Displaying arraylist in Microsoft Excel - c#

How can i display created arraylist in ms excel?
Please guide me..

Add a reference to Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel assembly.
Then try this (just an idea, not full and perfect code):
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
Excel.Application excel = new Excel.Application();
Excel.Workbook wb = excel.Workbooks.Open("filename");
Excel.Worksheet sh = wb.Sheets[1]; // or wb.Sheets["name"]
int row = 2;
foreach (string item in array)
sh.Cells[row,col].Value2 = item;


Export Datatable into Excel Strat from Specific Column C#

I have a datatable and I want export the data into excel but start exporting from a specific column. Scenario, I have an excel sheet and first 5 columns [A-E] have data and want to export from datatable and should start from column F.
How to achieve this in C# console application?
So, the most obvious approach here would be to iterate over the data table's rows and write each to the Excel sheet manually:
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application oXL;
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Workbook oWB;
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Worksheet oSheet;
// Start Excel and get Application object.
oXL = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
oXL.Visible = true;
// Get a new workbook.
oWB = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Workbook)(oXL.Workbooks.Add(""));
oSheet = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Worksheet)oWB.ActiveSheet;
// Write the data. Remember that Excel is 1-indexed
int rowIndex = 1;
foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) {
int colIndex = 6;
foreach (DataColumn col in table.Columns) {
oSheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex] = row[col];
// Save the Excel file
oXL.Visible = false;
oXL.UserControl = false;
oWB.SaveAs("c:\\test\\test505.xls", Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookDefault, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
false, false, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
// Exit Excel
There's probably a more elegant solution to this problem but I think this will get the job done, at least. As a reference, my Excel code was modified from this question, so you might be able to find a better match for your specific needs there.
Alternatively, you could try using the ClosedXML library:
XLWorkbook workbook = new XLWorkbook();
DataTable table = GetYourTable();
var sheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add(table);
var firstColumn = sheet.Column(1);
This code works by creating a new Excel worksheet from the datatable, getting a pointer to the first column in the worksheet and then inserting five columns (A - E) before it.
you can use ClosedXML library. example from my code
var wb = new XLWorkbook();
var ws = wb.Worksheets.Add("My Sheet 1");
ws.Cell("A8").Value = "Print by Admin:";
ws.Cell("B8").Value = $"{GetUserById(userId).name} - {GetUserById(userId).position_name}";
var range = ws.Cell("B12").InsertTable(data);
range.Style.Border.TopBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
range.Style.Border.LeftBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
range.Style.Border.RightBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
range.Style.Border.BottomBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
ws.Row(12).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center;
ws.Row(12).Style.Font.Bold = true;
MemoryStream stream = (MemoryStream)GetStream(wb);
return File(stream.ToArray(), ""application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"", "yourfilename.xlsx");
here code for Getstream:
public Stream GetStream(XLWorkbook excelWorkbook)
Stream fs = new MemoryStream();
fs.Position = 0;
return fs;

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel cells remain null after setting them

