how can i read an Id from the below sample XML >>> CatalogItem Id="3212" and OrganizationName
string xmlfile = #"C:\Users\easwaranp\Desktop\test.xml";
ArrayList arrResult = new ArrayList();
string sContent = File.ReadAllText(xmlfile);
StringReader DocumentReader = new StringReader(sContent);
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList ReferenceNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("content:Topic");
foreach (XmlNode Node in ReferenceNodes)
string sTopicName = Node.ParentNode.ParentNode.Attributes["OrganizationName"].Value;
foreach (string s in arrResult)
<content type="application/xml">
<CatalogItems xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="sitename.xsd">
<CatalogSource Acronym="ABC" OrganizationName="ABC Corporation" />
<CatalogItem Id="32122" CatalogUrl="urlname">
<ContentItem xmlns:content="sitename.xsd" Title="Department 1">
<content:SelectionSpec ClassList="" ElementList="" />
<content:Language Value="eng" Scheme="ISO 639-2" />
<content:Source Acronym="ABC" OrganizationName="ABC Corporation1" />
<content:Topics Scheme="ABC">
<content:Topic TopicId="1" TopicName="Marketing1" />
<content:Topic TopicId="11" TopicName="Coverage1" />
<CatalogItem Id="3212" CatalogUrl="urlname">
<ContentItem xmlns:content="sitename.xsd" Title="Department 2">
<content:SelectionSpec ClassList="" ElementList="" />
<content:Language Value="eng" Scheme="ISO 639-2" />
<content:Source Acronym="ABC" OrganizationName="ABC Corporation2" />
<content:Topics Scheme="ABC">
<content:Topic TopicId="2" TopicName="Marketing2" />
<content:Topic TopicId="22" TopicName="Coverage2" />
<CatalogItem Id="32132" CatalogUrl="urlname">
<ContentItem xmlns:content="sitename.xsd" Title="Department 3">
<content:SelectionSpec ClassList="" ElementList="" />
<content:Language Value="eng" Scheme="ISO 639-2" />
<content:Source Acronym="ABC" OrganizationName="ABC Corporation3" />
<content:Topics Scheme="ABC">
<content:Topic TopicId="3" TopicName="Marketing3" />
<content:Topic TopicId="33" TopicName="Coverage3" />
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
class GetValue{
public static void Main(){
var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
var xmlRoot = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;
var nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable);
nsmgr.AddNamespace("content", "sitename.xsd");
var attr = xmlRoot.SelectSingleNode("descendant::content:Source/#OrganizationName[../../../#Id='3212']", nsmgr);
if(attr == null)
Console.WriteLine("not found!");
ABC Corporation2
XPath is your friend when it comes to tasks like this. I adapted the following code from a tutorial on I don't know if it works (or will even compile), but it should get you started in the right direction. Also, I'm assuming your talking about C#, but in case I've misunderstood what language you're using, please disregard (a language tag on your question might help).
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
string fileName = "test.xml";
XPathDocument doc = new XPathDocument(fileName);
XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator();
// Compile a standard XPath expression
XPathExpression expr;
idExpr = nav.Compile("/content/CatalogItems/CatalogItem/#id");
XPathNodeIterator iterator = nav.Select(idExpr);
// Iterate on the node set
while (iterator.MoveNext())
XPathNavigator nav2 = iterator.Current.Clone();
Console.WriteLine("id: " + nav2.Value);
catch(Exception ex)
I have an XML file with several customers. When the customer ID is duplicated, I want to take the service from the duplicate customer record and add it to the initial customer record. I'm trying to do this in C#.
