Change the actual position of a shape - c#

On a wpf I have implemented the practice proposed as answer to the question: How to drag a UserControl inside a Canvas in order to drag and move items (shapes, child canvas) on a canvas. However as correctly indicated the next answer of the same question there is a flaw inside the method:
private void Control_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
var draggableControl = sender as UserControl;
if (isDragging && draggableControl != null)
Point currentPosition = e.GetPosition(this.Parent as UIElement);
var transform = draggableControl.RenderTransform as TranslateTransform;
if (transform == null)
transform = new TranslateTransform();
draggableControl.RenderTransform = transform;
transform.X = currentPosition.X - clickPosition.X;
transform.Y = currentPosition.Y - clickPosition.Y;
It uses the RenderTranform which does not changes the position of an item permanently but its visual position instead. The result is that the item returns to its initial position just on the next mouse event, so the drag and drop does not work properly (you cannot move it actually in this way but only visually).What kind of modification should be done on it to rectify the functionality of the method? Is there alternatively a similar practice that carries out the task properly? Should I use another Transform like Layout Transform?

What you did is a possible implementation but in WPF there exists already a Control which is made for being dragged around: the Thumb.
<Canvas Width="200" Height="200" Background="Yellow">
<Thumb x:Name="DragThumb" DragDelta="Mover_DragDelta" Canvas.Top="20" Canvas.Left="10" Background="Gray" Width="50" Height="50" >
<Rectangle Fill="Black" Width="{TemplateBinding Width}" Height="{TemplateBinding Height}" />
with a very simple code behind:
private void Mover_DragDelta(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DragDeltaEventArgs e)
Canvas.SetLeft(DragThumb, Canvas.GetLeft(DragThumb) + e.HorizontalChange);
Canvas.SetTop(DragThumb, Canvas.GetTop(DragThumb) + e.VerticalChange);
already moves your canvas. (and it stays as the Canvas.Top / Canvas.Left Positions got set).

You could use Canvas.Left and Canvas.Top property instead of mocking around with the RenderTransform.
Canvas.SetLeft(this, Canvas.GetLeft(this) + delta.X);
Canvas.SetTop(this, Canvas.GetTop(this) + delta.Y);


how to check if an element is going out of its parent in c# wpf

I am creating shapes at run time on canvas in my app and except all the shapes, ellipse is going out of canvas. How do I restrict it to canvas? All other shapes are contained in canvas because of the control points at their vertices. How do I keep a check as to not let ellipse go out of canvas without clipping. I have used ClipToBounds and it doesn't meet my needs.
Also, an alternate solution is if I can add a controlpoint at the left side of ellipse of radiusX property. I can't add a controlpoint to left side of radiusX on ellipse. If you could help me with either of that?
radiusXcp = new ControlPoint(this, EllipseGeom, EllipseGeometry.RadiusYProperty, 1, true, false);
radiusXcp.RelativeTo = EllipseGeometry.CenterProperty;
radiusXcp = new ControlPoint(this, EllipseGeom, EllipseGeometry.RadiusXProperty, 0, true, false);
radiusXcp.RelativeTo = EllipseGeometry.CenterProperty;
//EllipseGeom.RadiusX = -EllipseGeom.RadiusX;
//radiusXcp = new ControlPoint(this, EllipseGeom, EllipseGeometry.RadiusXProperty, 0, true, false);
//radiusXcp.RelativeTo = EllipseGeometry.CenterProperty;
//EllipseGeom.RadiusX = -EllipseGeom.RadiusX;
Here is a quick example of what i would do. It could be improved on and the code is mainly written to be easy to read and follow. It also does not handle the possibility to if the shape's size is bigger than the Canvas (not sure if that is a use case in your project).
For the example I used the "Loaded" event on the Canvas, to reset the position before drawing. You would want this check before you draw the Ellipse object.
private void TestCanvas_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//canvas = 450 x 800
Ellipse test_ellipse = new Ellipse();
test_ellipse.Width = 100;
test_ellipse.Height = 100;
test_ellipse.Fill = Brushes.Red;
Canvas.SetLeft(test_ellipse, 700);
Canvas.SetTop(test_ellipse, -500);
Reset_Ellipse_Bounds(TestCanvas, ref test_ellipse);
private void Reset_Ellipse_Bounds(Canvas myCanvas, ref Ellipse myEllipse)
var left = Canvas.GetLeft(myEllipse);
var top = Canvas.GetTop(myEllipse);
//handle too far right
if (left + myEllipse.Width > myCanvas.ActualWidth)
Canvas.SetLeft(myEllipse, myCanvas.ActualWidth - myEllipse.Width);
//handle too far left
if(left < 0)
Canvas.SetLeft(myEllipse, 0);
//handle too far up
if (top < 0)
Canvas.SetTop(myEllipse, 0);
//handle too far down
if (top + myEllipse.Height > myCanvas.ActualHeight)
Canvas.SetTop(myEllipse, myCanvas.ActualHeight - myEllipse.Height);
For Completeness the XAML:
<Canvas x:Name="TestCanvas" Loaded="TestCanvas_Loaded" />
The idea is to check the bounding box against the Canvas edges. There are ways to improve this, but i figured the simplest solution is easier to follow.
Within each if statement you could add more logic or a method to do further processing, but this should answer the general question of knowing if it is outside the parent.
Just set ClipToBounds="true" to its father control, it avoids the canvas to be drawn outside of it.
In my case I set it to Grid as followed :
<Grid x:Name="MainGrid" Background="WhiteSmoke" ClipToBounds="true">
<Canvas Margin="10" Background="Transparent"
<Canvas x:Name="canvas" Width="1000" Height="600"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top">
<MatrixTransform x:Name="transform"/>
<Canvas x:Name="canvas2" Width="1000" Height="600"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top">
<MatrixTransform x:Name="transform2"/>

