C# GUI Texture Button Script - c#

I've finally found a script that can be used with a GUI Button in an IOS project. I am using Unity3d game engine. I'm a little familiar with JavaScript buttons and animation but am not familiar at all with C#. My problem is not knowing were to write the function that will play a queued animation in the C# button script when the button is touched. Below is copy of the IOS Button Script and then the code I have to play the queued animation.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public enum Btn
[System.Serializable] // Required so it shows up in the inspector
public class ButtonTextures
public Texture normal=null;
public Texture hover=null;
public Texture armed=null;
public ButtonTextures() {}
public Texture this [ButtonState state]
case ButtonState.normal:
return normal;
case ButtonState.hover:
return hover;
case ButtonState.armed:
return armed;
return null;
[AddComponentMenu ("GUI/Button")]
public class GuiButton : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject messagee;
public string message = "";
public string messageDoubleClick = "";
public ButtonTextures textures;
protected int state = 0;
protected GUITexture myGUITexture;
private int clickCount = 1;
private float lastClickTime = 0.0f;
static private float doubleClickSensitivity = 0.5f;
protected virtual void SetButtonTexture(ButtonState state)
if (textures[state] != null)
myGUITexture.texture = textures[state];
public virtual void Reset()
messagee = gameObject;
message = "";
messageDoubleClick = "";
public bool HitTest(Vector2 pos)
return myGUITexture.HitTest(new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y, 0));
public virtual void Start()
myGUITexture = GetComponent(typeof(GUITexture)) as GUITexture;
public virtual void OnMouseEnter()
if (state == 1)
public virtual void OnMouseDown()
if (state == 2)
public virtual void OnMouseUp()
if (Time.time - lastClickTime <= doubleClickSensitivity)
clickCount = 1;
if (state == 2)
if (clickCount == 1)
if (messagee != null && message != "")
messagee.SendMessage(message, this);
if (messagee != null && messageDoubleClick != "")
messagee.SendMessage(messageDoubleClick, this);
state --;
if (state < 0)
state = 0;
lastClickTime = Time.time;
public virtual void OnMouseExit()
if (state > 0)
if (state == 0)
void Update()
int count = Input.touchCount;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Touch touch = Input.GetTouch(i);
if (HitTest(touch.position))
if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended || touch.phase == TouchPhase.Canceled)
if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
if (touch.tapCount == 1)
if (messagee != null && message != "")
messagee.SendMessage(message, this);
else if (touch.tapCount == 2)
if (messagee != null && messageDoubleClick != "")
messagee.SendMessage(messageDoubleClick, this);
Most of this seems to deal with button states, where my touch button only has one state, which is 'normal'. Should references to 'hover' and armed just be deleted? I also get an error in the console saying; "the type or namespace "Button State" could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?"
The code for C# GUI Button play queued animation I want to insert reads like this:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class example : MonoBehaviour {
void Update() {
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Btn"))
animation.PlayQueued("shoot", QueueMode.PlayNow);
I suppose of queued animation script snippet; Input.GetButtondown....would change to
void Update() {
animation.PlayQueued("shoot", QueueMode.PlayNow);
and be inserted at about line 148 of the GUI Button script. Please help me if you can, I'm
feeling down. Seriously! Any help in reformatting this script would be greatly appreciated
and used as a template as I have two other GUI buttons to setup. It maybe asking a lot or what's a heaven for?
Digital D
an analog man,
in a digital world

Okay, there's a lot going on in the script, but it appears to be designed so you don't have to modify it.
What you need to do is go to the object that will be playing the animation, and create a function on it that you wish to be called when the button is clicked.
So something like (you can do this in JS if you like):
public class ShootyMan : MonoBehaviour {
public void Shoot() {
animation.PlayQueued("shoot", QueueMode.PlayNow);
Now, look at the button in the inspector. I'm not sure if you're familiar with how messaging works in Unity, but basically the button will send a "message" to a "messagee". (ie. it will call a function of name message on any script attached to the messagee).
Set the "messagee" to the GameObject with the "Shoot" function. And set the message to the string "Shoot".