So the following two records:
<customer ID="200054598540" phone="352-555-1234" name="PAULSON ROBERT">
<service type="Electric" premise="5000001234" priority="0" />
<customField key="address" value="1521 NE 23RD AVE" />
<customField key="connection" value="CONNECTED" />
<customer ID="200054598540" phone="352-555-1234" name="PAULSON ROBERT">
<service type="Water" premise="5000001235" priority="0" />
<customField key="address" value="1521 NE 23RD AVE" />
<customField key="connection" value="CONNECTED" />
Become one, and it removes the duplicate, leading to:
<customer ID="200054598540" phone="352-555-1234" name="PAULSON ROBERT">
<service type="Electric" premise="5000001234" priority="0" />
<service type="Water" premise="5000001235" priority="0" />
<customField key="address" value="1521 NE 23RD AVE" />
<customField key="connection" value="CONNECTED" />
private static void combineDuplicates()
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(#"C:\customer_premise_osi_oms\customers.xml");
var customers = doc.Descendants("customer").GroupBy(x => (string)x.Attribute("ID")).ToList();
foreach (var customer in customers)
XElement firstAccount = customer.FirstOrDefault();
XElement firstServices = firstAccount.Element("services");
XElement firstCustomerField = firstAccount.Element("customFields");
for (int i = customer.Count() - 1; i >= 1; i--)
XElement account = customer.Skip(i).FirstOrDefault();
List<XElement> services = account.Descendants("service").ToList();
//List<XElement> customFields = account.Descendants("customField").ToList();
Using Xml Linq :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApplication75
class Program
const string FILENAME = #"c:\temp\test.xml";
static void Main(string[] args)
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(FILENAME);
var customers = doc.Descendants("customer").GroupBy(x => (string)x.Attribute("ID")).ToList();
foreach (var customer in customers)
XElement firstAccount = customer.FirstOrDefault();
XElement firstServices = firstAccount.Element("services");
XElement firstCustomerField = firstAccount.Element("customFields");
for (int i = customer.Count() - 1; i >= 1; i--)
XElement account = customer.Skip(i).FirstOrDefault();
List<XElement> services = account.Descendants("service").ToList();
List<XElement> customFields = account.Descendants("customField").ToList();
my xml file is like below:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<UpdateInboundim613Response xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" status="SUCCESS" message="Success" schemaRevisionDate="2016-07-19" schemaRevisionLevel="0" returnCode="0" xmlns="">
<TransactionID type="String">E-InHPSXIM1089779</TransactionID>
<instance uniquequery="TransactionID="E-InHPSXIM1089779"" recordid="E-InHPSXIM1089779">
<TransactionDetailedTrace xsi:nil="true" />
<TransactionMessage type="Array">
<TransactionMessage type="String" />
<OVSCSolutionDescription type="Array">
<OVSCSolutionDescription type="String">Issue: EL-BANK OUTSIDE WAREHOUSE EGYPT IMEA[2702]Interface[[E1 0/0/0]]|Router|ELBKCE1GW /pg-h-pg1252-256675160||Down Solution: As per update from Mai Shrief that the site has been suspended on 30th June. So no need of any investigation. Resolved By: BT NOC</OVSCSolutionDescription>
<OVSCTicketID type="String">E-IM004004076</OVSCTicketID>
<RIMSImpact xsi:nil="true" />
<attachments />
<message type="String" xmlns="">TransactionStatusDetail in $L.file is:IM Ticket: E-IM004004076 is valid for Update Subtype: Resolve</message>
but my code cannot get value of element "OVSCTicketID":
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode sigNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/UpdateInboundim613Response/model/instance/OVSCTicketID");
if (sigNode != null)
can you please tell me what's the problem and how to fix it?
Your Xml document uses the default namespace "". You need to use the XmlNamespaceManager to select that node under this namespace.
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
var namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable);
namespaceManager.AddNamespace("ns", "");
XmlNode sigNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//ns:UpdateInboundim613Response//ns:model//ns:instance//ns:OVSCTicketID",namespaceManager);
if (sigNode != null)
Above code should work fine.
