We use C# code we build X509Certificate2 with .p12 file, in the constructor we insert the path to certificate, certificate's password. We also marked it as Exportable as shown below:
X509Certificate2 x509Certificate2 = new X509Certificate2
("...\\MyCerificate.p12", "P#ssw0rd", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
we get the private key as AsymmetricAlgorithm format by the following:
Now, we want to get the private key from the certificate as Base64 format - but we don't have any idea how to do it, and its so important for us.
The important question is why base64 ?
If this is for your own application then you can keep the private key as an XML string (much easier :-).
string xml = x509Certificate2.PrivateKey.ToXmlString (true);
If you want base64 (again just for your application) you can export the key (RSAParameters) then concat every byte[] and turn the merged output to a base64 string.
But if you want to interop with other applications that requires a base64 private key then you need to know the format (inside the base64 string). E.g. in many case private keys are PEM encoded (which is base64 with a special header/footer, see an example for X509Certificate).
If that what's you're looking for then you'll need to encode the private key within a PKCS#8 structure first, then turn in into base64 and add the header/footer. You can find some helpful code to do so inside Mono.Security.dll (MIT.X11 licensed code from the Mono project).
You can simply use the PrivateKey property of X509Certificate2.
The actual returned private key implementation depends on the algorithm used in the certificate - usually this is RSA:
rsaObj = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)myCertificate.PrivateKey;
Afterwards you should be able to get the RSA key information from it's ExportParameters property.
You can do that with OpenSSL Library for .NET:
using DidiSoft.OpenSsl;
X509Certificate2 x509Certificate2 = new X509Certificate2
("...\\MyCerificate.p12", "P#ssw0rd", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
PrivateKey privKey = PrivateKey.Load(x509Certificate2.PrivateKey);
bool withNewLines = true;
string base64PrivateKey = privKey.ToBase64String(withNewLines);
If your only problem is to get the private key Base64 encoded, you can simply do like this:
var privateKey = x509Certificate2.PrivateKey;
var encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
var base64String = Convert.ToBase64String(encoding.GetBytes(privateKey.ToString()));
I am needing the private key of a key-pair generated for digital signature using EC algorithm. I need it in byte[] to sign data inside a specific method in C++ that only accepts byte[] format.
The private key is contained in a .pfx file that has both, public and private.
Despite that, I am not able to extract the byte[] out of the file.
var certificate = new X509Certificate2(fileName, password);
ECDsa privateKey = certificate.GetECDsaPrivateKey();
// TODO: how to extract byte[] from privateKey?
Is there a way of doing it or is it impossible and the private key should be stored elsewhere and not in a .pfx file?
I'm having difficulty loading an X509Certificate2 from XML, using the FromXmlString method. The exception I'm getting is m_safeCertContext is an invalid handle.
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException occurred
Message=m_safeCertContext is an invalid handle.
at System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2.get_HasPrivateKey()
at System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2.get_PrivateKey()
To create the XML, I'm loading the .pfx file and using ToXmlString;
var certificate = new X509Certificate2(
var exportedPrivate = certificate.PrivateKey.ToXmlString(true);
This generate XML which starts like this...
To recreate the certificate, I'm using...
var certificate = new X509Certificate2();
Where xml is a string containing the XML content.
The exception is thrown on the FromXmlString call.
I'm new to using certificates, but my best guess is that the .pfx contains both public and private keys, and possibly some other important data, and that I need all of that in order to have a valid X509 certificate.
However I couldn't find ToXmlString and FromXmlString on the X509Certificate2 directly. How should I do this? Thanks for any advice.
An X.509 certificate is described in a structured binary format called ASN.1/DER encoding. ASN.1 is a language to describe the contents of the certificate and DER is the encoding of the contents that comply with that ASN.1 structure.
Encoding your in-memory certificate separately from the private key can be done using the Export method using the content type X509ContentType.Cert. You can also export the certificate and private key back into a "pfx" by specifying Pfx or Pkcs12. If you require XML then you can encode the byte array result using base 64. You can then store it into an XML CDATA element.
Usually a private key is also stored in a binary PKCS#8 container format, also defined using ASN.1 / DER. Microsoft has however chosen to store the key into a Microsoft-proprietary XML format by default.
I have DER encoded RSA keypair created in Crypto++, as well as cipher. They are Base64Encoded string. I first decode the data from Base64 to byte array, but I am not sure how to load them into RSACryptoServiceProvider.
static void Main()
string pbkeystr = "mypublickey";
string pvkeystr = "myprivatekey";
string cipherstr = "mycipher";
byte[] pbkey = Convert.FromBase64String(pbkeystr);
byte[] pvkey = Convert.FromBase64String(pvkeystr);
byte[] cipher = Convert.FromBase64String(cipherstr);
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
//Set keys here..
//Decrypt the cipher using private key
rsa.Decrypt(pvkey, false);
There are no functions to set keys. The only thing I found was ImportParameters method, which takes RSAParameters class which consists of p, q, n, modulus, exponent etc. I don't have access to these.
Is there any way I can load the keys as string? How can I load the key into RSACryptoServiceProvider?
Is there any way I can load the keys as string? How can I load the key into RSACryptoServiceProvider?