Unity 3d Invokerepeating for blinking Images

I am working on a car game project. I have made a UI Panel in which there are two UI Images (Left_Image and Right_Image). When I press "left" button then Left_Image starts blinking and when i press "right" button the Right_Image starts blinking. but what i want is that if Right_Image is already blinking and I press "left" button then Left_Image starts blink but Right_Images should be stopped. I have tried every trick but no luck. Please help.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Indicators_UI : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject flash_right;
public GameObject flash_left;
public float interval;
void Start()
InvokeRepeating("RightFlash", 0, interval);
InvokeRepeating("LeftFlash", 0, interval);
void Update ()
if (ControlFreak2.CF2Input.GetAxis ("right") != 0) {
if (!IsInvoking("RightFlash"))
InvokeRepeating("RightFlash", 0.35f, 0.35f);
if (ControlFreak2.CF2Input.GetAxis ("left") != 0) {
if (!IsInvoking("LeftFlash"))
InvokeRepeating("LeftFlash", 0.35f, 0.35f);
void RightFlash()
void LeftFlash()
In general don't use InvokeRepeating etc with string! It is not very maintainable to call methods via their names. If you want to use them at least rather use nameof to be sure the name is not misspelled.
Then can't you just do
void Update ()
if (ControlFreak2.CF2Input.GetAxis ("right") != 0)
if (!IsInvoking(nameof(RightFlash)))
if(IsInvoking(nameof(LeftFlash)) CancelInvoke(nameof(LeftFlash));
InvokeRepeating(nameof(RightFlash), 0.35f, 0.35f);
if (ControlFreak2.CF2Input.GetAxis ("left") != 0)
if (!IsInvoking(nameof(LeftFlash)))
if(IsInvoking(nameof(RightFlash)) CancelInvoke(nameof(RightFlash));
InvokeRepeating(nameof(LeftFlash), 0.35f, 0.35f);
// Btw: These you can implement way shorter this way ;)
void RightFlash()
void LeftFlash()
In your case I would actually rather use simple timers since you need the Update method anyway for getting the user input so why overcomplicating:
private float timerLeft;
private float timerRight;
void Update ()
if (ControlFreak2.CF2Input.GetAxis ("right") != 0)
timerRight -= Time.deltaTime;
if (timerRight <= 0)
timerRight = interval;
// simply make them exclusive so only one button is handled at a time
// if you press both at the same time right overrules
else if (ControlFreak2.CF2Input.GetAxis ("left") != 0)
timerLeft -= Time.deltaTime;
if (timerLeft <= 0)
timerLeft = interval;
void RightFlash()
void LeftFlash()

How to stick an object to another objects position while working on unity for HTC VIVE

