I'm developing a Windows service that has to print some labels on a network printer.
Here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/5ekk3hse.aspx it says that printing in Windows service using System.Drawing.Printing classes is not supported (or rather shouldn't be done).
This Print html document from Windows Service in C# without print dialog seems like the solution, but they say there that it requires .Net Framework 4.0, and I have to use 2.0 (or I can change it to 3.5 if I really, really have to, but then the client will have to upgrade which I want to avoid).
I also read that to print from Windows service on network printer the domain account is required for the service, which I'm using anyway, so that's not the problem.
Every setting for the printer will be set in .config file and I hope that because of this no user dialog will be appearing/needed.
My questions:
Will I be able to print directly from Windows service using BackgroundWorker? Or do I need to call another app (for example console application) from inside of my service and do the printing there (I've read on the net that some people use this solution but I didn't found any code example)
Also I'm not good with threading and working with BackgroundWorkers so can someone give me some example how can I do it (I have requests to print coming asynchronously. How can I print them without loosing any?). Is the BackgroundWorker the best solution or are there some better ways to do it?
I haven't tested printing from another thread, but one of these two options should work. You might have to modify the code to work with .Net 2 since I only use 3.5 Sp1 or 4.
Assuming you have a Print method and a Queue<ItemToPrint> where ItemToPrint is the class holding the print settings / information
public Queue<ItemToPrint> PrintQueue = new Queue<ItemToPrint>();
private BackgroundWorker bgwPrintWatcher;
public void SetupBackgroundWorker()
bgwPrintWatcher = new BackgroundWorker();
bgwPrintWatcher.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
bgwPrintWatcher.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(bgwPrintWatcher_ProgressChanged);
bgwPrintWatcher.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(bgwPrintWatcher_RunWorkerCompleted);
bgwPrintWatcher.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(bgwPrintWatcher_DoWork);
void bgwPrintWatcher_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
while (!worker.CancellationPending)
// Prevent writing to queue while we are reading / editing it
lock (PrintQueue)
if (PrintQueue.Count > 0)
ItemToPrint item = PrintQueue.Dequeue();
// Two options here, you can either sent it back to the main thread to print
worker.ReportProgress(PrintQueue.Count + 1, item);
// or print from the background thread
private void Print(ItemToPrint item)
// Print it here
private void AddItemToPrint(ItemToPrint item)
lock (PrintQueue)
void bgwPrintWatcher_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
// Anything here will run from the main / original thread
// PrintQueue will no longer be watched
void bgwPrintWatcher_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
// Anything here will run from the main / original thread
ItemToPrint item = e.UserState as ItemToPrint;
// e.ProgressPercentage holds the int value passed as the first param
First of all my Main is STAThread and i am not able to change this without facing problems with the rest of my code.
So, I am currently using Rapi2 To pull and push files between my Pda and Computer. Now since there is quite a bit of number crunching i would like to do this on a separate thread. First wat i do is create an RemoteDeviceManager and then make an Event Handler for when a device connects.
public void Initialize()
_deviceManager = new RemoteDeviceManager();
_deviceManager.DeviceConnected += DeviceConnected;
As you can see when my device connects it triggers DeviceConnected.
This is the class that i end up pulling and pushing a database and do some number work.
private void DeviceConnected(object sender, RemoteDeviceConnectEventArgs e)
if (e.Device == null) return;
... (unimportant code)
Now the problem here is that i would want to run the code inside DeviceConnected in a new thread but i am unable to access e inside the new thread since it was initialized outside that thread
So now wat i tried was make a new thread before calling Initialize.
public Watcher()
_dataThread = new Thread(Initialize);
_dataThread.IsBackground = true;
_dataThread.Name = "Data Thread";
But the thread dies and thus never fires my event handler.
I tried many different ways to make it work or keep my thread alive but without any success. I hope someone here is able to give me some hints.
I have a form Form1 with a button and text box.
When I click on the button I should get some data from USB device.
For some reason it works correctly only about 2% (I was able to get 2 correct responses out of 100 clicks).
