So the new async CTP is very cool; it makes my life a lot easier not having to write named callback methods and makes the intent of the methods a lot clearer.
Now that I've gotten to play with it a little, I'm wondering what differences there may be between the async/await and the "classic" asynchronous callback syntaxes.
Here are a few questions I have in mind, but there are numerous others that I won't have thought of now and probably will later.
Does one perhaps offer superior performance over the other?
Is there an overhead to one that is greater than the other?
Which would be better to use in a high-performance environment?
The answer is complicated, the current compiler implementation of await is in several ways better than callbacks, but in some cases worse.
.NET Execution Context: We intend for both await and ContinueWith(...) capture and restore .NET Execution Context. It wouldn't pass .NET safety requirements otherwise, because then you'd be able to take arbitrary things like credentials, etc. and leave them on the threadpool for the next workitem. For 'await', this is an adjustment we made in the internal builds, but it was after we produced the //BUILD developer preview.
Memory Allocations: In several ways 'await' is better on memory allocations than manual callbacks. The key is that for functions with many awaits, what you're really generating is the equivalent of several callbacks. If you have 5 awaits in linear execution order, and with execution always flowing to the end, then the equivalent would require 5 callbacks. For each of those 5 callbacks, it's possible to generate a separate lambda closure object and a delegate that represents that specific lambda. In the 'await' case, the compiler knows that you're not going to use the delegate object for anything else. So instead, the entire method shares 1 closure and 1 delegate, with an internal state machine to keep track of where you are inside the method. Thus, for this case, 'await' allocates fewer objects, which actually can speed up your program since too many objects = more time the GC has to spend figuring out what's alive/dead.
Short-cutting 'Await' also has fancier semantics than just callbacks. In the case where you are creating a callback lambda, the compiler is forced to allocate the closure and the lambda's entrypoint delegate no matter what. For 'await', the await contract allows for a more optimized codepath for awaitables that are already "done". if the awaitable says it's "done" before the await gets evaluated, the semantic is just a pure pass-through of yanking out the result. This means that there's an opportunity for the compiler to delay allocation until you really need it, and thus you never pay the closure allocation, delegate allocation, nor scheduling cost, unless you actually need it. The current Developer Preview compiler includes these performance optimizations.
Trading danger for perf If you really want to bypass the .NET security model, you could kind of imagine a case where you can get a little bit of perf by avoiding the execution context package/restore, if you are absolutely confident that you will never need to capture/restore context. However, most of .NET's methods will do that silently under the covers, so you really need to know which ones will give you raw access without it. The rule of thumb for .NET is that if the API is available in partial trust (e.g. Silverlight), then the API certainly captures context when invoked, and then restores it, if it's an API that tranfers execution elsewhere (e.g. ContinueWith, QueueUserWorkItem(...), etc.). If you roll your own threadpool that just queues up delegates, you can bypass this, but most likely you don't need it.
My personal recommendation Use await. It's higher level, and it's what you want. We've put in a fair amount of effort trying to tune it for this release, and we could probably tune it further. Callback-based APIs will be more limiting, because the compiler can only tune so much before they start breaking the language rules. Awaits in a method allow for you to have smarter closures than callbacks. AND... await is a lot more intuitive to read/use than callbacks :)
Like anonymous functions and iterators, the async and await keywords are syntactic sugar. In a technical sense, they are no more or less efficient than the equivalent non-sugary versions. They just save you a lot of typing.
I have been applying async best practices to all my libraries. Basically it means:
Only use async when it's truly async (libraries shouldn't lie)
Define a synchronous method if and only if you have a faster synchronous method that won’t dead lock.
Postfix all async methods with Async
I worked on a library that is synchronous by nature. This means it has only sync methods. If the user wants to run the work on a separate thread than the UI thread, they can do that themselves by using Task.Factory (responsibility of the caller).
However, inside a handler / method / extensibility point, we want to show the user a message box. This is an async method (for example, WinRT ShowDialogAsync). Then this gives us the following options:
A. Move everything to async (so we have the option to use await in our handlers and don't block anything).
public async Task MyMethodAsync()
await _messageService.ShowAsync();
The advantage is that users can add async methods without having to use .Wait(). The downside is that we are lying as a library (it's not truly async).
