I have a sales screen with an invoice that is displayed in the grid view with the report of Extra Robert
I just want when I select some rows using the select box only the selected rows are printed on one page I tried this code but it prints each row in a separate report
I just want to print the selected rows on one page. Thank you
for (int i = 0; i <= DgvSale.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
if (Convert.ToBoolean(DgvSale.Rows[i].Cells[8].Value) == true)
tblRpt1 = db.readData("SELECT [Order_ID] as 'رقم الفاتورة',talb_ID as 'طلب',[Cust_Name] as 'اسم العميل',Products.Pro_Name as 'المنتج',Products.Group_ID as 'قسم',Products_Group.Group_Name as 'اسم القسم',[Sales_Detalis].[Qty] as 'الكمية',[Price] as 'السعر',[User_Name] as 'الكاشير',[Date] as 'التاريخ',[Unit] as 'الوحدة',[Sales_Detalis].Tax_Value as 'الضريبة',Price_Tax as 'السعر بعد الضريبة',[typetalab] as 'نوع الطلب',[priceservic] as 'خدمة',[shiftname] as 'شيفت',notes as 'ملاحظات',shiftnum as 'شيفت رقم',Print_Group.Print_Name,Print_Group.Name_Group FROM [dbo].[Sales_Detalis] , Products,Products_Group,Print_Group where Products.Pro_ID = Sales_Detalis.Pro_ID and Products.Pro_ID= " + row1.Cells[0].Value + " and Order_ID = " + id + " and Products.Group_ID = Products_Group.Group_ID and Print_Group.Name_Group=Products.Group_ID ORDER BY Order_ID ASC", "");
if (Properties.Settings.Default.SalePrintKind == "8CM")
devOrderSales2 rpt = new devOrderSales2() { DataSource = tblRpt1, DataMember = "OrderSales2" };
rpt.DataSource = tblRpt1;
rpt.Parameters["ID1"].Value = id;
rpt.PrinterName = Properties.Settings.Default.PrinterNameSteker;
if (Properties.Settings.Default.saleprintauto == "0")
else if (Properties.Settings.Default.saleprintauto == "1")
I suggest to create the WHERE condition dynamically with the selected records:
string sql = #"SELECT [Order_ID] as 'رقم الفاتورة',talb_ID as 'طلب',[Cust_Name] as 'اسم العميل',Products.Pro_Name as 'المنتج',Products.Group_ID as 'قسم',Products_Group.Group_Name as 'اسم القسم',[Sales_Detalis].[Qty] as 'الكمية',[Price] as 'السعر',[User_Name] as 'الكاشير',[Date] as 'التاريخ',[Unit] as 'الوحدة',[Sales_Detalis].Tax_Value as 'الضريبة',Price_Tax as 'السعر بعد الضريبة',[typetalab] as 'نوع الطلب',[priceservic] as 'خدمة',[shiftname] as 'شيفت',notes as 'ملاحظات',shiftnum as 'شيفت رقم',Print_Group.Print_Name,Print_Group.Name_Group
ON Products.Pro_ID = Sales_Detalis.Pro_ID
INNER JOIN Products_Group
ON Products.Group_ID = Products_Group.Group_ID
INNER JOIN Print_Group
ON Print_Group.Name_Group=Products.Group_ID
Products.Pro_ID IN ({0}) AND Order_ID = {1}
var productIds = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i <= DgvSale.Rows.Count - 1; i++) {
if (Convert.ToBoolean(DgvSale.Rows[i].Cells[8].Value) == true) {
if (Properties.Settings.Default.SalePrintKind == "8CM" && productIds.Count > 0) {
string commandText = String.Format(sql, String.Join(", ", productIds), id);
tblRpt1 = db.readData(commandText, "");
var rpt = new devOrderSales2 {
DataSource = tblRpt1,
DataMember = "OrderSales2",
PrinterName = Properties.Settings.Default.PrinterNameSteker
rpt.xrTableCell8.Visible = true;
rpt.Parameters["ID1"].Value = id;
if (Properties.Settings.Default.saleprintauto == "0") {
} else if (Properties.Settings.Default.saleprintauto == "1") {
Also, you should use the modern JOIN syntax instead of the outdated join conditions in the WHERE clause.
Note that I have set up a SQL string with {0} and {1} as placeholders later being replaced with the String.Format method. I assumed the product ids to be of type int. The resulting WHERE conditions looks something like this:
Products.Pro_ID IN (12, 30, 55, 68) AND Order_ID = 17
The C# verbatim strings introduced with #" allow you to include line breaks within the string and to make the SQL text more readable.
row1 always points to the same row. Get the row dynamically with DgvSale.Rows[i] instead, within the loop.