Here is the code for the Form1:
namespace Test_onForm1
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Lib1.FindHID.TransferInputAndOutputReports(0xC0); //request specific data from USB device
The code handling USB communication is in DLL Lib1 (fragments of the code below):
namespace Lib1
public static class FindHID
private static void TransferInputAndOutputReports(UInt16 repType)
//some code here sending request to USB device... and then read what came from USB
//some code here
// Read an Input report.
private static void ReadInput()
Byte[] inputReportBuffer = null;
inputReportBuffer = new Byte[MyHid.Capabilities.InputReportByteLength];
IAsyncResult ar = null;
if (fileStreamDeviceData.CanRead)
// RUNS UP TO THIS POINT and then Form1 freezes most of the time
fileStreamDeviceData.BeginRead(inputReportBuffer, 0, inputReportBuffer.Length, new AsyncCallback(GetInputReportData), inputReportBuffer);
private static void GetInputReportData(IAsyncResult ar)
Byte[] inputReportBuffer = null;
inputReportBuffer = (byte[])ar.AsyncState;
fileStremDeviceData.EndRead(ar); //waits for read to complete
// then code to update Form1
When it doesn't work it stops around fileStreamDeviceData.BeginRead and then Form1 freezes.
For testing I created a completely new project and instead of using a DLL I copied all DLL code to the Form1.
This option works perfectly fine 100% of the time.
So my question is why it doesn't work with DLL?
Update: when I get lucky and it start working then it works indefinitely until I close application. Then, I have to keep trying to get it to work again.
How to troubleshoot this problem?
Most likely the problem is that the code in EndRead is trying to update the form, but it's not on the UI thread. You have to synchronize with the UI thread, either by doing Form.Invoke or some way notifying the form that the data is ready so that the UI thread can do the update.
Found on Microsoft website:
"The default implementation of BeginRead on a stream calls the Read method synchronously, which means that Read might block on some streams."
I was using .NET Framework 4.0 on Visual Studio 2010.
Decided to update to .NET Framework 4.5 which has Stream.ReadAsync method instead. However, I couldn't implement Stream.ReadAsync on Visual Studio 2010 (don't know the reason, maybe needs update to 2012?).
So, with updated Framework 4.5 I tried my code and it works ALL THE TIME EVERY TIME.
I'm using C# and Winforms in Visual Studio 2010
I have a program with which I am trying to read output through a serial port and print it to the screen. It originally started as a Console program but has now evolved to where we would like to have the output be in a field on a form. I have the code that parses out the output I'm looking for off the serial port written and working, I just need to change the Console.WriteLine to label.text = "";, basically. I have merged the function that listens to the serial port into the GUI code so everything is in the same file.
I'm getting hung up on how to get the function to write to the label, though. It is STATIC so I cant just say 'label.text ='. I tried creating a new form object inside the function to use, and that allowed me to access the control on the form, but doesnt update the form I see at runtime (I'm guessing because I've created a new instance of the form rather than accessed the existing instance?)
I need to have the serial listener run at the same time as the GUI as well, so the GUI label will update with the results it gets from running the function in close to real-time, so Ive tried to set it up to be threaded, with the GUI being one thread that is started by main() and the serial listener being another thread which is started when i click the button to start it. However, I run into the same issue with not being able to access the label in the serial listener thread because it has to be static to be initialized using system.threading.
I'm thinking maybe I need to use a background worker for the serial listener but I have absolutely zero experience with those. Would a background worker be able to update the label on the GUI in real time?
I cant post specific code but heres the general idea:
Main() starts GUIthread
GUI has button to start serial listener
OnClick button starts ListenerThread
ListenerThread outputs to console, want to output to a form label instead
Cant access GUI.Label because Listener is static out of necessity to be threaded
Creating new GUI instance inside Listener allows me to call the controls for that instance, but they dont update the GUI at runtime
have ensured label is public.
The BackgroundWorker class was essentially made just for this.
Just have the DoWork method do your actual work, and ensure that ReportProgess is called while working as needed. You can pass any data as a string (or whatever else, if you want) and then use that value in the ProgressChanged event handler, which the form can handle to update it's UI.
Note that the BackgroundWorker will automatically ensure that the ProgressChanged and RunWorkerCompleted events run in the UI thread, so you don't need to bother with that.
