C# XNA Mouse Position - c#

I am having some issues with my mouse coordinates in XNA - the 0x0 is arbitrarily near (but not in) the top left corner of my screen.
I am running the game in a windowed mode right now, but the coordinates are based off the screen, not the game window (even though the XNA documentation tells me it should be otherwise)
Thanks in advance!
Here's the code:
namespace TheGame
class Mousey
static public Vector2 pos;
static private Texture2D tex;
static public MouseState mouseState;
static public MouseState previousState;
//static public Mousey()
static public void Update()
previousState = mouseState;
mouseState = Mouse.GetState(); //Needed to find the most current mouse states.
pos.X = mouseState.X; //Change x pos to mouseX
pos.Y = mouseState.Y; //Change y pos to mouseY
//Drawing function to be called in the main Draw function.
static public void LoadContent(ContentManager thecontent)
tex = thecontent.Load<Texture2D>("mousey");
static public void Draw(SpriteBatch batch) //SpriteBatch to use.
batch.Draw(tex, pos, Color.White); //Draw it using the batch.
static public bool LBP()
if (mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && previousState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released)
return true;
return false;

In game.cs:
//sets the windows mouse handle to client bounds handle
Mouse.WindowHandle = Window.Handle;

private IntPtr intPtr;
public MouseControle(int w, int h, IntPtr intPtr)
screenwidth = w;
screenheight = h;
this.intPtr = intPtr;
Mouse.WindowHandle = intPtr;
This works for me ;)
To use this, I add this to my game-component using that class:
mouse = new MouseControle(((Game1)Game).setscreen.width,
Hope this helps sombody :D

Did you try something simpler like this?
protected override void Draw( GameTime gameTime )
graphics.GraphicsDevice.Clear( Color.CornflowerBlue );
base.Draw( gameTime );
MouseState current_mouse = Mouse.GetState();
Vector2 pos = new Vector2(current_mouse.X, current_mouse.Y);
batch.Draw(tex, pos, Color.White);
There may be some time between draw and update, due to the way timing works in XNA, maybe is this the cause of the perceived pixel offset?
And... are you sure you "configured" your sprite batch correctly? Coordinates are relative to game window, so the documentation say.
Another thing: Why are you using static fields? I really don't like this choice, an anti-pattern. Use class fields, not static fields.
Also... i guess you are drawing a mouse icon, right? consider that XNA start to draw the texture from the specified point, are you sure the texture is well shaped with the top-left point as your mouse arrow end?
I found a nice example here you may like: http://azerdark.wordpress.com/2009/07/08/displaying-cursor-xna/
Consider also that you can enable and disable the normal windows OS mouse cursor with IsMouseVisible = true;

Your draw call is not offsetting the texture at all. If the "pointer" part of your image isn't in the 0,0 position (top left) of your Texture, the positioning will seem off.
Add a Console.WriteLine(pos); to your update to see the position it is drawing to. Remember to remove this after your debugging because writeline will kill your performance.
Try one of the overloaded SpriteBatch.Draw() calls which factor in an "origin" which lets you decide which point of the texture should be drawn at the position. In the following code tweak the Vector 2 based upon how your texture is drawn.
batch.Draw(tex, pos, null, Color.White, 0.0f, new Vector2(10, 10), SpriteEffects.None, 0.0f);


How do I get the mouse position on a gameobject in unity?