One way is to first collect all the relevant IDs from the rows, and only do 1 db query, eg:
var toprint_ids = new List<long>();
for (int i = 0; i <= DgvSale.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
if (Convert.ToBoolean(DgvSale.Rows[i].Cells[8].Value) == true)
var itm_id = Convert.ToInt64(row1.Cells[0].Value);
if (toprint_ids.Count == 0)
tblRpt1 = db.readData("SELECT [Order_ID] as 'رقم الفاتورة',talb_ID as 'طلب',[Cust_Name] as 'اسم العميل',Products.Pro_Name as 'المنتج',Products.Group_ID as 'قسم',Products_Group.Group_Name as 'اسم القسم',[Sales_Detalis].[Qty] as 'الكمية',[Price] as 'السعر',[User_Name] as 'الكاشير',[Date] as 'التاريخ',[Unit] as 'الوحدة',[Sales_Detalis].Tax_Value as 'الضريبة',Price_Tax as 'السعر بعد الضريبة',[typetalab] as 'نوع الطلب',[priceservic] as 'خدمة',[shiftname] as 'شيفت',notes as 'ملاحظات',shiftnum as 'شيفت رقم',Print_Group.Print_Name,Print_Group.Name_Group FROM [dbo].[Sales_Detalis] , Products,Products_Group,Print_Group where Products.Pro_ID = Sales_Detalis.Pro_ID and Products.Pro_ID in (" + string.Join(",", toprint_ids) + ") and Order_ID = " + id + " and Products.Group_ID = Products_Group.Group_ID and Print_Group.Name_Group=Products.Group_ID ORDER BY Order_ID ASC", "");
if (Properties.Settings.Default.SalePrintKind == "8CM")
devOrderSales2 rpt = new devOrderSales2() { DataSource = tblRpt1, DataMember = "OrderSales2" };
rpt.DataSource = tblRpt1;
rpt.Parameters["ID1"].Value = id;
rpt.PrinterName = Properties.Settings.Default.PrinterNameSteker;
if (Properties.Settings.Default.saleprintauto == "0")
else if (Properties.Settings.Default.saleprintauto == "1")
Please notice the change in the query as well: in (" + string.Join(",", toprint_ids) + ")
Also if you have non-numeric IDs for your rows (eg Guids), then you need to change the list to a List<string> and also change your query to like in ('" + string.Join("','", toprint_ids) + "')
I have two identical DataGridView, both have the same Properties, and same Events. But one of them is not changing the value when a user change value inside the DataGridView.
This are my DataGridView events
DataGridView dgvselect;
Label totAmt;
Label totItem;
private void dataGridRight_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
if (tabRight.SelectedTab == tabCart)
dgvselect = dataGridSales;
totAmt = lblSTotAmt;
totItem = lblSTotItem;
if (tabRight.SelectedTab == tabEsti)
dgvselect = dataGridEsti;
totAmt = lblETotAmt;
totItem = lblETotItem;
private void dataGridRight_CellEndEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
int lastqty = Convert.ToInt32(dgvselect.SelectedRows[0].Cells[6].Value.ToString());
int lessqty = Convert.ToInt32(dgvselect.SelectedRows[0].Cells[1].Value.ToString());
string part = dgvselect.SelectedRows[0].Cells[5].Value.ToString();
int nqty = lastqty - lessqty;
if (lessqty <= lastqty)
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(#"Server=" + ip + "," + port + "; Database=records; User ID=" + sqlid + "; Password=" + sqlpass + ""))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(#"UPDATE [dbo].[products]
SET Stock = '" + nqty + "' WHERE [Part No.] = '" + part + "'", conn))
scrollIndex = dataGridSrch.SelectedRows[0].Index;
scrollPos = dataGridSrch.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex;
if (e.ColumnIndex == 1)
int qty = Convert.ToInt32(dgvselect.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Value);
double price = Convert.ToDouble(dgvselect.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[4].Value);
dgvselect.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[3].Value = qty * price;
if (e.ColumnIndex == 3)
double price = Convert.ToDouble(dgvselect.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[3].Value);
dgvselect.Columns[3].ValueType = typeof(Double);
dgvselect.Columns[3].DefaultCellStyle.FormatProvider = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-PH");
dgvselect.Columns[3].DefaultCellStyle.Format = String.Format("C");
MessageBox.Show("Exceeds the amount of stock available", "Invalid Purchase", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
dgvselect.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Value = 1;
private void dataGridRight_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
if (tabRight.SelectedTab == tabSales || tabRight.SelectedTab == tabEsti)
int count = 0;
double total = 0;
if (e.ColumnIndex == 1)
foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvselect.Rows)
count += Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells[1].Value);
totItem.Text = "Total Items: " + count;
if (e.ColumnIndex == 3)
foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvselect.Rows)
total += Convert.ToDouble(row.Cells[3].Value);
totAmt.Text = "Total Amount: " + total.ToString("C2");
amount = total;
When the user double clicks the cell, it will start editing and set the dgvselect, totAmt, and totItem values to its corresponding DataGridView and Labels
But when testing the app, the Cart tab page is not firing.
This is the initial values when an item is added inside the DataGridView. No changes are made for the Qty and Price.
But when there are some changes,
The totAmt and totItem texts didn't change. It will only change when an item is added.
As for the Estimate tab page, it can change the text values of totAmt and totItem.
I have tried copying the DataGridView in Estimate tab page and pasted it in Cart tab page.