Using xml linq
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
const string FILENAME = #"c:\temp\test.xml";
static void Main(string[] args)
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(FILENAME);
XNamespace defaultNs = ((XElement)doc.FirstNode).GetDefaultNamespace();
string ovsCTicketID = (string)doc.Descendants(defaultNs + "OVSCTicketID").FirstOrDefault();
I have simple loop for finding child Element:
XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(#"bpmn.xml");
//Run query
foreach (XElement level1Element in xelement.Elements("process"))
foreach (XElement level2Element in level1Element.Elements("task"))
" " + level2Element.Attribute("name").Value);
Why don't I get any output?
The input XML:
<definitions xmlns="" xmlns:bpmndi="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:di="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:yaoqiang="" exporter="Yaoqiang BPMN Editor" exporterVersion="2.2.18 (GPLv3, Non-Commercial)" expressionLanguage="" id="_1384266732154" name="" targetNamespace="" typeLanguage="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <collaboration id="COLLABORATION_1" isClosed="false">
<participant id="_2" name="CEO" processRef="PROCESS_1">
<participantMultiplicity maximum="1" minimum="0"/>
<participant id="_3" name="Manager" processRef="PROCESS_2">
<participantMultiplicity maximum="1" minimum="0"/>
<participant id="_4" name="project Manager" processRef="PROCESS_3">
<participantMultiplicity maximum="1" minimum="0"/>
<participant id="_5" name="HR" processRef="PROCESS_4">
<participantMultiplicity maximum="1" minimum="0"/>
<participant id="_6" name="Employee" processRef="PROCESS_5">
<participantMultiplicity maximum="1" minimum="0"/>
</participant> </collaboration> <process id="PROCESS_1" isClosed="false" isExecutable="true" processType="None">
<startEvent id="_8" isInterrupting="true" name="Start Event" parallelMultiple="false">
<task completionQuantity="1" id="_9" isForCompensation="false" name="Task" startQuantity="1">
<sendTask completionQuantity="1" id="_10" implementation="##WebService" isForCompensation="false" name="Send Task" startQuantity="1">
<task completionQuantity="1" id="_11" isForCompensation="false" name="Task" startQuantity="1">
<sequenceFlow id="_12" sourceRef="_8" targetRef="_9"/>
<sequenceFlow id="_13" sourceRef="_9" targetRef="_10"/>
<sequenceFlow id="_14" sourceRef="_10" targetRef="_11"/> </process> <process id="PROCESS_2" isClosed="false" isExecutable="true" processType="None">
<task completionQuantity="1" id="_17" isForCompensation="false" name="Task" startQuantity="1">
<task completionQuantity="1" id="_19" isForCompensation="false" name="Task" startQuantity="1">
<sequenceFlow id="_21" sourceRef="_17" targetRef="_19"/>
<receiveTask completionQuantity="1" id="_22" implementation="##WebService" instantiate="false" isForCompensation="false" name="Receive Task" startQuantity="1">
<sequenceFlow id="_23" name="go on" sourceRef="_19" targetRef="_22"/>
<task completionQuantity="1" id="_24" isForCompensation="false" name="Task" startQuantity="1">
<sequenceFlow id="_25" sourceRef="_19" targetRef="_24"/> </process> </definitions>
You need to get the root element first, by xDoc.Root (if xelement in your code is xDoc)
(The main problem here) Your XML has a custom namespace, in which case you need to specify it when calling Elements().
Putting together:
XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(#"bpmn.xml");
var ns = XNamespace.Get("");
//Run query
foreach(XElement level1Element in xDoc.Root.Elements(ns + "process"))
foreach(XElement level2Element in level1Element.Elements(ns + "task"))
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" " + level2Element.Attribute("name").Value);
You need to select from the root element. Try changing:
Your .xml file provided with namespace, still you should use it in your code. Please try this:
XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(#"xmlfile1.xml");
//Run query
XNamespace ns = "";
foreach (XElement level1Element in xDoc.Descendants(ns + "process"))
foreach (XElement level2Element in level1Element.Elements(ns + "task"))
" " + level2Element.Attribute("name").Value);
Also, in your case use Descendants() method instead of Elements().