I have currently started a developing a pixel art program in unity. I started with getting the mouse coordinates(x, y) on the ui image(texture) I used the code below but the get the mouse position in world space. I wanna get it in the space of the ui image only. The texture image is 32, 32 pixel wide and tall (x, y respected)
[SerializeField] private Text coordinatesText;
private Vector3 mousePos;
private float mouseX, mouseY;
void Update()
mousePos = Input.mousePosition;
mouseX = mousePos.x;
mouseY = mousePos.y;
coordinatesText.text = (mouseX + ", " + mouseY).ToString();
For like, when I hover the mouse on the very bottom left of the texture, which is a ui image, I get 0, 0 and when it's in the very top right, it's 32, 32.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Depending on the Render Mode your Canvas is set to, the answer differs ever so slightly. I also want to point out, RectTransform by default has a pivot point on its center, so the (0,0) will be in the center, not on the bottom-left.
The function you are looking for is RectTransformUtility. ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle. To use it, you need the RectTransform of your UI object, if the Render Mode of your Canvas is set to ScreenSpaceCamera, you will need the camera and the screen space position, which is the mouse position. I mentioned that it was different depending on the RenderMode due to the camera parameter needing to be null if your RenderMode is OverlaySpace for the function to work.
Another note, you will most likely want to implement IHandlers to know when the cursor is inside of the specific UI element.
Here is some example code:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class TestScript : MonoBehaviour, IPointerClickHandler
[SerializeField] private Canvas parentCanvas = null; // the parent canvas of this UI - only needed to determine if we need the camera
[SerializeField] private RectTransform rect = null; // the recttransform of the UI object
// you can serialize this as well - do NOT assign it if the canvas render mode is overlay though
private Camera UICamera = null; // the camera that is rendering this UI
private void Start()
if (rect == null)
rect = GetComponent<RectTransform>();
if (parentCanvas == null)
parentCanvas = GetComponentInParent<Canvas>();
if (UICamera == null && parentCanvas.renderMode == RenderMode.ScreenSpaceCamera)
UICamera = parentCanvas.worldCamera;
public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData)
// this UI element has been clicked by the mouse so determine the local position on your UI element
RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(rect, eventData.position, UICamera, out Vector2 localPos);
// we now have the local click position of our rect transform, but as you want the (0,0) to be bottom-left aligned, need to adjust it
localPos.x += rect.rect.width / 2f;
localPos.y += rect.rect.height / 2f;
Here is a gif of the code working in a test scene. The image I have has a width and height of 32. I zoomed in the window so the clicks could be as closer to the edge to show the coordinates are properly set.

How to get color of the pixel I clicked on in Unity? Is there a GetPixel alternative that works with floats?

I'm using a Texture2D to display a map, and I need to get the color of the pixel I clicked on. I used Input.mousePosition to get the float coordinates, but using GetPixel to get the color requires the coordinates to be integers.
I am having trouble with getting GetPixel to find the coordinate that I clicked on.
When using floats and clicking on say, the rightmost side of the texture, I get a number like 27.xxx, but when I cast it to an integer, it displays a coordinate 27 pixels from the leftmost side of the texture. The way floats represent pixels confuses me a great deal, maybe clarifying that would help.
public class ProvinceSelectScript : MonoBehaviour {
public Material SpriteMain;
public Color SelectedCol;
public Color NewlySelectedCol;
public Texture2D WorldColMap;
Vector2 screenPosition;
Vector2 worldPosition;
void Start()
WorldColMap = (Texture2D)SpriteMain.GetTexture("_MainTexture");
NewlySelectedCol = Color.blue;
private void OnMouseDown()
screenPosition = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x,Input.mousePosition.y);
worldPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPosition);
SelectedCol = WorldColMap.GetPixel(((int)(worldPosition.x)+(WorldColMap.width/2)) , (int)((worldPosition.y)+(WorldColMap.height / 2)));
SpriteMain.SetColor("_SelectedProvince", SelectedCol);
SpriteMain.SetColor("_NewlySelectedProvince", NewlySelectedCol);
The worldPosition in the question isn't calculated in a way that's useful if you're using a perspective camera or if your camera is pointed any direction but directly forward.
To find the world position of the click, the best way to go about that is to use Camera.ScreenPointToRay to calculate the position of the click when intersecting the plane made by the position of the sprite and its local forward.
Either way, a world position does not mean anything to the sprite, which could be positioned anywhere in world space. You should rather use transform.InverseTransformPoint to calculate the local position you're clicking on. At that point, you can then use the spriterenderer's bounds to convert to normalized form (0-1 originating fromt he bottom-left instead of world unit lengths originating from the center).
But, once you have the local sprite position of the click expressed in normalized form, you can try to use GetPixelBilinear to get the color at the UV of (x,y) of the click. If the sprite is super simple, this MAY work. If it is animated or nine-sliced, or anything else it probably won't, and you'll have to reverse-engineer what UV the mouse is actually hovering over.
Camera mainCam;
SpriteRenderer sr;
void Start()
WorldColMap = (Texture2D)SpriteMain.GetTexture("_MainTexture");
NewlySelectedCol = Color.blue;
mainCam = Camera.main; // cache for faster access
sr = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); // cache for faster access;
private void OnMouseDown()
Plane spritePlane = new Plane(transform.position, transform.forward);
Ray pointerRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
if (spritePlane.Raycast(pointerRay, out distance))
Vector3 worldPositionClick = pointerRay.GetPoint(distance);
Vector3 localSpriteClick = transform.InverseTransformPoint(worldPositionClick);
// convert [(-extents,-extents),(extents,extents)] to [(0,0),(1,1)]
Vector3 localSpriteExtents = sr.sprite.bounds.extents;
localSpriteClick = localSpriteClick + localSpriteExtents ;
localSpriteClick.x /= localSpriteExtents.x * 2;
localSpriteClick.y /= localSpriteExtents.y * 2;
// You clicked on localSpriteClick, on a very simple sprite (where no uv magic is happening) this might work:
SelectedCol = WorldColMap.GetPixelBilinear(localSpriteClick.x, localSpriteClick.y);
SpriteMain.SetColor("_SelectedProvince", SelectedCol);