Here's a sample worker:
public class MyWorker//TODO give better name
public void DoWork(BackgroundWorker worker)//TODO give better name
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
Thread.Sleep(1000);//to mimic real work
worker.ReportProgress(0, i.ToString());
And here's an example of configuring the background worker. Here I use lambdas both because it's convenient to be able to close over variables (i.e. use variables across each of these anonymous methods) but if you wanted to you could refactor each of the event handlers out into methods.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var bgw = new BackgroundWorker();
MyWorker worker = new MyWorker();
bgw.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
bgw.DoWork += (s, args) => { worker.DoWork(bgw); };
bgw.ProgressChanged += (s, data) =>
label1.Text = data.UserState.ToString();
bgw.RunWorkerCompleted += (s, args) =>
label1.Text = "All Done!";
bgw.RunWorkerAsync();//actually start the worker
Note here that none of the controls in the form are public, none of them are static, and I'm not passing any references to my form outside of the class. It's considered best form each Form to be responsible for updating it's own Controls. You shouldn't be allowing anyone else to directly access them. Rather than allowing some other worker class to directly access the label or modify it's text, what's happening is that the worker is simply telling the form, "Hey, I've got some data, you can go update yourself accordingly based on these values." It is then the form that is responsible for updating itself. events are what you use to allow these workers, or other types of child elements (such as other forms you create, for example) to inform the "parent" form that it needs to update itself.
To write to any windows control, you must be on the UI thread. If you have a serial listener running on a different thread, then you need to switch threads before changing the windows control. The BeginInvoke can be handy, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.control.begininvoke.aspx.
What I would do, is add a Action to the serial listener that is called whenever the listener wants to display something. And then this Action would call BeginInvoke.
Something like:
static class SerialListner
public Action<string> SomethingToDisplay;
void GotSomethingToDisplay(string s)
And then somewhere in your windows form
SerialListern.SomethingToDisplay = (s) =>
label.BeginInvoke((Action) () => label.Text = s);
I think you can use a background worker, and they are really easy to use.
In order to use a BackgroundWorker, you'll have to implement at least two events:
backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
there you read your input. It's triggered calling backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync(...)
there you update your label. Maybe you'll have to create a delegate to update it.
you can also implement:
to let you know when it stop...
Going on what you said about a static listener method and that it used to be a console application, I think a relatively minor modification might be the following:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Create a main window GUI
Form1 form1 = new Form1();
// Create a thread to listen concurrently to the GUI thread
Thread listenerThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Listener));
listenerThread.IsBackground = true;
// Run the form
static void Listener(object formObject)
Form1 form = (Form1)formObject;
// Do whatever we need to do
while (true)
In this case, Form1 is obviously the form class, and Listener is the listening method. The key here is that I'm passing the form object as an argument to the Listen method (via Thread.Start), so that the listener can access the non-static members of the GUI. Note that I've defined Form1.AddLineToTextBox as:
public void AddLineToTextBox(string line)
if (textBox1.InvokeRequired)
textBox1.Invoke(new Action(() => { textBox1.Text += line + Environment.NewLine; }));
textBox1.Text += line + Environment.NewLine;
Note especially that since now the Listener method is running in a separate thread, you need to use the Invoke method on the GUI control to make a change. I've used a lambda expression here, but if you're targeting an earlier version of .net you could use a full method just as easily. Note that my textBox1 is a TextBox with Multiline set to true and ReadOnly set to false (to be similar to a label).
An alternative architecture which may require more work but would probably be more elegant would be to do the opposite dependence relationship: you create the form with a reference to a Listener object. The listener will then raise events which the GUI would be subscribed to in order to update its display.
Part of my program uses an event handler for the receive data of my serial port. The idea is when data is received that the text received is then added to the textbox (rx). I did not used to have this problem but something has changed and I can't figure out what. So now I am re-examining the way this is handled.
During the form load of my winform the last thing I do is
if (!serialPort1.IsOpen)
serialPort1.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(DataReceivedHandler);
Then I have the event handler
private void DataReceivedHandler(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
string indata1 = serialPort1.ReadExisting();
// rx.Text = " "; accidentally posted this. it was from trial and error.
rx.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + indata1);
When I run the program it stops at the rx.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + indata1); and gives the error
invalidoperationexception was unhandled: Control "accessed from a
thread other than the thread it was created on.
From what I have been able to read suggests that I need to use invoke or BeginInvoke.
I have never had problems appending the text before so now I can't understand why it's a problem. Also from what I have been reading on invoking i just don't understand it.
Can someone help me understand how to use the invoke instance for my situation? or perhaps show me another way of appending the text box?
Usually the exception you're seeing occurs when you run in debug mode, and if you run your application in release mode, you're unlikely to see the exception.