I have an application in which I'm trying to write to an Excel file. It doesn't seem to be working.
Here is my code:
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
namespace Image2Excel {
class Engine {
public static void go(string imageFilename, string excelFilename = null) {
//Image img = Image.FromFile(imageFilename);
Bitmap btm = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(imageFilename, false);
Image img = Image.FromFile(imageFilename, false);
if (btm != null) {
Color[][] colorArray = new Color[btm.Width][];
for (int x = 0; x < btm.Width; x++) {
colorArray[x] = new Color[btm.Height];
for (int y = 0; y < btm.Height; y++) {
colorArray[x][y] = btm.GetPixel(x, y);
var excel = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
var workbook = excel.Workbooks.Add(Type.Missing);
var worksheet = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)workbook.ActiveSheet;
worksheet.Name = "sheet1";
worksheet.Cells[1,1] = "top left";
worksheet.Cells[1,2] = "top right";
worksheet.Cells[2,1] = "bottom left";
worksheet.Cells[2,2] = "bottom right";
I'm trying to write some text to the first 4 cells in the spreadsheet. It's not working. When I open the file, I see nothing in the cells.
I do see that the sheet name is set to what I set it to so I know it's writing to the files.
One thing I noticed when I debug is that worksheet.Cells[1,1] is null after I set it. I'm wondering if I need to set the cell to an object before writing to it. But I'm not sure how. I don't seem to be able to do this:
worksheet.Cells[1,1] = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Cell();
Hovering over Cells tells me it's a Range object, but I'm not sure how to set it to a range either. I tried this:
worksheet.Range["A1"].Value = "hello";
worksheet.Range["A1"].Value2 = "hello";
...but those don't work either. worksheet.Range remains null just like worksheet.Cells.
How can I make sure worksheet.Cells[1,1] or worksheet.Range["A1"] is set to an object that will take a string value? Thanks.
You can find my application on github: https://github.com/gibran-shah/Image2Excel
I'm using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel version 15.0.4795.1000.
I have Excel 2010 installed on my computer.
I haven't tried yours but could you try these methods? it worked for me.
1st method with Worksheets.Cells
Excel.Application xlApp;
Excel.Workbook xlWB;
Excel.Worksheet xlWS;
xlApp = new Excel.Application();
// Specify the path to the excel file
xlWB= xlApp.Workbooks.Open("path/to/xlFile.xls");
// Choose the sheet you want to open
xlWS = xlWB.Worksheets["Sheet1"];
// Write on the single cell
xlWS.Cells["1", "D"] = "Example";
// Save the change and quit
2nd method with Worksheets.get_Range()
Excel.Application xlApp;
Excel.Workbook xlWB;
Excel.Worksheet xlWS;
xlApp = new Excel.Application();
// Specify the path to the excel file
xlWB= xlApp.Workbooks.Open("path/to/xlFile.xls");
// Choose the sheet you want to open
xlWS = xlWB.Worksheets["Sheet1"];
// Write on the range of cells
xlWS.get_Range["A3", "D5"] = "Example";
// Save the change and quit

copying of specific range of excel cells from one worksheet to another worksheet

I am writing a C# program which copies a range of cells from a worksheet of one workbook to a worksheet of an other workbook. But the problem I am facing is I am only able to copy and paste the whole worksheet of first workbook. I want to know how to select only a specific range(from row 5 [column 1 to column 10] to row 100 [column 1 to column 10]) and paste it in second workbook worksheet starting from row 2 column 8.
Also i want to know how a fill a column say from C1 to C100 with some value in a direct way instead of using the loop like below
Here is the code that i have written so far
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
namespace ConsoleApplication3
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Excel.Application srcxlApp;
Excel.Workbook srcworkBook;
Excel.Worksheet srcworkSheet;
Excel.Range srcrange;
Excel.Application destxlApp;
Excel.Workbook destworkBook;
Excel.Worksheet destworkSheet;
Excel.Range destrange;
string srcPath;
string destPath;
//Opening of first worksheet and copying
srcPath="C:\\Documents and Settings\\HARRY\\Desktop\\incident.csv";
srcxlApp = new Excel.Application();
srcworkBook = srcxlApp.Workbooks.Open(srcPath);
srcworkSheet = srcworkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1);
srcrange = srcworkSheet.UsedRange;
//opening of the second worksheet and pasting
destPath = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\HARRY\\Desktop\\FIXED Aging incident Report.xls";
destxlApp = new Excel.Application();
destworkBook = destxlApp.Workbooks.Open(destPath,0,false);
destworkSheet = destworkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1);
destrange = destworkSheet.Cells[1, 1];
destworkSheet.Paste(Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
destworkBook.SaveAs("C:\\Documents and Settings\\HARRY\\Desktop\\FIXED Aging incident Report " + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM_dd_yyyy") + ".xls");
srcxlApp.Application.DisplayAlerts = false;
destxlApp.Application.DisplayAlerts = false;
destworkBook.Close(true, null, null);
srcworkBook.Close(false, null, null);
You should be able to do this:
Excel.Range from = srcworkSheet.Range("C1:C100");
Excel.Range to = destworkSheet.Range("C1:C100");
mrtig has a very elegant solution. But it won't work if you have the workbooks in separate instances of excel. So, the key is to open them in just one instance. I've modified your example to show using this approach:
public void CopyRanges()
// only one instance of excel
Excel.Application excelApplication = new Excel.Application();
srcPath="C:\\Documents and Settings\\HARRY\\Desktop\\incident.csv";
Excel.Workbook srcworkBook = excelApplication.Workbooks.Open(srcPath);
Excel.Worksheet srcworkSheet = srcworkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1);
destPath = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\HARRY\\Desktop\\FIXED Aging incident Report.xls";
Excel.Workbook destworkBook = excelApplication.Workbooks.Open(destPath,0,false);
Excel.Worksheet destworkSheet = destworkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1);
Excel.Range from = srcworkSheet.Range("C1:C100");
Excel.Range to = destworkSheet.Range("C1:C100");
// if you use 2 instances of excel, this will not work
destworkBook.SaveAs("C:\\Documents and Settings\\HARRY\\Desktop\\FIXED Aging incident Report " + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM_dd_yyyy") + ".xls");
srcxlApp.Application.DisplayAlerts = false;
destxlApp.Application.DisplayAlerts = false;
destworkBook.Close(true, null, null);
srcworkBook.Close(false, null, null);
For the First part of setting the same value for the entire range, instead of looping following will work out
range1 = workSheet.get_Range("A1:B100");
range1.Value = "Fixed";
And for copying you can try what #mrtig has suggested.