Need help on monogame screen resolution and intersection

Currently in my game i want trying to move my object towards both x axis and y axis.As I also wanted to put it into center ,I have put a camera.Here is my Camera code-
public class Camera
public Matrix transform;
public Viewport view;
public Vector2 origin;
Vector2 baseScreenSize = new Vector2(1136, 720);
float horScaling ;
float verScaling ;
Vector3 screenScalingFactor ;
public Camera(Viewport newView)
view = newView;
horScaling = view.Width / baseScreenSize.X;
verScaling = view.Height / baseScreenSize.Y;
screenScalingFactor = new Vector3(horScaling, verScaling, 1);
public void update(GameTime gt, ball pl)
origin = new Vector2(pl.Position.X + (pl.ballRectangle.Width / 2) - 400, 0);
transform = Matrix.CreateScale(1,1,0) *
Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-origin.X, -origin.Y, 0));
and in Game1.cs file as usual in begin statement i am putting this-
spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, null, null, cm.transform*globalTransformation);
ba.Draw(spriteBatch, Color.White);
Here ba is the object of ball,its just have moving x and y functionalities.
In a separate begin,end statement ,I am drawing rest all of the objects-
spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, null, null, null, null, null, globalTransformation);
spriteBatch.Draw(mainMenu, new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White);
spriteBatch.Draw(mainMenu1, new Vector2(450, 100), Color.White);
Here Have applied globaltransformation to acheive independent screen resolution(similar codes like in Camera.cs).
Rest of the objects are working as expected,But intersections of camera object and rest of the objects is not working as expected.
I guess this is due to resolution independency is not applied to Camera object(I am not sure).I have tried lot of codes after searching internet,but none of them is working as expected.
In a simple words-I want to clone this game-
If you see main player is moving along x and y axis,but due to camera its in constant position,but the obstacles are not in camera,How to acheive the intersection between obejct which is in camera draw and objects which are not in camera in this case
Request all to help,I am stuck here from long time...
Never thought this will be this much of easy...Searched all over internet,in
most of the codes they were saying we need to inverse the camera transform.
But this is not the case.As from beginning I was saying my problem is intersection between camera object and non camera object,here is the answer-
First of all we need to find the positions of camera object to form a world space rectangle
Vector2 hj = Vector2.Transform(ba.Position, cm.transform);
Rectangle leftRectangleT1 =
new Rectangle((int)hj.X, (int)hj.Y, ba.tex.Width, ba.tex.Height);
Here ba is the camera object,we need to transform it to camera transform like above codes.
To get transform of ba in case pixel intersection,here is the codes-
Matrix ballTransform = Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(hj.X, hj.Y, 0.0f));
Thats it you have ball rectangle which is camera object to intersect with real world objects(non camera objects)
I don't understand your question per say, but from what I gathered, you want the camera to follow the target's position, and you also want independent screen resolutions?
Well, for the independent screen resolution, simply create a screen resolution handler that renders the scene to a RenderTarget2D as defined by your sizes. Then draw that to the screen.
For the camera movement. Try adjusting the camera's position to follow the target's position with an offset and slerp interpolation to prevent stuttering and smooth action.
void Update(float gameTime) {
Vector3 camTransform = Camera.Position + cameraTarget;
Vector3 newCameraPosition = Vector3.Slerp(cameraPosition, camTransform, 0.2f);
Camera.Position = newCameraPosition;
For your intersection problem try something along this
private bool intersects(rectangle1, rectangle2) {
return rectangle1.x >= rectangle2.x &&
rectangle1.y >= rectangle2.y &&
rectangle1.y <= rectangle2.y + rectangle2.h &&
rectangle1.x <= rectangle2.x + rectangle2.w;
private void checkIntersections(gameObjects[]) {
foreach (var obj in gameobjects) {
if (intersects(obj.rectangle, camera.rectangle){
handleIntersections(camera, obj);