I want to search a listbox for a object value i made. This is the override string. This is how items are added into the listbox.
public override string ToString()
string reservatiestring;
reservatiestring ="Kamer: " + roomNumber + " Op datum: " + datum + " Aantal personen: " + personen.Count + " Naam: " + reservatienaam;
return reservatiestring;
I'd now like to search in my listbox for results while searching for a specific roomNumber. All the roomNumbers are saved in a combobox. This is what i have currently:
private void buttonSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (var item in listBox1.Items)
for (int i = listBox1.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (listBox1.Items[i].ToString().ToLower().Contains(comboBox1.SelectedText.ToLower()))
listBox1.SetSelected(i, true);
This only selects one result though and its not specified to the roomNumber object only. When i put in the foreach to make it select multiple items, my program failed and i got the following error:
The list that this enumerator is bound to has been modified. An enumerator can only be used if the list is not changed
Extra info as asked for!
This is where i add the info to the listbox:
private void btnReserve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Reservations reservatie = new Reservations();
reservatie.roomNumber = Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDownroom.Value);
reservatie.datum = dateTimePicker1.Value;
reservatie.reservatienaam = textBoxName1.Text;
for (int i = 0; i <= personcount; i++)
Person persoon = new Person();
persoon.naam = textBoxName1.Text;
persoon.leeftijd = Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDownAge1.Value);
if (!comboBox1.Items.Contains(reservatie.roomNumber))
listBox1.FormattingEnabled = false;
The error: the error when it pops up. The dutch additional information is the initial error message.
I don't see why you need a foreach to multi select in your case especially that you are not using the "var item" anywhere in the code.
However, the exception might happen if the "SetSelected" implementation is doing some changes internally to the items.
Make sure you have configured your list for multi-select
// Set the selection mode to multiple and extended.
listBox1.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.MultiExtended;
Remove the foreach. (If you still need another loop, replace your foreach with a "for")
Check the below documentation link which has v. good example of multi-select ListBox:
I'm using an Enum within a ComboBox. I want it to allow editing, so that the user can type things in it. I converted the Enum to a string[] arrayItems while listItems is the length of the Enum list.
Now I want to check the users text input: If it isn't listed, it should show a message that the item is not listed there.
But for my code (below) it shows me a error multiple times:
// Converted enum to string[] before
for (int i = 0; i < listItems; i++)
if (comboBox1.Text != arrayItems[i])
message = string.Format("Sorry! " + comboBox1.Text + " not found.");
This shows error every time I start it as it iterates through each and every element in the list. I want that if this could check the whole Enum list and give the error once in case of wrong input.
You can change your loop as
bool ok = false;
for (int i = 0; i < listItems; i++)
if (comboBox1.Text == arrayItems[i])
message = string.Format("Sorry! " + comboBox1.Text + " not found.");
//logic if trur
You can use LINQ's All for this. As the name implies, it will only be true if all elements correspond to your query. It's basically the equivalent of !Any
if (arrayItrmd.All(item => item != comboBox1.Text))
message = string.Format("Sorry! " + comboBox1.Text + " not found.");
This means "If each element from arrayItrmd is not equal to comboBox1's text, assign the message."
You can ignore the use of a loop
if(tmpImageArray.FirstOrDefault(a => a == comboBox1.Text) == default(String))
message = comboBox1.Text + " not found";
message = comboBox1.Text + " found";
I have solved this problem like this,
First my enum that I will bind to my combobox
public enum comboboxVals
one, two, three
Then set my combobox's datasource like this
comboBox1.DataSource = Enum.GetNames(typeof(comboboxVals));
and then implemented code in one of my combobox events to check if the value is valid like combobox Leave, Validating and Validated events..
private void comboBox1_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
var cbx = sender as ComboBox;
if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(comboboxVals), cbx.Text))
MessageBox.Show(cbx.Text + " not in the list");
// Implement your logic here
I'm new in c#.
I need to add a Find_Click button which has the functions that can help me to count the number of Rows in a database Table when l key in the value inside the textbox, then display the counted value.
The problem is, the number of rows could not be counted because the values inside are Datetime.
Could anyone help me fix my code? Here it is:
private void Find_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string search = FindDateTime.Text;
int result = 0;
DataRow[] returnedRows;
returnedRows = RetailCamDataSet1.Tables["pcPeopleCountingValue"]
.Select("ValueDateTime='" + search + "'");
result = returnedRows.Length;
if (result > 0)
DataRow RetailCamDataRow1;
RetailCamDataRow1 = returnedRows[0];
MessageBox.Show("No such Record.");
The following line should change to this:
returnedRows = RetailCamDataSet1.Tables["pcPeopleCountingValue"]
.Select("ValueDateTime=#" + search + "#");
Provided your search variable has the DateTime in the right format.
From your comment. You can't use BETWEEN in the Select() method, instead you could do something like:
.Select("ValueDateTime < #" + search" +
"00:00:00# AND ValueDateTime < #" + search + "23:59:59#");
You could also use dataset lambda extensions, see : https://stackoverflow.com/a/3924140/368070