C# - Excel: Delete Row, depending on value in first Column

Imagine, that u have the Column A.
There are 100 Rows and in the Cells are Numbers, like 1, 2, 3 until 100..
How can I programmaticaly (C#) Delete a specific Row, by Example: Deleting the Row which
Value in Column A is 5..
I'm working with the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel and thats the related code:
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xlApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(#"C:\Users\fre\Desktop\TestDatei.xls");
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Worksheet xlWorksheet = xlWorkbook.Sheets[1];
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range xlRange = xlWorksheet.UsedRange;
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range range = xlWorksheet.get_Range("B1:B5", Type.Missing);
because i was interested, too, i did some investigation on the web and created some sample code. maybee this can help you:
private void DeleteCells(object sender, EventArgs e)
// create excel-instance:
Excel.Application excel = new Excel.Application();
// open the concrete file:
Excel.Workbook excelWorkbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(#"D:\test.xls");
// select worksheet. NOT zero-based!!:
Excel._Worksheet excelWorkbookWorksheet = excelWorkbook.Sheets[1];
// create a range:
Excel.Range usedRange = excelWorkbookWorksheet.UsedRange;
// iterate range
foreach (Excel.Range r in usedRange)
// check condition:
if (r.Value2 == 5.0F)
// if match, delete and shift remaining cells up:
// save changes (!!):
// cleanup:
if (excel != null)
Process[] pProcess;
pProcess = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("Excel");
If you want to delete the entire row, try this it works
Range usedRanage=sheet.UsedRange;
foreach (Range r in usedRanage)
if (Convert.ToString(r.Value2)=="RETRIEVE")

How to add color to a cell in an excel sheet using C# COM Interop

I'm using C# COM Interop to create and update Excel files on the fly. I used the below code. But I'm not sure how to add color to a particular cell. Please help me with the same.
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
Excel.Application excel = new Excel.Application();
excel.Visible = true;
Excel.Workbook wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(excel_filename);
Excel.Worksheet sh = wb.Sheets.Add();
sh.Name = "TestSheet";
sh.Cells[1, "A"].Value2 = "SNO";
sh.Cells[2, "B"].Value2 = "A";
sh.Cells[2, "C"].Value2 = "1122";
Try this
wb.Cells[row, clmn].Interior.Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Red)