I have considered making everything async, but I don't think that's a good idea either. It would make all libraries lie but prepare them in case we would need it. Remember that making everything async out of the box has a (small) performance impact as well.
B. Inside the handler that requires user input, call .Wait()
public void MyMethod()
The advantage is that this will allow us to use async code inside sync methods. But... it will never be callable from the UI-thread because the _messageService dispatches to the UI thread (but it cannot do that because it's still waiting for the method, resulting in a deadlock). This method will work when used inside a Task.Factory.Run block (but the responsibility is up to the end-user):
await Task.Factory.Run(() => MyMethod());
The question
I feel that both have pros and cons, but what would you choose? Let the library lie (A) or only allow the method to be called from a background thread (B)? Or maybe there are other options I've overseen.
If I go for A, it means I have to bump the major version every time (because it's actually a breaking change) whenever a user requests to convert a method to an async signature method.
Define a synchronous method if and only if you have a faster synchronous method that won’t dead lock.
I'd say "define a synchronous method if you have synchronous work to do". It doesn't matter how fast it is. The burden is on the caller to determine if it's too slow and they need to use Task.Run.
However, inside a handler / method / extensibility point
If this is an Observer kind of extensibility, consider just using events or observables.
However, it sounds like you want more of a Strategy kind of extensibility, where your invoking code must wait for and/or change its behavior based on the result of the callback.
I have considered making everything async, but I don't think that's a good idea either.
Async all the way is a guideline, not a strict command. It definitely applies in the 99% case, but this could be one of the exceptions. I would try not to make a library async just for the sake of a possibly-async Strategy pattern; I'd investigate other extension possibilities first. There is a valid argument for making the library async, if you view the Strategy callback as a dependency (the library would be async because its dependency is (possibly) async).
As you've discovered, there's no clean way to do sync-over-async. There are a few different hacks (such as blocking from a background thread), but you'll first need to decide whether you need to call your library from the UI thread.
If you do, then there's just two options: make the library async, or use a nested message loop. I strongly avoid nested message loops, especially in libraries; I'm just mentioning it for sake of completeness.
If you can impose on the user a requirement to only call the library from a non-UI thread, then you can apply other hacks. E.g., blocking the background thread.
There's not an easy solution, sorry.
As far as me personally... if the library needs an async Strategy, then I would lean towards making the library async. But it does depend on what kind of library it is, whether there were backwards-compatibility issues, etc. And the first thing I'd look into is a different kind of extensibility point.
as you can read here :
Async All the Way
Asynchronous code reminds me of the story of a fellow who mentioned that the world was suspended in space and was immediately challenged by an elderly lady claiming that the world rested on the back of a giant turtle. When the man enquired what the turtle was standing on, the lady replied, “You’re very clever, young man, but it’s turtles all the way down!” As you convert synchronous code to asynchronous code, you’ll find that it works best if asynchronous code calls and is called by other asynchronous code—all the way down (or “up,” if you prefer). Others have also noticed the spreading behavior of asynchronous programming and have called it “contagious” or compared it to a zombie virus. Whether turtles or zombies, it’s definitely true that asynchronous code tends to drive surrounding code to also be asynchronous. This behavior is inherent in all types of asynchronous programming, not just the new async/await keywords.
“Async all the way” means that you shouldn’t mix synchronous and asynchronous code without carefully considering the consequences. In particular, it’s usually a bad idea to block on async code by calling Task.Wait or Task.Result. This is an especially common problem for programmers who are “dipping their toes” into asynchronous programming, converting just a small part of their application and wrapping it in a synchronous API so the rest of the application is isolated from the changes. Unfortunately, they run into problems with deadlocks. After answering many async-related questions on the MSDN forums, Stack Overflow and e-mail, I can say this is by far the most-asked question by async newcomers once they learn the basics: “Why does my partially async code deadlock?”
I'm considering rewriting my network library with await/async paradigm. Lots of code which uses the library is still synchronous, so I'm planning on moving the entire library into the async mode and then creating method stubs, which would transform the async calls into synchronous calls.