More info
first, sorry for my bad english, i'm learning yet. So, I have to delete specifics nodes of a xml file according with their attributes. This is the xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Indice value="8">
<Palavra value="casa" />
<Indice value="49">
<Palavra value="teste" />
<Indice value="72">
<Palavra value="cristiano" />
<Indice value="72">
<Palavra value="teste2" />
I have to delete all Indice nodes and your childrens that have the attribute value="72" for example. How can I do that? The language is c# and the xml file after of delete must stay in this form:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Indice value="8">
<Palavra value="casa" />
<Indice value="49">
<Palavra value="teste" />
XDocument xdoc=XDocument.Parse(xmlStr); //or XDocument.Load
var matchingElements = xdoc.Root
.Where(e => (int)e.Attribute("value") == 72)
foreach(var elem in matchingElements)
saves the following doc:
<Indice value="8">
<Palavra value="casa" />
<Indice value="49">
<Palavra value="teste" />
This is an alternative to Spender although he should get the question answered if his works.
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.Load("xml path");
XmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode("/Lista");
foreach (XmlNode nodes in node.SelectNodes("Indice/#value"))
if (nodes.Value == "72")
i am experimenting with C# and xml, i am trying to read a XML file i want to validate if "NumberOfDays" , "NumberOfBooks", "NumberOfExam", "CurrentDate" are existing, if missing. i want to add them with there values.
i have the following xmldocument :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="NumberOfDays" value="31" />
<add key="NumberOfBooks" value="20" />
<add key="NumberOfExam" value="6" />
<add key="CurrentDate" value="15 - Jul - 2011" />
i am writing a sample application in c# using
thank you AresAvatar for your responce.
but if the value exists i would like to update its value i.e. if let's say
<add key="NumberOfExam" value="" />
i want to change the value to 6
You can get a list of which nodes exist like this:
// Get a list of which nodes exist
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
List<string> existingNodes = new List<string>();
XmlNodeList bookNodes = doc.SelectNodes("/MySample/Content/add");
foreach (XmlNode nextNode in bookNodes)
foreach (XmlAttribute nextAttr in nextNode.Attributes)
You can add missing nodes like this:
// Add nodes
XmlNode addRoot = doc.SelectSingleNode("/MySample/Content");
XmlElement addme = doc.CreateElement("add");
addme.SetAttribute("NumberOfDays", "31");
You can set the value of existing nodes like this:
// Update a node
foreach (XmlNode nextNode in bookNodes)
foreach (XmlAttribute nextAttr in nextNode.Attributes)
switch (nextAttr.Name)
case "NumberOfDays":
((XmlElement)nextNode).SetAttribute("value", "31");
// etc.
First of all, if you have control over the generated XML (if you make it yourself), avoid using this schema:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="NumberOfDays" value="31" />
<add key="NumberOfBooks" value="20" />
<add key="NumberOfExam" value="6" />
<add key="CurrentDate" value="15 - Jul - 2011" />
It's much easier to use with that schema:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<CurrentDate>5 - Jul - 2011<CurrentDate/>
And then:
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode firstNode = doc["MySample"];
if(firstNode != null)
XmlNode secondNode = firstNode["Content"];
if(secondNode != null)
XmlNode thirdNode = secondNode["Adds"];
if(thirdNode != null)
if(thirdNode["NumberOfDays"] == null) //The "NumberOfDays" node does not exist, we create it.
XmlElement newElement = doc.CreateElement("NumberOfDays");
newElement.InnerXml = 31;
//Do the same for the other nodes...
Just remember to check for null on every node, or put the whole block into a try/catch.
And to save the XML once you did your changes.
XmlDocument.Load() function loads the XML in memory, so you can check for any node without making "blind loops".