I have a long running process called ImportProductInformation called by a consoleapp that I'm trying to speed up, which appears to be an excellent candidate for thread-pooling, so I did a little searching and came across SmartThreadPool on CodeProject and am trying to implement it.
ImportProductInformation currently requires an "item", which is just a single entity-framework row pulled from a list. SmartThreadPool uses a delegate called "WorkItemCallback", but if I build it like below it complains about "Method name expected" in the foreach loop on smartThreadPool.QueueWorkItem, as it appears I can't pass my params to the delegated method. What am I missing here? I'm sure it's something stupid...noob lacking experience with delegates...any help would be appreciated:
public static void ImportProductInformation_Exec()
// List
List<productinformation> _list = GetProductInformation();
// Import
if (_list != null)
SmartThreadPool smartThreadPool = new SmartThreadPool();
foreach (var item in _list)
(new WorkItemCallback
public void ImportProductInformation(productinformation item)
// Do work associated with "item" here
If I change the loop to this I get "Method is used like a Type" in the build error:
foreach (var item in _list)
ImportProductInformation ipi =
new ImportProductInformation(item);
smartThreadPool.QueueWorkItem(new WorkItemCallback(ipi));
Ended up getting it to work with this:
public class ProductInformationTaskInfo
public productinformation ProductInformation;
public ProductInformationTaskInfo(productinformation pi)
ProductInformation = pi;
public class PI
foreach (var item in _list)
ProductInformationTaskInfo pi =
new ProductInformationTaskInfo(item);
(new WorkItemCallback
(ImportProductInformation), pi);
public static object ImportProductInformation(Object _pi)
ProductInformationTaskInfo pi = (ProductInformationTaskInfo)_pi;
var item = pi.ProductInformation;
// Do work here
I don't know or have the SmartThreadPool, the following is approximate:
foreach (var item in _list)
var itemCopy = item;
(dummy => ImportProductInformation(itemCopy));
You may have to do some fixing.
This works because the lambda captures a variable from the containing method. And that's why you need itemCopy.
But note that the normal ThreadPool is not suited for longrunning tasks, the same may hold for the SmartThreadPool. It should also keep a limit on the number of threads, and when ImportProductInformation does mainly I/O threading might not help at all.
You can use anonymous methods:
int a = 15;
String b = "hello world!";
I'm encountering (I hope) a deadlocking issue with a WCF service I'm trying to write.
I have the following lock on a function that "locates" a particular item im the list:
CIPRecipe FindRecipe_ByUniqueID(string uniqueID)
lock (_locks[LOCK_RECIPES])
foreach (var r in _recipes.Keys)
if (_recipes[r].UniqueID == uniqueID)
return _recipes[r];
return null;
However, various functions reiterate through this list and always apply the same LOCK for example ....
foreach (var r in _recipes)
What I suspect is, an item in _recipes in the above example has suddenly called a function which ultimately calls the first function - "CIPRecipe FindRecipe_ByUniqueID(string uniqueID)" and this is causing a deadlock when it is reached in the iteration.
I need to stop this list changing whilst I'm iterating through it. Can someone advise me the best practice?
What you want is to use a ReaderWriterLockSlim, this will let unlimited concurrent readers through but only a single writer through and block all readers while the writer is writing.
This assumes _locks has been chagned from a object[] to a ReaderWriterSlim[]
//On Read
CIPRecipe FindRecipe_ByUniqueID(string uniqueID)
var lockObj = _locks[LOCK_RECIPES];
foreach (var r in _recipes.Keys)
if (_recipes[r].UniqueID == uniqueID)
return _recipes[r];
return null;
//On write
var lockObject = _locks[LOCK_RECIPES]; //Note this now uses the same lock object as the other method.
foreach (var r in _recipes)
I don't know if it will solve your deadlock issue, if it is caused by you allowing reads during a write it may.
Perhaps a ConcurrentDictionary is called for here?
I'm trying to write a code analysis rule with roslyn.