how to zoom at a point in picturebox in c#?

This question is asked before but since it doesn't work and my lack of reputation point(I tried to comment at question but I couldn't) I had to ask this question again.
This is the link of the quustion asked before;
How to zoom at a point in picturebox
I used the code which is shown in the link but when I run it the point or shape disappear.
here is my code;
public partial class Form1 : Form
private Matrix transform = new Matrix();
private double m_dZoomscale = 1.0;
public static double s_dScrollValue = .1;
private void pictureBox1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
g.Transform = transform;
Pen mypen = new Pen(Color.Red,5);
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(10, 10, 30, 30);
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(mypen, rect);
protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs mea)
if (pictureBox1.Focused == true && mea.Delta != 0)
ZoomScroll(mea.Location, mea.Delta > 0);
private void ZoomScroll(Point location, bool zoomIn)
transform.Translate(-location.X, -location.Y);
if (zoomIn)
transform.Scale((float)s_dScrollValue, (float)s_dScrollValue);
transform.Scale((float)-s_dScrollValue, (float)-s_dScrollValue);
transform.Translate(location.X, location.Y);
The answer you are referencing cannot possibly work. I have no idea why it was accepted, nor up-voted. Except that at some time in the past, I apparently up-voted it as well. I don't know what I was thinking.
Anyway, that code has some problems:
It uses the mouse coordinates passed in directly, rather than converting them to the coordinate system for the PictureBox control. The coordinates passed to the OnMouseWheel() method are relative to the Form itself, so only if the PictureBox top-left coincides with the Form's upper-left corner would that work.
More problematically, the code is completely misusing the Matrix.Scale() method, passing a value that seems intended to be a delta for the scale, when in fact the Scale() method accepts a factor for the scale. This has two implications:
Passing a negative value is wrong, because negative values flip the coordinate system, rather than reducing the scale, and
Passing an increment value is wrong, because the value passed will be multiplied with the current scaling to get the new scaling.
Also problematic is that the code applies the matrix transformations in the wrong order, because the default order is "prepend", not "append" (I find the latter more natural to work with, but I assume there's some reason known to those who specialize in matrix math that explains why the default is the former).
There is also the relatively minor issue that, even ignoring the above, allowing the user to adjust the scale factor arbitrarily will eventually lead to an out-of-range value. It would be better for the code to limit the scale to something reasonable.
Here is a version of your code, modified so that it addresses all of these issues:
private Matrix transform = new Matrix();
private float m_dZoomscale = 1.0f;
public const float s_dScrollValue = 0.1f;
public Form1()
private void pictureBox1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
g.Transform = transform;
Pen mypen = new Pen(Color.Red, 5);
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(10, 10, 30, 30);
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(mypen, rect);
protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs mea)
if (pictureBox1.Focused == true && mea.Delta != 0)
// Map the Form-centric mouse location to the PictureBox client coordinate system
Point pictureBoxPoint = pictureBox1.PointToClient(this.PointToScreen(mea.Location));
ZoomScroll(pictureBoxPoint, mea.Delta > 0);
private void ZoomScroll(Point location, bool zoomIn)
// Figure out what the new scale will be. Ensure the scale factor remains between
// 1% and 1000%
float newScale = Math.Min(Math.Max(m_dZoomscale + (zoomIn ? s_dScrollValue : -s_dScrollValue), 0.1f), 10);
if (newScale != m_dZoomscale)
float adjust = newScale / m_dZoomscale;
m_dZoomscale = newScale;
// Translate mouse point to origin
transform.Translate(-location.X, -location.Y, MatrixOrder.Append);
// Scale view
transform.Scale(adjust, adjust, MatrixOrder.Append);
// Translate origin back to original mouse point.
transform.Translate(location.X, location.Y, MatrixOrder.Append);
With this code, you will find that no matter where you place the mouse before adjusting the mouse wheel, the rendered image will scale while keeping the point under the mouse fixed in place.
I took a look at some of the similar questions on Stack Overflow, and there are a few that might also be useful to you. Some of the answers overcomplicate things, in my opinion, but all should work. See:
Zoom To Point Not Working As Expected
Zoom in on a fixed point using matrices
Zooming graphics without scrolling

