methods for removing elements (hashSet.remove(element)), adding sets (hashSet.UnionWith(anotherHashSet)) and the nature of a HashSet guarantees that there are not duplicates, so requirements 1 to 3 are taken care of.
The only way I found to get a random element is
Object object = hashSet.ElementAt(rnd.Next(hashSet.Count));
But this is very slow, since I call it once for every pixel of my map (creating a random flood fill from multiple starting points; mapsize 500x500 at the moment but I'd like to go bigger) and the hashset holds rather many items. (A quick test shows it blows up to 5752 entries before shrinking again.)
Profiling (CPU sampling) tells me my ElementAt calls take over 50%.
I realize 500x500 operations over a big hashset is no easy task, but other operations (Remove and UnionWith) are called as often as ElementAt, so the main problem seems to be the operation and not the number of calls.
I vaguely understand why getting a certain element from a HashSet is very expensive (when compared to getting it from a list or another ordered data structure, but I just want a random pick. Can it really be so hard and is there no way around it? Is there a better data structure for my purpose?
Changing everything to Lists doesn't help because now other methods become bottlenecks and it takes even longer.
Casting the HashSet to an array and pick my random element from there expectedly doesn't help because while picking a random element from an array is quick, casting the hashset to the array in the first place takes longer than running hashSet.ElementAt by itself.
If you want to understand better what I am trying to do: A link to my question and the answer.
I think that OrderedDictionary might suit your purposes:
var dict = new OrderedDictionary();
dict.Add("My String Key", "My String");
dict.Add(12345, 54321);
Console.WriteLine(dict[0]); // Prints "My String"
Console.WriteLine(dict[1]); // Prints 54321
Console.WriteLine(dict["My String Key"]); // Prints "My String"
Console.WriteLine(dict[(object)12345]); // Prints 54321 (note the need to cast!)
This has fast add and remove, and O(1) indexing. It only works with object keys and values though - there's no generic version.
[EDIT] Many years later: We now have the strongly-typed generic SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue> which might be better.
The basic problem is the indexing.
In an array or a list, the data is indexed by its coördinate - usually just a simple int index. In a HashSet, you pick the index yourself - the key. The side-effect is, though, that there is no "coördinate" - the question "element at index 3" doesn't make sense, really. The way it's actually implemented is that the whole HashSet is enumerated, item after item, and the n-th item is returned. This means that to get the 1000th item, you have to enumerate all the 999 items before that as well. This hurts.
The best way to solve this would be to pick the random based on an actual key of the HashSet. Of course, this only works if it's reasonable to pick random keys just like that.
If you can't pick the key at random in a satisfactory way, you'll probably want to keep two separate lists - whenever you add a new item to a HashSet, add its key to a List<TKey>; you can then easily pick a random key from the List, and follow it. Depending on your requirements, duplicates may not be much of a problem.
And of course, you could save on the ElementAt enumerations if you only do the enumeration once - for example, before searching the HashSet, you could convert it to List. This only makes sense if you're picking multiple random indices at once, of course (e.g. if you pick 5 indices at random at once, you'll save about 1/5th of the time on average) - if you're always picking one, then modifying the HashSet and picking another, it's not going to help.
Depending on your exact use case, it might also be worth having a look at SortedSet. It works in a similar way to HashSet, but it maintains order in the keys. The helpful part is that you can use the GetViewBetween method to get a whole range of keys - you could use this quite effectively if your keys are sparse, but well balanced between arbitrary ranges. You'd just first pick a range at random, then get the items in range with GetViewBetween, and pick a random one out of those as well. In effect, this will allow you to partition the search results, and should save quite a bit of time.
I have a game loop which draws a list of objects, the list called "mylist" and holds something like 1000 objects, objects(especially bullets which fly fast and hit things) needs to be added and removed from the list constantly, few objects every second.
If i understand correctly the insert in List is practically free if the list capacity large enough, the problem is with removal which is O(n) because first of all i need to find the item in the list , and second it creates a new list after the removal.