Textbox on canvas drag direction changed after rotated

I have a textblock control on canvas which can be dragged horizontally to the right correctly as shown in the first and second image.
Then after I a 90 degree rotation angle is applied to its CompositeTransform, dragging the textblock to the right actually move it vertically towards the top as shown by the third and fourth image. What am I missing?
public CompositeTransform CurrentTransform = new CompositeTransform();
TextBlock.RenderTransform = CurrentTransform;
private double angle;
public double Angle
return angle;
if (angle != value)
angle = value;
CurrentTransform.CenterX = 0;
CurrentTransform.CenterY = 0;
CurrentTransform.Rotation = angle;
The moving of the textbox is handled inside
private void CanvasText_ManipulationDelta(object sender, System.Windows.Input.ManipulationDeltaEventArgs e)
CurrentTransform.TranslateX += e.DeltaManipulation.Translation.X;
CurrentTransform.TranslateY += e.DeltaManipulation.Translation.Y;
For those who are in the same boat, I managed to fix this by attaching external gesture listener from Windows Phone toolkit instead of using the built-in CanvasText_ManipulationDelta event. The textbox dragging works correctly even after rotation.
<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<Image x:Name="ImageOriginal"
Source="{Binding WbPreview, Mode=TwoWay}"
<Grid x:Name="GridDraw"
<Canvas x:Name="CanvasText">
<toolkit:GestureListener Tap="GestureListener_Tap"