What is the prefered way or spot using Artemis in monogame or xna to add a mouse click rectangle

Using Artemis, Visual Studio, C# and Monogame.
Just starting to get a grasp on Artemis, but looking fo the proper place to add a clickable rectangle/area to an entity, there will be multiple entities on the screen.
Basic simple idea, i have small square sprites randomly showing and moving in the 2D play area.
I need to be able to click on them and keeping it simple, delete the square.
In Artemis you have Components, Entities, Systems.
I know i'll be adding this rectangle area to the Texture2D square, guessing it should be its own component.
Trying to figure out
Get the rectangle the size of the square, and stay with the square when it moves.
How in some system, detect that this square was clicked or touched.
In my DrawableGameComponent entity.
DrawPosition is a vector2 and set in the Main Game routine.
It is the location of my square.
I use that and texture size to calculate the size and location of my rectangle.
AreItemsIntersecting function will take the Mouse position when the screen is clicked, then i used that to create a little rect, and then checked if the 2 intersect. If they do, then the object was clicked.
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
var bx = DrawPosition.X;
var by = DrawPosition.Y;
var w = _texture.Bounds.Width;
var h = _texture.Bounds.Height;
_bounds = new Rectangle((int)bx, (int)by, w+1, h+1);
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
if (_texture != null)
_spriteBatch.Draw(_texture, DrawPosition, Color.White);
_spriteBatch.Draw(_texture, _bounds, Color.Transparent);
public bool AreItemsIntersecting(int x, int y)
var vect = new Rectangle(x, y, 1, 1);
if (vect.Intersects(_bounds))
return true;
return false;
I would create a BoundingBox component. It will expose a Bounds property of type Rectangle.
With this component in place you can create a KillEntityOnClickSystem to handle the removal of clicked entities. You'll just need to check whether the mouse is inside the Bounds of the entity BoundingBox when the mouse button is clicked.
Hope this helps!