If i could aggregate all the removals and make them once per frame, it would be efficient because i would use mylist.Except(listToRemove) and this would be in O(n).
but unfortunately i can't do it.
Linked list is also problematic because i need to find the Object in the list.
Any one has better suggestion ?
What about a HashSet? It supports O(1) insert and removal. If you need ordering, use a tree data structure or a LinkedList plus a Dictionary that allows you to find nodes quickly.
The BCL has a SortedList and a SortedSet and a SortedDictionary. All but one were very slow but I can never remember which one was the "good" one. It is tree-based internally.
If you are doing searching then your best bet is to use either a Dictionary that has average case of O(1) and worst case of O(n) (when you hash to the same bucket).
If you need to preserve order you can use any implentation of a balanced binary search tree and your performance will be O(logn).
In .NET this simply comes down to
Dictionary - Insertion/Removal
O(1) (average case)
SortedDictionary - preserves order for ordered operations, insertion/removal O(logn)
So ideally you would want to use a data structure that has O(1) or O(log n) remove and insert. A dictionary-type data structure would probably be ideal due to their constant average-case insert and delete time complexity. I would recommend either a HashSet and then overriding GetHashCode() on your game object base class.
Here is more details on all the different dictionary/hash table data structures.
Time complexity
Here are all the 'dictionary-like' data structures and their time-complexities:
Type Find by key Remove Add
HashSet O(1)* O(1)* O(1)**
Dictionary O(1)* O(1)* O(1)**
SortedList O(log n) O(n) O(n)
SortedDictionary O(log n) O(log n) O(log n)
* O(n) with collision
** O(n) with collision or when adding beyond the array's capacity.
HashSet vs Dictionary
The difference between a HashSet and a Dictionary is that a Dictionary works on a KeyValuePair whereas with a HashSet the key is the object itself (its GetHashCode() method).
SortedList vs SortedDictionary
You should only consider these if you need to maintain an order. The difference is that SortedDictionary uses a red-black tree and SortedList uses sorted arrays for its keys and values.
My blog post - .NET simple collections and dictionaries
MSDN - HashSet
MSDN - Dictionary
MSDN - SortedDictionary
MSDN - SortedList
Performance-wise, you'll probably see the best results by simply not inserting or removing anything from any kind of list. Allocate a sufficiently large array and tag all your objects with whether they should be rendered or not.
Given your requirements, however, this is all probably premature optimisation; you could very well re-create the entire list of 1000 elements 30 times per second and not see any performance drop.
I suggest reading the slides of this presentation given by Braid's creator, on using the right data structures in independent video games: http://the-witness.net/news/2011/06/how-to-program-independent-games/ (tl;dr just use arrays for everything).
I made some tests with: SortedDictionary, SortedList, and Dictionary (just to compare). The results were that Dictionary was much faster than those two others in adding, deleting and returning values based on key (100,000 pairs key+value in each dictionary).
Can someone tell me why SortedList and SortedDictionary are slower than Dictionary?
Take the simple example of a sorted list, based on an unsorted list.
Let us assume that the insertion time on the unsorted list at an arbitrary index is O(n/2) where n is the size of the list. The reflects that on average, half of the list elements will have to be displaced to make room for the element being inserted.
Similarly, in this list, to remove an element from an arbitrary position is also O(n/2) because on average again half the elments will have to be moved to close the gap.
. . .
Now, imagine the same implementation, but with sorting.
The sorting will have to be done at insertion--it will have to find the position of the new element. Since all previous elements are already sorted (we do it at insertion, so this is true), we can start scanning from the beginning.
This is a O(n/2) operation, before we even begin the insertion. That is just to find the insertion point.
A better method, using binary search would give us O(log n) to find the insertion position, but still before paying the O(n/2) cost of doing the insertion itself.
If the cost of a scanning operation is s, and the cost of the insertion operation is m (for move), then the cost of the sorted insertion is:
s x O(log n) + m x (n/2)
However, an insertion operation on the unsorted list at an arbitrary position is only:
m x (n /2)
This is a concrete example of the real reason why sorted operations take longer.