Can anyone suggest to me whether this is going to make my library worse for synchronous use? (like if it would consume more cpu, method calls would take longer to execute etc)?
It will definitely not be faster, synchronous code can respond to incoming data quicker.
The advantage you get from doing it asynchronously is that your library will scale a lot better, being able to handle many more connections. A side effect of not having hundreds of threads doing nothing but waiting for data to arrive. The disadvantage of doing it asynchronously is that your library will be much harder to use by the client app. Which is what async/await solves. There is no benefit if you make it synchronous again yourself, it must be left to the client app.
The proper answer here is to benchmark it, try rewriting a couple of methods with async and see how they perform when used synchronously.
Having said that this article explains that yes there is a cost to setting up the state required for async methods and so only use them if it's beneficial. For a network library (where the vast majority of your time is probably spent waiting for the network) the time cost for setting up async is probably negligible.
In summary, for a network library it's probably fine, but benchmarking is the only way to be sure.
Only perfomance penalty is that async/await is using state machine. So perfomance influence is such as yield return instead of returning an array/list.
I see a lot of people in blog posts and here on SO either avoiding or advising against the usage of the Thread class in recent versions of C# (and I mean of course 4.0+, with the addition of Task & friends). Even before, there were debates about the fact that a plain old thread's functionality can be replaced in many cases by the ThreadPool class.
Also, other specialized mechanisms are further rendering the Thread class less appealing, such as Timers replacing the ugly Thread + Sleep combo, while for GUIs we have BackgroundWorker, etc.
Still, the Thread seems to remain a very familiar concept for some people (myself included), people that, when confronted with a task that involves some kind of parallel execution, jump directly to using the good old Thread class. I've been wondering lately if it's time to amend my ways.
So my question is, are there any cases when it's necessary or useful to use a plain old Thread object instead of one of the above constructs?
The Thread class cannot be made obsolete because obviously it is an implementation detail of all those other patterns you mention.
But that's not really your question; your question is
are there any cases when it's necessary or useful to use a plain old Thread object instead of one of the above constructs?
Sure. In precisely those cases where one of the higher-level constructs does not meet your needs.
My advice is that if you find yourself in a situation where existing higher-abstraction tools do not meet your needs, and you wish to implement a solution using threads, then you should identify the missing abstraction that you really need, and then implement that abstraction using threads, and then use the abstraction.
Threads are a basic building block for certain things (namely parallelism and asynchrony) and thus should not be taken away. However, for most people and most use cases there are more appropriate things to use which you mentioned, such as thread pools (which provide a nice way of handling many small jobs in parallel without overloading the machine by spawning 2000 threads at once), BackgroundWorker (which encapsulates useful events for a single shortlived piece of work).
But just because in many cases those are more appropriate as they shield the programmer from needlessly reinventing the wheel, doing stupid mistakes and the like, that does not mean that the Thread class is obsolete. It is still used by the abstractions named above and you would still need it if you need fine-grained control over threads that is not covered by the more special classes.
In a similar vein, .NET doesn't forbid the use of arrays, despite List<T> being a better fit for many cases where people use arrays. Simply because you may still want to build things that are not covered by the standard lib.
Task and Thread are different abstractions. If you want to model a thread, the Thread class is still the most appropriate choice. E.g. if you need to interact with the current thread, I don't see any better types for this.
However, as you point out .NET has added several dedicated abstractions which are preferable over Thread in many cases.
The Thread class is not obsolete, it is still useful in special circumstances.
Where I work we wrote a 'background processor' as part of a content management system: a Windows service that monitors directories, e-mail addresses and RSS feeds, and every time something new shows up execute a task on it - typically to import the data.
Attempts to use the thread pool for this did not work: it tries to execute too much stuff at the same time and trash the disks, so we implemented our own polling and execution system using directly the Thread class.
The new options make direct use and management of the (expensive) threads less frequent.
people that, when confronted with a task that involves some kind of parallel execution, jump directly to using the good old Thread class.
Which is a very expensive and relatively complex way of doing stuff in parallel.
