I have an error provider providing error for 4 controls..
when I set all the four errors, only two of them blink together at a time and all four settle down after certain time..
even if I set two errors, both blink alternatively..
but I want all of them blink together...How can I do this? (I don't prefer using more than one errorProvider)
You've hinted to an (IMO) acceptable solution, with your last statement: use 2 error providers, one dedicated to blinking exactly one control at a time (the latest one with an invalid input, or the one you'd expect to be corrected ASAP, or whatever criteria you deem most important), and a second one that "silently" displays the icon on all controls with invalid input.
I have two logs in a foreach loop. One outputs the current element of the loop, and the other logs "1". The elements all get logged, but the "1" gets logged ones. I use Debug.Log for logging. I execute the script in a unity project.
The loop looks therefore something like this
foreach(CostumeClass A in B)
The Output is
I expected
Apparently, Unity console packs identical logs together into one log and then writes on the right how often they appeared.
This just cost me one hour of my life, thanks unity.
This is intentional behavior in the Unity console that can manually be toggled on or off by using the Collapse button. When collapsing is on, the console will only display the first instance of recurring error messages, and increment a number for each recurring.
Also, unity only does this within loops. If you just write Debug.Log("!") four times, it'll appear four times... still don't really understand this.
This is because the messages are identical since they're called from the same location while in a loop, but different when you call them four times in different locations of your code.
Hello everybody,
around two or three month ago I started to learn Dynamo for Revit... finally :)
After learning and testing a lot, I got a few own scripts working. Then I learned Python, because I couldn't create the next script only with Dynamo-Nodes.
Then I thought "Let's see how difficult it is to get something done as a PlugIn".
I watched some Videos and read a lot of stuff.
Finally I got the Revit-AddIn-Wizard installed and made my first small Test-PlugIn.
Now I have a few problems which I do not understand... so I thought I will try my luck here... because I got so much information and help, reading through this site.
My goal was/is the following: (I tell you what I have now)
A form with a few buttons, comboboxes and a DataGridView.
I can load an Excelfile, click on "Show" to show it in the DataGridView.
The header of each row will be automatically put into 3 comboboxes.
In the first combobox you select the first search-parameter, in the second you CAN select another search-parameter and in the third combobox you select the parameter you want to set.
I have a checkbox to switch from type- to instance-parameter for the search- and the set-operation.
There is also a button which shows another small form with a list of categories (I won't search for ALL, only nearly all modelcategories).
I took me a lot of "watching Videos, reading through the internet, testing, testing and testing".
Thanks to this site here and a few others... I managed to get this whole PlugIn nearly 100% working.
But now I have a few strange issues and I have absolutely no clue on how to fix them or if it is possible. And I really hope that someone can help me.
First... I just tell you my problems and perhaps someone can say "this really IS an issue!" or that it is possible to get it done. Then I would post some code.
So... what do I do?!
1. I have a FilteredElementCollector which filters ALL elements.
2. Depending on my "Type/Instance-Checkboxes" I do .WhereElementIsElementType OR .WhereElementIsNotElementType.
3. Then it passes a MultiCategoryFilter to get the big list down to only the modelcategories.
4. Next, the collection passes one of ten different "methods" depending on all settings. There I filter this collection depending on the searchlists-comboboxes. When the combobox says "Familie" or "Typ" then it filters for ".BuiltInParameter.SymbolFamilyName" or ".Name" otherwise it just uses ".LookupParameter".
After that I have a collection with only the elements of selected categories which contains the values from the Excellist.
5. Depending on what my search- and set-settings are (e.g. search for type and set instance) I have to get the instances from the collected types or the other way around.
6. Then I pass it down to another method where I finally set the parameter.
So... Excelheader goes into comboboxes, depending on what you select in there it creates lists with the values of the selected rows.
I hope you all understand.
Now... where are my problems?
When I search for type-familynames or instance-parameter and set a typeparameter it works for ALL categories without any error.
1. When I try to set an instanceparameter (doesn't matter what my search-setting are) it works for all "normal" families but not for the systemfamilies (e.g. walls, floors, pipes etc.). No error, just nothing happens WHY? It seems that I cannot set an instance-parameter for system-families.
2. Roofs, Stairs, CurtainPanels and GenericModel make problems when I search for a typeparameter Error is something like "The object reference was not set to an object instance". Only with these 4 categories and it doesn't matter what I want to set... but when I search for family-/typeNAME or Instance-Parameter, then I can set type or instance and it works (except instance for sysfam).
3. When I try to search AND set an instance-parameter it works for ALL categories EXCEPT if one wall does not contain a search value... it really is enough that ONE wall does not have a search-param-value that everything will be cancelled.
I have a few other small problems... but I hope someone can help me with these problems... I would be extremely thankfull
greetings and have a nice day or night :)
Tl; dr.
The three problems you describe sound like your own. I have no heard anybody else runAsk three separate questions and provide three separate minimal code snippets describing how they arise,. into those. I suggest that you create three separate independent minimal reproducible cases to demonstrate all three issues. Chances are, when you simplify and minimalise your code, the problem will go away. If it does not, it might just possibly be in a small and manageable enough state for other people to help you take a look at it. Given the long-winded description above, nobody in the world can help you.
Thank you for your answer Jeremy,
as I said, as a first start it is ok for me if you don't say "With theses categories, there are indeed some issues!"
I think I've managed to create 3 small examples of my problems.
For each problem I made a zip-file containing the complete visual-studio folder, a small exampleproject and a readme.txt with (I hope) enough information to understand everything in detail.
