Receiving Windows Message on C# from managed Dll using p/invoke - c#

I have to call some native C functions from C# using p/invoke. So far, I had no problems marshaling the different methods and structures to C#. Where my problem resides is in the fact that many of the methods I have to call are asynchronous, and return their final results to my WinForms application through Windows Messages. For instance, I have a call to a method that has the following signature in C:
HRESULT AsyncOpenSession( LPSTR lpszLogicalName,
LPSTR lpszAppID,
DWORD dwTraceLevel,
DWORD dwTimeOut,
USHORT lphService,
HWND hWnd,
DWORD dwSrvcVersionsRequired,
ULONG lpRequestID );
Where lpszAppID expects to receive the NAME of my application (MyApp.exe) and hWnd is a pointer to the WINDOW HANDLE of my application, which I obtain with a call to
private static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();
public static IntPtr GetCurrentWindowHandle()
IntPtr handle = GetForegroundWindow();
return handle;
The imported signature is:
[DllImport("MSXFS.DLL", BestFitMapping = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern int AsyncOpenSession([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string lpszLogicalName,
IntPtr hApp,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string lpszAppID,
UInt32 dwTraceLevel,
UInt32 dwTimeOut,
out Int32 lphService,
IntPtr hWnd,
UInt32 dwSrvcVersionsRequired,
out WFSVersion lpSrvcVersion,
out WFSVersion lpSPIVersion,
out Int32 lpRequestID);
I call the method as follows:
Int32 r = AsyncOpenSession(lpszLogicalName,
out hServ,
out srvcVersion,
out spiVersion,
out requestID);
Initially, the method call returns a result code that indicates the requested call has been put to the execution queue. Any time after the original call the native Dll completes the execution of the request and send a Windows Message to the application by means of its windows handle and name. The Windows Message code for this method is defined as follows:
#define WM_USER 0x0400
More info about Windows Messages here:
In my application I have overridden the method WndProc to be able to control the Windows Messages as follows:
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
const int wm_user = 0x0400;
const int OPEN_SESSION_COMPLETE = wm_user + 1;
switch (m.Msg)
txtEventsState.Text = m.ToString();
base.WndProc(ref m);
But I never receive a Windows Message with this code. There are no error in logs or event viewer. I know my call to the method succeeded because I do not get any error code and because it is mandatory to have an opened session before calling other methods, and I can call other methods that need a session handler successfully (no error code either).
My imported signature and call to the method is in a class library project that my application is referencing. Am I doing something wrong here? Can anyone give a light on what could be happening? I do not have access to the native code, just to a test application the shows that the Windows Messages are being sent by the native C Dll.
Thank to everybody in advance.

So, here it the deal: GetForegroundWindow() is not retriving the correct Window Handle. It happens that my application has two windows. One is the main form that I use for my test and the other displays all results and logging I am doing. So, the method was actually returning the Handle of the loggin window and not the form windows.
Using this.Handle and passing that value to the native methods made everything work correctly.
Thanks to Hans for pointing this out.


Calling WaitForSingleObject from C#

I am trying to call WaitForSingleObject method from C#, as documented here:
In order to call this function I need to create a Handle, or I need to get a Handle of type IntPtr, how can it be done?
I've tried this function that I found:
[DllImport("coredll.dll", SetLastError = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern IntPtr CreateEvent(HANDLE lpEventAttributes, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool bManualReset, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool bIntialState, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string lpName);
Or for instance, when I am getting handle from console:
IntPtr handle = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle;
It throws a DllNotFoundException.
What's the issue here?
I need it in order to run the process with this function call, and to take a dump form its process, for my ClrMd library learning.
Any help will be appreciated.
Code sample:
static void Main(string[] args)
var autoEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
//this is where I get the DllNotFoundException
WaitForSingleObject(autoEvent.Handle, WAIT_TIMEOUT );
static extern uint WaitForMultipleObjects(uint nCount, IntPtr[] lpHandles, bool bWaitAll, uint dwMilliseconds);
public const Int32 WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x102;
I would not go through WinApi to get this from C#: you have EventWaitHandler and other synchronization objects in C#, use them:
WaitHandle wh = new EventWaitHandler();
//do whatever you need
WaitHandler.WaitOne(wh); // equivalent to WaitForSingleObject in WinApi
you can use wh.SafeWaitHandle if you really need to interop with WinApi
Also I suspect Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle cannot work in a Console Application, that has not any window at all
I want to call native method (WaitForMultipleObjects) which waits for some handle (don't really mind which one), then I want to see it on thread stack using ClrMd library, from dump file
OK, so what about new ManualResetEvent(false).WaitOne()? This should show up in the dump file. And it's reliable.
Just picking any existing handle is not reliable because it might be signaled or be destroyed at any time. Or, you might change its state by waiting. There is no need, a ManualResetEvent can create you a fresh handle.
My mistake I've posted WaitForMultipleObjects instead of WaitForSingleObject, the main issue was that WaitForSingleObject stayed with DllImport("coredll.dll"...) I don't know where did I found it but I did...
Sorry for the confusion