Basically, I have to check whether an each of arguments which a Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Commands.DelegateCommand() is created is wrapped in try catch or not.
The main idea is collect all ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax objects of DelegateCommand class and check each constructor's argument if the first StatementSyntax is TryStatementSyntax or not.
Can you help me with getting all StatementSyntax from ArgumentSyntax ? Or may be you have an another approach ?
public IEnumerable<IdentifierInfo> Collect(SyntaxNode rootNode, SemanticModel semanticModel)
ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax[] objCreation = rootNode
.Where(c=>(c.Type as IdentifierNameSyntax)?.Identifier.Value.ToString() == "DelegateCommand")
foreach (var obj in objCreation)
var args = obj.ArgumentList.Arguments;
foreach (ArgumentSyntax arg in args)
var expession = arg.Expression;
var symbol = semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(expession).Symbol as IMethodSymbol;
Bellow you can find what I actually compile for searching through:
public class Program
public delegate void MyDelegate();
public static void DelegateMethod() { try { } catch { } }
public static void Main(string[] args)
DelegateCommand del1 = new DelegateCommand(() => {try{}catch{}});
DelegateCommand del2 = new DelegateCommand(new Action(() => { }));
DelegateCommand del3 = new DelegateCommand(DelegateMethod);
var barInit = (Action)(DelegateMethod);
DelegateCommand del4 = new DelegateCommand(barInit);
ICommand test;
test = new Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Commands.DelegateCommand(() => { });
You start in a good way, but to handle it completely, its required more work.
Lets see in your example what we have
(The screenshot is from LINQ debugging feature from OzCode)
Here what I wrote is
var argsExpr = objCreation.Select(o => o.ArgumentList.Arguments.First())
As you can see in the right side of the window, we have a three types of syntax nodes in the arguments, so we don't have a general way to handle them all.
You have two ways to handle it.
Write method that get SyntaxNode and according to its type, check if the first statement is a try\catch statement
Write SyntaxWalker and visit relevant methods, and there, check if the first statement is a try\catch statement
For example to handle the first case which is ParenthesizedLambdaExpressionSyntax you need to write something like this (or by yourself or by overriding the appropriate Visit method of the SyntaxWalker)
public static bool IsTryStatement(ParenthesizedLambdaExpressionSyntax node)
return ((BlockSyntax) node.Body).Statements.First() is TryStatementSyntax;
This is just an example. In your real code you need to handle all cases.
For the IdentifierNameSyntax you need to get the method symbol first:
Then you need to get the syntax node from DeclaringSyntaxReferences and use span, or you can use location of the symbol or any other way (ConstructFrom maybe).
I'm trying to use Weka in my C# application. I've used IKVM to bring the Java parts into my .NET application. This seems to be working quite well. However, I am at a loss when it comes to Weka's API. How exactly do I classify instances if they are programmatically passed around in my application and not available as ARFF files.
Basically, I am trying to integrate a simple co-reference analysis using Weka's classifiers. I've built the classification model in Weka directly and saved it to disk, from where my .NET application opens it and uses the IKVM port of Weka to predict the class value.
Here is what I've got so far:
// This is the "entry" method for the classification method
public IEnumerable<AttributedTokenDecorator> Execute(IEnumerable<TokenPair> items)
TokenPair[] pairs = items.ToArray();
Classifier model = ReadModel(); // reads the Weka generated model
FastVector fv = CreateFastVector(pairs);
Instances instances = new Instances("licora", fv, pairs.Length);
CreateInstances(instances, pairs);
for(int i = 0; i < instances.numInstances(); i++)
Instance instance = instances.instance(i);
double classification = model.classifyInstance(instance); // array index out of bounds?