There is more to this type of theory, but that should be a start.
Because these data structures do a sort again each time you add or remove values from them. So you get a performance hit when using them.
The Dictionary simply throws the new entry at the end of the list. All it has to do is track the location of the end of the list. However, the SortedDictionary has to seek out the RIGHT spot in the list to put the new entry. Obviously this requires some computational effort to do and will be slower than simply adding it to the end.
For deletes, both types of objects have to seek out the record you want to delete, but the Sorted types need to then evaluate the effect of deleting that record on their internal structure. For example, a b-tree might need to re-balance it branches after the delete. Again some amount of computation is needed to assess this. Hence the difference in performance.
I have 60k items that need to be checked against a 20k lookup list. Is there a collection object (like List, HashTable) that provides an exceptionly fast Contains() method? Or will I have to write my own? In otherwords, is the default Contains() method just scan each item or does it use a better search algorithm.
foreach (Record item in LargeCollection)
if (LookupCollection.Contains(item.Key))
// Do something
Note. The lookup list is already sorted.
In the most general case, consider System.Collections.Generic.HashSet as your default "Contains" workhorse data structure, because it takes constant time to evaluate Contains.
The actual answer to "What is the fastest searchable collection" depends on your specific data size, ordered-ness, cost-of-hashing, and search frequency.
If you don't need ordering, try HashSet<Record> (new to .Net 3.5)
If you do, use a List<Record> and call BinarySearch.
Have you considered List.BinarySearch(item)?
You said that your large collection is already sorted so this seems like the perfect opportunity? A hash would definitely be the fastest, but this brings about its own problems and requires a lot more overhead for storage.
You should read this blog that speed tested several different types of collections and methods for each using both single and multi-threaded techniques.
According to the results, a BinarySearch on a List and SortedList were the top performers constantly running neck-in-neck when looking up something as a "value".
When using a collection that allows for "keys", the Dictionary, ConcurrentDictionary, Hashset, and HashTables performed the best overall.
I've put a test together:
First - 3 chars with all of the possible combinations of A-Z0-9
Fill each of the collections mentioned here with those strings
Finally - search and time each collection for a random string (same string for each collection).
This test simulates a lookup when there is guaranteed to be a result.
Then I changed the initial collection from all possible combinations to only 10,000 random 3 character combinations, this should induce a 1 in 4.6 hit rate of a random 3 char lookup, thus this is a test where there isn't guaranteed to be a result, and ran the test again:
IMHO HashTable, although fastest, isn't always the most convenient; working with objects. But a HashSet is so close behind it's probably the one to recommend.
Just for fun (you know FUN) I ran with 1.68M rows (4 characters):
Keep both lists x and y in sorted order.
If x = y, do your action, if x < y, advance x, if y < x, advance y until either list is empty.
The run time of this intersection is proportional to min (size (x), size (y))
Don't run a .Contains () loop, this is proportional to x * y which is much worse.
If it's possible to sort your items then there is a much faster way to do this then doing key lookups into a hashtable or b-tree. Though if you're items aren't sortable you can't really put them into a b-tree anyway.
Anyway, if sortable sort both lists then it's just a matter of walking the lookup list in order.
Walk lookup list
While items in check list <= lookup list item
if check list item = lookup list item do something
Move to next lookup list item
If you're using .Net 3.5, you can make cleaner code using:
foreach (Record item in LookupCollection.Intersect(LargeCollection))
I don't have .Net 3.5 here and so this is untested. It relies on an extension method. Not that LookupCollection.Intersect(LargeCollection) is probably not the same as LargeCollection.Intersect(LookupCollection) ... the latter is probably much slower.
This assumes LookupCollection is a HashSet
If you aren't worried about squeaking every single last bit of performance the suggestion to use a HashSet or binary search is solid. Your datasets just aren't large enough that this is going to be a problem 99% of the time.