I want to create a scene in which a wire(children) goes into a socket(parent) and then the wire becomes the child of the parent and it's position is fixed with the parent, even if i move the parent the wire should move along with it.
This project is based on unity3D FOR HTC Vive. I have already used the ontriggerenter events to check the colliders and set the position of child to the parent but nothing is working the way i want it to be.
public GameObject Wire;
public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (other.gameObject.tag == "Wire")
{ Debug.Log("enter wire in socket");
other.transform.parent = Wire.transform;
public void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
if (other.gameObject.tag == "Wire")
{ Debug.Log("exitt wire from socket");
other.transform.parent = null;
The child actually hits the collider but does not get attatched to the parent body which i really want to happen.
You could create a Plug class, and a Socket class, along with a SocketPlugShape enum (None, Circle, Square, Plus etc.). The Plug class would have an OnDrop() function triggering LookForFittingSocketsNearby() which utilizes Physics.OverlapSphere. Foreach collider, you'd then compare if it's a SocketPlugShape match via a socket.TryInsertPlug(Plug plug) function, which sets a connectedPlug property if successful -- as well as changing the plug.transform.parent = transform of the socket. Ensure the collider components have Is Trigger ticked.
Via this system, the Plug and Sockets can then be easily attached to nodes in your Prefabs, and the open SocketPlugShape means you can create a variety of connectors easily, as shown in this video.
Source code of that project below, it's not fully self-contained but maybe gives you some more pointers. Good luck!
namespace VirtualOS {
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Linq;
public class Plug : MonoBehaviour
// A plug that can be inserted into sockets.
[SerializeField] SocketPlugShape shape = SocketPlugShape.None;
[SerializeField] float plugRadius = 0.05f;
[SerializeField] AudioSource unfittingSocketSound = null;
public void OnDrag()
Socket socket = GetComponentInParent<Socket>();
if (socket)
public bool OnDrop()
return LookForFittingSocketsNearby();
public void Unplug()
Socket socket = GetComponentInParent<Socket>();
if (socket)
bool LookForFittingSocketsNearby()
bool success = false;
Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, plugRadius);
colliders = colliders.OrderBy(
x => Vector3.Distance(transform.position, x.transform.position)
bool unfittingSocketFound = false;
foreach (Collider collider in colliders)
Transform parent = collider.transform.parent;
if (parent != null)
Socket socket = parent.GetComponent<Socket>();
if (socket != null)
success = socket.TryInsertPlug(this);
if (success)
unfittingSocketFound = true;
if (unfittingSocketFound && !success)
return success;
void HandleUnfittingSocketSound()
Handable handable = GetComponentInParent<Handable>();
if (handable != null)
public SocketPlugShape GetShape()
return shape;
namespace VirtualOS {
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Socket : MonoBehaviour
// A socket child in a CustomObject that allows plugs to snap into it, informing
// the CustomObject when that happens.
[SerializeField] SocketPlugShape shape = SocketPlugShape.None;
[SerializeField] AudioSource insertPlugSound = null;
[SerializeField] AudioSource removePlugSound = null;
Plug connectedPlug = null;
Action<Plug> onPlugged = null;
Action onUnplugged = null;
public void SetOnPlugged(Action<Plug> onPlugged)
this.onPlugged = onPlugged;
public void SetOnUnplugged(Action onUnplugged)
this.onUnplugged = onUnplugged;
public bool TryInsertPlug(Plug plug)
bool success = false;
if (
connectedPlug == null &&
shape != SocketPlugShape.None &&
plug.GetShape() == shape
CustomObject customObject = plug.GetComponentInParent<CustomObject>();
if (customObject != null)
success = true;
connectedPlug = plug;
customObject.transform.parent = transform;
Handable handable = GetComponentInParent<Handable>();
if (handable != null && handable.handHoldingMe != null)
if (onPlugged != null) { onPlugged(plug); }
return success;
void AnimatePlugTowardsUs(CustomObject customObject)
Tweener tweener = customObject.GetComponent<Tweener>();
if (tweener != null)
tweener = customObject.gameObject.AddComponent<Tweener>();
position: Vector3.zero, rotation: Vector3.zero, seconds: 0.1f,
tweenType: TweenType.EaseInOut
public void RemovePlug()
if (connectedPlug != null)
if (onUnplugged != null) { onUnplugged(); }
CustomObject customObject = connectedPlug.GetComponentInParent<CustomObject>();
customObject.transform.parent = null;
connectedPlug = null;
public SocketPlugShape GetShape()
return shape;

How to fade between two 360 video background skyboxes in Unity

I want to be able to switch between two Panoramic skyboxes with 360 video on them with an effect where one video fades into the other on command. How would I accomplish this?
I currently have my scene switching skyboxes with no fade in between. I dont know if I will be able to achieve the effect I am looking for without changing the current solution
public class VideoChange : MonoBehaviour
public int vidindex;
public Material[] skyboxes;
public GameObject menu;
public TextMeshPro debugText;
void Start()
RenderSettings.skybox = skyboxes[vidindex];
void Update()
if (OVRInput.GetDown(OVRInput.Button.One))
if(vidindex != skyboxes.Length -1)
vidindex = 0;
RenderSettings.skybox = skyboxes[vidindex];
if (OVRInput.GetDown(OVRInput.Button.Two))
if (vidindex != 0)
vidindex = skyboxes.Length - 1;
RenderSettings.skybox = skyboxes[vidindex];

How to Detect single and Double click in unity?