throw new NotImplementedException(); // TODO
// This is a helper method to create instances from the internal model files
private static void CreateInstances(Instances instances, IEnumerable<TokenPair> pairs)
instances.setClassIndex(instances.numAttributes() - 1);
foreach(var pair in pairs)
var instance = new Instance(instances.numAttributes());
for (int i = 0; i < instances.numAttributes(); i++)
var attribute = instances.attribute(i);
if (pair.Features.ContainsKey(attribute.name()) && pair.Features[attribute.name()] != null)
var value = pair.Features[attribute.name()];
if (attribute.isNumeric()) instance.setValue(attribute, Convert.ToDouble(value));
else instance.setValue(attribute, value.ToString());
// This creates the data set's attributes vector
private FastVector CreateFastVector(TokenPair[] pairs)
var fv = new FastVector();
foreach (var attribute in _features)
Attribute att;
if (attribute.Type.Equals(ArffType.Nominal))
var values = new FastVector();
ExtractValues(values, pairs, attribute.FeatureName);
att = new Attribute(attribute.FeatureName, values);
att = new Attribute(attribute.FeatureName);
var classValues = new FastVector(2);
var classAttribute = new Attribute("isCoref", classValues);
return fv;
// This extracts observed values for nominal attributes
private static void ExtractValues(FastVector values, IEnumerable<TokenPair> pairs, string featureName)
var strings = (from x in pairs
where x.Features.ContainsKey(featureName) && x.Features[featureName] != null
select x.Features[featureName].ToString())
foreach (var s in strings)
private Classifier ReadModel()
return (Classifier) SerializationHelper.read(_model);
private static bool AsBoolean(double classifyInstance)
return classifyInstance >= 0.5;
For some reason, Weka throws an IndexOutOfRangeException when I call model.classifyInstance(instance). I have no idea why, nor can I come up with an idea how to rectify this issue.
I am hoping someone might know where I went wrong. The only documentation for Weka I found relies on ARFF files for prediction, and I don't really want to go there.
For some odd reason, this exception was raised by the DTNB classifier (I was using three in a majority vote classification model). Apparently, not using DTNB "fixed" the issue.
I have a method GetSelectedServices() which returns Selected Nodes from a Tree List,
Expecting to return with the same method selected nodes and all Nodes i tried to add an out parameter.
But when I call this method i'm supposed to give the out parameter and so the returned list with selectedNodes is masked, and i cannot have it.
My Method
internal List<__ServiceInfo> GetSelectedServices(out List<__ServiceInfo> lstAll)
List<__ServiceInfo> lstSelected = new List<__ServiceInfo>();
List<__ServiceInfo> lstA = new List<__ServiceInfo>();
foreach (TreeListNode node in this.tlServices.Nodes)
if (node.Checked)
var service = this.tlServices.GetDataRecordByNode(node) as __ServiceInfo;
if (service != null)
if (node.Nodes.Count > 0)
foreach (TreeListNode subNode in node.Nodes)
if (subNode.Checked)
service = this.tlServices.GetDataRecordByNode(subNode) as __ServiceInfo;
if (service != null)
lstAll = lstA;
return lstSelected;
The way I call the method
public bool HasValidModel()
List<__ServiceInfo> lstAll = new List<__ServiceInfo>();
//here I get all nodes
var allServices = this.GetAllServices(out lstAll);
List<__ServiceInfo> lstSelected = new List<__ServiceInfo>();
//but how to get the list from ""return lstSelected"";
thank you for any suggestions.
You've already got two variables, although you're initializing one of them unnecessarily. Just use:
public bool HasValidModel()
List<__ServiceInfo> lstAll;
var selectedServices = this.GetAllServices(out lstAll);
// Now use lstAll and selectedServices
Personally I don't really like using out parameters much, and would look for an alternative design if possible, but that's a separate matter. (I'd separate out finding all services from selecting some of them.)
Just use two variables, like this:
List<__ServiceInfo> lst;
List<__ServiceInfo> lstSelected = GetSelectedServices(out lst);
The 'return'ed object is now referenced by lstSelected, while the outed object is referenced by lst.
The way you implemented the return and the out parameter seems to be fine. But the call is wrong. #Ken's answer points in the right direction.