You only need to compile them or copy the .addin and .ddl files into the Revit AddIn folder. Then you get the new ribbons.
Short problem summary = I get problems when searching for parametervalues and setting values to another parameter.
Edit: I just solved the 2. problem when searching for familynames and setting system-families-parameter.
I used:
ElementClassFilter ecf = new ElementClassFilter(typeof(FamilyInstance));
FilteredElementColletor colle2 = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);
I simply deleted the ClassFilter and do it now like in the other cases where I need instances.
FilteredElementCollector colle2 = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);
The 1. and 3. problem still exist :/
I would be thankful for any help someone can provide :)
I am trying to figure out a solution in C# to perform exception handling for multiple textboxes using windows forms.
The user can only enter one or two positive integers in these textboxes and if the user tries to enter more numbers or letters, a tooltip should appear with a warning message?
Thanks for the assistance!
For a case like this, I like to do what I call "passive Error Reporting". Rather then throwing exceptions, you take every value (usually strings). But display a message if it does not fit some criteria.
The simple approach is INotifyDataError. It allows you to show one error for each property (it is advantagenous to use a property or a string key in the backend storage).
I know there is a more complex brother that allows Multiple errors per Property/Key. But it is too long since I read it's name, so I can not remember it.
Okay, so I am making a game that reads data from a text file to create events. What happens is as each year advances if something exciting happens a popup box with three options appears, clicking them affects the game and so on.
I have created a function which can take various arguments and make the form automatically - so far so good- but writing large event descriptions in the code is messy and disorganized. Instead I decided to create another function which takes values from a text file, organizes them and then calls the second function to create the 'event'.
Now, as I said each event comes with three choices (See below) and each choice has a consequence on one of three factors (approval, prestige, power), I haven't quite worked out the mechanics properly but all in good time, everything runs wonderfully until I need to load this integers from the text file.
It keeps having trouble converting the string to an integer, why is this and how can I fix it?
Line 11 of the text file: 10 (yes I checked and it is the right line to read)
The code:
List<int> affecta = new List<int>();
I can load the other things such as the picture file's location perfectly, so 'filename' points to the correct .txt
It might be something really obvious to someone with more experience, but I just can't see why.
I don't think Take does what you think - It grabs the first 11 items and returns all of them, so you get an IEnumerable of 11 items. When you do First on that, you get item at position 0, not position 10. I think you want Skip and then First, which will skip the first 10 items and return the next (11th) item:
If you use Take(11) this means "get 11 rows from the source". After that you have First(), so you'll get first of them. You're essentially trying to convert the first line into integer.
I assume you want to use Skip(10) since you want the 11th line.
Take(11).First() returns the First element from the IEnumerable containing the 11 elements.
Instead, Skip the first 10 and select the First from the IEnumerable.
Alternatively, Take the first 11 and select the Last from the IEnumerable.
One of my clients wants to use a unique code for his items (long story..) and he asked me for a solution. The code will consist in 4 parts in which the first one is the zip code where the item is sent from, the second one is the supplier registration number, the third number is the year when the item is sent and the last part is a three division alphanumeric unique character.
As you can see the first three parts are static fields which will never change for the same sender in the same year. So we can say that the last part is the identifier part for that year. This part is 3-division alpahnumeric which means starting from 000 and ending with ZZZ.
The problem is that my client, for some reasonable reasons, wants this part to be not sequential. For example this is not what he wants:
The last part should produced randomly like:
But it should also non-repetitive. So once a possible id is generated the possibility should be discarded from the selection pool.
I am looking for an effective way to do this.
If I only record selected possibilities and check a newly created one against them there is always a worst case possibility that it keeps producing already selected ones, especially near the end.
If I create all possibilities at once and record them in a table or a file it may take a while after every item creation because it will lookup for a non-selected record. By the way 26 letters + 10 digits means 46.656 possible combinations, and there is a chance that there may be a 4th divison added which means 1.679.616 possible combinations.
Is there a more effective way you can suggest? I will use C# for coding and MS SQL for databese..
If it doesn't have to be random, you could maybe simply choose a fixed but "unpredictable" addend which is relatively prime to 26 + 10 == 36 == 2²·3². This means, just choose a fixed addend divisible by neither 2 nor 3.
Then keep adding this fixed number to your previous serial number every time you need a new serial number. This is to be done modulo 46656 (or 1679616) of course.
Mathematics guarantees you won't get the same number twice (before no more "free" numbers are left).
As the addend, you could use const int addend = 26075 since it's 5 modulo 6.
If you expect to create far less than 36^3 entries for each zip-supplier-year tuple, you should probably just pick a random value for the last field and then check to see if it exists, repeating if it does.
Even if you create half of the maximum number of possible entries, new entries still have an expected value of only one failure. Assuming your database is indexed on the overall identifier, this isn't too great a price to pay.
That said, if you expect to use all but a few possible identifiers, then you should probably create all the possible records in advance. It may sounds like a high cost, but each space in memory storing an unused record will eventually store a real record.
I'd expect the first situation is more likely, but if not, or if there's some other combination of the two, please add a comment with some more information and I'll revise my answer.
I think options depend on the amount of the codes that are going to be used:
If you expect to use most of them within a year, then it is better to pre-generate. If done right, lookup should be really fast. And you are going to have 1.679.616 items per year in your DB anyway, so you will have to do such things right.
On the other hand, is it good that you are expecting to use most of them? It may leave you without codes if there are suddenly more items than expected.
If you expect to use only a small amount, then random+existence check might be a way to go, however it is unclear what amount it should be for that to be best (I am pretty sure it is possible to calculate that though).