But if this just one of thousands of times you are going to do this and performance is critical (and proven to be unacceptable using HashSet/binary search), you could certainly write your own algorithm that walked the sorted lists doing comparisons as you went. Each list would be walked at most once and in the pathological cases wouldn't be bad (once you went this route you'd probably find that the comparison, assuming it's a string or other non-integral value, would be the real expense and that optimizing that would be the next step).
I've been working on a project where I need to iterate through a collection of data and remove entries where the "primary key" is duplicated. I have tried using a
Dictionary<int, bool>
With the dictionary I found slightly better performance, even though I never need the Boolean tagged with each entry. My expectation is that this is because a List allows for indexed access and a Dictionary does not. What I was wondering is, is there a better solution to this problem. I do not need to access the entries again, I only need to track what "primary keys" I have seen and make sure I only perform addition work on entries that have a new primary key. I'm using C# and .NET 2.0. And I have no control over fixing the input data to remove the duplicates from the source (unfortunately!). And so you can have a feel for scaling, overall I'm checking for duplicates about 1,000,000 times in the application, but in subsets of no more than about 64,000 that need to be unique.
They have added the HashSet class in .NET 3.5. But I guess it will be on par with the Dictionary. If you have less than say a 100 elements a List will probably perform better.
Edit: Nevermind my comment. I thought you're talking about C++. I have no idea if my post is relevant in the C# world..
A hash-table could be a tad faster. Binary trees (that's what used in the dictionary) tend to be relative slow because of the way the memory gets accessed. This is especially true if your tree becomes very large.
However, before you change your data-structure, have you tried to use a custom pool allocator for your dictionary? I bet the time is not spent traversing the tree itself but in the millions of allocations and deallocations the dictionary will do for you.
You may see a factor 10 speed-boost just plugging a simple pool allocator into the dictionary template. Afaik boost has a component that can be directly used.
Another option: If you know only 64.000 entries in your integers exist you can write those to a file and create a perfect hash function for it. That way you can just use the hash function to map your integers into the 0 to 64.000 range and index a bit-array.
Probably the fastest way, but less flexible. You have to redo your perfect hash function (can be done automatically) each time your set of integers changes.
I don't really get what you are asking.
Firstly is just the opposite of what you say. The dictionary has indexed access (is a hash table) while de List hasn't.
If you already have the data in a dictionary then all keys are unique, there can be no duplicates.
I susspect you have the data stored in another data type and you're storing it into the dictionary. If that's the case the inserting the data will work with two dictionarys.
foreach (int key in keys)
if (!MyDataDict.ContainsKey(key))
if (!MyDuplicatesDict.ContainsKey(key))
If you are checking for uniqueness of integers, and the range of integers is constrained enough then you could just use an array.
For better packing you could implement a bitmap data structure (basically an array, but each int in the array represents 32 ints in the key space by using 1 bit per key). That way if you maximum number is 1,000,000 you only need ~30.5KB of memory for the data structure.
Performs of a bitmap would be O(1) (per check) which is hard to beat.
There was a question awhile back on removing duplicates from an array. For the purpose of the question performance wasn't much of a consideration, but you might want to take a look at the answers as they might give you some ideas. Also, I might be off base here, but if you are trying to remove duplicates from the array then a LINQ command like Enumerable.Distinct might give you better performance than something that you write yourself. As it turns out there is a way to get LINQ working on .NET 2.0 so this might be a route worth investigating.
If you're going to use a List, use the BinarySearch:
// initailize to a size if you know your set size
List<int> FoundKeys = new List<int>( 64000 );
Dictionary<int,int> FoundDuplicates = new Dictionary<int,int>();
foreach ( int Key in MyKeys )
// this is an O(log N) operation
int index = FoundKeys.BinarySearch( Key );
if ( index < 0 )
// if the Key is not in our list,
// index is the two's compliment of the next value that is in the list
// i.e. the position it should occupy, and we maintain sorted-ness!
FoundKeys.Insert( ~index, Key );
if ( DuplicateKeys.ContainsKey( Key ) )
DuplicateKeys.Add( Key, 1 );
You can also use this for any type for which you can define an IComparer by using an overload: BinarySearch( T item, IComparer< T > );