MFC-hosted WPF usercontrol how to close parent window on button press

I'm trying to get a legacy MFC application and a new WPF usercontrol to shut down a dialog window based on a button press in the WPF usercontrol. In essence, I would like some tips on how I can get the DoModal() function of MFC return.
For various reasons the dialog is a MFC CDialog started via DoModal, which hosts a single WPF component and nothing else. This component then has a button which will need to close the CDialog after doing some various tasks. This application is an.. exiting.. case of legacy and it's really hard to track control flow and where the actual message pumps driving this thing resides. It's also full of #defines that makes everything twice as difficult as it should be. I think I have identified the message pump, so I think I can insert something into that to make it close - if I can get to that from the WPF control.
I do not know how to send a windows message out from the usercontrol to the host, or how to get the HWND of the host from the usercontrol. I'm sure there is a way to get that, or another better way of communicating?
Is the correct approach to send a WM_CLOSE message to the parent HWND? Or perhaps I can send a WM_USER to the dialog pump and handle the actual closing there?
Try this. It should work for any WPF element (if it's a Visual), by finding it's containing HWND, tracing up the HWND tree until it finds the root parent, then sending that a WM_CLOSE message.
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = false)]
static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = false)]
private static extern IntPtr GetParent(IntPtr hWnd);
//I'd double check this constant, just in case
static uint WM_CLOSE = 0x10;
private void CloseContainingWindow(Visual visual)
// Find the containing HWND for the Visual in question
HwndSource wpfHandle = PresentationSource.FromVisual(this) as HwndSource;
if (wpfHandle == null)
throw new Exception("Could not find Window handle");
// Trace up the window chain, to find the ultimate parent
IntPtr hWindow = wpfHandle.Handle;
while (true)
IntPtr parentHWindow = GetParent(hWindow);
if (parentHWindow == (IntPtr)0) break;
hWindow = parentHWindow;
// Now send the containing window a close message
SendMessage(hWindow, WM_CLOSE, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
Declare a close event in the control. Raise the event when the close button is closed.
In your CDialog-derived class, subscribe to the event, then call EngDialog in the event handler.
WM_CLOSE should work, but you have to try it.
Another approach is to post a WM_COMMAND message to the parent dialog.
Sending a WM_USER looks too complicated.