I've written the following code:
void OnMouseUpAsButton()
if (Type == 0) {
if (click && Time.time <= (clickTime + clickDelta))
click = false;
click = true;
clickTime = Time.time;
}else if (Type == -1)
It detects double-click But has a problem!
in Both, objects will be removed
When you first click happens, Object is deleted And the second click is not recognized!
I want for Android
please help me. thanks
The following class can be used in Editor or device.
public class InputController : MonoBehaviour
public event Action OnSingleTap;
public event Action OnDoubleTap;
[Tooltip("Defines the maximum time between two taps to make it double tap")]
[SerializeField]private float tapThreshold = 0.25f;
private Action updateDelegate;
private float tapTimer = 0.0f;
private bool tap = false;
private void Awake()
updateDelegate = UpdateEditor;
updateDelegate = UpdateMobile;
private void Update()
if(updateDelegate != null){ updateDelegate();}
private void OnDestroy()
OnSingleTap = null;
OnDoubleTap = null;
private void UpdateEditor()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
if (Time.time < this.tapTimer + this.tapThreshold)
if(OnDoubleTap != null){ OnDoubleTap(); }
this.tap = false;
this.tap = true;
this.tapTimer = Time.time;
if (this.tap == true && Time.time>this.tapTimer + this.tapThreshold)
this.tap = false;
if(OnSingleTap != null){ OnSingleTap();}
private void UpdateMobile ()
for(int i = 0; i < Input.touchCount; i++)
if (Input.GetTouch(i).phase == TouchPhase.Began)
if(Input.GetTouch(i).tapCount == 2)
if(OnDoubleTap != null){ OnDoubleTap();}
if(Input.GetTouch(i).tapCount == 1)
if(OnSingleTap != null) { OnSingleTap(); }
You're telling it to destroy the object in both halves of your if-statement (re-read your inner else block). You would need to set up your update method or coroutine to process a single click after the Double Click timer has been reached.
Simple sample below:
void OnMouseUpAsButton()
clicked = true;
if(Time.time <= (clickTime + clickDelta))
//Double Click occured
clicked = false;
void Update()
if(Time.time >= (clickTime + clickDelta))
//Handle single click
clicked = false;
Note this is just to demonstrate a simple way to handle this using most of what you provided.
You can also find additional information at this question:

Unity3d Interactive pause menu that has uses Input.GetAxis to Navigate the new UI