WPF - Turn stackpanel 180° and stay in the same place

So my question is pretty simple:
I have a StackPanel with two objects: a button and an rectangle (which is filled with an image by clicking the button). Now, an additional thing that has to happen is when the button is clicked, the entire stackpanel has to be flipped upside down AND it has to stay in the same place.
I have tried with the RenderTransformOrigin-property set on "0.5,0.5"
but I haven't got any luck with this .. either the stackpanel moved to another location or it disappeared (out of bounds)
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<StackPanel Name="pnlFlip" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5">
<Button Content="Test" Margin="200,78,197,-78" Name="btnTest" Click="btnTest_Click" Height="30"/>
<Rectangle Margin="175,146,162,-239" Name="rectTest" Fill="Red" Height="127"/>
The code for my buttons is like this:
private int scale = 1;
private int angle = 180;
private void btnTest_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
ImageBrush img = new ImageBrush();
img.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/WpfApplication1;component/Resources/Images/logo.jpg"));
rectTest.Fill = img;
//Trying a ScaleTranfsformObject
ScaleTransform st = new ScaleTransform();
if(scale == 1)
scale = -1;
st.ScaleY = scale;
scale = 1;
st.ScaleY = scale;
//Trying a RotateTransform Object
RotateTransform rt = new RotateTransform();
if(angle == 180)
rt.Angle = angle;
angle += 180;
rt.Angle = angle;
angle -= 180;
pnlFlip.RenderTransform = rt;
So what am I doing wrong/how do I fix this?
Using storyboard is better approach than setting this directly in code in click handler. You will get smooth changes in UI.
Following will achieve your objective with XAML only, without any code behind. Setting RenderTransformOrigin in the StackPanel is what keeps it in the center after running the rotate transform.
To activate the animation on click, we just add a Button.Trigger handler which has storyboard on DoubleAnimation to change the angle to 180 degree in the StackPanel. Rest of the XAML is what you had before.
<StackPanel x:Name="pnlFlip" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5">
<RotateTransform />
<Button Content="Test" Margin="200,78,197,-78" Name="btnTest" Height="30">
<EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Button.Click">
<DoubleAnimation To="180" Storyboard.TargetName="pnlFlip" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(UIElement.RenderTransform).(RotateTransform.Angle)" />
<Rectangle Margin="175,146,162,-239" Name="rectTest" Fill="Red" Height="127"/>
This works fine on my computer (minus the code for the image in your Resources.)
Here's how it looks when the application launches:
And here's how it looks after I click the button:
Which part of this falls short of your intentions?
Note that you can use a ternary operator to remove your conditional branches and cut down on code, like so:
angle = angle == 180 ? 0 : 180;
rt.Angle = angle;

Rotate image while key down, in WPF

I have an image that is inside a popup. When I am inside the canvas, and if a key is down I want to rotate the popup. My code doesnt update the rotation unless I leave the canvas (move mouse outside of canvas), then enter again (move mouse inside canvas). I confirmed the angle is being updated when the key is down inside the canvas, so I have no clue why it doesnt update unless I exit and reenter.
<Popup Name="floatingTip"
PlacementTarget="{Binding ElementName=MainCanvas}">
<RotateTransform CenterX="1" CenterY="1" Angle="{Binding Angle}"/>
<Image Source="{Binding Name}"
Width="{Binding Width}"
Height="{Binding Height}"/>
When the mouse enters the canvas space, I set CanvasIsActive = true.
Here is the KeyDown event:
private void Window_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (CanvasIsActive && currentTool == "staticBrush")
cursorImage.Angle += 20;
this.Title = cursorImage.Angle.ToString();
Here is my Angle property that is updated when a key is down:
double imgAngle;
public double Angle
get { return imgAngle; }
imgAngle = value;
I figured it out. To refresh the rotation inside the popup, the popup IsOpen needs to be set to false, then back to true. Another solution is to move the RotateTransform from the Popup to the Image.

Rotating a border doesn't change window size

I try to rotate a Border and have the MainWindow change his size based on the new space taken by the Border rotation.
I've set SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" but window size does't take change when I rotated the border.
Do I need to programmatically set the Width and Height for the MainWindow or this can be achieved changing the xaml code in some other way?
My xaml code:
<Window x:Class="MyClass.MainWindow"
WindowStyle="None" AllowsTransparency='True'
Topmost='False' Background="Transparent" ShowInTaskbar='False'
SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" WindowStartupLocation="Manual">
<Border Name="MyBorder"
My c# code on Window_KeyDown:
# RotateTransform rt = new RotateTransform() is declared at class level.
if (e.Key == Key.I)
if (rt.Angle + 1 < 360)
rt.Angle += 1;
rt.Angle = 0;
MyBorder.RenderTransform = rt;
Use LayoutTransform instead of RenderTransform
From MSDN: Transforms Overview
LayoutTransform – A transform that is applied before the layout pass. After the transform is applied, the layout system processes the
transformed size and position of the element.
RenderTransform – A transform that modifies the appearance of the element but is applied after the layout pass is complete. By using the
RenderTransform property instead of the LayoutTransform property, you
can obtain performance benefits.
<Border Name="MyBorder"
<RotateTransform Angle="90"/>
So in your case
RotateTransform rt = new RotateTransform(0.0, 0.5, 0.5);
private void Window_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Key == Key.I)
if (rt.Angle + 1 < 360)
rt.Angle += 1;
rt.Angle = 0;
MyBorder.LayoutTransform = rt;