Using WH_JOURNALRECORD and cancel does seem to return the WM_CANCELJOURNAL

I'm using C# and I've got the program successfully recording the journal messages using SetWindowsHookEx with WH_JOURNALRECORD.
My problem comes when it's time to stop. The docs show that if the user pressed CTRL-ESC or CTRL-ALT-DELETE a WM_CANCELJOURNAL message will be posted that I can watch to know when to stop. My application gets unhooked but I never seem to get a WM_CANCELJOURNAL.
I have two hooks setup. One hook to do the Journal Record and one to check for the cancel message:
IntPtr hinstance = Marshal.GetHINSTANCE(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetModules()[0]);
JournalRecordProcedure = JournalRecordProc;
journalHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_JOURNALRECORD, JournalRecordProcedure, hinstance, 0);
GetMessageProcedure = GetMessageProc;
messageHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_GETMESSAGE, GetMessageProcedure, hinstance, 0);
public static int JournalRecordProc(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
if (nCode < 0) return CallNextHookEx(journalHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
EventMsgStruct msg = (EventMsgStruct) Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof (EventMsgStruct));
script.Add(msg); //just a quick way to record for now
return CallNextHookEx(journalHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
public static int GetMessageProc(int code, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
//it comes here but how do I test if it's WM_CANCELJOURNAL ??
//code always seems to be equal to zero.. I must be missing something
return CallNextHookEx(journalHook, code, wParam, lParam);
I suppose you're referring to this section in the documentation:
This role as a signal to stop journal recording means that a CTRL+BREAK key combination cannot itself be recorded. Since the CTRL+C key combination has no such role as a journaling signal, it can be recorded. There are two other key combinations that cannot be recorded: CTRL+ESC and CTRL+ALT+DEL. Those two key combinations cause the system to stop all journaling activities (record or playback), remove all journaling hooks, and post a WM_CANCELJOURNAL message to the journaling application.
The problem is that the WM_CANCELJOURNAL message is not sent to the callback function you installed with SetWindowsHookEx. But unlike other WM_* messages, it is also not meant to be processed by a window procedure (WndProc in WinForms) because it is posted to the message queue of the thread and is not associated with any particular window.
Rather, the documentation advises that one must process it within an application's main loop or using a WH_GETMESSAGE hook:
This message does not return a value. It is meant to be processed from within an application's main loop or a GetMessage hook procedure, not from a window procedure.
[ . . . ]
The WM_CANCELJOURNAL message has a NULL window handle, therefore it cannot be dispatched to a window procedure. There are two ways for an application to see a WM_CANCELJOURNAL message: If the application is running in its own main loop, it must catch the message between its call to GetMessage or PeekMessage and its call to DispatchMessage. If the application is not running in its own main loop, it must set a GetMsgProc hook procedure (through a call to SetWindowsHookEx specifying the WH_GETMESSAGE hook type) that watches for the message.
In managed WinForms code, you obviously don't have any access to or control over the application's main loop. I'm not sure if adding a message filter to your application will let you handle this message or not: I haven't tried it. If it will, that's probably the route you want to take, considering the alternative, which is to install a second hook, WH_GETMESSAGE, and then in that hook procedure, listen for the WM_CANCELJOURNAL message.
In the GetMessageProc callback function, the code parameter just tells you whether the hook procedure should process the message. Virtually all of the time, it's going to be 0, which is equivalent to the symbolic constant HC_ACTION. If the code parameter is less than 0, the hook procedure should simply call the CallNextHookEx function without performing any further processing. That's basically the exact same thing you did for the JournalRecordProc callback function.
The window message is going to be found in a MSG structure, a pointer to which is passed to the callback function as the lParam parameter. But that's Win32 stuff. Don't mess with raw pointers in .NET, let the P/Invoke marshaler handle all of that dirty stuff for you. The native MSG structure is equivalent to the managed System.Windows.Forms.Message structure (the same thing used by the WndProc method), so if you declare your GetMessageProc callback function like this, things will be much simpler:
public delegate int GetMessageProc(int code, IntPtr wParam, ref Message lParam);
Then, the windows message is found as the Msg member of the Message structure. That's the value you want to compare against WM_CANCELJOURNAL:
public static int GetMessageProc(int code, IntPtr wParam, ref Message lParam)
if (code >= 0)
if (lParam.Msg == WM_CANCELJOURNAL)
// do something
return CallNextHookEx(messageHook, code, wParam, ref lParam);
Note that in order for the above call to CallNextHookEx to work, you'll also have to provide an overloaded definition of the CallNextHookEx function that matches the signature of your GetMessageProc callback function:
public static extern int CallNextHookEx(IntPtr hHook, int nCode,
IntPtr wParam, ref Message lParam);