Okay So I'm trying to create an interactive pause menu that has access to Input.GetAxis using Unity 4.6's new UI.
As long as the Navigation relationships are set up for the selectable elements (In my case a series of buttons) and Interactable is set to true then the UI works just fine but, when I set the Time.timeScale = 0.0f; then keyboard input navigation no longer works. However the mouse input clicks and animation still work as intended.
I've tried several different ways to get around the time scale problem and the best I've got so far is checking the value returned from Input.GetAxis() while in the body of the Update message of the MonoBehavor base object. This somewhat works but my results are either the very top or very bottom of the Button selected collection. I'm thinking this is because update gets called a great deal more than FixedUpdate and would make sense if my console printed out more call to the method that moves up and down the selection. So with that I'm thinking its one of those "office space" type errors, off by 1 decimal place or something silly but I just can't seem to see it. Otherwise I think my solution would be a fairly viable work around.
The following is an image of my Unity Setup with mentioned game objects in Unity 4.6 followed by my code.
public class PlayerInGameMenu : MonoBehaviour
public EventSystem eventSystem;
Selectable SelectedButton;
public Selectable Status;
public Selectable Settings;
public Selectable Save;
public Selectable Quit;
public bool Paused;
List<Selectable> buttons;
int selecteButtonIndex = 0;
public Canvas Menu;
void Start()
Menu.enabled = false;
buttons = new List<Selectable>();
SelectedButton = buttons[0];
void Update()
if (Paused && !Menu.enabled)
else if (!Paused && Menu.enabled)
void ShowMenu()
Paused = true;
Menu.enabled = true;
Time.timeScale = 0.0f;
void HideMenu()
if (Menu.enabled)
Paused = false;
Menu.enabled = false;
Time.timeScale = 1.0f;
void CheckInput()
if (cInput.GetKeyDown("Pause"))
Paused = !Paused;
SelectedButton = buttons[selecteButtonIndex];
eventSystem.SetSelectedGameObject(SelectedButton.gameObject, new BaseEventData(eventSystem));
if (Paused)
float v = cInput.GetAxis("Vertical");
//to attempt to cut down on the input sensitity I am checking 0.5 instead of just 0.0
if (v >= 0.5)
else if (v <= -0.5)
void GoDown()
//go to the last button available if we go past the index
if (selecteButtonIndex > buttons.Count - 1)
selecteButtonIndex = buttons.Count - 1;
selecteButtonIndex = selecteButtonIndex + 1;
//go to the first button available if we go past the index
void GoUp()
if (selecteButtonIndex < 0)
selecteButtonIndex = 0;
selecteButtonIndex = selecteButtonIndex - 1;
I know its in beta but I'm wondering if you are going to implement navigation why would you design it in such a way that Time.timeScale=0.0f; (the easy way to pause a game) does not work with the UI button navigation naturally. Problems for minds greater than I maybe? Or there is a simple way to do it and I just do not know what bit I need to flip.
I've also considered just freezing rigid bodies on pause but that seems like will require a huge time investment in my existing code base and will not be a universal solution across all game objects particularly colliders that do not rely on Rigid bodies and particle systems. I'm pretty open minded about solutions but it seems like there should be a really easy way to do this.
This worked like a charm:
var v = Input.GetAxisRaw("JoyY1"); // Or "Vertical"
if (Math.Abs(v) > ButtonThreashold)
var currentlySelected = EventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject
? EventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject.GetComponent<Selectable>()
: FindObjectOfType<Selectable>();
Selectable nextToSelect = null;
if (v > ButtonThreashold)
nextToSelect = currentlySelected.FindSelectableOnUp();
else if (v < -ButtonThreashold)
nextToSelect = currentlySelected.FindSelectableOnDown();
if (nextToSelect)
Okay so my solution to this problem was to utilize Time.realtimeSinceStartup to check for input on fixed intervals and develop an abstract class that inherits from MonoBehavior. What that looks like in code:
public abstract class RealtimeMonoBehavior:MonoBehaviour
public float updateInterval = 0.5F;
private double lastInterval;
void Start()
lastInterval = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
void Update()
float timeNow = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
if (timeNow > lastInterval + updateInterval)
lastInterval = timeNow;
public virtual void DefaultIntervalUpdate(){}
public virtual void DefaultIntervalStart(){}
public virtual void RealtimeIntervalStart(){}
public virtual void RealtimeIntervalUpdate(){}
And here is what my code looks like after implementing the change
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using Extensions;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class PlayerInGameMenu : RealtimeMonoBehavior
public EventSystem eventSystem;
Selectable SelectedButton;
public Selectable Status;
public Selectable Settings;
public Selectable Save;
public Selectable Quit;
public float ButtonThreashold;
public bool Paused;
List<Selectable> buttons;
int selectedButtonIndex;
public PlayerMovement PlayerMovement;
public Canvas Menu;
public override void RealtimeIntervalStart()
Menu.enabled = false;
buttons = new List<Selectable>();
selectedButtonIndex = 0;
SelectedButton = buttons[selectedButtonIndex];
eventSystem.SetSelectedGameObject(SelectedButton.gameObject, new BaseEventData(eventSystem));
public override void DefaultIntervalUpdate()
if (cInput.GetKeyDown("Pause"))
Paused = !Paused;
public override void RealtimeIntervalUpdate()
if (Paused && !Menu.enabled)
else if (!Paused && Menu.enabled)
void ShowMenu()
Paused = true;
Menu.enabled = true;
Time.timeScale = 0.0f;
void HideMenu()
if (Menu.enabled)
Paused = false;
Menu.enabled = false;
Time.timeScale = 1.0f;
void CheckInput()
if (Paused)
float v = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");
if (v > ButtonThreashold)
else if (v < -ButtonThreashold)
SelectedButton = buttons[selectedButtonIndex];
eventSystem.SetSelectedGameObject(SelectedButton.gameObject, new BaseEventData(eventSystem));
void GoDown()
if (selectedButtonIndex < buttons.Count - 1)
selectedButtonIndex = selectedButtonIndex + 1;
void GoUp()
if (selectedButtonIndex > 0)
selectedButtonIndex = selectedButtonIndex - 1;
Nod to imapler, Input.GetAxisRaw feels better for checking the input.