However, it is best to use invoke, as you have read. Something like this:
private delegate void RefreshTextBox();
private void DataReceivedHandler(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) {
//this event is raised in an event separate from UI thread,
//so InvokeRequired must be checked and Invoke called to update UI controls.
if (this.InvokeRequired) {
RefreshTextBox d = new RefreshTextBox(RefreshTextBoxResults);
} else {
private void RefreshTextBoxResults() {
string indata1 = serialPort1.ReadExisting();
rx.Text = " ";
rx.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + indata1);
The first time you see this invoke stuff, it's nearly impossible to follow, but take a close look and give it some time and it will make sense. Promise. :)
Updates in GUI applications should only be done on the GUI thread. Another thread attempting to update GUI components directly will result in either the error you described or in seemingly random behavior.
The role of Invoke & friends is to enable a secondary thread to safely forward GUI updates to the GUI thread, which will then process them from a queue.
In your case (assuming WinForms here):
(Action)(() =>
rx.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + indata1);
BeginInvoke is asynchronous, so the thread calling it will not wait for the actual updates to be processed before moving on, while Invoke is synchronous.
I'm writing a downloader in C# and stopped at the following problem: what kind of method should I use to parallelize my downloads and update my GUI?
In my first attempt, I used 4 Threads and at the completion of each of them I started another one: main problem was that my cpu goes 100% at each new thread start.
Googling around, I found the existence of BackgroundWorker and ThreadPool: stating that I want to update my GUI with the progress of each link that I'm downloading, what is the best solution?
1) Creating 4 different BackgroundWorker, attaching to each ProgressChanged event a Delegate to a function in my GUI to update the progress?
2) Use ThreadPool and setting max and min number of threads to the same value?
If I choose #2, when there are no more threads in the queue, does it stop the 4 working threads? Does it suspend them? Since I have to download different lists of links (20 links each of them) and move from one to another when one is completed, does the ThreadPool start and stop threads between each list?
If I want to change the number of working threads on live and decide to use ThreadPool, changing from 10 threads to 6, does it throw and exception and stop 4 random threads?
This is the only part that is giving me an headache.
I thank each of you in advance for your answers.
I would suggest using WebClient.DownloadFileAsync for this. You can have multiple downloads going, each raising the DownloadProgressChanged event as it goes along, and DownloadFileCompleted when done.
You can control the concurrency by using a queue with a semaphore or, if you're using .NET 4.0, a BlockingCollection. For example:
// Information used in callbacks.
class DownloadArgs
public readonly string Url;
public readonly string Filename;
public readonly WebClient Client;
public DownloadArgs(string u, string f, WebClient c)
Url = u;
Filename = f;
Client = c;
const int MaxClients = 4;
// create a queue that allows the max items
BlockingCollection<WebClient> ClientQueue = new BlockingCollection<WebClient>(MaxClients);
// queue of urls to be downloaded (unbounded)
Queue<string> UrlQueue = new Queue<string>();
// create four WebClient instances and put them into the queue
for (int i = 0; i < MaxClients; ++i)
var cli = new WebClient();
cli.DownloadProgressChanged += DownloadProgressChanged;
cli.DownloadFileCompleted += DownloadFileCompleted;
// Fill the UrlQueue here
// Now go until the UrlQueue is empty
while (UrlQueue.Count > 0)
WebClient cli = ClientQueue.Take(); // blocks if there is no client available
string url = UrlQueue.Dequeue();
string fname = CreateOutputFilename(url); // or however you get the output file name
cli.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(url), fname,
new DownloadArgs(url, fname, cli));
void DownloadProgressChanged(object sender, DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs e)
DownloadArgs args = (DownloadArgs)e.UserState;
// Do status updates for this download
void DownloadFileCompleted(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)
DownloadArgs args = (DownloadArgs)e.UserState;
// do whatever UI updates
// now put this client back into the queue
There's no need for explicitly managing threads or going to the TPL.
I think you should look into using the Task Parallel Library, which is new in .NET 4 and is designed for solving these types of problems
Having 100% cpu load has nothing to do with the download (as your network is practically always the bottleneck). I would say you have to check your logic how you wait for the download to complete.
Can you post some code of the thread's code you start multiple times?
By creating 4 different backgroundworkers you will be creating seperate threads that will no longer interfere with your GUI. Backgroundworkers are simple to implement and from what I understand will do exactly what you need them to do.
Personally I would do this and simply allow the others to not start until the previous one is finished. (Or maybe just one, and allow it to execute one method at a time in the correct order.)
FYI - Backgroundworker