System wide Windows CBT hook not working properly

I'm trying to hook a CBT hook on Windows OSes. I'm currently using Windows 7 x64.
I've read many threads talking about this issue, but none has solved my problem. The application runs well; the hook is installed and I can see some notifications coming.
Actually the problems arised is that the application is not notified about CBT hook of other processes running on the same machine.
The application is written in C# (using Microsoft .NET). Here is a running sample:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace WindowsHook
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
uint thid = (uint)AppDomain.GetCurrentThreadId();
bool global = true;
mHookDelegate = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(new HookProc(ManagedCallback));
if (global == true) {
mNativeWrapperInstance = LoadLibrary("Native_x64.dll");
thid = 0;
} else {
using (Process curProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess())
using (ProcessModule curModule = curProcess.MainModule)
mNativeWrapperInstance = GetModuleHandle(curModule.ModuleName);
mNativeWrappedDelegate = AllocHookWrapper(mHookDelegate);
mHookHandle = SetWindowsHookEx(/*WH_CBT*/5, mNativeWrappedDelegate, mNativeWrapperInstance, thid);
if (mHookHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
Application.Run(new Form());
if (FreeHookWrapper(mNativeWrappedDelegate) == false)
throw new Win32Exception("FreeHookWrapper has failed");
if (FreeLibrary(mNativeWrapperInstance) == false)
throw new Win32Exception("FreeLibrary has failed");
if (UnhookWindowsHookEx(mHookHandle) == false)
throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
static int ManagedCallback(int code, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
Trace.TraceInformation("Code: {0}", code);
if (code >= 0) {
return (0);
} else {
return (CallNextHookEx(mHookHandle, code, wParam, lParam));
delegate int HookProc(int code, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
static IntPtr mHookHandle;
static IntPtr mHookDelegate;
static IntPtr mNativeWrapperInstance = IntPtr.Zero;
static IntPtr mNativeWrappedDelegate = IntPtr.Zero;
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern IntPtr GetModuleHandle(string lpModuleName);
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr SetWindowsHookEx(int hook, IntPtr callback, IntPtr hMod, uint dwThreadId);
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern bool UnhookWindowsHookEx(IntPtr hhk);
internal static extern int CallNextHookEx(IntPtr hhk, int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
private static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string lpFileName);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool FreeLibrary(IntPtr hModule);
private static extern IntPtr AllocHookWrapper(IntPtr callback);
private static extern bool FreeHookWrapper(IntPtr wrapper);
private static extern int FreeHooksCount();
AllocHookWrapper and FreeHookWrapper are imported routines from a DLL (Native_x64.dll) compiler for x64 platform, located at the same directory of the application. AllocHookWrapper stores the function pointer (of the managed routine) and returns the DLL routine calling the function pointer).
Here is the code of the DLL:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iGecko.Native.h"
#ifdef _MANAGED
#pragma managed(push, off)
#include <windows.h>
#define WRAPPER_NAME(idx) Wrapper ## idx
LRESULT WINAPI WRAPPER_NAME(idx)(int code, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) \
{ \
if (sHooksWrapped[idx] != NULL) \
return (sHooksWrapped[idx])(code, wparam, lparam); \
else \
return (0); \
#define WRAPPER_COUNT 16
const HOOKPROC sHookWrappers[] = {
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved)
return (TRUE);
#ifdef _MANAGED
#pragma managed(pop)
for(int i = 0; i < WRAPPER_COUNT; i++) {
if (sHooksWrapped[i] == NULL) {
sHooksWrapped[i] = wrapped;
return sHookWrappers[i];
return (NULL);
for(int i = 0; i < WRAPPER_COUNT; i++) {
if (sHookWrappers[i] == wrapper) {
sHooksWrapped[i] = NULL;
return TRUE;
return (FALSE);
int c = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < WRAPPER_COUNT; i++) {
if (sHooksWrapped[i] == NULL)
return (c);
Actually I'm interested about window related events (creation, destruction) on a certain system, but I'm actually unable to being notified by the OS...
What's going on? What have I missed?
Note that I'm running with the Administratos group.
I've found this interesting section in this page
Global hooks are not supported in the .NET Framework
You cannot implement global hooks in Microsoft .NET Framework. To install a global hook, a hook must have a native DLL export to insert itself in another process that requires a valid, consistent function to call into. This behavior requires a DLL export. The .NET Framework does not support DLL exports. Managed code has no concept of a consistent value for a function pointer because these function pointers are proxies that are built dynamically.
I thought to do the trick by implementing a native DLL containing the hook callback, which calls the managed callback. However, the managed callback is called only in the process which calls the SetWindowsHookEx routine and not called by other processes.
What are the possible workarounds?
Maybe allocating heap memory storing a process id (the managed one), and sending user messages describing the hooked functions?
What I'm trying to achieve is a system wide monitor, which detect new processes executed, detect created windows position and size, as well closed windows, moved windows, minimized/maximized windows. Successively the monitor shall detect mouse and keyboard events (always system-wide) and also it has to "emulate" mouse and keyboard events.
Every process in the same desktop has to be monitored, indepently by the archiveture (32 or 64 bit) and by the underlying framework (native or managed).
The monitor shall force process windows position, size and movements, and shall be able to act as local user in order to allow remote user to act as a local user (something like VNC).
Sorry but I don't understand the sense of "wrapping" unmanaged DLL and usage of ManagedCallback as the hook inside of managed EXE.
You should understand, that the method which you use as the callback of system wide CBT hook (parameter of SetWindowsHookEx) must be loaded in the address space of all process (it will be done a DLL injection of the module where hook function is implemented). In Windows SDK (MSDN) you can read following (see remark on
SetWindowsHookEx can be used to inject
a DLL into another process. A 32-bit
DLL cannot be injected into a 64-bit
process, and a 64-bit DLL cannot be
injected into a 32-bit process. If an
application requires the use of hooks
in other processes, it is required
that a 32-bit application call
SetWindowsHookEx to inject a 32-bit
DLL into 32-bit processes, and a
64-bit application call
SetWindowsHookEx to inject a 64-bit
DLL into 64-bit processes. The 32-bit
and 64-bit DLLs must have different
Moreover you write in your question about system wide hook and use not 0 as the last parameter of SetWindowsHookEx. One more problem: as the third parameter of SetWindowsHookEx (HINSTANCE hMod) you use an instance of not the dll with the code of hook (the code of hook you have currently in the EXE).
So my suggestion: you have to write a new native code for implementation of system wide CBT hook and place it inside a DLL. I recommend you also to choose a base address (linker switch) for the DLL, which is not a standard value to reduce DLL rebasing. It is not mandatory but this will save memory resources.
Sorry for the bad news, but in my opinion your current code should be full rewritten.
UPDATED based on update in the question: One more time I repeat, that if you call in one process SetWindowsHookEx to set a CBT hook, you should give as a parameter the module instance (the start address) of a DLL and the address of a function in the DLL which implement the hook. It is not important from which process you call SetWindowsHookEx function. The DLL used as a parameter will be loaded (injected) in all processes of the same windows station which use User32.dll. So you have some native restrictions. If you want support both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms you have to implement two dlls: one 32-bit and 64-bit DLL. Moreover there are a problem with the usage of different .NET versions in the same process. It should be theoretically possible to do this only with .NET 4.0. In general it is very complex problem. And you should understand it I write about a DLL I mean not only the DLL, but all its dependencies. So if you implement a native DLL which call a managed DLL (.NET DLL) it would be not possible.
So if you want use global CBT hook you have to implement if as a two native DLLs (one 32-bit and 64-bit) and set install the hook inside of two processes (one 32-bit and 64-bit). So do exact what is described in the remark of the SetWindowsHookEx documentation (see above quote). I see no more easier ways.