However the logic in the GetSelectedServices method is odd. The only difference between a "selected" service and a "regular" service is that a "regular" service is NULL. Which leads to the result that the allServices list is a collection of NULLs plus the selected services. Which makes no sense in my opinion.
In a normal loop you can break out of a loop using break. Can the same be done using an anonymous delegate?
inputString and result are both declared outside the delegate.
blackList.ForEach(new Action<string>(
delegate(string item)
result = true;
// I want to break here
Thanks for the replies, I'm actually reading your book at the minute John :) Just for the record i hit this issue and switched back to a normal foreach loop but I posted this question to see if i missed something.
As others have posted, you can't exit the loop in ForEach.
Are you able to use LINQ? If so, you could easily combine TakeWhile and a custom ForEach extension method (which just about every project seems to have these days).
In your example, however, List<T>.FindIndex would be the best alternative - but if you're not actually doing that, please post an example of what you really want to do.
There is no loop that one has access to, from which to break. And each call to the (anonymous) delegate is a new function call so local variables will not help. But since C# gives you a closure, you can set a flag and then do nothing in further calls:
bool stop = false;
myList.ForEach((a) => {
if (stop) {
} else if (a.SomeCondition()) {
stop = true;
(This needs to be tested to check if correct reference semantics for closure is generated.)
A more advanced approach would be to create your own extension method that allowed the delegate to return false to stop the loop:
static class MyExtensions {
static void ForEachStoppable<T>(this IEnumerable<T> input, Func<T, bool> action) {
foreach (T t in input) {
if (!action(t)) {
Do you have LINQ available to you? Your logic seems similar to Any:
bool any = blackList.Any(s=>inputString.Contains(s));
which is the same as:
bool any = blackList.Any(inputString.Contains);
If you don't have LINQ, then this is still the same as:
bool any = blackList.Find(inputString.Contains) != null;
If you want to run additional logic, there are things you can do (with LINQ) with TakeWhile etc
I don't think there's an elegant way to do it when using the ForEach method. A hacky solution is to throw an exception.
What's preventing you from doing an old fashioned foreach?
foreach (string item in blackList)
if (!inputString.Contains(item)) continue;
result = true;
If you want a loop, use a loop.
Action allows for no return value, so there's no way the ForEach function could possibly know that you want to break, short of throwing an exception. Using an exception here is overkill.
The only way to "exit" the loop is to throw an exception. There is no "break" style way of exiting the .ForEach method like you would a normal foreach loop.
The ForEach method is not mean to do this. If you want to know if a collection contains an item you should use the Contains method. And if you want to perform a check on all items in a collection you should try the Any extention method.
bool #break = false;
blackList.ForEach(item =>
if(!#break && inputString.Contains(item))
{ #break = true;
result = true;
if (#break) return;
/* ... */
Note that the above will still iterate through each item but return immediately. Of course, this way is probably not as good as a normal foreach.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<string> blackList = new List<string>(new[] { "jaime", "jhon", "febres", "velez" });
string inputString = "febres";
bool result = false;
blackList.ForEach((item) =>
if (inputString.Contains(item))
result = true;
() => result);
public static class MyExtensions
public static void ForEach<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable, Action<T> action, Func<bool> breakOn)
foreach (var item in enumerable)
if (breakOn())
Would this work for you:
bool result = null != blackList.Find( item => inputString.Contains(item)) );
blackList.ForEach(new Action<string>(
delegate(string item)
result = true;
// I want to break here
if you realy want to exist a loop foreach in a list you could use the exception like this code:
public class ExitMyForEachListException : Exception
public ExitMyForEachListException(string message)
: base(message)
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<string> str = new List<string>() { "Name1", "name2", "name3", "name4", "name5", "name6", "name7" };
str.ForEach(z =>
if (z.EndsWith("6"))
throw new ExitMyForEachListException("I get Out because I found name number 6!");
catch (ExitMyForEachListException ex)
hope this help to get other point of view.