From your other Crypto++ question, How to load Base64 RSA keys in Crypto++, it looks like you have only the public and private keys because you used DEREncode and BERDecode. That is, you have the RSA parameters, and not the subject public key info and the private key info. Your keys lack the OID identifiers and version numbers. Things are fine that way.
From Cryptographic Interoperability: Keys on the Code Project, you will need a C# class that parses the ASN.1/DER after you Base64 decode it. The CodeProject article provides a C# class called AsnKeyParser to read the ASN.1/DER and returns a RSAParameters to load into a CSP.
The code for the AsnKeyParser class is about 800 lines, and there are five other supporting files to make it all happen, so its not really appropriate to place it here. You should download it yourself. The file of interest is called CSInteropKeys.zip.
Once you wire-in the AsnKeyParser class, it will be as simple as the following for a RSA Public key. The private key will be similar, and the code is given on the CodeProject site.
// Your ASN.1/DER parser class
AsnKeyParser keyParser = new AsnKeyParser("rsa-public.der");
RSAParameters publicKey = keyParser.ParseRSAPublicKey();
// .Net class
CspParameters csp = new CspParameters;
csp.KeyContainerName = "RSA Test (OK to Delete)";
csp.ProviderType = PROV_RSA_FULL; // 1
csp.KeyNumber = AT_KEYEXCHANGE; // 1
// .Net class
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(csp);
rsa.PersistKeyInCsp = false;
Linking to files on another site is frowned upon, but I don't know how to provide the information otherwise. There's too much source code involved to place in an answer.
For completeness, .Net does not make interop easy. They do not accept ASN.1/DER or PEM. Rather, .Net accepts some XML representation of the keys. I believe you can find it in RFC 3275, XML-Signature Syntax and Processing. Microsoft does not state that for you. I kind of pieced it together when I wrote the Code Project article.
Maybe we should add a class to Crypto++ to regurgitate XML in addition to ASN.1/DER and PEM.
I'm trying to re-use the key pair I generated for creating a PKCS10 Certificate Signing request, but I cannot figure out what the format of this private key is.
To create the key, I'm using the CERTENROLLLib CX509PrivateKey class.
I've set the Private Key ProviderType to XCV_PROV_RSA_FULL, and when I export it (trying to figure out what format it is) I use
When I export it, the private key always starts with "BwIAAACkAABSU0E"
Does anyone know what format this is? I thought ANS.1 DER Encoding always started with "MII" or someting like that.
I think I answered my own question:
The command
exports the private key as a BASE64 encoded CSP blob. In order to import is using the C# RSA libraries I had to use the following:
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] CryptoKey = Convert.FromBase64String(base64CspBlob);
That did it!
I want to create .pem file for the public key generated by this method
public static Tuple<string, string> CreateKeyPair()
CspParameters cspParams =
new CspParameters {
ProviderType = 1 /* PROV_RSA_FULL */
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsaProvider =
new RSACryptoServiceProvider(1024, cspParams);
string publicKey = Convert.ToBase64String(rsaProvider.ExportCspBlob(false));
string privateKey = Convert.ToBase64String(rsaProvider.ExportCspBlob(true));
return new Tuple<string, string>(privateKey, publicKey);
Because I was generating this key for mobile application and they can not read it, they requested .pem file instead of public key as string
Please advice,
Recently I need to save PublicKey and PrivateKey generated in my C# application to file, and works with it later. I use for this purpose such library as CSharp-easy-RSA-PEM.
It is very simple and quick solution, so I will recommend this library to other guys.
I use following code to get PublicKey as string (and save it to pem file in format Base64):
string publicKeyStr = Crypto.ExportPublicKeyToX509PEM(_cryptoServiceProvider);
it returns something like this:
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
And I use following code to get PrivateKey as string:
string privateKeyStr = Crypto.ExportPrivateKeyToRSAPEM(_cryptoServiceProvider);
it returns something like this:
Then you can use
RSACryptoServiceProvider publicX509key = Crypto.DecodeX509PublicKey(publicKeyStr);
RSACryptoServiceProvider privateRSAkey = Crypto.DecodeRsaPrivateKey(privateKeyStr);
to restore saved keys back to RSACryptoServiceProvider.
So, if someone need to resolve similar issue, you can just download this library, go to Solution Explorer -> (Right click on your project) -> Add -> Reference -> Overview in your Visual Studio to add this library in your project, and add using CSharp_easy_RSA_PEM; where you need it :)
First off, a so-called .pem file is not really a fixed specification or format. Several different kinds of distinct file formats are generally described as "PEM" files. When the SSLeay (now OpenSSL) project needed to produce a base64 encoded output file containing key information they borrowed formatting concepts from the old Privacy-Enhanced Mail RFCs 1421-1424 and they added the extension .pem to the end of these files. But such a file may contain public keys, private keys, certificate requests, certificates, certificate lists, and so on. Each is different. So if all you're told is to produce a .pem file you're going to have to guess what's really needed.
The easiest way to write such files is to use the Bouncycastle C# library. The package Org.BouncyCastle.OpenSsl contains a number of utilities including a PemWriter class that should help you.