SendMessage vs. WndProc

I'm trying to extend TextBox control to add watermarking functionality. The example I've found on CodeProject is using imported SendMessage function.
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = false)]
static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, uint wParam, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string lParam);
void SetWatermark()
SendMessage(this.Handle, 0x1501, 0, "Sample");
I'm wondering why not use protected WndProc instead
void SetWatermark()
var m =new Message() { HWnd = this.Handle, Msg = 0x1501, WParam = (IntPtr)0, LParam = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni("Sample") };
WndProc(ref m);
Both seem to work fine. Almost all examples I've seen on internet use SendMessagefunction. Why is that? Isn't WndProc function designed to replace SendMessage?
P.S. I don't know right to convert string to IntPtr and found that Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni works ok. Is it right function to do this?
WndProc does not replace SendMessage, it is the .NET equivalent of WindowProc. WndProc is called by your application's message pump (which receives messages that are sent or posted by SendMessage or PostMessage) to process them. By calling WndProc directly, you by-pass the special message handling that Windows performs, such as bundling WM_PAINT messages, and can potentially cause some nasty problems where messages appear out of the order that they're expected by windows within your application.
As stated in MSDN,
All messages are sent to the WndProc
method after getting filtered through
the PreProcessMessage method.
The WndProc method corresponds exactly
to the Windows WindowProc function.
For more information about processing
Windows messages, see the WindowProc
function documentation in the MSDN
library at
By calling it directly, you deprive the system of a chance to perform preprocessing or any other handling of that message. The .NET framework runs on top of Windows and without sending or posting the message, the underlying system cannot do anything with that message, so you lose out on anything the underlying system might do for you.