Note that the expense matters most: You cannot use a full thread to do a small job, it would be counterproductive. The ThreadPool combats the costs, the Task class the complexities (exceptions, waiting and canceling).
To answer the question of "are there any cases when it's necessary or useful to use a plain old Thread object", I'd say a plain old Thread is useful (but not necessary) when you have a long running process that you won't ever interact with from a different thread.
For example, if you're writing an application that subscribes to receive messages from some sort of message queue and you're application is going to do more than just process those messages then it would be useful to use a Thread because the thread will be self-contained (i.e. you aren't waiting on it to get done), and it isn't short-lived. Using the ThreadPool class is more for queuing up a bunch of short-lived work items and allowing the ThreadPool class manage efficiently processing each one as a new Thread is available. Tasks can be used where you would use Thread directly, but in the above scenario I don't think they would buy you much. They help you interact with the thread more easily (which the above scenario doesn't need) and they help determine how many Threads actually should be used for the given set of tasks based on the number of processors you have (which isn't what you want, so you'd tell the Task your thing is LongRunning in which case in the current 4.0 implementation it would simply create a separate non-pooled Thread).
Probably not the answer you were expecting, but I use Thread all the time when coding against the .NET Micro Framework. MF is quite cut down and doesn't include higher level abstractions and the Thread class is super flexible when you need to get the last bit of performance out of a low MHz CPU.
You could compare the Thread class to ADO.NET. It's not the recommended tool for getting the job done, but its not obsolete. Other tools build on top of it to ease the job.
Its not wrong to use the Thread class over other things, especially if those things don't provide a functionality that you need.
It's not definitely obsolete.
The problem with multithreaded apps is that they are very hard to get right (often indeterministic behavior, input, output and also internal state is important), so a programmer should push as much work as possible to framework/tools. Abstract it away. But, the mortal enemy of abstraction is performance.
So my question is, are there any cases when it's necessary or useful
to use a plain old Thread object instead of one of the above
I'd go with Threads and locks only if there will be serious performance problems, high performance goals.
I've always used the Thread class when I need to keep count and control over the threads I've spun up. I realize I could use the threadpool to hold all of my outstanding work, but I've never found a good way to keep track of how much work is currently being done or what the status is.
Instead, I create a collection and place the threads in them after I spin them up - the very last thing a thread does is remove itself from the collection. That way, I can always tell how many threads are running, and I can use the collection to ask each what it's doing. If there's a case when I need to kill them all, normally you'd have to set some kind of "Abort" flag in your application, wait for every thread to notice that on its own and self-terminate - in my case, I can walk the collection and issue a Thread.Abort to each one in turn.
In that case, I haven't found a better way that working directly with the Thread class. As Eric Lippert mentioned, the others are just higher-level abstractions, and it's appropriate to work with the lower-level classes when the available high-level implementations don't meet your need. Just as you sometimes need to do Win32 API calls when .NET doesn't address your exact needs, there will always be cases where the Thread class is the best choice despite recent "advancements."
I'm currently working on a largely asynchronous application which uses TAP throughout. Every class which has methods for spawning Tasks also has a TaskScheduler injected into it. This allows us to perform explicit scheduling of tasks, which as I understand, is not the way Microsoft are going with the Async CTP.
The only issue I have with the new approach (implicit scheduling) is that our previous philosophy has always been "we know the continuation will always specify their task scheduler, so we don't need to worry about what context we complete the task on".
Moving away from that does worry us slightly just because it has worked extremely well in terms of avoiding subtle threading errors, because for every bit of code we can see that the coder has remembered to consider what thread he's on. If they missed specifying the task scheduler, it's a bug.
Question 1: Can anyone reassure me that the implicit approach is a good idea? I see so many issues being introduced by ConfigureAwait(false) and explicit scheduling in legacy/third party code. How can I be sure my 'await-ridden' code is always running on the UI thread, for example?
Question 2: So, assuming we remove all TaskScheduler DI from our code and begin to use implicit scheduling, how do we then set the default task scheduler? What about changing scheduler midway through a method, just before awaiting an expensive method, and then setting it back again afterward?
(p.s. I have already read
I'll take a shot at answering. ;)
Question 1: Can anyone reassure me that the implicit approach is a good idea? I see so many issues being introduced by ConfigureAwait(false) and explicit scheduling in legacy/third party code. How can I be sure my 'await-ridden' code is always running on the UI thread, for example?
The rules for ConfigureAwait(false) are pretty simple: use it if the rest of your method can be run on the threadpool, and don't use it if the rest of your method must run in a given context (e.g., UI context).
Generally speaking, ConfigureAwait(false) should be used by library code, and not by UI-layer code (including UI-type layers such as ViewModels in MVVM). If the method is partially-background-computation and partially-UI-updates, then it should be split into two methods.
Question 2: So, assuming we remove all TaskScheduler DI from our code and begin to use implicit scheduling, how do we then set the default task scheduler?
async/await does not normally use TaskScheduler; they use a "scheduling context" concept. This is actually SynchronizationContext.Current, and falls back to TaskScheduler.Current only if there is no SynchronizationContext. Substituting your own scheduler can therefore be done using SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext. You can read more about SynchronizationContext in this MSDN article on the subject.
The default scheduling context should be what you need almost all of the time, which means you don't need to mess with it. I only change it when doing unit tests, or for Console programs / Win32 services.
What about changing scheduler midway through a method, just before awaiting an expensive method, and then setting it back again afterward?
If you want to do an expensive operation (presumably on the threadpool), then await the result of TaskEx.Run.
If you want to change the scheduler for other reasons (e.g., concurrency), then await the result of TaskFactory.StartNew.
In both of these cases, the method (or delegate) is run on the other scheduler, and then the rest of the method resumes in its regular context.
Ideally, you want each async method to exist within a single execution context. If there are different parts of the method that need different contexts, then split them up into different methods. The only exception to this rule is ConfigureAwait(false), which allows a method to start on an arbitrary context and then revert to the threadpool context for the remainder of its execution. ConfigureAwait(false) should be considered an optimization (that's on by default for library code), not as a design philosophy.
Here's some points from my "Thread is Dead" talk that I think may help you with your design:
Follow the Task-Based Asynchronous Pattern guidelines.
As your code base becomes more asynchronous, it will become more functional in nature (as opposed to traditionally object-oriented). This is normal and should be embraced.
As your code base becomes more asynchronous, shared-memory concurrency gradually evolves to message-passing concurrency (i.e., ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair is the new ReaderWriterLock).
I'm still fairly new to WF so bear with me if I don't get this worded correctly the first time. ;)
If you're doing selects against a well-normalized database, using primary keys, returning single records, in a fairly low volume environment (a few hundred requests per day), does it really make a difference whether you use CodeActivity vs AsyncCodeActivity?
While I've got some additional research to do on hosting and execution, it will be possible, but not probable, for multiple requests to be received at or near the same time. I'm not sure if that will change the answer or not.
Microsoft used non async in their ExecuteSqlQuery activity:
Async Activities:
"This is useful for custom activities that must perform asynchronous work without holding the workflow scheduler thread and blocking any activities that may be able to run in parallel."
"As a result of going asynchronous, an AsyncCodeActivity may induce an idle point during execution. Due to the volatile nature of asynchronous work, an AsyncCodeActivity always creates a no persist block for the duration of the activity’s execution. This prevents the workflow runtime from persisting the workflow instance in the middle of the asynchronous work, and also prevents the workflow instance from unloading while the asynchronous code is executing."
Edit: I noticed that only pointed out the disadvantages of using async I would consider the responses of Ron and Tim to make a better decision
In general I strongly encourage activity developers who are doing any kind of I/O to use AsyncCodeActivity and to call the underlying Async APIs whenever possible. Even if the query is short this is always preferrable.
Obviously - it's not going to make a difference unless you're actually calling an Async API inside your activity implementation.
That said, even if it makes a difference it might not make a noticeable difference in many apps. Potential reasons:
The query just runs too fast.
You aren't running multiple queries in parallel. (Running many async operations in parallel is faster than doing them synchronously and thereby sequentially.)
You don't run a large number of workflows in parallel such as would be needed to experience thread contention.